I don't think there should be any more pages at all. He knows full well what Huber expects him to do. It is a bet between friends, some people like to screw their friends (in a friendly way, I admit), other people hate this type of stuff.Right, and since it was put into writing Kyle knew exactly what he was expected to do, which he did. You guys act like you'd have to add three more pages when you'd just have to add three more lines. It's not like there was a loophole for the standup stuff, there was for this.
If my friends do this to me, I would be upset about it without a doubt (which is why they wouldn't try this as they know I am not a fan of stuff like this). It is just how some people are.
I'm not saying Kyle shouldn't be Kyle. He can do whatever he want, I am just saying some people don't like stuff like this and others do. There is no right or wrong in this, we all love EZA, this whole thing is blown out of proportion and while I understand why peope love the whole discussion and I don't really mind it too much either (if it doesn't go too far), in the end I would rather have their "normal" content or stuff like the Q&A for example.
Maybe I am just too old to go with stuff like this or something
Also Love & Respect
It maybe hasn't been said enough in this thread but I really love your content, allies. Keep up the good work!