What you are basing your speculation on though?
The fact that the Xbox brand is currently number one in America-- one of the biggest countries when it comes to the video game market.
The fact that the Xbox brand has multiple big name 3rd party devs supporting it from that previously mentioned fact.
That, on top of the current exclusive franchises they have as well as the ones they are planning for next gen.
You're just saying things while completely ignoring what's been happening the last few years and what the rumors suggest.
No, I'm making common sense.
Stop with the gamer rage and actually think for a moment. Do you really believe that MS will give up on one of the main things that's causing the Xbox brand to continue on making tons of money? Casual gamers don't cause good attach rates since they don't buy games at the same rate as core gamers. I'm pretty sure that MS knows this. Therefore, they will have content for core gamers. It's just that simple.
Also, I don't get why so many base the last few years of an old console to judge how that console's successor will be as a whole. Makes no sense.
All previous successful consoles (like the NES, SNES, Genesis, PS1, PS2) went more casual as they entered their last 2 years due to the cheaper price attracting the audience of people that still didn't have one yet (i.e. "casuals").
How come people are acting like MS is the first to do this? Because they were successful at it? I honestly don't get it.
Look at the past few E3's, who's been more focused on games and who's been more focused on other forms of media?
Why does that matter if both systems have had great games?
You are (as I said in my previous post) stating that mostly on differences with branding/advertising.
Look at the rumors and what's been announced so far- Sony came out and spent almost 2 hours talking about games and developers, and about 5 minutes to maintains it will have other services. While rumors of MS show a much more media focused system.
The PS4 will more than likely have just as many media apps as the Next Xbox.
Everything is just speculation at this point, but there's speculation based on facts, and speculation based on ignorance- like what you're doing.
So rumors = facts
But making statements based on trends during previous gaming generations in the past 25+ years, the developer support that both the Playstation and Xbox brands currently have, and just overall common sense business wise = ignorance
Amazing lol.