Shame. I don't have any interest in a system that HAS to be online and has no used games. I don't see myself putting together another PC tower either. It will be 'interesting' to see how this all roles out.
Hmm, the problem that I see here is if MS and Sony both do this then what is the alternative?
PCs already don't allow for used games and are usually always online by default so there's not much to combat there, Nintendo looks to getting left out of the party once again and any other hardware makers, like Apple or Valve, would most likely have the same policies in place. So where would gamers turn?
MS and Sony (if Sony is really on board) know that after the initial fuss hardcore gamers will cave and buy their systems which is exactly why they're doing this. It will make them tons of extra money and there's no one to stop them or protect gamers from themselves. If you want a good example of how this works out just check the mobile carrier industry. They're constantly making their services less customer friendly and basically telling you if you don't like it then go screw yourself.
I feel like this takes some sucking up and just going with Nintendo, or at least just going to PC where you at least have modability (and most likely the only games that actually DO require always online will be those trying to make real use of it, or aren't on Steam anyway.) Plus mobile's seen as an essential service, while this logic can cut both ways (games aren't THAT important who cares if the internet flakes out on you or you can't find a game now) it also means we can go ahead and give it up with no detriment to our lives, or just get gaming elsewhere like Nintendo or even mobile. Or at least go PC and choke out Sony/Microsoft and try to drive games back to PC if we have to deal with harder-than-PC restrictions anyway.PCs already don't allow for used games and are usually always online by default so there's not much to combat there, Nintendo looks to getting left out of the party once again and any other hardware makers, like Apple or Valve, would most likely have the same policies in place. So where would gamers turn?
I'm fearing Sony just runs a tighter ship. We'll see in a week I guess.I don't see Sony going through with it given that there's zero insider evidence pointing in that direction, which puts MS in a very awkward position. I wonder how they'll present this.
I agree. Maybe this is unfair, but I do think there is some implicit hope that Sony does the same, that way all are justified in purchasing the console they were already planning on purchasing. Half the people who claim that they will abandon console gaming will not. And they will "reluctantly" wait in lines at Best Buy.Hmm, the problem that I see here is if MS and Sony both do this then what is the alternative?
PCs already don't allow for used games and are usually always online by default so there's not much to combat there, Nintendo looks to getting left out of the party once again and any other hardware makers, like Apple or Valve, would most likely have the same policies in place. So where would gamers turn?
MS and Sony (if Sony is really on board) know that after the initial fuss hardcore gamers will cave and buy their systems which is exactly why they're doing this. It will make them tons of extra money and there's no one to stop them or protect gamers from themselves. If you want a good example of how this works out just check the mobile carrier industry. They're constantly making their services less customer friendly and basically telling you if you don't like it then go screw yourself.
Damn. But it's true. We are spineless fucks.I see it playing out precisely like this. Gamers will complain, games will be flaunted, gamers will put-up with whatever it takes to play what they want.
No easy answer here. Gamers are going to get the systems they deserve.
Hmm, the problem that I see here is if MS and Sony both do this then what is the alternative?
PCs already don't allow for used games and are usually always online by default so there's not much to combat there, Nintendo looks to getting left out of the party once again and any other hardware makers, like Apple or Valve, would most likely have the same policies in place. So where would gamers turn?
MS and Sony (if Sony is really on board) know that after the initial fuss hardcore gamers will cave and buy their systems which is exactly why they're doing this. It will make them tons of extra money and there's no one to stop them or protect gamers from themselves. If you want a good example of how this works out just check the mobile carrier industry. They're constantly making their services less customer friendly and basically telling you if you don't like it then go screw yourself.
So the best option if you want to avoid a console that doesn't allow for used games sales is to buy the Steambox (a console that won't allow used games sales)? Nice one.
And Steam sales don't help matters if you like to buy games new. I can buy cheap console games at retail if I wait for them to go on sale.
You need to change your name, dude.
Why all must be black or white? c'mon, the "next Xbox is not a game machine anymore" statement is so negative that looks more like a "troll" statement to me. The same for any negativity news about PS4 (is there any negative news for PS4?).
Sony: Killzone 4!
Crowd: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Oh shit! Day one!
Sony: Always Online.
Crowd: Boooooooooo!!!! Fuck that!!!!
Switch the first part with (MS: Halo 5!)
