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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Mista Koo

Any non-Star Wars fans disagree with Kyle on Episode 7? I watched it for the same reason "some people" boycotted it for (representation). I liked the new characters a lot (sans Kylo), but the rest felt like a nostalgia trip for something I had no nostalgia for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm looking forward to watching Rogue One since it should be more of what I liked and less of what I didn't.

I can't imagine that working or being pleasant to watch.
They use very different setups which benefit them and have very different presentation styles.

See: The Know vs. Podcast Corrections

I'm hoping they can get Elyse as a guest Tabletop character for a few episodes, that'd be nice.
They hosted a Mandatory Update episode once. But I agree, I'd want just Elyse.



Oh yeah, i disagree with both there.
7 could've been a nice bow without copycatting so many of the plot beats of ANH, easily, infact, it fails at being a bow exactly for that reason.
And "nobody had a problem with little Anakin" is rich (even though i don't subscribe to the "Ray is a mary sue" argument itself)Anakin was the most hated character in star Wars after Jar Jar binks, from when he was a kid, to when he was a kid murderer..
Oh yeah, i disagree with both there.
7 could've been a nice bow without copycatting so many of the plot beats of ANH, easily, infact, it fails at being a bow exactly for that reason.
And "nobody had a problem with little Anakin" is rich (even though i don't subscribe to the "Ray is a mary sue" argument itself)Anakin was the most hated character in star Wars after Jar Jar binks, from when he was a kid, to when he was a kid murderer..
I don't get the hate for any of the Ep 7 characters. They're great. I also believe that the people that are hyper critical of the new Star Wars movies would also hate the classics they love if they came out today. Like the scrutiny some people put on Ep7 and R1 are absurd. They're really great movies and soooooo much better than the prequels. We finally have quality Star Wars movies again after decades of nothing and people can't even stop to appreciate it.


Switch betting special is happening.



Unconfirmed Member
So I used up some part of my holidays to smash through Zero no Kiseki(one of the untranslated trails games, so much text/kanji...), I have the follow up lying around here sealed(Ao no Kiseki).

But really I need Yakuza 0 right now as my palate cleanser before I start on anything else. Overdosing on RPGs recently. That said man Gravity Rush 2 looks so goddamn good for that as well. Both are franchises that need more people to get into them. How to decide.


Mista Koo

I don't get the hate for any of the Ep 7 characters. They're great. I also believe that the people that are hyper critical of the new Star Wars movies would also hate the classics they love if they came out today. Like the scrutiny some people put on Ep7 and R1 are absurd. They're really great movies and soooooo much better than the prequels. We finally have quality Star Wars movies again after decades of nothing and people can't even stop to appreciate it.
Please note that I brought it up to discuss the nostalgia part. I am not a Star Wars fan and felt that Ep 7 wasn't made for me at all. I did watch it due to the characters.

Who's gonna challenge ultima Brad?
I dunno, but they better have a persona made for this.
In an ideal world you have Ian, someone completely not invested in Nintendo accidentally stumbling his way to the top the betting mountain

I could see him holding onto the Slusser Cup for a good year or two with his "yeah, sure, whatever" brand of bets


That 40k sure didn't last long...what the hell was the point?

Holiday well wishes. That's always an issue with Patreon campaigns and extended-duration goals. One shots like an enhanced E3 setup are great, but a brand new show on the fringe is always going to have a tenuous existence until they can definitively bump their audience beyond that point.

Fortunately, they have a ton of room to grow on the Youtube side of things. Would love to see them spending some resources this year trying out a bunch of different stuff to see what sticks. They would benefit tremendously from finding some sort of weekly show that could hit a large audience like The Jimquisition -- except, less gross adjectives and more Easy Allies.

I love Jim's stuff, nothing but love and respect


*crosses fingers*

c'mon VR night
Game Informer reached out to a lot of developers and asked them for their personal Top 5 GOTY 2016. Lots of love for the well-known GOTY contenders from most developers (UC4, TLG, Inside), but I really had to read this one twice. It was that hilarious, because it went against all cliches for me.

Rex Dickson (EA / Madden) [Creative Director of Madden]

1. Oculus Touch – I wish I could pick just one game from the lineup but the truth is, I love almost all of them. The Oculus touch was the best hardware launch in gaming history with too many amazing games to list here. I love playing it with my kids and now find myself spending more time playing VR than I spend on my PS4/Xbox One.

