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EA up for Worst Company in America for 2nd year in a row


EA worse than Bank of America? Please, Bank of America has ruined fucking lives. I wouldn't even humor voting for EA over Bank of America.


People who legitimately think EA should win this are clueless. EA is definitely not the poster boy for great companies, but when put into a bigger pool to choose from it's silly to think they're the "worst".
Don't be obtuse. That wasn't what they implied.

Actually that was what they implied, they implied people were perfectly happy with the way EA does things and it is thanks to "right wing" websites encouraging people to vote for EA on their LGBT stance that they are winning worse company in America.


Really Really Exciting Member!
EA worst than Bank of America? Please, Bank of America has ruined fucking lives. I wouldn't even humor voting for EA over Bank of America.

People(read: angry nerds/geeks) on the internet don't care. They don't like what a video game company did and that makes them much worst than anything else in the real world.

Hell, if there was a vote between who was the worst "leader" in the world between the old EA CEO(forgot his name) and Kim Jong-Un, the old EA CEO would win.


Our fight with Bank of America (who foreclosed on our house illegally) to keep our house cost us over $17,000. We're getting $250 back in a settlement. FUCK Bank of America.


People(read: angry nerds/geeks) on the internet don't care. They don't like what a video game company did and that makes them much worst than anything else in the real world.

Hell, if there was a vote between who was the worst "leader" in the world between the old EA CEO(forgot his name) and Kim Jong-Un, the old EA CEO would win.

That's why no one should take any internet poll seriously.


If EA wins, it will be interesting to see what they blame it on now.

Also conservative people for LGBT rights? Since when?

EA has their facts wrong.

I think people been angry that BoA isn't going win isn't something to be annoyed about despite their attoricities, really the market which is seeking out this poll is the gaming community and places like 4 Chan etc. which have the pull and numbers to sway the votes. Essentially they are rigged to a degree, but I think EA is as anti-consumer as possible for the video gaming market, which for most people it is the little purchases which become big ones which put them over the edge. So essentially the poll is some light hearted fun, while been serious against EA that on some levels they can be compared to the companies they did knock out which have done worse things then them. Which should be a wake up call for EA, not a chance to spin tactics.


Actually that was what they implied, they implied people were perfectly happy with the way EA does things and it is thanks to "right wing" websites encouraging people to vote for EA on their LGBT stance that they are winning worse company in America.

They said some of the people campaigning for EA on this were being organized by these websites. They didn't make a blanket statement accusing half, most or all gamers of having this position.


I could name a dozen companies worse than EA.

But I couldn't name a videogame company worse than EA.


The issue with this poll is like others have said, angry nerd/geeks are the ones who actively follow the poll because they seem to think EA does them harm in every way possible. There are much worse companies who like Bank of America just destroy lives. If EA messes up your hobby then so what, but other companies are destroying lives.
C'mon, it's an internet poll not a national referendum. I'm sure there are worse companies than BoA that pay for mercenaries to eat babies in oil-rich african nations.


I was being facetious about the Activision comment. If they poll shows anything, it's how geared the gaming community is at trying to make EA look as bad as possible. It's childish.

I agree on that point. EA are just a bad videogame company, but they dont extort or profit billions from illegal war, they dont steal peoples homes and savings, and they dont poison the drinking water of towns and villages across the world. They dont pollute marine ecosystems with oil spills, they dont dump toxic chemicals near schools, they dont lobby government for exemptions to legislation and regulation.
How do they pick the companies? How is Activision now where on any of these lists ever? Just saying if EA is worse company to consumers than Walmart, BofA and At&t I am assuming large publishers are the worst companies possible.

Damnit you gave me a heart attack.


The entries are bs, but even then I see companies on there that are worse than EA. I see companies on there that are destroying people's lives and crippling the growth of society in certain areas. EA worse than Facebook? Facebook who has access to your personal information and works with governments? Its sad that a video game company is winning this with all the other companies that are listed.
Seriously how is this even up for debate?

Wasn't Bank of America the bank that was foreclosing on homes which were paid off in full?

This is people shelter we are dealing with... Paid off!
The poll means nothing, what do you care?

One reason the poll means nothing is because people don't actually vote on who is the worst. If truly awful companies were being picked then the awareness of their hurtful policies could be raised and maybe there would be some sort of movement to get something changed. But when people view the results and see a video game publisher, they know the entire thing is meaningless/a joke and it gets ignored by both the general public and the companies on the list.


One reason the poll means nothing is because people don't actually vote on who is the worst. If truly awful companies were being picked then the awareness of their hurtful policies could be raised and maybe there would be some sort of movement to get something changed. But when people view the results and see a video game publisher, they know the entire thing is meaningless/a joke and it gets ignored by both the general public and the companies on the list.


If only that's how things really worked.
The problem is the actually bad companies are too many and varied so the vote is split while anti-drm spergs and mass effect fans are pretty coordinated and almost unanimously lack any societal perspective.
The fact that any of you can still cheer for EA after someone in this thread recounted losing their house illegally to the practices of BoA is... less surprising than I would have hoped.


The fact that any of you can still cheer for EA after someone in this thread recounted losing their house illegally to the practices of BoA is... less surprising than I would have hoped.
I voted for BoA without a second thought when they went up and that anecdote just sealed it (and makes anyone supporting EA winning in this thread still look like a colossal asshole.) But I'd only have really struggled with Inbev, and I'd probably go with EA more because they seem to be in a position to outright wreck their industry whereas anyone can start a micro brewery, and Inbev HAS gotten the government's attention so if they go too far they'll be broken up I'd hope, though that does kind of make the statement they ARE worse. Everyone else has been much more of a problem to me, and I half wonder if EA may eventually end up destroying themselves anyway.
I'm okay with EA being the worst company. Everybody knows Bank of America is the true satan and they only revel in your hatred of them so really it's no harm for BoA to be runner up.


Why precisely?
I've only scratched the surface of Monsanto's bullshit, but they're absolutely worthy of being on there. The only problem I suppose is that they don't sell to consumers directly but to other corporations.

By the way, they deal heavily with genetically modified plants, including many patents as I recall and being very tough on the legal front.


The fact that any of you can still cheer for EA after someone in this thread recounted losing their house illegally to the practices of BoA is... less surprising than I would have hoped.

Not here to defend Bank of America, or to make a judgment about the poster above. But maybe, you know, some people shouldn't buy houses they can't afford? How about a little personal responsiblity? There is blame on both sides of the housing crash. To paint every foreclosure as the big bad bank foreclosing on the poor helpless 90 year old widow as some seem to do is just being naive and a sheep of losers like the so-called Wall Street movement or whatever the voluntary unemployed do these days.

I hate both, but I hate EA more because their customers do not share the blame unlike many of BoA's borrowers.
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