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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Listening to Ben and Kyle talk about Rhombus of Ruin has me rolling on the floor in anticipation. I wish I had PSVR just for a moment to play this title. It sounds like the Psychonauts in-between I never knew I wanted. The way you can interact with the environment in various ways for different dialogue and results just sounds fun.

Kyle's "Exclusive for now" to PSVR comment has me curious. That's the second time I've heard that recently, but haven't run into any news on that. I'm assuming this means it will become available to standard PS4 console play eventually?


Listening to Ben and Kyle talk about Rhombus of Ruin has me rolling on the floor. I wish I had PSVR just for a moment to play this title. It sounds like the Psychonauts in-between I never knew I wanted.

Kyle's "Exclusive for now" to PSVR comment has me curious. That's the second time I've heard that recently, but haven't run into any news on that. I'm assuming this means it will become available to standard PS4 console play eventually?

i think it means it will eventually be coming to oculus and vive.


i think it means it will eventually be coming to oculus and vive.

Ah poo. That makes more sense. I suppose it doesn't work to have it not in VR anyways.

On an aside, I also agree with Ben's disappointment with Broken Age. I hope Rhombus of Ruin means good signs for the quality and cohesiveness of Psychonauts 2.


Those handheld hd camcorders aren't going to cut it as their main production camera. It's kind of a sidegrade to even their really old Sony EX1.

They'll have to invest in something better, if y'all need some guidance on that let me know. I got some camera connections in Los Angeles.

A quality camera will totally increase their production values alone IMO.


It would probably be the best investment they could make, wish Ian would make a more compelling case to the other allies in regards to pulling the trigger on a proper camera/setup + getting the color correction right.

Might be best to just PM Blood here in regards to that offer though.

As someone who knows pretty much nothing about these games and hasn't seen any episodes would it be better to start with the gametrailers tabletop adventures or just start at the first episode of their most recent series?

They did a one off episode back in gametrailers where the story somewhat comes to a conclusion by the end of it, might be a good way to see if it's something for you.
Dungeons & Dragons – Episode 10: “Wizards of the Coast” | Tabletop Adventures

Agreed. The bit where Pomper (spoilered just in case)
asked Darius if he wanted to wrestle for the ten thousand
was hilarious.

Huber's character feels like it has a split personality disorder, acting all naive one moment and trying to cut sly deals the next. I do hope that Ben doesn't cheapen deaths and make them meaningless by allowing a resurrection though and rather makes Pomper come to terms with the stark reality of his actions having consequences and not everything being fixable no matter how hard you try.


As someone who knows pretty much nothing about these games and hasn't seen any episodes would it be better to start with the gametrailers tabletop adventures or just start at the first episode of their most recent series?

You can just start with Escapades since the two series aren't connected and Adventures being collected on one channel can be a mess to watch. There's also two one-off's with Jones if you want to get an idea about the series and not need any background.



Can... Can you see me?


... No.


I know this kind of talk is boring and unnecessary to most people, but I've been looking at it and tinkering a bit with it, sooo. I wanted to suggest a good framing for the Frame Trap episodes. They did a good job with leveling the shot on the latest episode and that's great. But the composition is all off. Way too much table (literally the least visually important part of the shot) with the heads way up at the top. It looks a bit claustrophobic when the shot isn't centered or framed very well. You see some empty space between Ben and the right edge, particularly between his head and the edge, while Brandon is waaay over there on the left, even clipping the edge at times.

Here's what the episode looked like:

And I think this is what would look a lot nicer. Just feels more thoughtfully composed. I'm seeing now that I maybe should have panned it just a TINY bit higher, but it's close.

Anyway, keep up the good work!
EZA crew needs to spend like a week streaming nothing but Tekken 7 to prepare themselves for the tournament. EZA boot camp if you will.


EZA crew needs to spend like a week streaming nothing but Tekken 7 to prepare themselves for the tournament. EZA boot camp if you will.
Also... every Allie has to make a fake training montage-video and present it on tournament night or during the week leading up to the tournament. Too much work? Do not care. *lalala*


Unconfirmed Member
Just to let the people that lets say expressed their various concerns over the anniversary that the new podcast does address that stuff at the end.


