...and yet we had a massive support thread for a steambox. which would have NO USED GAMES.
Steam is different in that:
1. Your games are tied to your account, not your device. You can run Steam from any computer that meets the system requirements and play your games anywhere. Whenever I go visit my parents for instance, I log into Steam on their computer to play some old school games. If I want to buy something, I buy it there and when I leave and go home, it'll be waiting for me to download on my home computer.
2. There is a trade off for not being able to resell games; you can buy them much cheaper. During the recent Christmas sale for instance, you could have bought THQ's ENTIRE catalog of games for $30. I picked up Sleeping Dogs and XCOM - both games released in 2012, for a combined price of $16. Right now on Steam, you can buy the entire Alan Wake franchise for $10. What's the trade off on consoles? Seems to me like you pay the same for less features.
3. There is competition to Steam. Green Man Gaming, Origin (ha ha, just playing), GOG, Gamers Gate, Desura. There is no competition to Xbox Live or PSN.
4. There is no universal DRM. Some games don't have any (any game sold on GOG), some games have an always online requirement (Diablo 3) and a lot of games have limited forms of it like Steamworks. Most games generally speaking allow for offline play.
Well aware of the patent, but there is no rumor or insider tip about Sony implementing it.
Steam is different in that:
1. Your games are tied to your account, not your device. You can run Steam from any computer that meets the system requirements and play your games anywhere. Whenever I go visit my parents for instance, I log into Steam on their computer to play some old school games. If I want to buy something, I buy it there and when I leave and go home, it'll be waiting for me to download on my home computer.
What a bitch move MS
I will still buy it, but a bitch move none the less
I hope this is true, I never sell my games. Last time I did it was like3 years ago. Doesn't scare me one bit at all
Yup, collectors are screwed by this if it turns out to be true.I guess this means that collectors/limited editions would mean nothing now? Whats the point of collecting a game that only works on your system? Why even still have physical copies of games?
The real question is this:
Will MICROSOFT comment on this?
Doing so would confirm that they are releasing a next gen system (remember its not OFFICIAL).
In the same vein, NOT. Saying anything could almost be looked at as a sign that this is true.
That's the only way in which this would make sense in my mind. I can't believe MS would go it alone. And yet, edge seems to speculate that sony is not doing it (in their follow up piece).If this is true, I bet Sony will do it as well.
The real question is this:
Will MICROSOFT comment on this?
It could screw over the more idiotic publishers and [as a bonus] might screw Gamestop.It's ok to not care, but HOPING is true?
Yes they are, but all DD stuff is also tied to the console. That argument sucks though because they theoretically can be tied to other consoles and may be if this goes through.Are xbl games not tied to your account?
Perhaps Sony came up with their idea after they heard rumblings of Microsoft doing it, and much like everything on the 360, they'll simply have their copy in place if they think it's working out in Microsoft's favor.
#1 is a bunch of crap. Skyrim has been $30(or less with the GMG 20% and 30% coupons) tons of times since July.
Can someone link me or tell me how to view tweets directed to Major Nelson? I'm dying to see what people are telling him.
That's the only way in which this would make sense in my mind. I can't believe MS would go it alone. And yet, edge seems to speculate that sony is not doing it (in their follow up piece).
I'm flabber-fucking-gasted.
Everyone. WiiU's are still in stock....for now.
Wii U will benefit greatly from this if Sony and Microsoft go down this path.
Man, I hope this is true. It would be absolutely fascinating to watch how something like this would turn out. What an experiment it would be!
The real question is this:
Will MICROSOFT comment on this?
Doing so would confirm that they are releasing a next gen system (remember its not OFFICIAL).
In the same vein, NOT. Saying anything could almost be looked at as a sign that this is true.
Can someone explain to me the difference between Steam and not being able to play used games? Assuming the next Xbox has a similarly robust distribution system I don't spot a huge difference, you buy a game and it's being associated with your account and you can no longer share it. I admit, if the PS4 doesn't have this measure, it might be a clear cut which system I buy, but I'm just interested if there's a big argument that doesn't also apply to Steam.
That's the only way in which this would make sense in my mind. I can't believe MS would go it alone. And yet, edge seems to speculate that sony is not doing it (in their follow up piece).
I'm flabber-fucking-gasted.
I understand your point....but based on what he posted, he's right.
It is $60 on Steam right now.
(I bought it for $24 on GMG)
Perhaps Sony came up with their idea after they heard rumblings of Microsoft doing it, and much like everything on the 360, they'll simply have their copy in place if they think it's working out in Microsoft's favor.
Sony has Japan and they would be dead there if they pulled such system.
yes but if you think about it, pc can be more profitable. developers take 70 percent with steam, not 12 bucks as they do with retail in consoles.
So by selling 3 million copies of skyrim at 60, or 10 million of diablo at 60, hell even 2 million of witcher 2 at 30, 70 percent is still more than 12 bucks, thus they make more money that what people think PC gaming does.
It can be very lucrative, maybe no in numbers of consoles, but def lucrative for what it has to offer with the advantage of lifetime sales.
Perhaps Sony came up with their idea after they heard rumblings of Microsoft doing it, and much like everything on the 360, they'll simply have their copy in place if they think it's working out in Microsoft's favor.
What possible reason would they have to confirm or deny rumors about a device they've never acknowledged?
How? Third parties hate used game sales. Think they'll reward Nintendo for being the only one to allow it? They already treat Nintendo like shit. This would only make it worse.
Both of you. Stop. You're not looking at the big picture. This is bad for everyone, not just used game buyers.
ps3/360 still remain more cheap. No way I spent more money for the same performance or even worse, it's just stupid.
...and yet we had a massive support thread for a steambox. which would have NO USED GAMES.
There's been talk about this for a long while now.
Well, I'm done with them, then.