Game Informer reached out to a lot of developers and asked them for their personal Top 5 GOTY 2016. Lots of love for the well-known GOTY contenders from most developers (UC4, TLG, Inside), but I really had to read this one twice. It was that hilarious, because it went against all cliches for me.
Rex Dickson (EA / Madden) [Creative Director of Madden]
1. Oculus Touch – I wish I could pick just one game from the lineup but the truth is, I love almost all of them. The Oculus touch was the best hardware launch in gaming history with too many amazing games to list here. I love playing it with my kids and now find myself spending more time playing VR than I spend on my PS4/Xbox One.
2. Far Cry Primal – This was one of the few console titles I played through from start to finish this year. I love all the Far Cry games, this one was no exception. So many ways to take on encounters and riding a saber-toothed tiger into battle was awesome.
3. Adr1ft – Really struggled to pick a favorite game from the Oculus lineup but Adr1ft really stood out for me. That feeling of floating in space in VR and watching the earth spinning beneath you was pretty transformative for me as a gamer.
4. Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC – I am a JRPG fan boy and have been for a long time. The trails series on the PSVita really blew me away with story and character development. The relationship between the two lead characters (Joshua and Estelle) was as powerful and memorable to me as Cloud and Aeris back in FF7. I think I sunk well over 100 hours into this franchise and loved every second.
5. Madden NFL 17 – I play Madden throughout the year now. Between MUT and the online franchises I play in, Madden keeps me coming back all year long. It's been in my top five since 1991 when I started playing on the Sega Genesis.
Like, I absolutely love how the Creative Director of the Madden franchise, a franchise known for being creatively bankrupt and its casual bro image (like most sport franchises), totally adores Trails in the Sky SC and put a ton of hours into the Trails franchise, even on Vita. I understand that a lot of people in the industry are really passionate and love all types of games, even if they don't have that much time to play them, but I would never expect some outspoken love like that from higher-ups at EA or Activision.
I love it and I'm posting it here, because it's a great example of how even that kind of love and respect can come from places you'd never expect. Basically, it's okay to like anime. Seriously!