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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect


Could it be that this is what the rumor meant about MS releasing two different Xbox models? Perhaps the "hardcore" model will include online all the time, while the other doesn't. Either way everyone gets screwed with no second hand games.
You mean like how the PS3 created a ton of goodwill among the enthusiast gamers who make up the majority of early adopters who would flock to Sony by offering free online multiplayer, region-free gaming, full backwards compatibility, and the option to install linux? Did that create enough momentum to make the PS3 the console of choice for the mainstream brogamers? I think not! :(

Five hundred ninety-nine US dollars.


Technically you own a license, a car is not a piece of digital content. Also, theres a huge difference between something you'd "hate" versus something that is your right.

The physicality of a product argument is mute, it's still your money that you have given for a product. Whatever you do with it is your choice and no one can tell you otherwise.


You mean like how the PS3 created a ton of goodwill among the enthusiast gamers who make up the majority of early adopters who would flock to Sony by offering free online multiplayer, region-free gaming, full backwards compatibility, and the option to install linux? Did that create enough momentum to make the PS3 the console of choice for the mainstream brogamers? I think not! :(

This is going to impact brogamers a lot more than all those, since you're basically eliminating friends borrowing games from each other (again, unless they make a way to specifically do that in XBL with someone on your friends list).


I'd really hate someone telling me that I can't sell my car to buy another one.

you wouldn't download a car.

anyway, if true this is suicide. I'll have to not own all 3 consoles for the first time since SNES era. This is crazy. I need confirmation!


Because people who are willing spend money on a game are giving Zero to the devs. Pirates aren't willing to spend money. Thus you have the argument of used is worse that piracy.

Pirates aren't even part of the market, used games buyers enable money to go in the system that goes into new games also providing a margin so that B&M stores can function and stock the games that pubishers want to sell.

The mental gymnastic to equate used games and piracy is some of the most amazing I've seen this side of the olympic even of mental gymnastic.
You mean like how the PS3 created a ton of goodwill among the enthusiast gamers who make up the majority of early adopters who would flock to Sony by offering free online multiplayer, region-free gaming, full backwards compatibility, and the option to install linux? Did that create enough momentum to make the PS3 the console of choice for the mainstream brogamers? I think not! :(

599$ USD and launching a year late with a poor launch lineup on a piece of hardware that proved difficult to develop for hurt them more then all those other things could help. The horrific marketing at the start sure didn't help either.


Do people really buy that many used games here? Just curious, I know some people can't afford new all the time. I've bought maybe 4 used games this gen. I do get some joy out of being able to sell back games to Amazon, but it wouldn't hurt me if they got rid of used.

Also, do people here not play PC games? There's no used market there and no one is boycotting Steam...

I buy used games sometimes, if it is a lot cheaper than buying new. Craigslist is your friend on that aspect. It is nice to be able to sell games to Amazon too, I have done that countless times.

The steam thing has been discussed to death in this thread. Right now it is like apples to oranges. Steam games are consistently much cheaper than their console counterparts.

It will have little impact on me (I never sell games and only buy used games that are no longer available new), but it is a pretty fucking bleak practise that I will not condone.

This is my main concern. Retail only has so much shelf space, out with the old - in with the new. I can't expect gamestop or anyplace else to fully stock new games through the lifespan of the console, and once games start to go out of print... Say goodbye to the playable copies of that game.


If MS and/or Sony actually end up implementing no second-hand games the backlash will be huge.

MS got away with an entire generation of charging a monthly fee for what is basically a free service everywhere else. While I personally hope that there would be a huge backlash, I feel the reality of the situation is that there will be a lot of noise at first, but then consumers will mostly just adapt as they always have, with reduced rights and less benefits, just to play the casual entertainment they want.

599$ USD and launching a year late with a poor launch lineup on a piece of hardware that proved difficult to develop for hurt them more then all those other things could help. The horrific marketing at the start sure didn't help either.

Are we certain it's not going to be the same this time wrong? Doesn't seem like Sony learned much from the PSP -> Vita transition imo. That's the main concern I feel. Any goodwill Sony has always seems to be evaporated by poor business decisions or a shit lineup. :(


That's exactly the point though. The used market isn't evil, it's simply a reflection of the fucked up pricing structure. Eliminating that second-hand subsidy market without addressing the real issue is going to destroy sales. They'll either be forced to slash prices or it'll ruin them. I'm not entirely sold they won't choose ruination either.

Exactly. This is why it doesn't make sense to do this, at least not right now. I know Microsoft doesn't seem to know what to do in terms of pleasing consumers usually, but they do understand business, and they have to know this is a terrible idea, short-term and long-term. It just doesn't add-up. I don't think this is going to happen next generation.
Wait. How?

You sell your game. You now have money to buy new. The money goes upawards. To the pubkisher and retailer.

