Full price all of the time? You're still going to see discounts at retail, just as we do now. Games are often half their price in 4 months these days.
Yeah, he should really violate his NDA and get fired. That'd be a good move for him to make.
There is some crazy amount of denial going on in this thread. Reminds me of the "WiiU is two - five times stronger then the 360" crowd.
Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.
There is some crazy amount of denial going on in this thread. Reminds me of the "WiiU is two - five times stronger then the 360" crowd.
Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.
If both of them pull this crap then I'm going PC+WiiU+handheld exclusive. I could stomach it on PC because I'm not forced to pay $60 (probably $70 for next-gen) for every game.
Steam hasn't had good prices for the last couple years, if you really want better prices buy from GreenMan, Amazon, etc, which are just online stores with no DRM client attached
It isn't that different seeing as how MS still hasn't publicly acknowledged the existence of the new xbox.
If MS does it, no way Sony doesn't.
Welcome to the future. You can thank valve
Meanwhile at Nintendo they're watching the launch of their actually released, non-rumored console, bomb the world over.
Meanwhile at Nintendo they're watching the launch of their actually released, non-rumored console, bomb the world over.
Steam hasn't had good prices for the last couple years, if you really want better prices buy from GreenMan, Amazon, etc, which are just online stores with no DRM client attached
Meanwhile at Nintendo they're watching the launch of their actually released, non-rumored console, bomb the world over.
How would he be fired for breaking NDA, if what he was responding to was in fact bullshit?
They'll be shit out of luck with 3rd parties in the event that Sony are also doing this.
I'm not seeing how this is a good thing for Nintendo.
wii u is still best console launch besides the wii.
How would he be fired for breaking NDA, if what he was responding to was in fact bullshit?
Lets not overreact now ok?wii u is still best console launch besides the wii.
Evidently, you've never tried GMG's Capsule. :barf
Meanwhile at Nintendo they're watching the launch of their actually released, non-rumored console, bomb the world over.
I don't trust much coming out of Edge these days. They seem to be very rumor happy and Sony centric.
dont believe it until i see it. It makes no sense, the technology wouldnt work unless..because if your system was defective you would get a new one and then you couldnt play your games on it.
Completely different situations.
By some people's logic, WiiU will also be pressured by third parties into doing so.
Then handheld, then EVERYTHING.
Microsoft hasn't even acknowledged there is a new console. It's not some developer's job to confirm or deny a rumor. That's Microsoft's job, and based on their response, the rumor doesn't bother them at all. They're sticking to their plan of saying nothing until release, it appears.
Yeah I know, it's hard to understand why something that doesn't effect you may effect other people.Never understood why people are so against this. Always online is not a problem whatsoever in this day and age. I don't think my Internet connection has gone off in like 2 years. No second-hand games, well Steam has been doing it for years.
Meanwhile at Nintendo they're watching the launch of their actually released, non-rumored console, bomb the world over.
Next gen MS:
Free online gaming.
Second hand games are Live members only.
That would be genius.
If Sony does this as well leaving the WiiU as the only one not doing it then that will be a very very hard pill to swallow for some people here.
wii u is still best console launch besides the wii.
As someone who doesn't read as much gaming rumors/news sites as the rest of the gaming forum, do you have examples of this?
Sony and Microsoft are both said to be doing this.
Are every one of you people going PC (no used games) and/or WiiU?
If PS+ remains as awesome as it is now, no used games won't be as big of a deal.LOL
Sony and Microsoft are both said to be doing this.
Are every one of you people going PC (no used games) and/or WiiU?
I could live with this.
It is different because a rumor that comes out 2 years prior to your new console releasing carries a lot less weight.
A rumor coming out week, or months prior to unveiling it, that is totally and completely false? You're going to want to shut down that negative talk immediately. If you don't that bad word of mouth is going to spread like wildfire, and even if it ends up not being true, you're still going to have people a year from now saying "Xbox doesn't let you play used games", etc.
This is a bad rumor, so if it wasn't true at all, you'd want everyone to know that ASAP. Waiting a few months to deny it isn't a good idea.
Same can be said of people who obvious really want to believe that it's true.
& now is head to head to psvita selling. Be happy.
No it isn't. There neither was nor is hardly any interest surrounding the console. Didn't we just have a thread about Iwata speaking of its poor performance?wii u is still best console launch besides the wii.