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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Did Ben ever post more parts of his Japan trip? I only recall one episode.

Not to start the whole thing again, but I can imagine he doesn't really feel like releasing an other one after all the complaints here (from a few people) about the previous episode
and while I really loved the episode, I can't blame him.

he's editing the second, he had to put in on hold
I hope that's true. I loved it.
So I decided to type up a quick Tabletop Escapades recap from memory in case anyone wants to watch but doesn't want to catch up.

Okay, a mysterious mutli-racial group called the Nightingales invaded from across the sea. There was also a Green vs. Red Dragon war in the distant past, Dragonborn are the descendants from Red Dragons and their sex slaves, Dragonborn are hated because the Red Dragons were hated. Anyways the Nightingales are pretty much unstoppable and cities are being destroyed left and right, so some King sends four adventurers from Londongard to go to Heavensburg to ask for aid.

Yogalla (street urchin that found a magic book, became a wizard, and uses his magic to cheat at illegal cat race gambling, his only loves is gold and his cat Zhi Zhi), Therese (Elf that was raised by humans, made contact with some eldritch abomination, and then woke up with demonic powers and her adoptive parents dead, has a raven familiar), Necator (Thief that *thinks* he's a good thief, had a Dragonborn friend named Chuck, but he died. He's an elf as well, but the DM constantly forgets this), and Law (Dwarf monk from China who was framed for murder of the son of Emperor Dread 50 years ago and is on a journey to find the murderer, during his early travels he met a Dragonborn named Pomper who he would visit from time to time. The last time he was drunk he ended up in a mud puddle with Pépé drawing nudes of him with no idea how he got there, this event also happened 50 years ago)

So the four adventurers travel through a forest with a man named Lars. Lars is promptly killed by Nightingale archers in trees. Battle ensues. Yogalla runs away, but then starts acting like a jungle cat in the heat of the moment, causing Necator to nickname him "Kitty". Law finds out he has chi powers, and that Lars had a bag of grain. Eventually they start a forest fire, almost die, and go into a cave.

Inside the cave they find boxes of bones, pits of corpses and black goo that they saw the dead Nightingales turn into. They fight Kobalds, and find out this cave is a Nightingale base researching something, but everyone besides the Kobalds who were being experimented on are dead. They find four coffins with Nightingales (of some strange lamprey-mouthed species) in them, Law decides they are not dead and burns them. At the end of the cave they find the Kobald runt that a journal says they used for experiments and for rowing the boat named Moof. They have Moof row them across the river.

Halfway across the river a fish-man named Kuo stops them and demands gold or death. They choose exploding one of his eyes and then Law befriends him with a crazy dice roll. Kuo joins the company, but he can't stay on land for long.

They get to Heavensburg where the Baron says he can't spare men to help another city. Law (who had stuffed his wounded foot with Lars' grain) goes to the priests for healing, he gets a 50% of dying but lives with a healed foot. The priests will not help Kuo because racism. Law goes to a tailor to get an eyepatch for Kuo, but instead immediately murders one of the tailor's cats by feeding it bloody grain from his foot. He then goes back to the priests who raise the cat back from the dead in return for never bothering them again. The cat is revived but is different in some way. They group then decides to get an eyepatch for Kuo with a picture of all of them on it, so one by one they all pose for the tailor.

Also in town they bother a green wizard, Necator gets interested in a girl who turns out to be underage, find out about a ogre problem, and they spy on the Baron with the raven familiar. They also find out that Londongard, their home, is destroyed now. Yogalla freaks out because he left his cat Zhi Zhi at home and wants to go back. Therese transforms her raven familiar into a cat to trick Yogalla. Yogalla is fooled and believes that Zhi Zhi followed them.

While the portrait is happening, Yogalla goes into a library to steal books. Yogalla forces Moof to climb a shelf, Moof falls, Yogalla actively decides not to catch Moof or help him. He goes back to the group and lies to everyone that Moof randomly rushed up a bookshelf on his own and then fell like an idiot. Law goes to Moof and Moof, feeling betrayed by Yogalla, lies that Yogalla attacked him.

Law then takes Moof to the priests, the priests now have guards that don't allow Law in, Law then takes Moof to the Baron, the Baron says the priests told him that he is threatening people and then has Law and Yogalla exiled from the city, Moof is left on the ground by the Baron's feet.

