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EA up for Worst Company in America for 2nd year in a row

Not here to defend Bank of America, or to make a judgment about the poster above. But maybe, you know, some people shouldn't buy houses they can't afford? How about a little personal responsiblity? There is blame on both sides of the housing crash. To paint every foreclosure as the big bad bank foreclosing on the poor helpless 90 year old widow as some seem to do is just being naive and a sheep of losers like the so-called Wall Street movement or whatever the voluntary unemployed do these days.

I hate both, but I hate EA more because their customers do not share the blame unlike many of BoA's borrowers.

A lot of BoA borrowers are blameless. I believe there were even a few cases where they mistakenly foreclosed on a guy who told them about the error and then they just went ahead and did it anyway. Because fuck that guy.
if only people on the internet would take a poll created by a former gawker site devoted to consumer products in which they determine the winner of a golden trophy in the shape of coiled feces more seriously
I've only scratched the surface of Monsanto's bullshit, but they're absolutely worthy of being on there. The only problem I suppose is that they don't sell to consumers directly but to other corporations.

By the way, they deal heavily with genetically modified plants, including many patents as I recall and being very tough on the legal front.
I'm aware of many of the issues some people have with the company. They could easily make it on the list and have a good run at winning.

I personally believe that a good number of people have no understanding of either the biology or genetics involved in their work or any knowledge of their legal issues past "I read on Facebook that a farmer got sued because Monsanto seeds blew into his field!!!11"

There not an amazing company by any means, but I find fault with a lot of what people hate about them.

Full disclosure: both my father and I have worked for them. My father no longer does as we believe he was essentially removed due to ageist practices. Not like I love 'em.


A lot of BoA borrowers are blameless. I believe there were even a few cases where they mistakenly foreclosed on a guy who told them about the error and then they just went ahead and did it anyway. Because fuck that guy.
Yeah, it sounds to me like A LOT of these are coming from people who've been good with their payments or even fully paid it off so they own the damn property and the bank can go fuck off.
if only people on the internet would take a poll created by a former gawker site devoted to consumer products in which they determine the winner of a golden trophy in the shape of coiled feces more seriously
It's more people need to at least keep in mind who's REALLY worse. I do sort of wonder how the poll would be if you asked people questions like "do you truly think EA's the worst company", "Do you dislike EA enough but acknowledge the issues of others", "Are you ignorant of the issues with others?"


A lot of BoA borrowers are blameless. I believe there were even a few cases where they mistakenly foreclosed on a guy who told them about the error and then they just went ahead and did it anyway. Because fuck that guy.

Yeah your right, it happened in Florida I believe. But many more borrowers share the blame by buying houses they knew they couldn't afford. My point is that with EA, all of its customers are pretty much blameless.


The fact that any of you can still cheer for EA after someone in this thread recounted losing their house illegally to the practices of BoA is... less surprising than I would have hoped.
A giant shit logo is the punishment for winning this poll. Perspective.
It's more people need to at least keep in mind who's REALLY worse. I do sort of wonder how the poll would be if you asked people questions like "do you truly think EA's the worst company", "Do you dislike EA enough but acknowledge the issues of others", "Are you ignorant of the issues with others?"

That's your prerogative, but acting all high and mighty (as some posters in this thread have) over an inherently silly internet poll hosted by an internet blog, and castigating people on a videogames forum in the videogames section of that forum for voting for a videogame publisher in said poll?

That's just stupid.
Yeah your right, it happened in Florida I believe. But many more borrowers share the blame by buying houses they knew they couldn't afford. My point is that with EA, all of its customers are pretty much blameless.

True but none of them are losing all that much in comparison. But like I said it does nothing to make BoA #1 because they give not a single fuck. I have no idea why people still bank with those assholes.


Well, if I've learned anything about EA, it is that they think that ANYTHING negative said about them is from a "vocal minority"...yes, even if it is 1 million people voting that they are the worst company, in their eyes it is a minority that should just be dismissed.


That's your prerogative, but acting all high and mighty (as some posters in this thread have) over an inherently silly internet poll hosted by an internet blog, and castigating people on a videogames forum in the videogames section of that forum for voting for a videogame publisher in said poll?

