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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect


you may be generalizing a bit. apologies if you are actually speaking to a poster named gaf.

That would imply he actually read a post by this mythical poster. That read like somebody who hasn't read a single post. And I doubt he'll read this either since I didn't quote him.


If Microsoft does this its to appease Activision,EA and the other AAA publishers and they will not want their game prices dropped. This will be all about squeezing every single last nickle from the cosumers pockets. The AAA Publishers despise Valve for what it does with pricing on Steam but luckily at least for the time being if they want massive pentration on the PC market they need to place nice with them. Though of course we've also seen EA and Ubi Soft already invest heavily in their own Steam alternatives in order to squeeze the PC consumers the same way they do the console gamers.

Precisely. This is why anyone who thinks of a digital-only future on consoles to be a good thing is nothing but a delusional person imagining fantasies. Steam gets away with what it does because a lot of goodwill from consumers went to that company, they're a private company and they can do what they want, while also having alternate channels for consumers to make their choices. That type of marketplace simply does not exist on consoles if selling games is gone. You are forced to play with the corporate ways, which will be games often at full price, very rarely if ever having a permanent form of discounting unless as a means to boost anemic sales, as well as hoping your product works and is supported later down the road. I can promise you if a digital-only model happens on consoles, you WILL see games discontinued on the platform because a sports series has a newer installment out and wants you to migrate to it, and things of that sort.

What is good for companies and profit in this industry for many of these players is on one side of a bridge, opposing what works and is best for consumers. I for one will never be comfortable giving away consumer choice for corporate greed, and as I've already mentioned in this thread, I don't even buy games used anymore. But it is a choice, and for some consumers, it's an important one. It does have its place in supporting discontinued product in the form of ever-going commerce, too, which is the only way I can get some games that are no longer in print.
Online only, no second hand games. No purchase. I don't tend to trade/sell away my games, but I'm not putting up with that sort of anti-consumer bullshit. And having just been through a move and being without Internet for a week or two (and I will surely go through another within the next 5 years) I know that having systems that are online only would fucking suck. It was bad enough having the Wii U ask me if I would like to set up an Internet connection every time I started a game like BLOPS2.

I'm typically pretty easy going with games and DLC practices, but this is absolutely where I would draw a line. If Sony do the same thing I am basically done with consoles (it's a shame PC gaming already largely deals with these issues too). Thankfully there's still WiiU.

All aboard the retro gaming train? :p


This is pretty much inevitable if Microsoft and Sony want to move to a disk-free future next-next gen. Sony tried the direct approach with the PSPGo and failed because there was no way to transfer the disk games over. How do you solve this problem? By selling licenses instead of physical media.

Because of the licensing model Next-Next Gen systems can now be completely disk free and still play all the content bought this generation because the games are bound to Live/PSN. They want to cut out the middleman since they can't raise game prices.

You can see this heavily in Microsofts xbox approach. They want people to code to API:s instead of hardware, essentially freeing the service and games from the hardware, the whole xbox business is moving into the service business. The hardware is then freed to be updated and changed as they please. Hence the rumoured name "xbox".

"Play your games on the xbox / windows 8 / futuristic tablet on a single license." This is not doable without a strict license model with account tied disks.

I cannot emphasize enough how important ecosystems are this gen. Apple / Steam / Live / PSN are all after locking in users to their ecosystems. Just look at the SteamBox announcement and think about the timing for a moment.

Remember the rumour about a subscription subsidized xbox?

The possibilties for some novel appraoches are there. How about a monthly fee, and you get the xbox for free essentially, and they update the hardware every two years. The service naturally includes video on demand, Microsoft-TV, some free-to-play games etc. All that for something like 19.99 a month. The future xbox will just be another set top box. Eventually they can go into the cloud or whatever, but they would become the king of the living room. This is all wild speculation, but single use licenses are a requirement for this future.

MS can take a hit from leaving users now if it means it gets 70% of existing users to buy into their Durango/Windows 8 Live coolaid for the next 15 years. Once your online library gets to a critical mass, and future platforms promise to uppgrade graphics ( Another good thing with Coding to API:s rather thatn hardware ) fiew will jump ship next-next gen.


provides useful feedback
Bring it on. It's time to bring consoles out of the dark ages. Used games have destroyed the industry and brought us horrible things like on disc DLC, online passes, and overpriced games. Developers will flock to a platform with no used games.

Did you just say that and mean it? (Everyone knows juniors can't use sarcasm.)


