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EA up for Worst Company in America for 2nd year in a row


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
A company makes profits off the deaths of its own employees (and countless other not-so-nice things)... is less troubling than you paying more for games and dealing with DRM? RIIIIGHT!

People overlook a lot of things that don't fully effect them, but if you *really* want to piss people off, you fuck with their leisure time. That's what EA does, and that's why they are going to "win" again.
A company makes profits off the deaths of its own employees (and countless other not-so-nice things)... is less troubling than you paying more for games and dealing with DRM? RIIIIGHT!
Oh please. This is an internet poll that doesn't do anything. I voted and will continue to vote for EA because in the end its just a poll and EA deserves all of the negativity for their shit.
Want to vote AT&T? Go for it but dont judge folks who vote EA just because thry dont take this as serious as you do.

Angry Fork

People's freedoms are routinely under attack by huge corporations and a bunch of dorks online think EA is a big deal...

This same bullshit was pulled by Anonymous. Instead of bringing down real threats to democracy they fucking hacked PSN over the stupid Linux bs.

I like Anonymous and what they're capable of but talk about warped priorities.


I can see the trend of some people on GAF taking polls on the internet seriously is continuing.

First, EA up for the Golden Poo.
Then, Team Real vs Team CG ("BAN THE TEAM CG GUYS!").
Now, EA up for a second Golden Poo.

I think you guys should take a deep breath and get some perspective on this. It is an internet poll. It is not binding EA to anything nasty in any way, shape, or form. If it were, I'd like to think that companies like BP, Bank of America and AT&T would be routinely voted for harsh sanctions and record fines after their gross anti-consumer actions.

As it stands, The Consumerist gives the winner a JPEG of a golden turd they can put on their website if they want.
This same bullshit was pulled by Anonymous. Instead of bringing down real threats to democracy they fucking hacked PSN over the stupid Linux bs.

I like Anonymous and what they're capable of but talk about warped priorities.

Yes because voting on an internet poll for the real evil company that wont have any real world consequences should be a truly significant priority.


Wow. In a world of real evil companies. Monsanto poisoning the food we eat. Oil companies killing our environment. Banks stealing our money.

It takes a real special effort for a non-essential entertainment company to take top honours. Kudos to EA. Kudos.


This same bullshit was pulled by Anonymous. Instead of bringing down real threats to democracy they fucking hacked PSN over the stupid Linux bs.

I like Anonymous and what they're capable of but talk about warped priorities.

OMG not The Real Threats! They can't be allowed to get away with this!
Wow. In a world of real evil companies. Monsanto poisoning the food we eat. Oil companies killing our environment. Banks stealing our money.

It takes a real special effort for a non-essential entertainment company to take top honours. Kudos to EA. Kudos.

In a world where internet polls dont matter it takes a real special effort for a poster to get bothered that EA will take top honors for WCIA. Kudos to you. Kudos.


It will be EA v BoA again, and EA will win again.

Sad but true. I can't even fathom why people think EA deserves this title over a company that foreclosed and sold thousands of innocent people's houses "by accident." Losing your house for no reason is a lot worse than anything EA does to its consumers.

Gamers being gamers. Ugh.


Sad but true. I can't even fathom why people think EA deserves this title over a company that foreclosed and sold thousands of innocent people's houses "by accident." Losing your house for no reason is a lot worse than anything EA does to its consumers.

Gamers being gamers. Ugh.

I kno rite? WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


I mean I know it's a pointless internet poll and it's not going to change how these companies behave, but it's really insulting to those (including my family) who had to deal with BoA trying to take our home. It also just makes gamers look incredibly out of touch with the world around them in the eyes of non-gamers. I'm not sure that it's worth making our industry look stupid and out of touch just "for da lolz cause ea sux!11"
I mean I know it's a pointless internet poll and it's not going to change how these companies behave, but it's really insulting to those (including my family) who had to deal with BoA trying to take our home. It also just makes gamers look incredibly out of touch with the world around them in the eyes of non-gamers.
That's really the way I see it so I see it as a pointless exercise to both try and get EA to constantly win it and to get upset that other company's aren't getting the limelight on their shitty practices.

Plus I don't live in the USA so the vast majority of these company's don't (directly anyway) affect me.


I mean I know it's a pointless internet poll and it's not going to change how these companies behave, but it's really insulting to those (including my family) who had to deal with BoA trying to take our home. It also just makes gamers look incredibly out of touch with the world around them in the eyes of non-gamers.

