there's been no credible rumour that sony has even opted into this.If Sony makes the move first, MS will follow too. We're screwed either way if this plays out in that scenario.
Hopefully they both opt out.
there's been no credible rumour that sony has even opted into this.If Sony makes the move first, MS will follow too. We're screwed either way if this plays out in that scenario.
Hopefully they both opt out.
That's not how logical conclusions work, son.
To which SuperDaE replies:
I actually will avoid playing if my online is not working for some reason. Kinda weird maybe.I agree with this. Over the entirety of the past generation I think the only time I ever played offline was when PSN shit the bed, and then it wasn't my choice. Otherwise my PS3/360 are always connected in case there's a patch, a friend online etc. I don't see either of them cutting out offline play if you have a license on the box. That's a head-scratcher.
there's been no credible rumour that sony has even opted into this.
sony was in more home then that with the ps2....look were they are now. i know i will not be buying the next x box. i really like the 360 and the old x box. the MS without bill is doing everything wrong lately. they can lose the 80 million really easly.
I actually will avoid playing if my online is not working for some reason. Kinda weird maybe.
I actually will avoid playing if my online is not working for some reason. Kinda weird maybe.
Haha truth.On the rare occasions my broadband goes out, I'm far to busy frantically restarting my cable modem and refreshing the management web page to play games!
He completely ignored the question. My guess is that's a "yes" about it not playing used games.
yay..another one >_>
You can't blame him the way it's worded makes it look that way.
Hmm. You'll probably be held to this...Well as of now I don't know if there's anything in place for internet issues and the like or if MS is listening to complaints, but as it stands I can say with 100% confidence the console needs to be online to play a game.
There are degrees of credibility.No rumor is credible till confirmed though.
Only confirmation we have of next gen is PS4 reveal on Feb 20th.
Or he could use the less paranoid route and take it for what it is..a simple question.
Or he could use the following set of arguments in which I explain it, that is just a post or two below the one he quoted
meh not my problem
lets be real here, EDGE is a credible rumour. If there was something comparable for Sony then it would be fair to rope it in but as of now it's just that, people roping it in.No rumor is credible till confirmed though.
Only confirmation we have of next gen is PS4 reveal on Feb 20th.
About used games or always online? I'm WAY less concerned about always online.
No rumor is credible till confirmed though.
Only confirmation we have of next gen is PS4 reveal on Feb 20th.
The credibility of EDGE isn't in question it's the credibility of the source and the statement of the source that is. For all we know the source might be right but anything can change from now to final product.
lets be real here, EDGE is a credible rumour. If there was something comparable for Sony then it would be fair to rope it in but as of now it's just that, people roping it in.
Nice, argumentum ad ignorantiam.
That's all this back and fourth in these threads have been is paranoia, after reading the first 80 pages of this thread it's not surprising.
Nice, argumentum ad ignorantiam.
lets be real here, EDGE is a credible rumour. If there was something comparable for Sony then it would be fair to rope it in but as of now it's just that, people roping it in.
I don't really get why the refrain that "nothing is official" is being repeated as nauseum; not just in this thread but in essentially all of them (and in particular when people don't like what information is pointing to.)
Yes, we all know that. Sony and Microsoft may opt to never officially announce their console specs. And yes, EDGE could be entirely wrong. And even if EDGE is right, Microsoft could change their plans.
That doesn't mean discussion can't be had on the information at hand and the implications thereof.
It's the opposite for me.Online only is far less agreggious to me than no ability to play used games.
Honestly that alone doesn't make me question purchasing the system at all.
It's the opposite for me.
Publishers are already slowly working to lock out used game sales. Shit, Sony is even working towards that on their first party titles. With so many sales nowadays, it's hard not to get a new game for equal or less than what GameStop will sell you a used game anyways. It's inevitable at this point without any force stopping it already. If not locked out at an OS level, it will be locked out at the game level. The whole used games thing is overblown. GameStop has seen it coming from a mile away and has tried to adapt with stuff like Impulse but has failed.
"Always online"'s implications are much more broad reaching. It has many interpretations, it could mean your console doesn't work at all offline when there is no ability to constantly authenticate, it means your DD may not work offline, it means you might be fucked if you have shitty Internet or no Internet, etc. Of course, I personally think this is all horseshit because the rationales and benefits for doing so are too flimsy.
I find something confusing.
If only one of Sony or Microsoft are going to block used games, do they do so with the backing of major publishers and devs promising exclusivity and a glut of titles to make up for likely lost console sales?
