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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect

Why would he be mad? He's correct. If Nintendo is having a hard time gaining third party support at the moment, what do you think would happen if both MS and Sony jumped on this? Not only would they flock to Orbis/Durango, that would create even less of a chance of Nintendo getting third party support in the future. Doesn't take a fanboy to come to that conclusion.

but how can we all assume that Orbis and Durango will be a hit.

How I see it, this could blow up in their faces. Software sales will be lower than ever.


You have to repeat yourself on here. It's like a room full of hyperactive kids.

I know for a fact that many of the "upset" people here will be buying either a PS4 or a Durango...the same people talking crap about one is ignoring that the other will probably do the same.

As primarily a PC gamer "no used games" is a norm. Both consoles could be successful with this strategy...IF they sale digital downloads like Steam does.

You have people freaking out and saying f**** Microsoft, I'm going with the competition, etc.

Expecting publishers to have "Steam" sales on consoles is a ridiculous assumption. They are businesses who want to make money and the less competition out there for consumers to move to takes further away and reason for them to do reasonable things. And there are alternatives for consumers if both Sony and MS do this. Personally I will catch up on my PS3 backlog and stick with handhelds eventually pick up a Wii U.


I expect games to still retail at $60

Yeah, that is what I am thinking.

Would be nice to actually lower the RRP if they plan on actually pushing the non-preowned angle. I just don't see them having the guts to get away with it. Could set a bad precedent.

Boss Man


units sold:
Wii < Wii U < 360 < ps3

I think what yr talking about is the lack of momentum, but the launch wasn't the problem.
The launch was exactly the problem. They did not do a good job of indicating that this was a new console and people should be excited about it. To call a launch better than another by units sold is extremely simplistic given the bottlenecks in supply usually associated with launches.

To say that the Wii U sold the most units at launch behind the Wii would be a fact. To call it the second best console launch because of that is actively ignoring the reality of the situation.


Probably already posted, seeing as it was posted 3 hours ago. For anyone that missed it, Jim Sterling wrote a piece about why he thinks the rumors are BS:


As far the secondhand block goes? Can't see it happening next generation. Oh, I am certain executives in Microsoft and Sony have considered it, talked about it, masturbated each other vigorously while dreaming about it, but I don't believe even the remedial fantasists who run these companies are quite so delirious as to actually do it. With the console market already in a precious position, it'd be downright reckless to piss off GameStop and the other used game retailers who would be relied upon to see the Next Xbox.



bish gets all the credit :)
Can Sony leverage that sort of advantage though?

All it takes is a memo that says 'Used games = No CoD' and they'd be in a precarious position.

I reckon neither do this, or both.

Activision would love this. COD is a known commodity and people know exactly what their $60 gets them. I'd see it getting even more popular in they implement this.

Cat Party

God I love the lead up to console launches. We all believe which ever rumors we want to. Then we find out the truth and forget all the terrible rumors. It's a fun tradition.

I imagine that if there is an activation code for physical discs, the codes will also be sold for ~$10 or so, either on the Live/PSN or by buying the code from your neighborhood Gamestop or other retailer. Gamestop would package the code with its used product, keeping similar prices as now. There's no way MS or Sony would totally kill the used market when they depend so heavily on Gamestop and others to sell and market their games and systems.


Can Sony leverage that sort of advantage though?

All it takes is a memo that says 'Used games = No CoD' and they'd be in a precarious position.

I reckon neither do this, or both.

All sides doing this because of third parties forcing it is starting to sound like industry wide coordination. We would have heard way more rumors if this was actually happening. I'm still leaning towards the idea that no one is doing this. It just makes no sense.
The launch was exactly the problem. They did not do a good job of indicating that this was a new console and people should be excited. To call a launch better than another by units sold is extremely simplistic given the bottlenecks in supply usually associated with launches.

To say that the Wii U sold the most units at launch behind the Wii would be a fact. To call it the second best console launch because of that is actively ignoring the reality of the situation.

You have a point. I mean the initial interest was there though. If they had a better line up of games these past 2 months, we wouldn't be seeing the same numbers..


Orbis and Durango can fuck themselves. I'm going with Wii U. None of that DRM bullshit is on Wii U. I love how next xbox talks about more kinect as if that shit is enticing.

Hope you enjoy playing Nintendo games only because Wii U won't be getting much third party support if Orbis/Durango have it.

but how can we all assume that Orbis and Durango will be a hit.

How I see it, this could blow up in their faces. Software sales will be lower than ever.