2. Far Cry Primal – This was one of the few console titles I played through from start to finish this year. I love all the Far Cry games, this one was no exception. So many ways to take on encounters and riding a saber-toothed tiger into battle was awesome.

3. Adr1ft – Really struggled to pick a favorite game from the Oculus lineup but Adr1ft really stood out for me. That feeling of floating in space in VR and watching the earth spinning beneath you was pretty transformative for me as a gamer.

4. Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC – I am a JRPG fan boy and have been for a long time. The trails series on the PSVita really blew me away with story and character development. The relationship between the two lead characters (Joshua and Estelle) was as powerful and memorable to me as Cloud and Aeris back in FF7. I think I sunk well over 100 hours into this franchise and loved every second.

5. Madden NFL 17 – I play Madden throughout the year now. Between MUT and the online franchises I play in, Madden keeps me coming back all year long. It's been in my top five since 1991 when I started playing on the Sega Genesis.

Like, I absolutely love how the Creative Director of the Madden franchise, a franchise known for being creatively bankrupt and its casual bro image (like most sport franchises), totally adores Trails in the Sky SC and put a ton of hours into the Trails franchise, even on Vita. I understand that a lot of people in the industry are really passionate and love all types of games, even if they don't have that much time to play them, but I would never expect some outspoken love like that from higher-ups at EA or Activision.

I love it and I'm posting it here, because it's a great example of how even that kind of love and respect can come from places you'd never expect. Basically, it's okay to like anime. Seriously!


Unconfirmed Member
Cool too see more people mentioning this franchise.
I really believe that trails can still grow a lot more in the west you just have to somehow get people into those games and commit those hours.
I feel like the games are going to do the rest then. Would love to know the Cold Steel numbers but SC seemed depressingly low. There's just no way when I look at the numbers for other JRPGs we have that little overlap from that for trails.

On a site note RPGsite did a podcast with some of the superfans that are also on gaf a few days ago http://www.rpgsite.net/news/5168-tetracast-extra-a-falcom-holiday-getaway talking about them picking up the fan translation for Zero. Keep positive one way or another all the games will make it here.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
That 40k sure didn't last long...what the hell was the point?

We always lose a few pledges when the billing cycle begins and some people's payment methods are rejected.


Fortunately, they have a ton of room to grow on the Youtube side of things. Would love to see them spending some resources this year trying out a bunch of different stuff to see what sticks. They would benefit tremendously from finding some sort of weekly show that could hit a large audience like The Jimquisition -- except, less gross adjectives and more Easy Allies.

The answer is simple, they need to do top 10's again. They generate YouTube views better than most anything else. Problem is they have no interest in producing them so it's not likely to happen.


The answer is simple, they need to do top 10's again. They generate YouTube views better than most anything else. Problem is they have no interest in producing them so it's not likely to happen.

Jones has said quite recently that they don't have plans to do Top 10s, especially at the current Patreon numbers.

It's not as simple as it sounds. Getting everybody together to discuss the list (whether that's in person or on slack/Skype) and also getting Brad to spend so much time capturing the footage takes up a lot of resources which are currently being spent on other shows etc.


I don't get the hate for any of the Ep 7 characters. They're great. I also believe that the people that are hyper critical of the new Star Wars movies would also hate the classics they love if they came out today. Like the scrutiny some people put on Ep7 and R1 are absurd. They're really great movies and soooooo much better than the prequels. We finally have quality Star Wars movies again after decades of nothing and people can't even stop to appreciate it.

Just to be clear, I don't hate 7, i liked the new characters a lot, i hated how they shoehorned the old cast in, and how comically close they played it to ANH for no reason (you could've had ANYTHING other than a new Death Star, really).
Also i don't love the old trilogy tbh, i think the only really great Star Wars movie is ESB, the others go from good (ANH) to horrible(AotC).


Jones has said quite recently that they don't have plans to do Top 10s, especially at the current Patreon numbers.

It's not as simple as it sounds. Getting everybody together to discuss the list (whether that's in person or on slack/Skype) and also getting Brad to spend so much time capturing the footage takes up a lot of resources which are currently being spent on other shows etc.