That's just stupid.
Admittedly some either had bad personal experiences (if my life was fucked with seriously by a Bank through a foreclosure or whatever I'd have so much bad will it'd soar them to the top with ease) or are just that disgusted with what they've read, plus you also see these posts going "yay ea you can do it :)" which honestly kind of infuriate me to see. Probably because they really do have the tone of not knowing or not giving a fuck about the problems of the other companies on the list but are working on a sort of anti-fanboy distaste for EA. It's not really so bad from, well, just about anyone else though, I can understand other reasons thrown out to some extent, it IS an internet poll so some awareness is good.


Well, if I've learned anything about EA, it is that they think that ANYTHING negative said about them is from a "vocal minority"...yes, even if it is 1 million people voting that they are the worst company, in their eyes it is a minority that should just be dismissed.

To be fair they consider any game they make selling only 1 million a colossal failure to be ignored too.


To be fair they consider any game they make selling only 1 million a colossal failure to be ignored too.
Most of the industry that isn't small time like Atlus seems to think so now. This seems to be something of a problem with SE to me actually, they're essentially like Bethesda with one or two reliable multimillion sellers, yet want to go toe to toe with EA or Ubisoft. Though maybe that's the story of the whole AAA scene, INCLUDING EA and Ubisoft.


I hate EA as much as the next guy, but to compare EA against some large banks or even Sallie Mae? No contest, they lose (win?) every time. Sure, EA is pretty anticonsumer, and they've certainly broken some hearts. But some banks out there have literally ruined lives, not just someone's day.


For all those getting up in arms about EA potentially beating Bank of America for "Worst Company in America" again, please remind yourselves that this is ultimately a series of polls, run by a blog formerly part of the gawker network, that have only gotten more attention from gamers after EA's win last year, representing a tiny portion of the American(?) population, and that the winner of which gets a pile of golden poo. No real action is being taken here. This is no protest. This is no petition. This is barely internet activism.

If you want to see real change, go out and do it yourself, because clicking, submitting, waiting 24hrs, and then complaining on Twitter/NeoGAF/reddit is hardly "giving it to the man". You'd be a fool to think otherwise. So be glad that at least EA is aware of the results - even if they ultimately miss the point - and divert all that pent up, rageful energy into more productive pursuits if you're so outraged at the thought of an entertainment organization doing "worse" than an evil bank.

Mountain out of a pile of poo.
They're not even in the list of nominees, sadly. Or yeah I'd imagine they'd have a good shot at it.

No they wouldn't because most people don't know or understand what they do or they are so obfuscated from people's lives that people don't even know they should be mad at them in the first place.


butthurt Heat fan
I've only scratched the surface of Monsanto's bullshit, but they're absolutely worthy of being on there. The only problem I suppose is that they don't sell to consumers directly but to other corporations.

By the way, they deal heavily with genetically modified plants, including many patents as I recall and being very tough on the legal front.

There's way, way, way too much to go into detail for one GAF post, but NationOfChange.org has a lot of Monsanto stories that will make you explode in rage.

Here's one.

Here's another.

That website is pretty far to the left as far as politics go, but they are worth bookmarking, IMHO.


This whole contest is proof that bitter nerds can rig a vote like mad.

EA's crimes against humanity are nothing compared to half the companies on that list.
I personally believe that a good number of people have no understanding of either the biology or genetics involved in their work or any knowledge of their legal issues past "I read on Facebook that a farmer got sued because Monsanto seeds blew into his field!!!11"

There's way, way, way too much to go into detail for one GAF post, but NationOfChange.org has a lot of Monsanto stories that will make you explode in rage.

Here's one.

Here's another.

That website is pretty far to the left as far as politics go, but they are worth bookmarking, IMHO.


I mean even the guy writing them has no clue what he's talking about.

Fritz Kreiss is the founding head of Occupy Monsanto. He has a history in natural health, nutrition, herbal medicine, Eastern Medicine, acupuncture, kinesiology, physiology, and many years of practice as a professional massage therapist and teacher.
did my job and voted for EA

I don't care if they are or not the worst company, I just want them to go full damage control, I'm gay and they are probably going to say I'm anti-gay for voting that way lol
i don't think they're THE WORST in america, but i do think that the poll caught their attention enough for peter moore to open his dumb fucking mouth and attempt to de-legitimize all of the fucked up shit they do. (at least in a nutshell)

they deserve to be called out for that and it's sad that meaningless internet polls are what "we" have to do to get the attention of some companies out there.