MS got away with an entire generation of charging a monthly fee for what is basically a free service everywhere else. While I personally hope that there would be a huge backlash, I feel the reality of the situation is that there will be a lot of noise at first, but then consumers will mostly just adapt as they always have, with reduced rights and less benefits, just to play the casual entertainment they want.

Surely there would be some impact on the business side though?

I think in Europe and Japan it'll be pretty hard felt. In the US/UK sales would still naturally decline.

Problem will be the games released for everyone who simple spends less. We'll be in licenced heaven. Suppose it might mean a good Bond game.
I barely ever buy second-hand games but I still think it's ridiculous to block them. It probably wouldn't stop me buying the console though, but always online would.

This is exactly me in a nutshell.

I'm also concerned about preservation. I want to be able to play Xbox 720 games twenty years from now.

If the games are new-only, we sure as hell won't get that chance.


The physicality of a product argument is mute, it's still your money that you have given for a product. Whatever you do with it is your choice and no one can tell you otherwise.

? People can most definitely tell you otherwise. And I never alluded to physicality? You own only a license whether you buy a physical or digital copy.


Someone explain this. People still play PC games. Steam is making a ton of money with no used games.


as I sai earlier, if any of this is true then MS has to have a strategy for pricing games on the nextBox.

second hands games are what built the gaming industry.

New games were kings and architects.
Used games were peasants and slaves.
You need both to build a Pyramid or a gaming industry.

MS can't brute force change, but they may have a solution to switch to a new paradigm.

As far as i'm concerned I'm eager for more episodic something. to keep me entertained regularly. especially considering how most AAA games are very linear and rely on MP modes to show off (or fail at) their replay entertainment value.
I'm mostly SP.
So episodic SP something with an always on community MP mode for my favorite games can be done without relying on disc based, SP+MP games.


The funny thing about people saying " Fuck you MS! Sony here I come!" Is that Sony doesn't want them either if all they're going to do is buy used.

I think both consoles will do this. :-(
Seriously. The backtracking will be epic if this is true and Sony follows suit lol.


Some people are thinking about his back to front, this isn't a chance for Sony to "dominate the market by catering to fans", this in fact would be the perfect opportunity for Sony to follow suit without being penalised for it, it's obvious that it's something the games industry as a whole wants to happen.

Well, if that's what the industry wants, I guess I want to see more straw-hatted arguments for failing sales expectations. Fuck, I'd love to see a crash for such an entitled industry if they want to trample over consumers.



I expect more bribes from MS to detract this.


I do not see Sony following suit in regards to always online, especially since they have a presence in emerging markets such as Brazil, India and China. They will not make a system always online, or at least i do not think they will, it goes against what they have been doing the last couple of years.

Now the whole second hand games thing, yeah i can imagine Sony will do the same.

Yes, this is one place were PS4 may not follow suit, I hope. Or they could remove the functional requirement for emerging markets (which fragments the base but not on a performance level). I think the online only has to do with preventing hacking.

Sup bro,

Yeah that might be true. If they all made a deal to take this route than second hand market is dead.

If they compensate by lowering game prices... then i'm all for it. But they need to consider the fact that internet connection isn't universal yet and what about those times when internet providers fail to provide you the connection needed?

I think their tactics may be reactionary to consumer response. Digital distribution is perhaps the one true way that curbs second hand games sales, like Steam, and yet remains palatable to consumers.


MS got away with an entire generation of charging a monthly fee for what is basically a free service everywhere else. While I personally hope that there would be a huge backlash, I feel the reality of the situation is that there will be a lot of noise at first, but then consumers will mostly just adapt as they always have, with reduced rights and less benefits, just to play the casual entertainment they want.

Well said....People forget easy
Wow, if this is true, this is such a crazy collection of features.

  • Has a BluRay Player (pretty weird considering Microsoft jumped in with both feet supporting the competitor).
  • Has to be online, always...... I hope you have an Internet Connection.
  • No Second Hand Games? Sony has been rumored to be considering this as well. Now maybe Sony changes their mind? It would be a decent sales pitch.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t give a shit about if they block second-hand games.
I don't particularly care about "second-hand games." I almost never buy used. I *do* care a lot about swapping discs between consoles and playing in an offline setting, though.


I'm pretty sure blocking a second hand market is illegal in the European Union.. even digitally distributed software is protected by this according to a recent ruling http://curia.europa.eu/juris/docume...en&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=5235143

If MS doesnt block this, Im out. Consumers deserve the freedom to resell their products.
The implications of this ruling are far from being settled, no one really knows which way ECJ will go in a similar but different situation


In a vacuum this does't make much sense. But the always online, no second hand games line of thinking makes me think that MS will be pushing for a subscription model with the next Xbox. It's likely the only way such a thing would work.

As some have said before $99 for the unit and then a 24 month contract like a mobile phone that locks you into buying brand new games.

Partnered with some cable operator for other functions such as TV or VOD it actually makes sense.
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