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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Anyone else feel bad for posting the same questions for L&R and Frame Trap repeatedly? I feel like I'm pestering Kyle/Ben in all honesty.

Nah, it's ok. Jones and the others actively encouraged people to post the same question multiple times to multiple shows.


Yeah this Fiasconauts was really great.
Feep, you did an awesome job ("Janeocide" and "Damn, i'd really like to serve someone right now" being my favorite moments of yours).
Kyle was probably MvP for me this time around, just because his interpretation of the ambassador was great.


Personally I think they need to get back to doing top 10's. That's the sort of video that generates views on YouTube, would be good for growing the audience if nothing else.


Anyone else feel bad for posting the same questions for L&R and Frame Trap repeatedly? I feel like I'm pestering Kyle/Ben in all honesty.

I would be doing it too if patreon had a way of searching your previous comments. I don't even remember them, but I am sure I had some gems back there somewhere.
I'm totally in support of reviews, but I do wish there was more emphasis placed on getting them out for embargo (I fully understand that time is a lot tighter now). As for EZA not receiving advance copies of some games, I'm fine with those games not getting reviewed at all. I'd much rather have a review of something maybe more niche (but on-time) over a late review of a game that's already been covered to death by everyone else.

Reviews seem to be a lot of peoples' gateway to EZA, so they should stick around for that reason alone. I'd also build on what Bloodworth was saying regarding professionalism - reviews keep the crew grounded. I wouldn't like the crew to turn into a Rooster Teeth or Kinda Funny (as much as I've enjoyed those). Give me personality with my content, but don't make it unprofessional.
Even so, even the late reviews get tons of views. They're still valuable even if they're not on time.


Personally I think they need to get back to doing top 10's. That's the sort of video that generates views on YouTube, would be good for growing the audience if nothing else.

Think they said they really didn't enjoy doing most of them and only did it for clicks and to fill up the content pipeline. Also it was easier to get footage and cut in an actual studio.

I really enjoyed the L&R only episode of the podcast, it might be interesting to do one of these every month as a bonus episode, maybe even patreon exclusive as more incentive to up a pledge from £1 to £5.


Keighly said on a Game Awards livestream there that Kyle is going to be involved in the Game Awards in a substantial way, so that's something to look forward to.

Also, he confirmed there will be no Ouya announcements :(

Mista Koo

That was another great FIasconauts episode. I think the extra brainstorming they did paid off. Also the side characters weren't just interesting, they overshadowed the main cast (Cobaba was great, and
the clones
were hilarious in every single scene).

The one setup/descriptive scene was also good and not something they often do. You know, the one where Jones was describing what his character was doing and how the people around him reacted. Each Fiasco is 20 scenes, so it's alright to have a few of those too.
I've actually seen people
who played the game in a much more authored/less roleplay-y way and surprisingly it works (although it had a different feel altogether).

What's EZA plan for TGA and PSX? Any viewing party plan?
Kyle is involved with TGA, so there's that.
More people than watch most of the other shows...
I've already said a lot on the subject in this thread, but again, while conversations can be great, there's a whole different process that goes into producing our reviews that can't be captured in an off-the-cuff discussion. Taking notes, writing a script, labeling all the shots, and watching it all come together is very satisfying. I really think that they're better now than they were at GT. They're enjoyed by a large portion of our audience, and they consistently raise awareness of us among new people.

Also Blood I think that the process of reviewing a game, though I have never done it but have done similar things in terms of writing scientific papers, must force you to be objective, be thorough, look at a game from different perspectives etc. and then the act of writing out a review distills all you've learnt about that game (in my case, a medical condition or whatever else).

So it's not just of benefit to us in the audience but also of benefit to a video game commentator and critic. I think keeping up with reviews is going to keep the EZA team intellectually sharp where some.. other outlets.. not naming names.. Who have left reviews behind have kinda notoriously fallen into the trap of lazy knee jerk reactions to games.