The results of these website polls are going to skew toward the interests of their audience.


That's really the way I see it so I see it as a pointless exercise to both try and get EA to constantly win it and to get upset that other company's aren't getting the limelight on their shitty practices.

Plus I don't live in the USA so the vast majority of these company's don't (directly anyway) affect me.

You should read about some of BoA's practices and some of the stories from people impacted by them. You may have a change of heart. There are a lot of terrible things in the world that don't impact me, but that doesn't mean the minor annoyances I experience occasionally are worse.


The results of these website polls are going to skew toward the interests of their audience.

This poll was still pretty widely publicized last year from what I remember. Was on the news, etc. It's not as insignificant as you may think. It doesn't do anything at all to improve the image of the games industry when we're seen as out of touch.
You should read about some of BoA's practices and some of the stories from people impacted by them. You may have a change of heart. There are a lot of terrible things in the world that don't impact me, but that doesn't mean the minor annoyances I experience occasionally are worse.

BoA or Comcast or AT&T won't even care if they win this.
But for EA it will make headlines of all gaming portals so it might change a little ;)


BoA or Comcast or AT&T won't even care if they win this.
But for EA it will make headlines of all gaming portals so it might change a little ;)

Yeah that sure worked well last year. :p The fact they're even stronger in these polls this year is pretty telling of how much they care about this poll lol.
What's telling is that last year, EA were already making noise over the semi-finals and calling the results into question before the final. This year, it's like the whole thing doesn't exist to them even though there's been an avalanche of votes against them to the point where its a lock.

Thing is, the people stuffing the ballots want a repeat of last years shitstorm where EA reacted and made a fuss of it. They won't do that again and the only words people will very likely hear out of their PR will just be "No comment" after they win this year. And then there will be a massive nerd meltdown because they can't get EA to react and blame the LGBT community/feminists because they are the easiest target for them.

Isn't the gaming community wonderful?



You aren't Rebel Leader!
You should read about some of BoA's practices and some of the stories from people impacted by them. You may have a change of heart. There are a lot of terrible things in the world that don't impact me, but that doesn't mean the minor annoyances I experience occasionally are worse.
Oh I'm not trying to downplay what I imagine are horrible business practices and many of those companies probably have control over similarly shit companies here, I just think the poll itself is ultimately inconsequential so getting upset people (many who probably aren't even american) are using it to vent off about EA.

Unless there was a significant drop in share price or something last year when EA 'won' does this really have any effect one way or the other on the winning company?

What's telling is that last year, EA were already making noise over the semi-finals and calling the results into question before the final. This year, it's like the whole thing doesn't exist to them even though there's been an avalanche of votes against them to the point where its a lock.

Thing is, the people stuffing the ballots want a repeat of last years shitstorm where EA reacted and made a fuss of it. They won't do that again and the only words people will very likely hear out of their PR will just be "No comment" after they win this year. And then there will be a massive nerd meltdown because they can't get EA to react and blame the LGBT community/feminists because they are the easiest target for them.

Isn't the gaming community wonderful?
Wait, EA blamed the LGBT community last year when they won? If nothing else I thought they were really highly ranked in terms of how diverse and tolerant their working space is.
Voted for EA again! I believe in EA. Nothing can stop this titan from a well deserved repeat title.

Wait, EA blamed the LGBT community last year when they won? If nothing else I thought they were really highly ranked in terms of how diverse and tolerant their working space is.

No. After winning last year EA started a very obvious campaign to deflect from the bad pub of the worst company win by positioning themselves against an anti-lgbt controversy that didnt really exist. I think the drummed up a handful of complaints on Facebook about gay characters in Mass Effect 3 then tried to portray themselves as heroes of the LGBT movement.
Voted for EA again! I believe in EA. Nothing can stop this titan from a well deserved repeat title.

No. After winning last year EA started a very obvious campaign to deflect from the bad pub of the worst company win by positioning themselves against an anti-lgbt controversy that didnt really exist. I think the drummed up a handful of complaints on Facebook about gay characters in Mass Effect 3 then tried to portray themselves as heroes of the LGBT movement.
Oh, right. That makes far more sense they made a similarly conveniently timed LOOK AT ALL OUR GAY CHARACTER video on their youtube page right when the SimCity DRM drama hit.
Oh I'm not trying to downplay what I imagine are horrible business practices and many of those companies probably have control over similarly shit companies here, I just think the poll itself is ultimately inconsequential so getting upset people (many who probably aren't even american) are using it to vent off about EA.