Yeah I get that, but if they ever had some free time in their schedules I think it'd be worthwhile to throw one out there as often as they can, even if that only amounts to 3-4 times a year.
I'm just curious, but is Brad also a producer for Easy Allies? As in, does he deal with video production stuff?

Because I know he's only ever reviewed one game, so I'm just curious what the roles are.


I'm just curious, but is Brad also a producer for Easy Allies? As in, does he deal with video production stuff?

Because I know he's only ever reviewed one game, so I'm just curious what the roles are.

Nope. Brad is Brad.

Its not really assigned roles, they're all just personalities that do what they can.
So if one day in the distant future they hit some how hit 50k and the next billing cycle it drops a few thousand do they relinquish their studio?


So if one day in the distant future they hit some how hit 50k and the next billing cycle it drops a few thousand do they relinquish their studio?

I think they would do the smart thing and wait to see if that 50k sticks around before they drop money on a studio.

cm osi

So if one day in the distant future they hit some how hit 50k and the next billing cycle it drops a few thousand do they relinquish their studio?

kinda funny has 2 patreons (31k+23k) and they got a studio after 2 years; iirc Greg said that still wouldn't be enough and you need some kind of external funding. and they're 4 people.
they're also way more involved in the industry, or with Sony at least
Jones said that at the moment they're not saving part of the money but he tought about it


So if one day in the distant future they hit some how hit 50k and the next billing cycle it drops a few thousand do they relinquish their studio?

As mentioned 50k isn't nearly enough for a studio. Once they hit 50k I'm guessing that will just mean they get more serious about planning it but it will still be some time before it happens.


Unconfirmed Member
I imagine it's not going to be as easy to just instantly rent a studio once 50k are hit and I don't think they're going to spend major time planning for it even if we're hovering around 50k.

So I assume once the 50k are hit properly once it is then that they're actually going to start concretely planning on the studio which will take time itself and by nature probably give them enough to time to see where the patreon is going to be at and evaluate.

Of course if we're going to get fluctuation of several 1000$ the process might be stopped but I think if the patreon stays hovering within a couple 100$ of 50k after hitting it once there's probably still merit in getting some plans going before actually renting something/spending money.

Maybe a bit silly to talk about it right now given that we're still somewhat far off but I think the way that it could be handled after hitting 50k once is making somewhat concrete plans as far as possible then sharing them and then redefining the goal to "ok this is what we want the studio to be right now we actually need 50k for x of months to be able to sustain a studio for y amount of time and after that we have to reconsider depending on where the patreon will be".

If that degree of openness is possible/still appropriate I'd advocate for it to be something along those lines.

Basically the bottom line of this post is really, once the 50k are hit they probably should be very clear and concise what shape or form this goal is going to take to the best of their abilities. I feel like there's a lot of confusion even from myself on what this actually means and also worry about sustaining it, etc.
Hah looking at the updated schedule it's not a surprise to see Huber is going to be streaming darkest dungeon. Based on his twitter feed he's been pretty obsessed with the game the last week
I've reviewed two. 3rd coming this month.

Nice! Sorry if it came across as if I was questioning your role, I'm just curious as to the makeup but I see roles are in flux mostly. I look forward to your next review, as I enjoyed your I am Setsuna one. Love and respect. :)
Just to be clear, I don't hate 7, i liked the new characters a lot, i hated how they shoehorned the old cast in, and how comically close they played it to ANH for no reason (you could've had ANYTHING other than a new Death Star, really).
Also i don't love the old trilogy tbh, i think the only really great Star Wars movie is ESB, the others go from good (ANH) to horrible(AotC).

I really enjoyed TFA, loved the new characters and the appearance of the old ones, but I agree it played it too safe too. The Death Star 5.0 in particular was really dumb.

Rogue One, on the other hand, meh. I liked some parts of it but I don't think it earned its ending at all. It fell flat for me.

On the Rey discussion, I have no doubt the only reason the "Mary Sue" talk started was because she's a strong female character. We saw similar rubbish thrown at Furiosa after Mad Max came out and even Rogue One, based solely on its trailers.
I could have sworn Bosman said on either the Podcast or Frametrap that Pokemon Sun and/or Moon gets difficult and you will lose battles.

I finished the main story yesterday and did not lose a single fight. Not one. And this was my first ever Pokemon game (thanks mainly to Brandon plays Pokemon).

Really enjoyed my time playing it, but it did seem far too easy.
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