Vote for EA. Bank of America won't even acknowledge these things while EA will send some tearful press release.


Wow. I need more details on this.

Just before the whole BoA shitstorm started, my mom qualified for a home loan payment adjustment. Somewhere along the line, they fucked up the first of the new payments and it was designated as three or four days late, even though my mom woes the payments well in advance. Bank of America then refused all further payments and gave us a foreclosure date. So not only did THEY fuck up the payment processing, they ILLEGALLY put us in foreclosure since there's supposed to be a much larger grace period for a late payment. As if they gave a shit. And here's the thing... If you so much as mention "attorney" they'll refuse to even speak to you.

So for literally 7 or 8 months my mom called them EVERY DAY to speak to representatives.meanwhile she was still sending payments, which were being refused anyway but she was still sending them to make a point. They were charging us fees the entire time as well. Every time she would reach a representative, they'd forward her to someone else, who would tell her something completely different. Months of this shit went by. We were in contact with the treasury department who was doing their own investigation and offering advice, and my mom finally (due to daily persistence) had the direct number of one of the CEO's secretaries or assistants. Can't remember what his position was but he was really high up.

Anyway, they FINALLY worked something out. BoA had charged over $17,000 in fees, which were essentially late fees even though my mom was making payments (they just refused to accept them due to foreclosure status). We were SO close to losing our house completely so were were actually somewhat lucky to "only" lose 17 grand. A class action suit was filed against BoA, and essentially those impacted were put into various categories. We didn't lose our house so we were put into the lowest category. So we get about an estimated $250 back.

You think that's bad? A friend of ours actually lost her house, was kicked out, but was told she still had to maintain the yard, etc. and NONE of it was her fault. She'll get back about $120,000 from the class action suit.... Which is a out 1/3 of what her house was worth.

This has happened to literally thousands of people across the country.
Just before the whole BoA shitstorm started, my mom qualified for a home loan payment adjustment. Somewhere along the line, they fucked up the first of the new payments and it was designated as three or four days late, even though my mom woes the payments well in advance. Bank of America then refused all further payments and gave us a foreclosure date. So not only did THEY fuck up the payment processing, they ILLEGALLY put us in foreclosure since there's supposed to be a much larger grace period for a late payment. As if they gave a shit. And here's the thing... If you so much as mention "attorney" they'll refuse to even speak to you.

So for literally 7 or 8 months my mom called them EVERY DAY to speak to representatives.meanwhile she was still sending payments, which were being refused anyway but she was still sending them to make a point. They were charging us fees the entire time as well. Every time she would reach a representative, they'd forward her to someone else, who would tell her something completely different. Months of this shit went by. We were in contact with the treasury department who was doing their own investigation and offering advice, and my mom finally (due to daily persistence) had the direct number of one of the CEO's secretaries or assistants. Can't remember what his position was but he was really high up.

Anyway, they FINALLY worked something out. BoA had charged over $17,000 in fees, which were essentially late fees even though my mom was making payments (they just refused to accept them due to foreclosure status). We were SO close to losing our house completely so were were actually somewhat lucky to "only" lose 17 grand. A class action suit was filed against BoA, and essentially those impacted were put into various categories. We didn't lose our house so we were put into the lowest category. So wetter about an estimated $250 back.

You think that's bad? A friend of ours actually lost her house, was kicked out, but was told she still had to maintain the yard, etc. and NONE of it was her fault. She'll get back about $120,000 from the class action suit.... Which is a out 1/3 of what her house was worth.

This has happened to literally thousands of people across the country.

that's actually pretty fucking awful

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Just before the whole BoA shitstorm started, my mom qualified for a home loan payment adjustment. Somewhere along the line, they fucked up the first of the new payments and it was designated as three or four days late, even though my mom woes the payments well in advance. Bank of America then refused all further payments and gave us a foreclosure date. So not only did THEY fuck up the payment processing, they ILLEGALLY put us in foreclosure since there's supposed to be a much larger grace period for a late payment. As if they gave a shit. And here's the thing... If you so much as mention "attorney" they'll refuse to even speak to you.

So for literally 7 or 8 months my mom called them EVERY DAY to speak to representatives.meanwhile she was still sending payments, which were being refused anyway but she was still sending them to make a point. They were charging us fees the entire time as well. Every time she would reach a representative, they'd forward her to someone else, who would tell her something completely different. Months of this shit went by. We were in contact with the treasury department who was doing their own investigation and offering advice, and my mom finally (due to daily persistence) had the direct number of one of the CEO's secretaries or assistants. Can't remember what his position was but he was really high up.

