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Ecco the Dolphin DoF - PS2 version question...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I've been listening to various Ecco soundtracks during the night, recently, and it sparked all the wonderful memories I have of Defender of the Future. I own the game on Dreamcast, of course, and had a blast...but the game has some technical problems. The framerate is pretty bad, by today's standards, and the water itself looks kinda poor (low quality animation + dithered surface).

Has anyone here actually tried the game on PS2? I'm kinda curious as to whether any of the problems were fixed in the PS2 version, or if it is the same. I know the music is 44 KHz on PS2, as opposed to the 22 KHz of the DC version (usually, upsampled music sounds worse...but the PS2 rip of the music is MUCH cleaner than the Dreamcast rip).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
In what ways?

Textures seem the same, so what could have been reduced? It isn't field rendered, so I doubt the IQ could have taken a major hit.

It's a shame that a PC version never existed.
D2M15 said:
It still has framerate problems, and it doesn't look as good as the DC version.

Really? I clearly remember reading that it has better framerate and even looks better... I really love the game the DC game and always wanted to get the PS2 version for the supposed improvments, but couldn't bring myself to it... maybe if I find the game for real cheap.


This game bombed hard, and was freakin hard.... That said it was one of my favorite dreamcast games. (along with DOA2, SC, JSR, Quake3, PSO, SOA, Ferrari, Sega Rally, shenmue, PGR, RE:CV and on and on) Here's to the dreamcast, a great system that never got its due.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Of course, Dreamcast rocks...and so does Ecco.

Ecco DC really DID have some INCREDIBLE environments to explore. The atmosphere is among the best I have EVER encountered in a game. It just felt so incredible...

If ONLY it could see an update on XBOX or something. Fix the bugs, balance the gameplay, improve the visuals a lot, etc. That would rule so much...but would never ever occur (obviously). Despite the issues I had with the DC version, I really can't deny my love for it...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well, you can find a 22 KHz stereo rip from the Dreamcast version on the "Caverns of Hope" site. That is basically a fan site dedicated to the entire series of games, and they also happen to have all of the soundtracks.

Someone made a newer rip from the PS2 version, which uses 44 KHz audio instead. While the bass isn't quite as deep on the PS2 tunes...the actual songs are MUCH cleaner and crisper sounding.
I always list the game in "Most beautiful video games" lists... A sequel from the same developers would be beyond awesome.
Woohooo,thank you Dark10X,you made my day. I have always wanted these tunes,nver hadany luck in finding them. I bow down to thee,thanks for advising me where to find them.

The quality of the dub is more than enough for me. Going to start burning them now. Thanks again.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well, I just rented out the PS2 version of the game for shits...

At this point, I am torn between them...

They both have their own unique look, that's for sure. The DC version just looks "different" from a color standpoint. From an image quality standpoint, I know the DC version would win IF I was displaying it in progressive scan, but I am only using s-video for DC and component for PS2. Perhaps that explains it a bit? The PS2 version has some dithering that wasn't present on alpha textures/effects, but it isn't too bad (and is only really noticible in dark areas).

The PS2 version seems much sharper, though. For one, it doesn't use mipmapping at all...but with the limited view the game presents in both versions, it actually ends up looking a lot nicer than the aggressive mipmapping in the DC version. You can't see far enough that the game becomes shimmery, so it simply ends up looking much sharper. Also, for some reason, the textures seem higher resolution in the PS2 version. When you sit at varying distances from the textures, the PS2 textures always look clearer and more detailed. Textures that were lacking in color on DC are still lacking here, though, but the dithering effect is worse. So, while most textures look better, some of them look a bit worse (the sky, for example).

They both look very good and seem about on par. I'm not sure why there is dithering on alpha surfaces, though.

The biggest difference, though, is framerate. The DC version is jittery right from the beginning and it never really smooths out. From the levels I've played on PS2 thus far, the framerate has yet to budge from 30 fps. The DC version feels very unpolished in comparison and THIS is where they really differ. I'm sure slowdown will appear sometime on PS2, but it hasn't yet. You can debate the other issues, but the improved framerate is really nice. Shame they didn't shoot for 60 fps...

Effects are a bit different. For example, the sonar effect on PS2 now uses a distortion + motion blur effect that fills the screen. Also, the water itself looks better. The water in the DC version never seemed to animate perfectly. It was ALMOST there, but it just felt a bit jerky. Not only is the water texture cleaner looking on PS2 (for some reason), but the animation of that surface seems a bit smoother.

So, when looking at the visuals, the PS2 version provides a better framerate, improved effects, and sharper textures while the DC version has cleaner alpha effects and support for progressive scan (either through VGA or converting that signal it to component video).

The other differences in presentation come in the form of audio. The PS2 version features much cleaner sounding audio whereas the DC version seems muffled and quiet in comparison. This kept striking me as I switched between the two inputs...

Oh, and it seems that they have made the game easier on PS2. A 3D map system, more hints, and other things to push you along. A plus or minus depending on your point of view, I suppose.

Well, anyways...I can't imagine too many people really care about this (outside of the few fans around here). :p I'm taking this chance to enjoy this fantastic game once again!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh yeah, another thing to keep in mind...

I was playing both on an HDTV in 480i mode, so it is entirely possible that the dithering found in the PS2 version could become less noticible if you using a regular analog set...

Eh, well I've found some areas with slowdown...

I initially used a cheat to check out a few different levels (just to see a couple of my favorites), but now I'm going through properly. The second level still has slowdown in the large areas...though it is still much less than on DC. Ah well...
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