As someone had said earlier about XBL, when it first came out there was bitching and moaning but in the end, people pay to be able to enjoy their games with their friends. If this were to happen, I'd expect people to complain but quietly fall in line in time for the next CoD release etc.


No second-hand is a major bummer for me but if they actually make new games cheaper, then it won't be a massive loss. I just see them dropping the RRP though.

Always online connection is a major issue. My internet is find and I don't get drop outs but MS must have seen and heard all the backlash from other publishers and developers when they push Online Only Connections.

As long as the Blu-ray is nice and fast, it will be a welcome addition. As will Kinect 2.0 if it gets past the shortcomings of the first one.

No chance. Games still cost a ton of money to make.


Unconfirmed Member
I think this is ridiculous and we should boycott any company that tries to block the sale of second hand games with this ridiculous always-online bullshit. I know I will.

Unfortunately, here's how it's going to turn out:
- People will get angry and swear to never buy the console. This should last until the first batch of trailers gets released.
- E3 will arrive, trailers get released, people will be amazed by dem graphics
- People will say that the always online 'feature' isn't that bad after all, and they will buy the console.
- The end, everything becomes always online.


I have difficulty believing the online-only bit. Even if it is true...M$ will do a 180 on that issue almost immediately.
What if PS4 ends up going the same route?

Then you're going to be just PC and the no second hand rule already applies to that.

It's a shitty situation and while my initial reaction is the exact same as yours I realize that I'm already doing this on the PC without issue. I'm not sure what I will do if consoles start doing the same thing. I may just pick up one as second hand is a big deal for me. I love trading my stuff in or reselling it for some good credit and that allows me to afford the amount of games I pick up. Without that ability I simply can't afford to pick up games for two systems and a PC.

I will go back to retro with my mame arcade; 16 bit and 32 bit consoles.

units sold:
Wii < Wii U < 360 < ps3

I think what yr talking about is the lack of momentum, but the launch wasn't the problem.

You don't get to make up the metrics by which success is measured. Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft do. Nintendo's financial outlook was based on selling something like 5.5 million Wii U's the world over by April. A mere two months after release they had to adjust that number down in a huge way. If you want to call that a success, you go right ahead. Maybe your positive post will spark a huge upswing in stock price.
Kotaku and Edge may not be making it up, but their sources may be, and you have no proof either way that they are or they are not. They are anonymous sources. Like all other anonymous sources, some are right, some are wrong, some contradict eachother.

It's fallacious to believe just because multiple people without credibility are saying something, it is suddenly more likely.
Anonymous sources doesn't mean that people have been sending anonymous emails to Kotaku and Edge. It means that a source that they have trusted enough to publish this(might mean a lot or not depending on the site) have given they the information.

Who are you talking about with "multiple people without credibility"? If you mean Kotaku and Edge it is ok, but if you are talking about the sources than you are the one acting fallacious since they have proven to have the credibility of at least Kotaku and Edge.

Davey Cakes

I hate to be "that person" but as soon as these consoles are revealed and games are shown, people are going to reluctantly forgive Microsoft and/or Sony and buy the consoles anyway, along with their first-hand-only games. Everyone makes compromises in order to play the games they love. It's not like Nintendo fans are boycotting the Wii U because of Nintendo's bone-headed decisions.

This thread is nuts. Already at 55 pages?
Well, that's a definite skip then for me. I won't do a must be online console. I have consoles mainly for when my internet is dead, although it's not exclusively then.

Last gen it took me until SF4 to decide if I was going PS3 or 360. I won't have that problem with this in, lol.


This is unfortunate, but I won't be surprised if a notable number of developers - who are worshiped by many people here - were all part of the influence.

Oh well, at least now they'll have no scapegoat for poor game sales this time. Or at least, not the most beaten one. Never mind their bloated budgets, uninspired game design, lack of fresh ideas/fun, or stiff competition from other games... they'll be sure to find some other scapegoat to blame poor sales on.


Yeahhhhhh I love my 360, but if this online only is true, fuck you Microsoft. I'm out.

Taking everything with a grain of salt, though
If this is true many gamers will skip xbox3.

The remaining alternatives are PC, PS4 and Wii U. But Sony is nearly bancrupt. So in the end there will be only PC and Wii U. Its like last generation when the really hardcore gamers had a PC and Wii.


I hate to be "that person" but as soon as these consoles are revealed and games are shown, people are going to reluctantly forgive Microsoft and/or Sony and buy the consoles anyway, along with their first-hand-only games. Everyone makes compromises in order to play the games they love. It's not like Nintendo fans are boycotting the Wii U because of Nintendo's bone-headed decisions.