I agree. Maybe this is unfair, but I do think there is some implicit hope that Sony does the same, that way all are justified in purchasing the console they were already planning on purchasing. Half the people who claim that they will abandon console gaming will not. And they will "reluctantly" wait in lines at Best Buy.
Damn. But it's true. We are spineless fucks.
I don't see Sony going through with it given that there's zero insider evidence pointing in that direction, which puts MS in a very awkward position. I wonder how they'll present this.
Sadly I believe we'll be in the minority. Most will whine but then gobble this shit right up after a big IP release or two. Still waiting for official confirmation of course, but things not looking good at this moment.They may be, but when I say something akin to abandoning a console, I make good on it. I refuse to pay for Xbox Live out of principle, and I have no problem abandoning both if I feel they will dick over consumers like none other. At least with PC there's steam and the ability to mod some games.
It seems like pre-owned games are about to exit from the market for good.
We now have to pick our best alternatives.
A closed system that can control DD prices and probably won't reduce prices or an open system with various sellers that can compete in terms of pricing.
I don't see Sony going through with it given that there's zero insider evidence pointing in that direction, which puts MS in a very awkward position. I wonder how they'll present this.
Welp. Microsoft will lose a lot of the younger crowd with this. Most parents I know never connected their 360 to the Internet. :|
I haven't paid for live in 2 years and I'm proud of it. I'm not willing to make any statements I will regret. I do have money saved that I was intending to spend at the end of this year. Used games do not alter my decision but always online and mandatory Kinect most definitely do. I'm hoping Sony doesn't follow so I have any easy decision -- but if they do -- I have a real dilemma. I'm bitter enough to skip for a few years until I know there is value.They may be, but when I say something akin to abandoning a console, I make good on it. I refuse to pay for Xbox Live out of principle, and I have no problem abandoning both if I feel they will dick over consumers like none other. At least with PC there's steam and the ability to mod some games.
I find it really hard to believe that Sony would agree to this given that they've been the most consumer friendly company of the big three but honestly a week ago I would have said that there was no way MS would do this.![]()
Save us Based Sony. The Wii U should turn out fine in the end with the type of games I want, but it won't get everything, and Sony really needs to show up MS.
Agreed. When's the Steambox out?
Rumor from 2012, and the Patent from this year. To say theres zero evidence of it is a misnomer.
Sony will dominate this generation if they don't go in this direction.
Welp. Microsoft will lose a lot of the younger crowd with this. Most parents I know never connected their 360 to the Internet. :|
I haven't paid for live in 2 years and I'm proud of it. I'm not willing to make any statements I will regret. I do have money saved that I was intending to spend at the end of this year. Used games do not alter my decision but always online and mandatory Kinect most definitely do. I'm hoping Sony doesn't follow so I have any easy decision -- but if they do -- I have a real dilemma. I'm bitter enough to skip for a few years until I know there is value.
Fuck this, I buy used games because I waited a long time and they're not out of print and hard to find. DD can help with this, but if a game vanishes it vanishes with only a few exceptions. That's why this is a travesty, because it creates a very real risk of games being lost just for short term gain, and why it may arguably be for the best if systems DO get blown wide open, at least they can be backed up and preserved until the copyrights end.We buy used games because they're cheap
Every device uses the internet, but not every device requires the internet to always be there to do anything with it. That's the big difference, and why people are put off by the always online bit, because internet connections are still flaky enough at times for this to be a real issue, nevermind palces without good service period.When the xbox 360 came out 7 years ago this was true, now every electronic device you buy is online.
they will for call of duty.
I have heard that Sony had a fully working anti-used game system in place prior to the PS3 launching, but chose not to implement it. The recent patent doesn't mean they will or won't block second hand games this time around. Companies do a whole bunch of stuff that never sees the light of day in the end product.
If this happens PS4 might miss out on the annual Assassin's Greed.
I have heard that Sony had a fully working anti-used game system in place prior to the PS3 launching, but chose not to implement it. The recent patent doesn't mean they will or won't block second hand games this time around. Companies do a whole bunch of stuff that never sees the light of day in the end product.
Agreed, it's also an ignorant statement. Almost as ignorant as "Microsoft is abandoning the core gamer". Nevermind the millions they are pumping into new studios and new IPs.
