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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect


tagged by Blackace
I don't want GameStop to die, it gives less incentive for other stores to let me buy games for much cheaper. =[
...and yet we had a massive support thread for a steambox. which would have NO USED GAMES.

Let's see, $5 for a digital game that's tied to my account vs. $60 for a retail disc I can physically give to someone else but won't work. Not the same thing in the slightest.


thanks obama.

Steam is different in that:

1. Your games are tied to your account, not your device. You can run Steam from any computer that meets the system requirements and play your games anywhere. Whenever I go visit my parents for instance, I log into Steam on their computer to play some old school games. If I want to buy something, I buy it there and when I leave and go home, it'll be waiting for me to download on my home computer.

2. There is a trade off for not being able to resell games; you can buy them much cheaper. During the recent Christmas sale for instance, you could have bought THQ's ENTIRE catalog of games for $30. I picked up Sleeping Dogs and XCOM - both games released in 2012, for a combined price of $16. Right now on Steam, you can buy the entire Alan Wake franchise for $10. What's the trade off on consoles? Seems to me like you pay the same for less features.

3. There is competition to Steam. Green Man Gaming, Origin (ha ha, just playing), GOG, Gamers Gate, Desura. There is no competition to Xbox Live or PSN.

4. There is no universal DRM. Some games don't have any (any game sold on GOG), some games have an always online requirement (Diablo 3) and a lot of games have limited forms of it like Steamworks. Most games generally speaking allow for offline play.



Really wish they weren't doing the always-online thing - that could skew results. But fuck it, this is exciting.

Sony will likely do the same thing.


The real question is this:

Will MICROSOFT comment on this?

Doing so would confirm that they are releasing a next gen system (remember its not OFFICIAL).

In the same vein, NOT. Saying anything could almost be looked at as a sign that this is true.


Steam is different in that:

1. Your games are tied to your account, not your device. You can run Steam from any computer that meets the system requirements and play your games anywhere. Whenever I go visit my parents for instance, I log into Steam on their computer to play some old school games. If I want to buy something, I buy it there and when I leave and go home, it'll be waiting for me to download on my home computer.

Are xbl games not tied to your account?


If Microsoft does this and Sony does not, won't it force publishers onto the next Xbox due to revenue concerns?

My guess is, if Microsoft does this, there is no reason Sony won't.

Welcome to Steam everyone! ... It really isn't that bad over here! )

...Oh and one more thing. You all know that this is inevitable right? Any of you think that soon everything won't be 'always online' and purchases attached to a single account? Really? .. Love it or hate it, this IS the future.
The real question is this:

Will MICROSOFT comment on this?

Doing so would confirm that they are releasing a next gen system (remember its not OFFICIAL).

In the same vein, NOT. Saying anything could almost be looked at as a sign that this is true.

"We do not comment on rumors or speculation ."
Perhaps Sony came up with their idea after they heard rumblings of Microsoft doing it, and much like everything on the 360, they'll simply have their copy in place if they think it's working out in Microsoft's favor.

The real question is this:

Will MICROSOFT comment on this?

What possible reason would they have to confirm or deny rumors about a device they've never acknowledged?
Also, with no second hand market publishers will feel less inclined to adjust their game prices shortly after release. So the wait for a good deal will be much longer.


Pertaining to tying it to the account, I think that is a more reasonable assumptions since I can not imagine people buying a game twice or more times if their consoles malfunctions (once or more).
Wii U will benefit greatly from this if Sony and Microsoft go down this path.

How? Third parties hate used game sales. Think they'll reward Nintendo for being the only one to allow it? They already treat Nintendo like shit. This would only make it worse.


Man, I hope this is true. It would be absolutely fascinating to watch how something like this would turn out. What an experiment it would be!

We saw the ultimate conclusion to this sort of path in the 80's though. The market turned into a mess of uninteresting product that had zero value and the entire thing collapsed in on itself.

I think it would only be interesting if it went the other direction and the market actually supported every crazy effort a cancerous industry put forward. No rentals, no used, walled gardens, zero competition, stagnation, over-saturation, so on and so forth. It would be like the invisible video game apocalypse. As a businessman I would find it interesting. As a video game enthusiast I would be bummed.


The real question is this:

Will MICROSOFT comment on this?

Doing so would confirm that they are releasing a next gen system (remember its not OFFICIAL).

In the same vein, NOT. Saying anything could almost be looked at as a sign that this is true.

