formerly cjelly
wait, so playing singleplayer online?
:? where do they come up with this stuff?
PC gaming.
wait, so playing singleplayer online?
:? where do they come up with this stuff?
And yet Blizzard did it with a game that would easily work offline (Diablo 3) and most games on Steam require a online connection.
Granted you cannot compare PC games that sell to few millions of PC gamers to consoles that are supposed to be sold to 50-100 million people worldwide
I hope it is not true, always online would stop the next Xbox instantly from succeeding in many places around the world.
You can legally get around first sale doctrine in the US by creating licenses. See e.g. Vernor v. AutodeskThat all said, I think this rumour is bullshit, since this a blatant violation of the First Sale Doctrine in the US and there are currently efforts to force Steam to enable the resale of Steam games in the EU after the EU Supreme Court ruled that it should be possible for digital content to be resold. If a console manufacturer includes anti-used-game DRM, they're going to get sued for both of their aforementioned reasons.
Why is it so hard to believe? If both consoles do it, I'm out for both. Deal with it.
I don't absolutely need to play games and if I support something I don't agree with, companies will just keep pushing to see how much further they can go with BS non features.
Someone explain this. People still play PC games. Steam is making a ton of money with no used games.
-ly disturbing.Amazing.
CrunchinJelly said:PC gaming.Jacksonlee said:wait, so playing singleplayer online?
:? where do they come up with this stuff?
No second hand games for Sony's next gen system either.
This is one situation where Nintendo's staying in the past, is actually benefiting us. But the way things are Nintendo will likely come up with something to prevent second hand sales as well. This next gen is going to be interesting.
Someone explain this. People still play PC games. Steam is making a ton of money with no used games.
Not everyone has an internet access is what i am saying. So the question becomes is MS really stupid enough to cut out a huge chunk or potential buyers just to shit on used games. I doubt it.
so this is true
terrible. One less next gen console to buy I guess
People assuming this means a Steam style overhaul of digital games pricing on consoles.
The console market has already shown in just the digital ecosystem they are nothing at all like Steam. Many titles stay are fixed prices for far too long, usually at a high range. Steam is far, far, far more frequent in discounting product.
You are delusional to think the console market is going to accurately emulate Steam. Steam can get away with discounts a hell of a lot more than publicly traded corporations who's goal is to make as much money as possible in a single quarter. That type of infrastructure has not accepted or wants to adapt to the exact blueprint Steam does. That's the blessing in disguise for Steam; Valve is a private company, so what they offer can easily be done easier than what Sony or Microsoft can attempt to do.
Holy shit Nintendo just won next gen.
With all of these restrictions Sony/MS are bringing AND the steep incline in development costs for next gen, you are going to see a significant shift in third party support in Wii U's favour.
What a contrast this is to the reactions when we were getting rumors of PS3/Xbox 360.
What have they said that makes you excited for next gen???
Holy shit Nintendo just won next gen.
Microsoft likes what Steam is doing.
So if Microsoft goes the Steam route, with weekly massive discounts, constant massive sales, and lower priced digital you people still have a problem with it?
I love Steam, and have hundreds of games on it for a reason. I've seen nothing that says there is NO offline "gaming" mode.
I like how the crap hits the fan for so many. Yep, just ignore all other possibilities and flip out people. derp
Because I never buy second hand games. It sucks for people that do though.
lmao. Third party publishers will embrace this if it s true. Not run to Nintendo.Holy shit Nintendo just won next gen.
I don't believe the always online requirement.
No second hand games for Sony's next gen system either.
This is one situation where Nintendo's staying in the past, is actually benefiting us. But the way things are Nintendo will likely come up with something to prevent second hand sales as well. This next gen is going to be interesting.
Pretty sure they could have accurately guessed public reaction to this already.I bet this was leaked, on purpose, to gauge public reaction. This would be really easy to cover up, deny, and say "That was a rumor, and it was false, you can play used games!"
How long do new games stay in print?
lmao. Third party publishers will embrace this if it s true. Not run to Nintendo.
What incentive does Gamestop and other game retailers even have to put these systems on their shelves then?
Always online probably means that XBL is going free, though. That's pretty cool. I mean, if you need to be online to use the console, I can't see them charging to go online with it.
Not everyone has an internet access is what i am saying. So the question becomes is MS really stupid enough to cut out a huge chunk or potential buyers just to shit on used games. I doubt it.
Holy shit Nintendo just won next gen.
Why is that so hard to believe?
Do you not have Internet at home? Would you not by a cup because some parts of the world don't have a water supply in their homes?
Internet shouldn't be thought of as a tentative 'extra' anymore, we need to move forward, always online shouldn't really have any ill effect on your gaming experience, since owning my 360 it has been offline barely a couple of times and that usually been because of a house move.
What is with all these replies? Even if this is true for both Microsoft and Sony’s next consoles Nintendo is still screwed and it would take something bigger than this to have them ‘win’.
if this is true I honestly expect a videogame crash coming soon. Honestly don't think the industry will survive a move like this.
Good to be a PC gamer these days.
Gamers too???
No way it will require an internet connection. Absolutely zero fucking chance.
Think about kids having a console in their bedrooms, or the mass of people that never even bothered to connect their consoles to the net in the first place. They are never going to abandon that group so suddenly.
I'm totally opposed to blocking used games. I think it's great for the consumer that they can buy those. We haver a customer that buys our console late in the cycle, pays less, is looking for value priced games, and I think it would be anti-consumer for us to do that'
Lol at GAF going crazy at not been able to play second hand games. Last I checked you guys didn't have a problem with not being able to play used games because and I quote:
GAF you guys are difficult to please. Either you care about used games or you don't.