Quick question - do the publishers of books, CDs, DVDs and Blu Rays get a percentage of second hand sales from places like Amazon, CeX etc? I was under the impression that they didn't.
If they don't, what makes games publishers think they are entitled to extra money from second hand sales?
I'd consider it if Xbox live were free, and we see a severe, I mean SEVERE mark down in the price games.
The game creators got their fair cut the moment they sold the copy of the game to the retailer and the first buyer paid retail price for it.
That first buyer covered the creator's share, whether he keeps the game himself forever or whether he sells it on to someone else. The creator was paid for one copy of the game. How many hands it passes through during its lifetime is completely irrelevant.
Used games is worst than Piracy...
Always online would be the real killer. Unless they are utter morons this is not happening.
So serious question from a non-PC gamer; but doesn't the PC crowd already deal with DRM routinely?
Games journalism.
If anyone thinks for a moment that Sony will not be following suit (provided XB3 really does allow people to not play second hand games) then he/she may be setting him/herself for disappointment. I think this comes courtesy of third parties negotiating with both the manufacturers to root out the second hand business much like it is with the PC platform.
This could mean earlier fall in game prices. And while it is unfortunate, I'd rather my money go to publishers. But the always online part is the one that I am shaking my head at in disbelief.
If anyone thinks for a moment that Sony will not be following suit (provided XB3 really does allow people to not play second hand games) then he/she may be setting him/herself for disappointment. I think this comes courtesy of third parties negotiating with both the manufacturers to root out the second hand business much like it is with the PC platform.
This could mean earlier fall in game prices. And while it is unfortunate, I'd rather my money go to publishers. But the always online part is the one that I am shaking my head at in disbelief.
In an ideal world... the publisher of Genji would see that its not selling at full price, and reduce it until it hits a point where people are more okay with impulse buying it. Currently they can't do that BECAUSE of used games sales.
Sony is doing the same thing. You will see.
That argument is not true though. Besides the steam sales every now and then, steam is a rip off. That doesn't look cheap to me? I can get it cheaper on ps3.
So you can use Steam?Looks like I'm building a PC.
Xbox Live is free.
Even Ubisoft had to backtrack on that, they can't be this imbecile.
I'd consider it if Xbox live were free, and we see a severe, I mean SEVERE mark down in the price games.
Lastly, if true and Sony and Nintendo do not adopt the same stance, would publishers/developers prefer to give MS increased exclusive deals on either full games or DLC based off of this?
So serious question from a non-PC gamer; but doesn't the PC crowd already deal with DRM routinely?
Also; I also think that if this is true; MS has done their homework on what they think will be the standard deviation with either decreased or increased sales and that other companies will follow suit.
Lastly, if true and Sony and Nintendo do not adopt the same stance, would publishers/developers prefer to give MS increased exclusive deals on either full games or DLC based off of this?
That's if both Sony/Microsoft do it, as I could see the other sort of winning by default if enough of the public cares and wants one of their systems. I'd bring up Nintendo, but I do think if they wildly succeed while those two fail it WILL result in something akin to a crash.Kind of hope it happens because I want to see what the next excuse for game sales plummeting would be and because it would bring an industry crash and reset.
What if i buy a game and i end up hating it? It's my right as a consumer to sell a product that i'm not satisfied by it.
I think they will do this, based on the DRM effect for Ubisoft titles.Always online would be the real killer. Unless they are utter morons this is not happening.
That argument is not true though. Besides the steam sales every now and then, steam is a rip off. That doesn't look cheap to me? I can get it cheaper on ps3.
If 3rd parties are pushing for this Sony will do exactly as they say or risk losing 3rd party support which will kill them.