Yes, Microsoft will continue to add more entertainment applications to their platform (not a bad thing). Xbox will still be first and foremost a game console (it has to be for early adopters and to get penetration into the marketplace).
I also don't believe bgassassin's information (I realize he is considered to be a credible insider). Microsoft has nothing to gain by being online only, unless they go 100% digital, which I also don't see happening.
I personally think it's true as this seems like something that MS would try to enforce. They're trying to go get people locked into their ecosystem to spend money and monetize as much as they can. When was the last time MS did anything good for consumers?
I still have a hard time believing that anti-used game blocking will get by the EU commission.
That's right. There might not be a lesser evil. I'm actually okay with OS level functionality. The moment I am required to shake my arms or get up in any fashion to do what I could with a button -- I'm done.With that new PS 4 camera you might have "mandatory kinect stuff" on both consoles.
I still have a hard time believing that anti-used game blocking will get by the EU commission.
He did say insider info though, that's looking like it's true so far.Im pretty sure i understand patents Just saying that the whole " There is ZERO evidence of sony blocking used games spiel" isnt completely acurate. We will find out in a couple of days
Well, if this is all true, its going to come down to what value the consumer gets out of these schemes.There's something ironic about this post.
Admittedly I think if Sony does go through with it it ultimately won't be the way the patents layout. If they do however... this creates an interesting situation, if discs can be reset. That'd mean Microsoft possibly goes with the method more like Steam, while Sony does a third path that may simply force GameStop to give them a cut in order to reset discs and keep selling them. That's still problematic to me though as it still runs into the same "games can easily be lost forever" problem, but that would require GameStop either shuttering or at least dumping stock of the games, and anyone who just wants to cheap will still be giving publishers a cut. It'd probably be more preferable to all the parties involved but consumers, and even for them somewhat better.Im pretty sure i understand patents Just saying that the whole " There is ZERO evidence of sony blocking used games spiel" isnt completely acurate. We will find out in a couple of days
Sony will dominate this generation if they don't go in this direction.
I find it really hard to believe that Sony would agree to this given that they've been the most consumer friendly company of the big three but honestly a week ago I would have said that there was no way MS would do this.
My real fear is that Sony doesn't want to be on board but will be given no choice in the matter or risk being Nintendo'd (yes, that's a verb now) in that publishers will surely love this idea and threaten to withhold next gen games if Sony doesn't follow suit. I blame Gamestop for this. If they didn't brag every single quarter about how much profit they make from used game sales it's possible that this wouldn't be happening.
Admittedly I think if Sony does go through with it it ultimately won't be the way the patents layout. If they do however... this creates an interesting situation, if discs can be reset. That'd mean Microsoft possibly goes with the method more like Steam, while Sony does a third path that may simply force GameStop to give them a cut in order to reset discs and keep selling them. That's still problematic to me though as it still runs into the same "games can easily be lost forever" problem, but that would require GameStop either shuttering or at least dumping stock of the games, and anyone who just wants to cheap will still be giving publishers a cut. It'd probably be more preferable to all the parties involved but consumers, and even for them somewhat better.
I personally think it's true as this seems like something that MS would try to enforce. They're trying to go get people locked into their ecosystem to spend money and monetize as much as they can. When was the last time MS did anything good for consumers?
patents don't mean anything. If we took patents seriously we'd have the most ridiculous speculation imaginable.
It's also plausible some third parties aren't going to worry and support both, I think this will be especially true in Japan as to go Xbox exclusive likely requires some idea of what you want to make that works best on that console, only caring about the NA/Europe market, or moneyhats, and after how this generation went I kind of expect Microsoft won't even seriously try for the moneyhat angle. Not that this will help Sony too much in the US, especially after RE likely burning the series credence, but they likely would still be getting anything MGS and FF at least.if microsoft or sony did this, and it was only one of them, then they did this to lock down third party support, and to do it hard. if both do this, it's because third parties were begging them both to do it.
sony's either left with less third-party support, or a comparable console. the latter is more appealing.
that's not to say they'd be in trouble with the former. sony's first-party studios would have to work harder than they have, but they might really make a name for themselves if they're the only game in town compared to crummier third-party offerings.
Especially as I really do see it possible for Sony to patent that... only to do something else for locking out used games anyway.patents don't mean anything.