Law and Yogalla break back into the city via rope trick (a spell that lets you climb into an alternate dimension). During this Kuo goes missing, the tailor is murdered with a note saying "You shouldn't have trusted me, Therese" on the body, a drunk man sees Law and Yogalla climbing down from thin air, asks Therese for help, Therese murders the drunk man. Then Law decides to turn himself in to the Baron, he saw Therese murder the drunk man and saw the note on the tailor.

The Baron throws him in jail and will talk to him in the morning. Instead of waiting, Law makes a blood oath with a fellow jail mate, a halfling, and then breaks his arm trying to bust down the door with his chi powers.

Yogalla, Therese and Necator then do crazy shenanigans to free Law, Law is set free but he tells Therese that he wants to talk to the Baron (seemingly forgetting that he wanted to turn Therese in, or that the Baron was going to talk to him in the morning anyway)

Law gets a trial and Yogalla, Therese (disguised as a fisherman named Frank), and Necator are asked to go to the trial as witnesses. The evening before the trial, Yogalla almost gets the group sold into slavery to the green wizard in illegal cat races. During the trial it turns out the green wizard (the same one they insulted in the bar, and was at the cat races) has manufactured evidence that Law is a Nightingale spy. He even has Moof, who he has enchanted to be a fake witness.

In the middle of the trial the Nightingale army attacks Heavensburg. The group flee to the harbor to get on a ship to get out of the city. Law decides to stay behind and defend the city. Law then shoots himself out of a catapult at a troll, misses, and splats on the ground. Law is dead.

The rest of the group heads out on a ship. A dragonborn named Pomper is a stowaway. They pay the Captain to follow the ship the green wizard was on. Then Therese turns her familiar back into a raven. Yogalla spends days looking for (fake) Zhi Zhi. Then the dragonborn Pomper is discovered and is going to be killed, Necator defends him (because of his dead friend Chuck) but then Yogalla blasts Pomper with magic missle and he falls into the ocean. Therese casts an illusion of a dead Zhi Zhi in the ocean, and Yogalla falls for it. He demands to know who threw his cat off board. A sailor says he did it (!?) and Yogalla explodes his head.

Fight ensues. Everyone dies except two sailors, and about a dozen who jump overboard.

In the cabin Therese finds a gold bird statue that curses her to kill a human every three days. Necator and Yogalla find lots of gold and the dead corpse of Kuo

Pomper uses a walk on water spell to save himself and the other sailors.

Pomper & company find themselves on an island. Pomper goes into the forest, is caught by a "hentai monster" and wakes up tied up with Moof. The green wizard has a bunch of tar monsters that he tells to eat Moof and Pomper "if the experiments don't work". Pomper and Moof escape, get back to the beach and a mysterious man tells Pomper that the world is like a seashell and gives him a necklace that might kill him in 24 hours.

Necator, Therese and Yogalla also end up on the same island. Necator and Yogalla decide to be pirates, and make their remaining two sailors be "Gold Boys" and carry their gold. They send one Gold Boy into the forest, he comes back with gold and tells them to follow him, they don't, Gold Boy goes back into the forest and dies (?).

Then they also run into a mysterious man who gives Yogalla a scroll that will make him a slave of the red dragons if he reads it, and then breaks the remaining Gold Boy's leg. Then tar monsters attack, battle ensues, and then Therese kills the wounded Gold Boy for the statue.

Then Moof and Pomper find and epicly kill the green wizard. Then they find a ziggurat and go inside, there is three doors, red, green and white. They go through the green door.

Therese, Yogalla, and Necator also find the ziggurat and they all go through the green door, except the familiar who goes through the white.

Then the whole group meets up and Yogalla almost kills Pomper and Moof, everyone calms down. They find themselves in a mirror maze. Illusions happen, Weird stuff happens. A green dragon tells Pomper that he's the chosen one, and that the green dragons will all commit suicide to give Pomper power, he accepts.

At the end of the maze a red dragon tells them that the green dragons are evil and they lied to them to trick them and tells them that the Nightingales are working for the red dragons to defeat the green dragons so that everyone can survive. Then he tells them to drink a basin of black goo to join their hive mind. They refuse and then follow a breeze in the void for a while.

They wake up by a stream, terrorize a poor fisherman, Therese leveled up enough to remove curses, un-curses herself, and then buried the gold bird statue. They find a small village led by a cult. Yogalla makes up a story about how a green dragon in the mirror maze ordered him to break into the cult's basement.