Also I feel like reviewing the major releases gives us in the audience, particularly newcommers, an impression of what the EZA team appreciate in games which is something presumably important when picking which commentators you listen to.

Btw does anyone know if the EZA guys are cool with being added on PSN? My PSN is so barren and basically none of my friends are really into games, I feel like I'm missing out on the jolly times :/ I've seen Huber post his PSN on Twitter, anyone know if he minds random adds or if any of the other team share theirs?


Yeah this Fiasconauts was really great.
Feep, you did an awesome job ("Janeocide" and "Damn, i'd really like to serve someone right now" being my favorite moments of yours).
Kyle was probably MvP for me this time around, just because his interpretation of the ambassador was great.
I was alittle bit annoyed Janeoicde was so underappreciated by the group. :D

Otherwise fantastic episode. Story was quite engaging by the end.
Btw does anyone know if the EZA guys are cool with being added on PSN? My PSN is so barren and basically none of my friends are really into games, I feel like I'm missing out on the jolly times :/ I've seen Huber post his PSN on Twitter, anyone know if he minds random adds or if any of the other team share theirs?

If Huber has posted his on Twitter I'm assuming he doesn't mind if people add him. The others might be cool with it if you shoot them a DM or tweet at them or something.
That's pretty interesting to hear. From a professional perspective what are the things that EZA has improved upon review wise than before? I've proven myself a bit oblivious but nevertheless am genuinely curios.

Largely it comes down to the labeling and editing side of things. There are specific labeling practices that I started using towards the end of GT that are now common practice for me, and we're trying to get more people to use. We're able to really nail the right shots without the writer having to sit in and supervise the edit. We're also never really rushing the edits. Sometimes at GT, we'd push a script through at 3:00 in the afternoon and have it VO'd and edited by 7:00. Now we're making sure that every review is given adequate love.

Not to disparage any GT freelancers (Ben was one for a while), but I think keeping reviews within the team helps keep that quality up as well. Easier to have strong feedback about writing when you really know someone face to face as well as consistency among reviews.

Plus, we're not so desperate to review everything that we're forcing people to review things they really don't care about such as big sports games like Madden or NHL. Everyone volunteers for which games they want to review rather than having assignments handed down to them.

Btw does anyone know if the EZA guys are cool with being added on PSN? My PSN is so barren and basically none of my friends are really into games, I feel like I'm missing out on the jolly times :/ I've seen Huber post his PSN on Twitter, anyone know if he minds random adds or if any of the other team share theirs?

Nothing personal, but I avoid adding anyone I don't recognize just because I end up with a friends list full of people I don't recognize. I also don't play a ton of multiplayer in general. Each of us are different though.
Nothing personal, but I avoid adding anyone I don't recognize just because I end up with a friends list full of people I don't recognize. I also don't play a ton of multiplayer in general. Each of us are different though.

No worries I think I'd be the same if I was liable to getting lots of adds via youtube/twitch, if you accept everyone then I guess the concept of friends becomes kind of meaningless!

For that reason I wish there was a more robust social set up on PSN. For me, EasyAllies are the centre of my gaming hobby, and I wish my PS4 and PSN reflected that. It would be great to login and see not just what you guys are playing and be able to join any multiplayer games you're in if applicable, but also see what other Allies fans are playing, see Twitch chat etc.

I wonder if that will ever happen. So much of gaming revolves around popular streamers and communities now so I think it wouldn't be a waste of Sony's time to add such features.
Nothing personal, but I avoid adding anyone I don't recognize just because I end up with a friends list full of people I don't recognize. I also don't play a ton of multiplayer in general. Each of us are different though.

Hopefully your accounts become verified so people could at least follow you. I think it's a very nice alternative to adding known accounts to friend's lists. I think Greg Miller said he'd purge his friends list to people he knows personally and take advantage of the new follow features.
Hopefully your accounts become verified so people could at least follow you. I think it's a very nice alternative to adding known accounts to friend's lists. I think Greg Miller said he'd purge his friends list to people he knows personally and take advantage of the new follow features.

