John Kowalski
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
This is embarrassing.
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
One dude's opinion.
This is also the same guy that called playing Witcher 3 like, quote, "eating cardboard".
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
So we have 1 positive and 1 negative thread I dont see the problem.Shinobi posted his own thread, and unless you are ok with someone making 30 new threads for each positive article, the point stands
Who could have ever predicted this?
Reminds me of these, just a little less offensive:
The pictures you linked aren't "fixed". They're just more conventionally attractive.
I'd trust RPS if it was any of the 5 other main writers.
"Guy who said Witcher 3 is like 'eating cardboard' doesn't like Mass Effect Andromeda" Should be the title of this thread.
Did you miss Shinobis thread?
So we have 1 positive and 1 negative thread I dont see the problem.
They all walk like this, no matter the situation lol
I watched an hour of gameplay this morning. There was a scene that basically soured the experience for me, though I kept watching.
Writing is important. I don't just mean text on items, or script itself. I mean writing as a rationalization of characters, systems and mechanics. Every game needs to do this in some way, to frame the unrealistic gameplay elements correctly against a stylized "realistic" universe.
Most importantly, it needs to take a holistic approach to this end. Everything should make sense, especially the things the characters say in the first half hour, when suspension of disbelief is tenuous.
So, when my character - my avatar for the rest of the game - hears the word "adenosine" and says "ADENO-WHA???" I learn two things about them. Either:
They're stupid. This is an astronaut from the year 2185 who is cyber-enhanced out the eyeballs, and is selected among billions of humans to go to a brand new galaxy who doesn't know basic biology.
They're unfunny. This "joke," where you're perfectly able to say the more complex part of a word, then stumble on the easy part - they did it in Bully too, "SOCIO-WHAT???" AH HURR HURR HURR - is so rote as to be actively destructive to the narrative you're trying to build about this character. Why do they say it? Clearly they can say the word. Is that their sense of humour? It sounds like it's from 1945, ffs.
Why should this be what I have to learn about my character in the first half hour? Is being competent that unrelatable? If you're a game writer and you do this, STOP. Question EVERYthing that you put in a game. Don't make these "jokes."
With Ryder specificlaly it's those dead eyes more than anything else, well that and the plastic skin.
Can someone superimpose the eyes on the official ryder model?
Reminds me of these, just a little less offensive:
Is Holly Nielsen perchance one of them? She seems to like it. Weirdly enough, not mentioned in the OP!
That's all I needed to know, thanks.
I trust Shinobi more than this chap.
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc
What's this supposed to prove... so some dude edited them to make them look like stereotypical "beautiful" models?
Okay. Just don't try to claim both that, "It's NOT just because they're not "classically pretty" enough, honest!" and then roll out this picture.
Was their response a result of a dialogue choice, or the just the natural flow of that scripted interaction though?
Im not a hater of the game, in fact i have preorder becuase I founf a great price for it, but the eyes right now in the game are a huge desing problem.
This is what you wanted:
This was really a 15 minutes work (the other guy did a complete character overhaul, and I can assure you that took much more than 15 minutes), but it demonstrates that without changing the character design (although slighting the yes like here, is changing a little bit of it IMO) and only touching up the eyes its miles better. Its the inexpressive iris and the animation what I have most a problem with.
Nah, the original model eyes look better. Closer to what most people actually have.
sounded like a collection of insignificant nitpicks.
"Side quests feel like something from a 2004 Korean MMO. Just complete nothingness, running from map icon to map icon, scanning objects with your scanner when told to, and then AI companion SAM letting you know that, yup, the source of the defects has been found/animal has been captured/toddler reunited with rabid tiger, despite your actually doing nothing relevant to the tissue-thin narrative."
Im not a hater of the game, in fact i have preorder becuase I founf a great price for it, but the eyes right now in the game are a huge desing problem.
This is what you wanted:
This was really a 15 minutes work (the other guy did a complete character overhaul, and I can assure you that took much more than 15 minutes), but it demonstrates that without changing the character design (although slighting the yes like here, is changing a little bit of it IMO) and only touching up the eyes its miles better. Its the inexpressive iris and the animation what I have most a problem with.
Why does the eyes here (and I mean the original black character) look miles better than what they are doing with Mass Effect. Thats my biggest problem here. Its like they threw the eye designer and modeller out and used the toiler cleaner to make them.
If that is remotely true the game deserves to get mauled critically.
The weakest part of DA:I by far was the superficial mmo type stuff of collecting x items and killing y enemies
That's all I needed to know, thanks.
I trust Shinobi more than this chap.
To be fair, Shinboi is far from an unbiased source on all things Mass Effect.
That looks better and her default face looks fine here too. In the videos, she looks so odd for some reason.
I notice people keep using the image of Sara from the outdated design document, in the current one she looks like this:
Unless we haven't got bored of vilifying people who don't like Witcher 3, it's irrelevant."Guy who said Witcher 3 is like 'eating cardboard' doesn't like Mass Effect Andromeda" Should be the title of this thread.
Yeah i dont have a problem with her face design. You probably notice more that she looks worse in the videos becuase the eye animation is seriously dreadful and they seem like they are looking always at the horizon instead of the guy they are talking with.
Im not a hater of the game, in fact i have preorder becuase I founf a great price for it, but the eyes right now in the game are a huge desing problem.
This is what you wanted:
This was really a 15 minutes work (the other guy did a complete character overhaul, and I can assure you that took much more than 15 minutes), but it demonstrates that without changing the character design (although slighting the yes like here, is changing a little bit of it IMO) and only touching up the eyes its miles better. Its the inexpressive iris and the animation what I have most a problem with.
Why does the eyes here (and I mean the original black character) look miles better than what they are doing with Mass Effect. Thats my biggest problem here. Its like they threw the eye designer and modeller out and used the toiler cleaner to make them.
That looks much better, still, the freaking iris.
BTW I was just working with the material given.
I'm pretty sure this has been a thing in all Bioware games. I certainly remember being bugged by eye animation in the original trilogy.
I'm not having a go at you, it's more to make a point that different lighting and aperture can make people look rather different, in the vein of that light swinging around the woman's head that's been posted a few times.
I notice people keep using the image of Sara from the outdated design document, in the current one she looks like this:
I'm pretty sure this has been a thing in all Bioware games. I certainly remember being bugged by eye animation in the original trilogy.
I notice people keep using the image of Sara from the outdated design document, in the current one she looks like this:
Side quests feel like something from a 2004 Korean MMO. Just complete nothingness, running from map icon to map icon, scanning objects with your scanner when told to, and then AI companion SAM letting you know that, yup, the source of the defects has been found/animal has been captured/toddler reunited with rabid tiger, despite your actually doing nothing relevant to the tissue-thin narrative.
You need to look up Shinobi's post history regarding Mass Effect games. (3 in particular)
The RPS article was interesting and really it comes down to what you expect from the games you purchase and play.
There are plenty of people that don't have the expectations for their games like the writer at RPS has. I imagine those people will love Andromeda.
I still recall how badly Bioware botched Mass Effect 3 and I remember how bloated and awkward Dragon Age Inquisition was at times. This article makes Andromeda sound like the love child of ME3 and DAI.
Seems more a vocal loud minority...but yes, they do appear more and more prevalent with mass effect release date nearing
i need this mod to happen on pc