Yogalla, the raven familiar, and Necator use invisibility to get into the cult's basement, they find lots of gold and a book where they find out that the cult plans to abandon the village, take the gold and hide until the Nightingales take over, then they will emerge and try and use their gold to buy themselves a new place in a Nightingale dominated continent.

Pomper, Therese and Moof are waiting by the village edge, they see cult priests entering the building that Yogalla and Necator are in. Pomper makes a loud noise. The priests think the Nightingales are attacking, everyone panics, and they decided to sacrifice a Dragonborn toddler for some reason.

Inside the temple basement, Yogalla and Necator use rope trick to escape the priests. The thinner priest tells the fatter priest to stand guard, since rope trick only lasts an hour.

Pomper then uses magic to make a loud booming voice, claims he is the demon god Nozgoth and that he orders them to let the Dragonborn toddler go. The priests send strange mummy-stone golem creatures to attack them. Moof and Pomper are currently fighting them. Therese is disguised as a villager. And the fat priest is licking his fingers and laughing waiting to kill (and possibly eat) Yogalla and Necator once rope trick wears out.
I highly doubt Blood asking for people to pay them is the reason and more the fact that Brandon and Bosman recent efforts have advertised EZA more and more. Not to mention that maybe current viewers now view them as something worth their money.

I do know that if I wasn't paying them already, I would not have been swayed by Bloods challenge.

If you go to the community tab on Patreon, there actually are a lot of people who responded to that. I never want to make people feel obligated or anything, but I just wanted to put that out there since a dollar a month really is invisible to almost anyone's budget. But if everyone watching did it, it would so add up.


If you go to the community tab on Patreon, there actually are a lot of people who responded to that. I never want to make people feel obligated or anything, but I just wanted to put that out there since a dollar a month really is invisible to almost anyone's budget. But if everyone watching did it, it would so add up.

I know personally that your proposal got several people I know to jump on the Patreon. That in addition to Cup of Jones being available to $1+ tier somewhat recently made the distance in feeling the dollar could go a longer way than just the standard "small text of Thanks from our page."

I think many knew you were being straight with well-placed intentions when you discussed that viewer-Patreon difference.
I know personally that your proposal got several people I know to jump on the Patreon. That in addition to Cup of Jones being available to $1+ tier somewhat recently made the distance in feeling the dollar could go a longer way than just the standard "small text of Thanks from our page."

I think many knew you were being straight with well-placed intentions when you discussed that viewer-Patreon difference.

Cup of Jones has always been at the $1 tier though... unless I misunderstood what you're trying to say.
Cup of Jones has always been at the $1 tier though... unless I misunderstood what you're trying to say.
I think Ultima is saying most Patreons' 1 dollar tiers don't have a reward beyond "you have our thanks"

With Cup Of Jones you're actually getting something beyond just making a small contribution


Cup of Jones has always been at the $1 tier though... unless I misunderstood what you're trying to say.

I think Ultima is saying most Patreons' 1 dollar tiers don't have a reward beyond "you have our thanks"

With Cup Of Jones you're actually getting something beyond just making a small contribution

Yes, sorry I worded that strangely. That's what I meant, in comparison to many other campaigns I've noticed recently.
Just to clear some stuff up, more Tales From Japan is on the way for those interested. The reason it's taken so long is:

-Reviews and other obligations.
-What I want to talk about for the next episode is difficult to get footage for.

Criticism about the title or anything else hasn't contributed to the gap between episodes.


Just to clear some stuff up, more Tales From Japan is on the way for those interested. The reason it's taken so long is:

-Reviews and other obligations.
-What I want to talk about for the next episode is difficult to get footage for.

Criticism about the title or anything else hasn't contributed to the gap between episodes.

No rush Ben, take your time! Really excited to hear about the next subject matter, loved the first episode too.


If you go to the community tab on Patreon, there actually are a lot of people who responded to that. I never want to make people feel obligated or anything, but I just wanted to put that out there since a dollar a month really is invisible to almost anyone's budget. But if everyone watching did it, it would so add up.

Just went and looked and I'm surprised to see that you were right. When you gave the "challenge" on the podcast I rolled my eyes and thought it was lame, but it seems to have done its job so I'll happily eat some crow in this instance.


Just to clear some stuff up, more Tales From Japan is on the way for those interested. The reason it's taken so long is:

-Reviews and other obligations.
-What I want to talk about for the next episode is difficult to get footage for.