The Zelda cycle is totally false.

Only Zelda game I ever changed my opinion about is Wind Waker, which went from good to great in my book: after many years I noticed how innovative it was in comparison to all that came after it.

In no particular order:

Tier 1 - OoT, MM, WW, ALttP, MC

Tier 2 - OoA, TP, ALBW, PH, FSA

Tier 3 - OoS, LA, SS, LoZ, AoL, FS

Haven't played Tri Force Heroes yet.
You must be an outlier. :^)

Nah, the cycle is a shift in the general attitude towards Zelda games, which could be just a different group of people dominating the discussion online. A lot of the people who don't like Skyward Sword, for example, complain about the motion controls, so they are probably not the same people who touted it as one of the best, if not the best Zelda game at launch. The discussion in this thread has been the first time I've seen majority people talk about ALBW in a negative tone, so I thought that was an apt thing to say (albeit half-jokingly because obviously a small sample size like this shouldn't be generalized to the entirety of the internet).

The only two Zelda games I've personally changed my opinions on have been Ocarina of Time, which start out as my #1 game of all time and gradually became just a pretty good action adventure game, and Majora's Mask, which started as a pretty good game with an annoying time mechanic, but made a sudden leap to my favourite game spot when it was released to Wii VC.


i'm surprised that people rate mario bros 3 over mario world. the levels are shorter. theres not as many secrets. the design is a lot more linear. no cape. no yoshi. no secret paths and levels. cant replay levels as you complete them. story presentation is not as good. not to say 3 isnt a classic but mario world just seems to me to be superior is so many ways.

SMB3 is basically a perfect video game. The level design is tighter and more challenging. Airships are dope. And the cape and Yoshi make SMW too easy.

Most importantly, SMW was never featured in The Wizard with Fred Savage. It never had a chance.
Taking a devil's advocate stance against unquestionably great games is fun.

I'd probably try to shoot down any and all of the 2D Marios by saying that until 64 and Galaxy are in, none of the others are deserving.

I think the only Zeldas I would accept under a similar criterion would be 1 and OoT.

Mista Koo

There was a bewildering number of people trying to claim ALBW was superior to LTTP. Kind of asking for backlash there.
I don't like ALttP. Haven't played ALBW yet but I want to play it because I don't like ALttP

I hated the GOTY talk about 'slots' for certain types of games. Nearly every outlet (sometimes subconsciously) does it this way but why can't you just list the 10 best games regardless?
Some outlets do this alongside the specific categories. It works well for personal gotys since they wouldn't necessarily win any awards, especially if no one else played them, but still get recognition for how highly that one person thinks of them.

i'm surprised that people rate mario bros 3 over mario world. the levels are shorter. theres not as many secrets. the design is a lot more linear. no cape. no yoshi. no secret paths and levels. cant replay levels as you complete them. story presentation is not as good. not to say 3 isnt a classic but mario world just seems to me to be superior is so many ways.
I like the level design, the power ups, and the general style of SMB3 more. Shorter more linear levels aren't inherently worse.


Unconfirmed Member
Dumb side question going to drop here. Is there a reason that EZA doesn't do multiple twitch channels in case that they want to do some multi perspective streaming? Something that could be nice for certain multiplayer games.


Both Frametrap and TTE were in top form this week.
Great Job.

Jones' description of Horizon and the banter between Therese and Pomper being the highlights, respectively.


Re: Frame Trap
The ones i think will end up being in EZA GOTY list:
-Persona 5
-Ni No Kuni 2
-Sea of Thieves
-Red Dead Redemption 2
-Mario Odyssey

Winner: Mario / Zelda / RDR2

If you ask me, the simple fact that a list like this exists its an incredible fact.
I had no idea who this group was, and only found them while looking for D&D groups to watch and learn from. So first, thanks for Table Top Escapades! I've been binge watching since January, and I'm up to about episode 37 or so.



Damn you all, all the talk about Skyward Sword has made me want to play it again. Never finished it on the Wii.
Has anyone here tried a hdmi connector for the wii? I still have a tube tv lying around, but I want to use my monitor.
Hah, i'm certainly taking it more seriously than it needs to be, i'll admit that.