I mean, 3rd parties generally want used games blocked, but they also tend to want to back a winner. They can't do both here can they?
Nothing has been said about that yet.I find something confusing.
If only one of Sony or Microsoft are going to block used games, do they do so with the backing of major publishers and devs promising exclusivity and a glut of titles to make up for likely lost console sales?
I mean, 3rd parties generally want used games blocked, but they also tend to want to back a winner. They can't do both here can they?
Yeah. This doesn't make any sense the more I read into it.
If Activation didn't support your platform, anything company would fill the vacuum left. If GameStop or similar major retail channel doesn't support your platform, you would have a far harder time getting market penetration of the console and see fewer games sold.
If MS blocks used games, something devs and publishers want, then the assumption is, that MS will have a smaller user base compared to the 360.
So since games are important, I'd have thought that MS would only take such a gamble with an assurance from certain devs and publishers that they'd get a lot of exclusives on Xbox to get people to buy the new console, forgetting it won't play used games.
Have I explained that any better?
The two groups who benefit from blocking used games are the console manufacturers and the publishers, as neither get a cut from second hand sales..
The two groups who are negatively effected are consumers and retailers.
Let's say MS does block used games and Sony doesn't.
If Sony allows used games, they could piss off publishers. Some games might not be released on their platform. But they would please retailers, who would be more likely to push their hardware and games.
For MS, they might see more games on their platform, but would have soured the retail relationship. So unless they'd sweeten it by allowing a much bigger margin on Xbox products over Sony/Nintendo ones, they could be looking at lower retail sales.
It makes far more sense to keep your retail partners happy, rather than your content providers. This has always been Nintendo's strategy, which has seen enormous retails success for them (it's the main reason they've been slow to embrace digital distribution, as they want to appease their long term retail channel partners).
There are only a small number of retailers in each country, but hundreds of game makers. If Activation didn't support your platform, another company would fill the vacuum left. If GameStop or similar major retail channel doesn't support your platform, you would have a far harder time getting market penetration of the console and see fewer games sold.
I find something confusing.
If only one of Sony or Microsoft are going to block used games, do they do so with the backing of major publishers and devs promising exclusivity and a glut of titles to make up for likely lost console sales?
I mean, 3rd parties generally want used games blocked, but they also tend to want to back a winner. They can't do both here can they?
Um, maybe ask Sega if that's the case.
Are you confirming this as well, like AndyH, or is this speculation?
Sorry. I had to leave right after making that post. I'm confirming it.
If you don't mind me adding a personal experience to this, Diablo 3 was a sometimes okay game but whenever I hit lag spikes there was a good chance I would die, even when I played by myself. Most single player experiences I've had before never had this kind of problem, and I hope it's not one I have to deal with further into the future. Expanding on that, DRM as egregious as AC2's was met with fire and brimstone, and for good reason; losing any progress you made in a game for reasons that aren't even related to the game itself is kind of bullshit.It's the opposite for me.
Publishers are already slowly working to lock out used game sales. Shit, Sony is even working towards that on their first party titles. With so many sales nowadays, it's hard not to get a new game for equal or less than what GameStop will sell you a used game anyways. It's inevitable at this point without any force stopping it already. If not locked out at an OS level, it will be locked out at the game level. The whole used games thing is overblown. GameStop has seen it coming from a mile away and has tried to adapt with stuff like Impulse but has failed.
"Always online"'s implications are much more broad reaching. It has many interpretations, it could mean your console doesn't work at all offline when there is no ability to constantly authenticate, it means your DD may not work offline, it means you might be fucked if you have shitty Internet or no Internet, etc. Of course, I personally think this is all horseshit because the rationales and benefits for doing so are too flimsy.
no used games sounds like this gen's arbitrary $10 increase.
Sorry. I had to leave right after making that post. I'm confirming it.
Shit. Hear anything about Orbis?
Nothing that hasn't already come out.
Sorry. I had to leave right after making that post. I'm confirming it.
Sorry. I had to leave right after making that post. I'm confirming it.
Sorry. I had to leave right after making that post. I'm confirming it.
Have you heard anything about no used games?Nothing that hasn't already come out.
Nothing that hasn't already come out.
If this is really true man Microsoft is messing up huge. Do you know if this information is recent or old?
Recent. It does seem to be in place to combat used games. Now speaking from opinion, they will hopefully have alternatives in place for dealing with used games other than "no". Although I can't see any without something like buying a license for the game. But they seem intent on dealing with used games.
Is there any practical application of always online or should we assume it's for some kind of DRM or used game lock out.