Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
Heh. The article has actually stumbled on an issue with a lot of RPG writing. Where people don't actually have conversations - they basically just info dump exposition, or concepts, or factions, or character attributes that the writers have created prior to writing the dialogue.
Instead of having those things inform the characters, the characters end up endlessly informing us about them. It's bad writing. DA: I was particularly guilty of this and why it's so boring talking to a lot of the characters in that game.
I also think that's another one of the reasons Witcher 3 stood out, because in that game dialogue was actually used to help tell the game's many stories, and people had real conversations.
I don't think the series was ever known for supreme visuals, not to me at least. It's always looked good but never top tier. Still, I think it looks great. Some shots I took:Wasn't mass effect known to have relatively well received graphics and animation? What the fuck happened?
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
The vast majority of previews have been positive
I don't think the series was ever known for supreme visuals, not to me at least. It's always looked good but never top tier. Still, I think it looks great. Some shots I took:
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
A lot of people have said the game is basically Mass Effect: Inquisition, and I can't tell if that's a compliment or not. A ton of people on both sides of the fence on that game.
Good lord, here is the genesis of the ME:A equivalent of Skyrim's clean faces. Embarrassing stuff.
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
What's this supposed to prove... so some dude edited them to make them look like stereotypical "beautiful" models?
Okay. Just don't try to claim both that, "It's NOT just because they're not "classically pretty" enough, honest!" and then roll out this picture.
And remove nasolabial folds, diminish size of noses, make features more delicate, etc.So basically give every woman a slim model jaw line.
And remove nasolabial folds, diminish size of noses, make features more delicate, etc.
Personally I like that the female faces aren't super idealized.
And I'm out.Yeah, but do you really trust those sites for something as huge as this title?
This scene made 0 sense to me. The reason these dumbasses were sucked out the side of the ship was because they weren't strapped down for planetfall. Bioware created a scene that focus on being purely a set piece and not one that is grounded in reality along with being a set piece at the same time.
This is the guy who hated The Witcher 3.
This didn't need its own thread.
He actually hated the game? What did he say?
Eh, I thought it was awesome. Not really different than the original trilogy when people would be standing in shuttles.This scene made 0 sense to me. The reason these dumbasses were sucked out the side of the ship was because they weren't strapped down for planetfall. Bioware created a scene that focus on being purely a set piece and not one that is grounded in reality along with being a set piece at the same time.
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
This scene made 0 sense to me. The reason these dumbasses were sucked out the side of the ship was because they weren't strapped down for planetfall. Bioware created a scene that focus on being purely a set piece and not one that is grounded in reality along with being a set piece at the same time.
i need this mod to happen on pc
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
You guys do know he shit on Witcher 3 as well right?
Do you have a link to the preview/review of the same writer talking about the witcher 3?
As a lover of that game I would love to know if its just his tastes are completely different than mine.
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
90% of Inquisition is insipid, filler side quests that belong in an MMO.I don't understand the hate about DA : I. As long as you left the first region before finishing the tons of side quests there, it was pretty good in my opinion.
It seems to me people tried to do every filler side quest. If you don't do that, it's a good game.
I feel this game is going to be unintentional comedic gold.
Between Peebee's backwards gun and this :
Look at the way Cora walks ... ROFL.
He compared the experience to "eating cardboard".
Did you miss Shinobis thread?Interesting that one of the few really negative previews gets its own thread, but the positive ones dont.
So basically give every woman a slim model jaw line.
I don't think the series was ever known for supreme visuals, not to me at least. It's always looked good but never top tier.
Can't tell if serious.this year has started very well
we haven't had a good bomb to make fun of yet
looks like this one will do the trick
i don't really enjoy bioware games very much so i'd rather it's this one rather than something more interesting
Did you miss Shinobis thread?
I trust RPS~
What the hell....i don't even get what would be meant with that. So i assume their review was one of the few negative ones back then?