Criticism about the title or anything else hasn't contributed to the gap between episodes.
Ah, good to know! I really enjoyed the first episode.


Just to clear some stuff up, more Tales From Japan is on the way for those interested. The reason it's taken so long is:

-Reviews and other obligations.
-What I want to talk about for the next episode is difficult to get footage for.

Criticism about the title or anything else hasn't contributed to the gap between episodes.
Really looking forward to it! :)

And thanks for the summary of Escapades. Still 3 episodes behind and while I watch the episodes first, I can't say I understand fully whats going on as I listen while playing games or have longer breaks between episodes.
If you go to the community tab on Patreon, there actually are a lot of people who responded to that. I never want to make people feel obligated or anything, but I just wanted to put that out there since a dollar a month really is invisible to almost anyone's budget. But if everyone watching did it, it would so add up.

Damn I guess myself and others were proven wrong this time.



I am glad it isn't so as it would be shame. I shouldn't have brought it up (I don't even know why I typed it).
Love & Respect.

Just to clear some stuff up, more Tales From Japan is on the way for those interested. The reason it's taken so long is:

-Reviews and other obligations.
-What I want to talk about for the next episode is difficult to get footage for.

Criticism about the title or anything else hasn't contributed to the gap between episodes.

Well, I am glad there is going to be a next episode.
Take all the time you need (I didn't want to put extra pressure on you), I am sure it will be great.

I am also glad you guys work in a different way I d, oas EZA would be less jolly (and it would be a shame).
I am sorry if I was a buzz kill (should have thought about that before posting it)
I am glad it isn't so as it would be shame. I shouldn't have brought it up (I don't even know why I typed it).
Love & Respect.

Well, I am glad there is going to be a next episode.
Take all the time you need (I didn't want to put extra pressure on you), I am sure it will be great.

I am also glad you guys work in a different way I d, oas EZA would be less jolly (and it would be a shame).
I am sorry if I was a buzz kill (should have thought about that before posting it)

Not a buzz kill at all! It was just good to get out there.

cm osi

Not a buzz kill at all! It was just good to get out there.

ben since you're probably near the end of yakuza i'll just leave this here

(i-its not like i want you to play it or anything...)
(Ys origin is a good place to jump in)


I mean Blu Ray is Blu Ray but there's plenty of good movies that don't have HD releases, they look perfectly watchable. They just don't have that pop, that clarity

Being watchable and looking good are two very different things to me. Sure, I can watch a DVD if need be, but I certainly wouldn't make the crazy claim that it looks good in any way!


Unconfirmed Member
I wonder how Ben is doing with the Persona 5 delay. Dual Audio though :-x.
Curious on what language he'll do the review on. Personally as someone that thinks the JP cast has done an stellar job on the VO(like beyond what you would expect) I think he should def review it with the English voices. Given that, that will be the most relevant probably for most people.

Also struggling with personally wanting the EZA review being based of as having experienced as much content of the game as possible and given that I did a somewhat 100% run(all Slink maxed) on my first try(without a guide) there are really good non spoilery tips to give to achieve that while still retaining a somewhat taking each day as it comes attitude.
But at the same time the best experience is always the one where you just play how you feel free if any preconceptions, not everyone loves to min max.
I wonder how Ben is doing with the Persona 5 delay. Dual Audio though :-x.
Curious on what language he'll do the review on. Personally as someone that thinks the JP cast has done an stellar job on the VO(like beyond what you would expect) I think he should def review it with the English voices. Given that, that will be the most relevant probably for most people.

Also struggling with personally wanting the EZA review being based of as having experienced as much content of the game as possible and given that I did a somewhat 100% run(all Slink maxed) on my first try(without a guide) there are really good non spoilery tips to give to achieve that while still retaining a somewhat taking each day as it comes attitude.
But at the same time the best experience is always the one where you just play how you feel free if any preconceptions, not everyone loves to min max.

While it probably won't be possible to play through the entire game in both languages, I'll experience both as much as I can before we publish.


Unconfirmed Member
While it probably won't be possible to play through the entire game in both languages, I'll experience both as much as I can before we publish.

I see, in that case it might be worth mentioning if you want to experience the non party Slink VO it is handled similar to Persona 4 where you get voiced dialog at the start of every Slink and at the end, just something to keep in mind :-x.

Can't wait until the west gets the game, it's nice to talk about it in the Import thread but at the same time it's only a small pool of opinions.
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