Baseball has been around longer than videogames is true, but videogames have an insanely deep rich history as well. Plenty to draw from. The modern day baseball Hall of Fame (and most other sports Halls of Fame) mostly are inducting very recently eligible players or those that weren't shoe-ins. All of the old "greats" are already in. Also, I think Kyle mentioned this process was similar to how the NFL does their HoF(?), I'm not familiar with it being a Detroit Lions fan.

As to Don's vote, it was just nominated but didn't come close to getting in, which seems like the system worked if you didn't think it was a "great." Fun to get a different perspective, though.

I just think there's easily 12-18 games that are undeniably "great" and that means we're 2-3 years from getting into what I feel are the more interesting debates.

Hall of Fame's seem to have been more of an American thing until fairly recently (the rugby HoF was only started in 2006, the cricket one in 2009 and I don't even think there is a football/soccer one), so I wouldn't really know exactly how they work. Videogames may have an insanely deep, rich history but this isn't going to mine that, it isn't a proper Hall of Fame, it's EZA's favourite games.

I really don't mind the current setup. Even if there are 12-18 games that are undeniably great, they're still going to have to face off against one another and win. The only way it wouldn't be interesting is if there were only a couple of obvious entries and the rest were weak.

I still think it'd be a good idea to bench nominations that bomb in the votes though. Like, let the loser in the run-off vote get nominated again but punish weak nominations by benching them for the next one or two Hall of the Greats nominations.

ALBW is definitely overrated, the way item system works in particular is totally broken. I think I liked Phantom Hourglass more. There you go.

Really? Huh. Alright, so I guess that makes Ocarina of Time the last Zelda game that didn't have a post-release backlash. I guess it's safe to say everyone's going to hate BotW by the time GOTY voting comes around then. :p

I was kinda super shocked how ready they were to kick Horizon of the list on FrameTrap. It still made it, but just like that. Brandon's knock on the story really seemed to make a dent, haha. I'm really curious how I personally will take to the story.

There are reviews out there that've really praised the story, so maybe it just didn't connect with Brandon. I guess we'll see in a few days.
Sonic Mania is the one true GOTY


I think Kyle was mostly joking about "slots" but I do agree with the idea that it's nice to have a well rounded list that you think represents the best of what the year had to offer for your tastes. Games can be so different and hard to compare that you really can't say THESE ARE THE DEFINITIVE BEST GAMES (plus it's no fun to see a bunch of sites giving the same lists)


Because is Zelda, everyone is bias towards Zelda. They will never go down 85 even when some of them are just ok games.
That's not true:

Check the gametrailers score.

Although I get what you mean, you can say this for almost every outlet. I don't think EZA will rate any game unfairly. I already said here that I don't agree with their score of The Last Guardian, but I don't think it is rated unfairly. I just have a different opinion about it. I will go even further as I believe that because of their scale where 3 stars is decent and 4 stars is excellent, they will probably rate most of the games below average (if you count 1 star as 2/10). Some of the few 5/5 stars will be over the average, but a game which is excellent and has 4/5 stars is most of the time rated higher on other outlets (see Horizon: Zero Dawn).

But sure, a lot of them are Zelda fans, nothing wrong with that. I think most outlets have them.
That doesn't mean they can't put out a professional review about a Zelda game.

I think they do an excellent job with their reviews.
Taking a devil's advocate stance against unquestionably great games is fun.

I'd probably try to shoot down any and all of the 2D Marios by saying that until 64 and Galaxy are in, none of the others are deserving.

I think the only Zeldas I would accept under a similar criterion would be 1 and OoT.
I don't think I'd put in a 2D Mario over Mario 64, just like I wouldn't vote for Super Metroid when Prime isn't in there yet.

Because is Zelda, everyone is bias towards Zelda. They will never go down 85 even when some of them are just ok games.
I think the main problem was that it was at the peak of score inflations. Since then review scores have gone down all around. It's like how MGS4 is one of the highest rated MGS games. I guess there was also a swan song factor going on. It's not a good game.
It's exciting to hear them talk about Divinity: Original Sin 2 during this weeks Frame Trap for GOTY contenders! I've barely hear them talk about it so it's great that Brandon and Ben are that into it.