Unless there was a significant drop in share price or something last year when EA 'won' does this really have any effect one way or the other on the winning company?

Wait, EA blamed the LGBT community last year when they won? If nothing else I thought they were really highly ranked in terms of how diverse and tolerant their working space is.

Should have phrased that better. The nerd brigade have started blaming the LGBT crowd for EA's shittiness lately alongside EA themselves because EA made those pandering videos. If EA makes no comment this year (And that is very likely going to be their statement on the affairs), then the nerd brigades will start taking out all their rage on that community because EA won't react to winning again.

It's just going to be one big pile of shit on all sides.
Should have phrased that better. The nerd brigade have started blaming the LGBT crowd for EA's shittiness lately alongside EA themselves because EA made those pandering videos. If EA makes no comment this year (And that is very likely going to be their statement on the affairs), then the nerd brigades will start taking out all their rage on that community because EA won't react to winning again.

It's just going to be one big pile of shit on all sides.

Who is the nerd brigade and where have they blamed the LGBT community for EA's shittiness? I'm not sure where you get such crazy ideas from.


EA can't be the worst company in the US. I can't see them being the worst company in the tech industry.

There are banks and companies like Monsanto out there. How does EA win this? There are farmers all over the world who are committing suicide because they can't afford to pay Monsanto for the seeds they got from them. If Monsanto had their way no one would be able to grow or butcher anything. People would have to buy everything from Monsanto.


A company makes profits off the deaths of its own employees (and countless other not-so-nice things)... is less troubling than you paying more for games and dealing with DRM? RIIIIGHT!

EA can't be the worst company in the US. I can't see them being the worst company in the tech industry.

There are banks and companies like Monsanto out there. How does EA win this? There are farmers all over the world who are committing suicide because they can't afford to pay Monsanto for the seeds they got from them. If Monsanto had their way no one would be able to grow or butcher anything. People would have to buy everything from Monsanto.

As anti-consumer as EA are, I can think of many corporations who do much more heinous things - oil companies, arms dealers, investment banks. It would be a waste if EA were to win this.


Because Ticketmaster is Ticketmaster. You cannot go to a concert now without a "Service Fee" on your ticket from one of these concert companies; artists fought and lost for the rights to independently host/promote their shows and had to give up. Between the service fee and shipping, the last show I went to was 35% fees. The music industry is dying and Ticketmaster is happily adding taxes to a dead horse.

If Ticketmaster was just expensive, that would be fine. The real problem is that they scalp their own tickets.

For every event that they think will be popular, they buy out 90% of the tickets themselves and put them up at their "sister" site ticketsnow.com . TicketsNow is basically a scalping site where users can buy and sell tickets at inflated prices. Ticketmaster takes a $50 ticket and transfers it to TicketsNow and sells it for much more. If the event isn't as popular as they expected, they transfer some tickets back to Ticeketmaster and drum up the hype train by advertising a new block of tickets going on sale on a certain date.

After gauging the demand they repeat the exercise and shunt a portion of the tickets to the scalping site at an increased price, leaving a minuscule amount for purchase on Ticketmaster in order to make them sell out and artificially increase demand at TicketsNow.


No matter what EA does, it is not a worse company than one that consistently harms our national economy like Walmart or Bank of America. For real.


Should have phrased that better. The nerd brigade have started blaming the LGBT crowd for EA's shittiness lately alongside EA themselves because EA made those pandering videos. If EA makes no comment this year (And that is very likely going to be their statement on the affairs), then the nerd brigades will start taking out all their rage on that community because EA won't react to winning again.

It's just going to be one big pile of shit on all sides.
Off your meds?


Comcast. Nobody is making you buy EA products....

Comcast is a monoply in most areas..being the only high speed choice, and the price for cable is ridiculous
After EA came out of nowhere to win the WCIA title last year, it first tried to shrug off the victory by pointing out that some of the previous Golden Poo winners may have been worse, like a bratty adolescent who uses examples of worse kids in the neighborhood to get out of being punished by his parents. EA failed to realize that there may be more than a few different ways to merit a Worst Company crown.

Pure awesomeness ;)
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