Anyway, they FINALLY worked something out. BoA had charged over $17,000 in fees, which were essentially late fees even though my mom was making payments (they just refused to accept them due to foreclosure status). We were SO close to losing our house completely so were were actually somewhat lucky to "only" lose 17 grand. A class action suit was filed against BoA, and essentially those impacted were put into various categories. We didn't lose our house so we were put into the lowest category. So we get about an estimated $250 back.

You think that's bad? A friend of ours actually lost her house, was kicked out, but was told she still had to maintain the yard, etc. and NONE of it was her fault. She'll get back about $120,000 from the class action suit.... Which is a out 1/3 of what her house was worth.

This has happened to literally thousands of people across the country.

Yeah, but EA sold me a crappy game :(


Yea, there is a reason that The Consumerist wants BoA to win this poll, BoA actually deserves this award,
Just before the whole BoA shitstorm started, my mom qualified for a home loan payment adjustment. Somewhere along the line, they fucked up the first of the new payments and it was designated as three or four days late, even though my mom woes the payments well in advance. Bank of America then refused all further payments and gave us a foreclosure date. So not only did THEY fuck up the payment processing, they ILLEGALLY put us in foreclosure since there's supposed to be a much larger grace period for a late payment. As if they gave a shit. And here's the thing... If you so much as mention "attorney" they'll refuse to even speak to you.

So for literally 7 or 8 months my mom called them EVERY DAY to speak to representatives.meanwhile she was still sending payments, which were being refused anyway but she was still sending them to make a point. They were charging us fees the entire time as well. Every time she would reach a representative, they'd forward her to someone else, who would tell her something completely different. Months of this shit went by. We were in contact with the treasury department who was doing their own investigation and offering advice, and my mom finally (due to daily persistence) had the direct number of one of the CEO's secretaries or assistants. Can't remember what his position was but he was really high up.

Anyway, they FINALLY worked something out. BoA had charged over $17,000 in fees, which were essentially late fees even though my mom was making payments (they just refused to accept them due to foreclosure status). We were SO close to losing our house completely so were were actually somewhat lucky to "only" lose 17 grand. A class action suit was filed against BoA, and essentially those impacted were put into various categories. We didn't lose our house so we were put into the lowest category. So we get about an estimated $250 back.

You think that's bad? A friend of ours actually lost her house, was kicked out, but was told she still had to maintain the yard, etc. and NONE of it was her fault. She'll get back about $120,000 from the class action suit.... Which is a out 1/3 of what her house was worth.

This has happened to literally thousands of people across the country.

Shut up, they tried to annualize Dragon Age
I find it funny how EA has been dominating. Honestly I am not sure who to listen to those taking the poll seriously or those trolling EA because it isn't a serious poll.

Sadly no one has pointed out the most troubling thing about this internet poll contest. The most troubling thing I notice is the sheer amount of cable providers, internet providers, wireless companies, Banks and big retailers are on the list. Seriously, we as consumers are screwed.
Are people seriously bringing up the stories showing Bank of America or others being worse than EA?!? Nooooooooooo shit. I voted for EA every single time and I know they aren't the worst company. IT'S AN INTERNET POLL.

If everyone voted BoA nothing would change. BoA would most likely not even respond because the company doesn't need good PR. It's a bank. EA is a software company that does want good PR from the web since their customers are those who use the web.

I am amazed that people in this thread continue acting as if we don't know that EA is 't as bad as BoA, Walmart, Comcast. It's a poll that wouldn't have any real world consequences for these companies AT ALL. With EA they actually have come out and responded which shows they know it has reached the audience that they depend on.
In the real world I wish EA was actually the worse company in America, everything wouldn't be so bad if a gaming company is the worse you got, but a gaming company doesn't even sit in the same hemisphere as the likes of Bank of America.


In the real world I wish EA was actually the worse company in America, everything wouldn't be so bad if a gaming company is the worse you got, but a gaming company doesn't even sit in the same hemisphere as the likes of Bank of America.
I have to admit, it WOULD be nice if the other companies were either fairly awesome or their worst was actively stomped out by a government that really did focus on the welfare of the people over all else with the few bad ones being shut down before too long, leaving only a somewhat scummy game company as the worst. But I can't see real life being that "nice" with the way human nature is.