This thread is nuts. Already at 55 pages?

No one knows what will happen. We are in brave new world territory here. My guess is that with console market already being weak, many will just back off from buying it. That is assuming both are doing this. If one of them is not then people will just buy that console.


Probably already posted, seeing as it was posted 3 hours ago. For anyone that missed it, Jim Sterling wrote a piece about why he thinks the rumors are BS:



Piss off GameStop? Hardly anyone likes 'em anyways. Besides, they've been closing hundreds of their stores down. I don't see how GameStop is this threatening force preventing second-hand sales. Wasn't there a report that came out saying that they didn't make near as much money as they have made in the past.
If this is true many gamers will skip xbox3.

The remaining alternatives are PC, PS4 and Wii U. But Sony is nearly bancrupt. So in the end there will be only PC and Wii U. Its like last generation when the really hardcore gamers had a PC and Wii.

Offended by both the spelling and the meaning.


thanks for the laugh
Can Sony leverage that sort of advantage though?

All it takes is a memo that says 'Used games = No CoD' and they'd be in a precarious position.

I reckon neither do this, or both.

sony is already coming to the table with a weaker hand for third parties & this is the big publishers' golden ticket; they'd have no qualms with throwing whoever didn't support it under the bus. sony can't afford to be your friend if it means getting dreamcasted.

i'd argue that this new information combined with last month's patent makes it near enough a certainty that this is the last generation we'll see used games in.
I can absolutely see the online only thing being true. There's been so many grumblings over the past few months about MS seeing the Xbox the same way cable companies view a cable box. These things are becoming less and less about simply being pieces of hardware an more about gateways into services and ecosystems. If you don't have access to the Internet, you don't have access to Xbox Live subs, to buying games and content online, to subscribing to any of xboxs partner apps (ESPN, UFC, Netflix, HBO) or buying digital movies and music direct from Microsoft. It's possible these have become such a huge revenue stream for MS that they are fine focusing on that and cutting out the offline gamers who only buy the hardware (which MS sells at a loss anyway) and a few games a year.

Hypno Funk

Probably already posted, seeing as it was posted 3 hours ago. For anyone that missed it, Jim Sterling wrote a piece about why he thinks the rumors are BS:



Not to go off topic or anything, but honestly, after reading through that I saw several typos. Each time I see some piece and I see typos my faith in the content itself plummets which is a shame.

On topic: I see maybe both consoles going always online, second-hand copies require online pass as previously suggested. Second hand economy (and retail) survives, developers/publishers get their extra money and the consumer suffers as a result. Nothing new really.


If this is true many gamers will skip xbox3.

The remaining alternatives are PC, PS4 and Wii U. But Sony is nearly bancrupt. So in the end there will be only PC and Wii U. Its like last generation when the really hardcore gamers had a PC and Wii.
Every post you make cracks me up.


As I said before, it's time to push for laws to prevent this sort of thing from continuing to happen across all media: software, movies, books, music, whatever.
If this is true many gamers will skip xbox3.

The remaining alternatives are PC, PS4 and Wii U. But Sony is nearly bancrupt. So in the end there will be only PC and Wii U. Its like last generation when the really hardcore gamers had a PC and Wii.

So gamers won't support a more appealing console (which Orbis looks like it is) because the company behind it might potentially go bankrupt.
Doesn't matter to me. I'll still buy the damn thing and the PS4 too most likely. I'm just here for the gifs. GAF delivers again

True problem. This is what they're counting on.

Stop making shit up.

If this is some totally made up rumor, Microsoft could easily fix this at any moment. All they have to say is "that rumor is not true", and all of this goes away.

Any news is news. Why should they fix it if they're being talked about.


i can't see the system being online-only and no second-hand games. microsoft has to know that's suicide.

or maybe they'll convince everyone it's actually a good thing like paying $60 a year for standard online multiplayer.


sony is already coming to the table with a weaker hand for third parties & this is the big publishers' golden ticket; they'd have no qualms with throwing whoever didn't support it under the bus. sony can't afford to be your friend if it means getting dreamcasted.

i'd argue that this new information combined with last month's patent makes it near enough a certainty that this is the last generation we'll see used games in.

Third parties don't operate as a group though. They don't have one representative that would go to Sony and tell them that. Even then I am not sure if Sony would be so eager to respond. It works both ways, third parties aren't in great financial shape either outside of activision. They aren't exactly in a position to be making threats.
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