I really want more combat I'm tabletop and I agree Hubers stalling is starting to annoy me, starting to hope pomper gets killed off and he can just play a hogger like character.

I like it as is tbh, combat is the most boring part. That said I hope the story doesn't reward Moof simply for Huber's effort. Seeing as Moof doesn't have a brain... I doubt there's any spell capable of restructuring brand new brains. :p


Sort of off topic, but does anyone know which character from game of thrones jones was talking about on a early January episode of frametrap that made him down on the show?

He said its a spoiler to say who the character is and that they win all the time, but I can't think of anyone who mentioning them would be a spoiler or anyone who wins all the time...


Sort of off topic, but does anyone know which character from game of thrones jones was talking about on a early January episode of frametrap that made him down on the show?

He said its a spoiler to say who the character is and that they win all the time, but I can't think of anyone who mentioning them would be a spoiler or anyone who wins all the time...

I asked the same question when it first came up, most assumed daenerys


I asked the same question when it first came up, most assumed daenerys

Huh, ok, doesn't really make sense to me

I think one of the first things that I watched on game trailers was the game of thrones show/podcast they did so I was just curious


Sonic Mania is the one true GOTY


I think Kyle was mostly joking about "slots" but I do agree with the idea that it's nice to have a well rounded list that you think represents the best of what the year had to offer for your tastes. Games can be so different and hard to compare that you really can't say THESE ARE THE DEFINITIVE BEST GAMES (plus it's no fun to see a bunch of sites giving the same lists)

I think the slot talk was not him promoting it. I think he was trying to describe a subconscious thing that should be avoided. For example if you have to choose two GOTYs and your options are Zelda, Mario and Prey... come on. You can't say "well there should be a non-Nintendo slot so we'll say that Prey is better than Mario".

Going for a well-rounded list doesn't make sense, because reality is not well-rounded.
i'm surprised that people rate mario bros 3 over mario world. the levels are shorter. theres not as many secrets. the design is a lot more linear. no cape. no yoshi. no secret paths and levels. cant replay levels as you complete them. story presentation is not as good. not to say 3 isnt a classic but mario world just seems to me to be superior is so many ways.

The reason a lot of people rate 3 above World is because of how advanced it was in terms of gameplay and graphics when compared to 1 and 2 (Lost Levels in the US). It was a quantum leap, but managed to stay on the NES. If you look at any of the games that came out at that time, nothing looked like it. Nothing had as many colors, as many sounds or levels packed into one cartridge at that time, and wouldn't until the Super Nintendo released. Super Mario World was a statement that said "here's what the Super Nintendo can do out the gate in 1990", whereas Mario 3 was an accomplishment in pushing a system to its limits. SMB3 could've easily been delayed and turned into an SNES game, but they chose to keep it an NES game.

All that said, I like SMW better, but that's because I grew up with an SNES and not an NES.

You sure?

I've been trying to find the original Wind Waker review, but it seems that I might be wrong. I could've sworn the meme was older than WWHD and that Damiani wasn't even at GT anymore at that point. But I could have my timeline mixed up and be totally wrong.
The reason a lot of people rate 3 above World is because of how advanced it was in terms of gameplay and graphics when compared to 1 and 2 (Lost Levels in the US). It was a quantum leap, but managed to stay on the NES. If you look at any of the games that came out at that time, nothing looked like it. Nothing had as many colors, as many sounds or levels packed into one cartridge at that time, and wouldn't until the Super Nintendo released. Super Mario World was a statement that said "here's what the Super Nintendo can do out the gate in 1990", whereas Mario 3 was an accomplishment in pushing a system to its limits. SMB3 could've easily been delayed and turned into an SNES game, but they chose to keep it an NES game.

All that said, I like SMW better, but that's because I grew up with an SNES and not an NES.

I've been trying to find the original Wind Waker review, but it seems that I might be wrong. I could've sworn the meme was older than WWHD and that Damiani wasn't even at GT anymore at that point. But I could have my timeline mixed up and be totally wrong.

Its the HD version that got the 7.8.
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