The alternative is that instead EA is way, way worse than they are now, and are really destroying everyone's lives by proxy, like some sort of Gaming Walmart, and in that case the industry would probably have already been laid to waste with EA fucking up other forms of entertainment.


Everything is tsundere to me
Guys, here's the thing. This internet poll is for consumer outcry. I don't bank with BoA, and I never will, and there are plenty with me. As a consumer, BoA is not an issue to me specifically. In the bigger picture, I don't even have to worry about calling BoA a bad bank because they have the Federal Government of the United States doing that for me already. If they keep being shitty even with The Man on their case, there's jack shit this poll can do. I doubt anyone who matters at Bank of America even knows this poll exists.

Now on the other hand, EA is salvageable and what's more, this poll is visible to their executives who have to deal with shareholders who are investing in a company that thrives on consumer happiness (i.e., entertainment). I voted for EA for one reason: they can be told. I don't buy the games they have ruined (except for Medal of Honor, but that's more because the chaps at Danger Close are cool dudes), and I do want them to wake up and smell the entertainment roses, as do most consumers who have had to deal with their dreadful ideas which hinder enjoyment of the few free hours people have each day. EA is not the most evil corporation in the US, not by a longshot, but most of those companies are beyond our reach and far beyond this tongue-in-cheek internet poll. EA at least reacts (hilariously, I might add), and there's the chance that they might take the criticism to heart and see the game biz as a business of making people happy rather than a business of just making money.

That's what this poll is about, not some sort of terrible FINAL JUDGEMENT where we all turn our noses and hate on the winner and wish them a plague upon their household, but rather point out the company that's making our day-to-day lives a bit shittier because of their inane anti-consumer practices and ask them to step up, senpai. It's something that can be reconciled, not like Bank of America's track record. That shit is in a whole different league!


Everything is tsundere to me
It being an internet poll isn't justification for giving a pass to a company that ruins people's lives.

No, it's not. That's why Bank of America is served class action lawsuits and EA is served a plastic poo trophy. Thank God it's not the other way around.
Guys, here's the thing. This internet poll is for consumer outcry. I don't bank with BoA, and I never will, and there are plenty with me. As a consumer, BoA is not an issue to me specifically. In the bigger picture, I don't even have to worry about calling BoA a bad bank because they have the Federal Government of the United States doing that for me already. If they keep being shitty even with The Man on their case, there's jack shit this poll can do. I doubt anyone who matters at Bank of America even knows this poll exists.

Now on the other hand, EA is salvageable and what's more, this poll is visible to their executives who have to deal with shareholders who are investing in a company that thrives on consumer happiness (i.e., entertainment). I voted for EA for one reason: they can be told. I don't buy the games they have ruined (except for Medal of Honor, but that's more because the chaps at Danger Close are cool dudes), and I do want them to wake up and smell the entertainment roses, as do most consumers who have had to deal with their dreadful ideas which hinder enjoyment of the few free hours people have each day. EA is not the most evil corporation in the US, not by a longshot, but most of those companies are beyond our reach and far beyond this tongue-in-cheek internet poll. EA at least reacts (hilariously, I might add), and there's the chance that they might take the criticism to heart and see the game biz as a business of making people happy rather than a business of just making money.

That's what this poll is about, not some sort of terrible FINAL JUDGEMENT where we all turn our noses and hate on the winner and wish them a plague upon their household, but rather point out the company that's making our day-to-day lives a bit shittier because of their inane anti-consumer practices and ask them to step up, senpai. It's something that can be reconciled, not like Bank of America's track record. That shit is in a whole different league!

100% correct.


Guys, here's the thing. This internet poll is for consumer outcry. I don't bank with BoA, and I never will, and there are plenty with me. As a consumer, BoA is not an issue to me specifically. In the bigger picture, I don't even have to worry about calling BoA a bad bank because they have the Federal Government of the United States doing that for me already. If they keep being shitty even with The Man on their case, there's jack shit this poll can do. I doubt anyone who matters at Bank of America even knows this poll exists.

