Never in there have I implied an order of magnitude, so I'm not sure what your insinuating or why. More sources have corroborated the Durango having always online and locking out used games than PS4, are you trying to argue fact otherwise?
This is a pretty baseless right here. Yeah I prefer MS' IPs, but that has nothing to do with the argument I'm making, so I'm not sure why you'd bring that up. It doesn't make a difference whether Sony or MS does it first, the only difference is Sony has much more to lose financially because of the state of the company as a whole if they don't go along with what whatever MS is doing with used games. The exact same situation exists if you flip the companies; why wouldn't MS also concede to locking out used games if Sony does so as well? They get more money for each game sold, and on top of that both companies prosper as well from controlling the market and eliminating used games altogether from the next gen race.
What is their alternative choice if put in that position? Even if publishers still release on both consoles, they will show favouritism, more easily give exclusives, possibly even allocate more resources to whatever company is scratching their back more. And, console sales and userbase is a function of developer support, so you could say to some degree sales could theoretically be recouped by players switching consoles anyways to whichever one has the most clear support. Of course this is a gross oversimplification, but a factor that should not be ignored.
So you are arguing that Sony will have to make their console more anti-consumer in order to attract consumers?
Sony knows they need to differentiate their console from MS. If they offer the exact same stuff as ms, both good and bad, they've lost because MS will just moneyhat their way to dominance.
So how can Sony differentiate themselves? Selling a console that allows used games, doesn't require an always online connection, focuses on games, doesnt have forced bigbrother kinect2, and is more powerful would be a good start.
Yes, I'm sure there will be publishers who will grant MS timed exclusives and other things. And I'm sure that many people will choose the Moneyhat720 because they need GTAVHD day one.
But there will be a substantial number of people who will prefer what Sony is offering because it is not the same thing as MS. What that number is is unknown by everyone here. It would be an epic battle.
But like I said, if Sony offered exactly the same thing as MS, they will lose big time because why would anyone buy the console that gets all the games late, if at all, when the other console is exactly the same?