You know, I always thought Gamestop was too good to be true. I thought it wouldn't last. It has lasted a lot longer than I thought It would.

End of an era.

I'm sure a lot of you aren't going to quit gaming because of this. It's more of an over reaction right now. This is addictive and fun hobby, i've had this hobby for over 20 years, i'm not going to quit. One thing is I'm going to be a lot more cautious buying games now if i'm paying full price always.

I wonder what Nintendo is going to do now. They might feel forced to come up with a simliar system to combat second hand sales.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Sony, you have my allegiance.

As much as I love my 360 and Kinect, no way do I support a system that doesn't support the used games market.
Can someone provide research/stats supporting the assertion that console gaming is completely reliant on the used games market, because apparently it's an indisputable fact around here

Many gamers use the money they get from games to buy new games. It isn't just affecting people who buy used. It affects people who buy new games as well.


Yes Always online is ridiculous, and if Sony and MS both go for it I guess they managed to help Nintendo out more than I thought they would.
While this is a valid point, the more I think about it, the more I realize that if Sony does swing this way, even Japan would be held ransom. The non-Nintendo Japanese developers who are really relevant in terms of HD console development are all looking internationally. They're not just "Japanese" developers anymore because they cannot survive on Japan alone. These developers pretty much all make both PS3 and 360 games. If MS goes anti-used, and Sony goes anti-used, and the PC is already anti-used, then it means Japanese HD console developers have no choice but to pick one of those anyway. The WiiU isn't a serious option at all in a power play like this. It's an interesting thought I think.

No. If market revenue is down as a consequence then they'll be affected all the same. Other consoles look attractive as a market reality.
You know...I didn't think about the fact that publishers and developers would LOVE a console with no used games.

It would guarantee them money from every sale....hrmmmmm

Could Microsoft pull more game companies their way as exclusive for this....?

yeah but im not sure if being exclusive with money from every sale is more profitable than going multiplat/reaching a wider audience but losing out on second hand sales.
especially when it comes to DLC: if more people play the game, there are more potential DLC buyers

i wouldnt buy those consoles if being online is required and/or used games wont work on it.
It'd be too expensive in the long term (even if the games are cheaper when released)

also, i wouldnt be able to try a large variety of games, if im not too sure of them i certainly dont buy new.
I usually trade a game against another one. It costs me only 5€ so i can try games that im interested or simply games that appeal to me in one way or another.

so, yeah, i'd be out too if this rumor turned out true
Can someone provide research/stats supporting the assertion that console gaming is completely reliant on the used games market, because apparently it's an indisputable fact around here. I don't care if it makes sense in your head or if you wish it to be true, provide some evidence

Next gen will be a transition period where distribution is going to evolve toward digital sales. It won't kill next gen consoles, but you're looking at 2-3 years (at least) for the industry to adapt.

In the meantime, Nintendo will pull into the lead and get more software support.


I never played a huge amount of used games, but to take that option away really sucks. I'm wondering if I should exclusively be a PC gamer this gen. I guess it depends on the exclusives that both consoles have.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
No second hand games?


LOL at this gif. Sums up my thoughts perfectly.
Can someone provide research/stats supporting the assertion that console gaming is completely reliant on the used games market, because apparently it's an indisputable fact around here. I don't care if it makes sense in your head or if you wish it to be true, provide some evidence

The argument goes like thus: Games are expensive, however it's possible to get some of the money back by selling it on (to GameStop or whatever). If you remove this option, you also reduce the number of people who are willing to pay full price for the game. Hence, retailers have to rapidly reduce the price of new games (or, as we like to call it around here, declare bombas), developers and publishers get less sales and therefore less money and there will be more high profile failures resulting in developers and publishers moving away from the platform. Granted, the counter argument is that GameStop and GAME et al. push pre-owned games and steal genuine sales, but I don't think this negative effect is large enough to counter-act the positive effect (more people buying full price games) since there are plenty of other avenues to sell your game (e.g. our very own Buy & Sell Thread, if we ignore eBay for a second).

Boss Man

You know, I always thought Gamestop was too good to be true.

This is definitely not harming the consumer because we can't sell our used games for $9 and then buy them for $5 off the new price anymore.

Anyway, it's going to be neat seeing publishers react when their $60 games sell significantly fewer units because of this, rather than the other way around. Not only will fewer people be playing games, but fewer people will want to take a $60 plunge that they can't get anything back on.


So what would be a good compromise if this is something that we can not avoid?