Now on the other hand, EA is salvageable and what's more, this poll is visible to their executives who have to deal with shareholders who are investing in a company that thrives on consumer happiness (i.e., entertainment). I voted for EA for one reason: they can be told. I don't buy the games they have ruined (except for Medal of Honor, but that's more because the chaps at Danger Close are cool dudes), and I do want them to wake up and smell the entertainment roses, as do most consumers who have had to deal with their dreadful ideas which hinder enjoyment of the few free hours people have each day. EA is not the most evil corporation in the US, not by a longshot, but most of those companies are beyond our reach and far beyond this tongue-in-cheek internet poll. EA at least reacts (hilariously, I might add), and there's the chance that they might take the criticism to heart and see the game biz as a business of making people happy rather than a business of just making money.

That's what this poll is about, not some sort of terrible FINAL JUDGEMENT where we all turn our noses and hate on the winner and wish them a plague upon their household, but rather point out the company that's making our day-to-day lives a bit shittier because of their inane anti-consumer practices and ask them to step up, senpai. It's something that can be reconciled, not like Bank of America's track record. That shit is in a whole different league!

Great post, really agree with it.

No, it's not. That's why Bank of America is served class action lawsuits and EA is served a plastic poo trophy. Thank God it's not the other way around.

Double combo.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah your right, it happened in Florida I believe. But many more borrowers share the blame by buying houses they knew they couldn't afford. My point is that with EA, all of its customers are pretty much blameless.

Yeahhhh no. There have been people telling EA's practices yet ended up buying stuff like SimCity.


Are people seriously bringing up the stories showing Bank of America or others being worse than EA?!? Nooooooooooo shit. I voted for EA every single time and I know they aren't the worst company. IT'S AN INTERNET POLL.

If everyone voted BoA nothing would change. BoA would most likely not even respond because the company doesn't need good PR. It's a bank. EA is a software company that does want good PR from the web since their customers are those who use the web.

I am amazed that people in this thread continue acting as if we don't know that EA is 't as bad as BoA, Walmart, Comcast. It's a poll that wouldn't have any real world consequences for these companies AT ALL. With EA they actually have come out and responded which shows they know it has reached the audience that they depend on.


And Moore's crying about it proved that those of us who vote for them are exactly right.


Guys, here's the thing. This internet poll is for consumer outcry. I don't bank with BoA, and I never will, and there are plenty with me. As a consumer, BoA is not an issue to me specifically. In the bigger picture, I don't even have to worry about calling BoA a bad bank because they have the Federal Government of the United States doing that for me already. If they keep being shitty even with The Man on their case, there's jack shit this poll can do. I doubt anyone who matters at Bank of America even knows this poll exists.

Now on the other hand, EA is salvageable and what's more, this poll is visible to their executives who have to deal with shareholders who are investing in a company that thrives on consumer happiness (i.e., entertainment). I voted for EA for one reason: they can be told. I don't buy the games they have ruined (except for Medal of Honor, but that's more because the chaps at Danger Close are cool dudes), and I do want them to wake up and smell the entertainment roses, as do most consumers who have had to deal with their dreadful ideas which hinder enjoyment of the few free hours people have each day. EA is not the most evil corporation in the US, not by a longshot, but most of those companies are beyond our reach and far beyond this tongue-in-cheek internet poll. EA at least reacts (hilariously, I might add), and there's the chance that they might take the criticism to heart and see the game biz as a business of making people happy rather than a business of just making money.

That's what this poll is about, not some sort of terrible FINAL JUDGEMENT where we all turn our noses and hate on the winner and wish them a plague upon their household, but rather point out the company that's making our day-to-day lives a bit shittier because of their inane anti-consumer practices and ask them to step up, senpai. It's something that can be reconciled, not like Bank of America's track record. That shit is in a whole different league!
For the record this is the kind of counter argument I'd respect.

With that said... maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I don't think EA CAN be salvaged, not unless it's THQ "salvaging". They quickly built themselves into a big company that bullied others through frivolous lawsuits just because they were competition, and when they lightened up bought one of those companies (Origin) only to eventually run them into the ground and shut them down, then wear their name as a prize on their digital service. And they tried to shape up from being THAT company around 2007 and 2008, only to decide that was a failure and go full on into their current direction. There's been many attempts to get "better", but in the end they seem to always fall back on old habits. The problem's probably too deeply rooted into their corporate culture and can only really be gotten rid of by the company self destructing, but it has these problems partially because it allows them to survive so long.
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