They won't simply because the next Xbox technically doesn't exist yet

Fox Mulder

Can someone explain to me the difference between Steam and not being able to play used games? Assuming the next Xbox has a similarly robust distribution system I don't spot a huge difference, you buy a game and it's being associated with your account and you can no longer share it. I admit, if the PS4 doesn't have this measure, it might be a clear cut which system I buy, but I'm just interested if there's a big argument that doesn't also apply to Steam.

Steam is a PC platform with competition and a history of deep digital sales, the other is a closed platform with a paid online service with little incentive to offer competitive prices.

Plus I imagine the impact of having no used games on the PC is weaker when you can wait a few months and the game is on sale for $3.


That's the only way in which this would make sense in my mind. I can't believe MS would go it alone. And yet, edge seems to speculate that sony is not doing it (in their follow up piece).

I'm flabber-fucking-gasted.

It's not really that far fetched. Going to this current generation, I'm sure no one would believe that Microsoft would charge for online and that Sony would not follow them in that decision.


I understand your point....but based on what he posted, he's right.

It is $60 on Steam right now.

(I bought it for $24 on GMG)

Skyrim is the rare occasion of a game never dropping in price on Steam. Just like in retail, if you're aware and take the effort to look it's not hard to find a good price.

This whole thing is just a precursor to MS going digital only, which is going to be terrible. With no competition of services on the platform, games will always be full price.


Perhaps Sony came up with their idea after they heard rumblings of Microsoft doing it, and much like everything on the 360, they'll simply have their copy in place if they think it's working out in Microsoft's favor.

lol that'd be bad luck

Buy a PS4 because it allows used games --> New firmware update bans used games


I really really hope that Edge is making shit up here. Really. Having to actually spent $60 to play some of these shitfests called games would probably kill my desire to even bother anymore.


yes but if you think about it, pc can be more profitable. developers take 70 percent with steam, not 12 bucks as they do with retail in consoles.

So by selling 3 million copies of skyrim at 60, or 10 million of diablo at 60, hell even 2 million of witcher 2 at 30, 70 percent is still more than 12 bucks, thus they make more money that what people think PC gaming does.

It can be very lucrative, maybe no in numbers of consoles, but def lucrative for what it has to offer with the advantage of lifetime sales.

Your numbers do not take into account Publisher shares and what not.
Why do some believe that games will be tied to the system?

They will be tied to the gamertag and the system. Just like it is now with downloadable content on XBL.

And given the reaction here, it will prove to be a wise decision.


Perhaps Sony came up with their idea after they heard rumblings of Microsoft doing it, and much like everything on the 360, they'll simply have their copy in place if they think it's working out in Microsoft's favor.

What possible reason would they have to confirm or deny rumors about a device they've never acknowledged?

Stock market...

This rumor has already literally cost investors in gamestop millions of dollars. Microsofts stock could take a dive over this.

This is a high caliber, very business-dangerous rumor. Not your typical harmless crap.


WOW. I was in that other Edge thread about the used games but I had missed this one..

It also needs to be connected to the internet to function? Just WOW. Guess I won't be playing any future Halo games! MS is getting the skip and if Sony pulls some shit like this then they are also getting the boot.

Wii U future if shit goes down like Edge is saying it will.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Perhaps MS came up with their idea after they saw the success of Apple, and much like everything on from Apple, they'll simply have their copy since they think it's working out in Apple's favor.


ps3/360 still remain more cheap. No way I spent more money for the same performance or even worse, it's just stupid.

That's fine. I spend my money for the games. When I do my graphical jerkfest I use my PC.

...and yet we had a massive support thread for a steambox. which would have NO USED GAMES.

You know, there are also DRM free publishers and games out there on an open platform too who offer those versions that you can play with zero issue even if you don't like Steam.
There's been talk about this for a long while now.

yeah, I remember all the hot air before the ps3 launch, that's why I don't buy it. there was a lot of guff like this before and it didn't happen - why would it suddenly happen now?

neither are good enough position to pull of such a move. what will happen is we'll see a move toward cloud gaming or services like playstation plus where you pay a small monthly fee in exchange for games.

not allowing gamers to sell their games / killing the second hard market will destroy consoles.
At this point, it's come to either one of two conclusions for me:

1. EDGE loses all of their credibility when this gets debunked, especially since they've doubled down.


2. Microsoft dooms the Next Xbox before it's even released.

Also, I stole this quote from another forum that's losing their shit about this, but it's profoundly hilarious:

"What if every used book that an individual opened up burst into flames because it had been read already?"


No used games doesn't bother me at all, but "always online" is really stupid to me. I'm usually connected all the time, when I'm home, that's not the issue, but what about when I go somewhere else?

There's also the issue of downloads, which can make the conection unusable for games if they're fast enough.
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