How does this work?
Thanks dude. = D I had a ton of fun, and the other guys made it SUPER easy to roll forward in a scene.

Cobaba is the role of a lifetime.

Yeah, you were awesome on the show. You did a great job pulling in stuff from setup I had totally forgotten about like the crime too terrible to speak of, and your final sci-fi explanation was perfect.
How does this work?

Dunno. Be popular/known, I guess? It's like being verified on YouTube/Twitter. There's probably a request form or something and if you can prove who you are, you can become verified. Lots of video game journalists/personalities, developers, and executives are verified. For instance, nearly every person from Giant Bomb is verified. I'm sure the EZA guys can be, too, if they wanted.
Ben tweeted few hours ago, that the FF XV review might go up today.

He played around 50 hours, finished the story and did a lot of side-content. It's his longest review yet.

I can't wait.


If they had done/been able to do a non-L&R episode of the EZA podcast last week, a good bet to have would have been how many times will "2006" appear in the opening paragraphs of the 10 most recent FFXV reviews on OpenCritic.

N° 2048

"I'm very mindful of spoilers, but as always, I can't totally predict what everyone will be spoiler-sensitive to in a review."

That's what he said, when someone else asked about spoilers.

e: He reviewed version 1.02, if that matters to anyone.

Thanks so much.


Come on Ben, whoever is editing and EZA servers, i want that review!
Predicting 4*/5.

What i really want is a big, lenghty and through discussion about the game with Ben, Damiani, "this is going to be one of the greats" Bossy, Huber and Brad.
Hope they'll do one asap.


I really really want to see FFXV review of EZA, but as a media blackout person I don't know if I should...

I hope it isn't too much spoilery
When you really want to share your thoughts on FFXV but don't want to spoil the review. Blargh.

Regarding spoilers, I don't know what footage will be used since the review hasn't been edited, but I promise the script contains zero spoilers. Of course, some people consider certain basic gameplay elements to be spoilery, so I can't speak for everyone, but it's something I was very mindful of. I know people have been waiting a long time and I wouldn't want to ruin the various surprises.
Yeah I'm planning on just listening to the review as it plays in another tab just to avoid seeing any more of the game (I've tried to avoid most previews beyond seeing how the game has ended up graphically/combat wise)
When you really want to share your thoughts on FFXV but don't want to spoil the review. Blargh.

Regarding spoilers, I don't know what footage will be used since the review hasn't been edited, but I promise the script contains zero spoilers. Of course, some people consider certain basic gameplay elements to be spoilery, so I can't speak for everyone, but it's something I was very mindful of. I know people have been waiting a long time and I wouldn't want to ruin the various surprises.

Thank you so much. I'll just listen to the review then.


anyone remember what the blood huber nes classic bet was?

One of them bet that no one would be able to walk into a store and buy it this holiday, or something along those lines. There were obvious specifications about the certain time.

I believe it was that Blood needs to take a picture of a NES Classic at a store before the end of the year.

Loser needs to stream Kung-Fu (Blood) or Kid Icarus (Huber) for an hour.


Kung-Fu is way better than Kid Icarus though

Huber wins regardless

Nah, Kung-Fu is OK, but Kid Icarus is one of the best NES games ever made.

But yes, Huber wins regardless.
You probably saw the post during the ~10-15 seconds it had the names the wrong way around. I fixed it immediately after posting.
Nah, Kung-Fu is OK, but Kid Icarus is one of the best NES games ever made.

But yes, Huber wins regardless.
You probably saw the post during the ~10-15 seconds it had the names the wrong way around. I fixed it immediately after posting.
I didn't, you win this round

Besides the fact that Kung Fu >>>>


I probably won't even play FF15 tomorrow because the square eu store still hasn't shipped my copy apparently. 2016 continues to suck.
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