If Sony, MS and obviously PC gaming all do this what would be the olive branch? Standard 39.99 starting price for games? Certainly not likely but maybe 49.99 which in my mind is not enough of a cut but I also feel that 59.99 will be the standard next gen even if used games are a thing of the past.

I do not think they realize how sales will drop.. people will just simply wait till the low prices hit.


Many gamers use the money they get from games to buy new games. It isn't just affecting people who buy used. It affects people who buy new games as well.
Yes, and how many gamers who would otherwise buy games new rather buy them used because it's cheaper? It's not just about how store credits are being spent. You didn't answer the question at all, might as well be purely an opinion


I was gonna say foot, but ass is worse. I mean, you have to go out of your way to shoot yourself in the ass, and if any of this is true, that's exactly what MS would have to do.

Still, I'm hesitant to believe any of this.
There is just no way MS will blindly confine their consumers so much. There could be some truth in the OP but maybe Edge just worded it differently. There is absolutely no way in hell the console will be as what is described.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
That makes no sense unless the next-gen consoles sell worse than the Wii U, which would be a hard feat to accomplish. If Sony and Microsoft have it so only new games are bought, that means that publishers get more revenue from those sales.

Don't get me wrong, I think this is going to hurt the industry a lot and will hinder sales, but they're not going to sell less than Wii U.

Hard feat to accomplish? You realize that the 360 only sold 1.5 million (launch year), PS3 sold 1.7 million (launch year), and the WiiU shipped 3 million and sold over 2 million (launch year).

Yes the WiiU is currently in trouble, and I have no earthly idea if this "no second-hand sales" for the PS4 and 720 will hurt or help it in the long run, but underselling the WiiU is hardly a "hard feat to accomplish".


So a new boxed game will come with a one time use activation code and will be entered the first time you launch the game to let you play it. Every time you launch it there after it does a check sees it there...maybe.

What happens if my new Xbox 720 gets the equivalent to the rrod? Are activation codes tied to my account or console?

Also the need to always be online is poor. I can play my steam games in offline mode no problem as the UK has pretty shitty Internet and my connection just isn't stable :(
This absolutely cannot be true. I mean, I am expecting some serious issues with next generation consoles, but this is bonafide suicide for Microsoft if factual. If this is legitimate, hate to say I told you so about next generation where things we took for granted will have to be paid for or taken aways from us entirely. This is why I am not ready to embrace or praise next generation yet even though the current hardware is considered antiquated. So much has changed in the industry within the last 8 years and most of it for the worst. No used games, always online, activation codes, heavy emphasis on Kinect motion features??? I refuse to believe anyone sane would tarnish their brand like that. They are alienating A LOT of potential consumers. Add in the fact that the games will probably be more expensive and we might see another video game crash. No, I'm serious here. If Sony does this as well, then I really think I am skipping next generation and I guarantee I am not alone. Maybe I will even try......PC or MAC gaming. I think greed and horrible decision making could very well destroy this industry that we all love so much. Also, Gamestop will most likely not carry these machines for the obvious reasons therefore it cannot be true, right, right.........right?
Disgusting, if true.

I used to work at a Gamestop and a Best Buy and, without getting into a comprehensive discussion of class division, all I will just say is that a good number of gamers from less-than-affluent communities and homes will be affected by this.


If that is actually true, MS can suck my motherfucking dick.

EDIT: There were rumors initially that Sony was doing that anti used game thing so yes, both of them can suck my dick.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Sony is doing something similar.

I haven't seen any proof of this.

If that's the case, then Nintendo and PC are it for me.

Also, has anybody clarified the "Kinect ships alongside the new Xbox" part? As I read it, I take that as it will need to be bought separately.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I also find this hilarious because of the still sizable portion of the country that doesn't have high-speed Internet access.
My thoughts on this is that MS has to do this to offset the costs of building a high spec system and pricing it near mass market levels. They can't make money selling their other non-gaming related goods if Nextbox customers aren't online so they have to force the issue somehow. In a way this is good news because it will likely mean a lower cost console.

I don't believe the no second hand games rumor though. If that were true the retailer backlash would be even more severe than what Sony experienced with the PSPGO. A lot of retailers are doing used games now, not just Gamestop.


Are publishers just wildly guessing that getting rid of used games would increase their game sales? They might be in for some massive disappointment.
I feel strongly that this is not a practice I would support. I think I said this last time it came up, too.

I do look forward to the contortions people are going to go through to justify this, though.
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