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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect


Did it lower their stocks the last time these rumours made the rounds?

Stock is down today and analysts seem to be blaming the Edge report:

Shares of GameStop (GME) are down $1.77, or 7%, at $25.04, which some observers today have been attributing to a report by the staff of Edge that Microsoft‘s (MSFT) next model of its Xbox game player could be connecting to the Internet at all times, which might limit the market for follow-on sales of used games for the console, a traditional domain of GameStop.

But a Piper Jaffrey analyst doesn't believe the rumor makes a lick of business sense:

The bottom-line is that it is incumbent on Microsoft and Sony to reduce purchase “friction” of their new hardware in order to build a critical mass as quickly as possible. Blocking pre-owned software sales only adds friction to the console purchase.
Assuming the drive for 'new only' comes from publishers, are they really in such a strong negotiating position that they can boycott systems? They almost solely exist to release games on this hardware, so if they rule out 50% of the potential market it is a lose lose situation.

In an ostensibly already declining market the relationship has to be symbiotic. This is surely illustrated by the decline of key 3rd party exclusives.

Of course they're in a strong negotiating position. EA/Activision could decide to not release Madden and Call of Duty on whichever console decides to allow second hand sales.


So why is Microsoft and Nintendo just handing the next generation to Sony? I mean Sony could launch at $600 dollars and it probably wouldn't matter this time.
Wasn't there a similar rumor about Orbis?

This isn't a surprise. They see what Steam and other online PC game "retailers" are doing and are copying it.

Can someone explain to me why this is different from a PC?

Is it just the "always online" piece? Because yeah that shit sucks.



Article is bullshit. No way does MS, or Sony, try to kill the second had game market, at least not next gen. And always needing to be online? :lol Talk about wanting the console market to crash again.

Nah. I'm not buying this 'news' at all.

This is exactly why there are dozens of amazing Iwata/Kaz gifs and no Mattrick gifs

You mean because GAF prefers Sony?
Unfortunately, the more I think about this, the more I think IF MS does it, so will Sony. I don't see either doing this alone. Some kind of standard system would have to be put in place for the publishers and console manufacturers.

Sony has Japan and they would be dead there if they pulled such system.


Jesus...I don't know shit about hardcore PC making but I built my own PC (tutorial videos), I play it from my couch, it's hooked up to my TV, and I use a 360 controller for all my games.

If this comes to pass, don't expect the PC to get away scot free. If the publishers have their entire value chain locked tight, then they may choose to align pricing which may mean console games getting price reductions over time, but might also mean PC prices go up.


Wasn't there a similar rumor about Orbis?

No, there was discovery of a patent filing. And both MS and Sony patent a loooot of stuff that they never use.

This rumor about Durango came [via Edge] from developers and people who knows what is happening in MS offices.
Wasn't there a similar rumor about Orbis?

This isn't a surprise. They see what Steam and other online PC game "retailers" are doing and are copying it.

Can someone explain to me why this is different from a PC?

Is it just the "always online" piece? Because yeah that shit sucks.
Apparently because Steam offers so many deals or something....
Well, shit.

What's the likelihood of stocks rebounding when rumours end up being false for similar situations/companies, out of curiosity?

I don't think Apple stocks recovered after the rumor that they were lowering production for iPhone 5 was proven false.


I love that this has now become a race of: Who will deny this first?

If someone doesn't come out and distance themselves from this Edge piece, then its save to assume this is our new reality. It would also be the perfect time to start pricing graphics cards.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm okay with this on steam because of steam sales, but there are very, very few games I would pay $60 for if I can't re-sell them if they turn out to be terribly unenjoyable.
Exactly. The only way I would EVER support this is if I could get games at vastly reduced prices.


Not bothered by the no used games thing so as much as the always online bit. That is rather fucked up and will impact my game time one way or another.

If Sony does it too, bleh. I'll still end up buying one for their first party, but it'll likely be after some big price drops. The only way this would work is if the prices suddenly became comparable to Steam and gog, with regular steam-like sales. But that isn't happening either.
Hopefully we will learn more about Sony's approach to used games on the PS4 at the Playstation Meeting.



Always online is hard to believe but no used games might be the way of the future :(

And damn these next gen threads are running at 100 PPS (posts/second) ... hard to catch them.
Maybe Sony will not allow used games as well. However, they could offer some pretty awesome benefits/perks using Gakai. Maybe you get all the streaming Gakai games you want with a Plus Sub.

Maybe both will not allow second hand sales, but Gakai could be a big perk to help deflate the sting???????


I'm usually not a "dealbreaker" guy. But always online is definitely the best way to make me ignore something.

If something along the lines of the PSN hack wee to happen, I'd jus be screwed. No thanks.
The games had better be DAMN good. If it's more of the same with prettier graphics... I'd rather press the reset button and go back to cartridges, everything that got us to this point wasn't worth it.


I love that this has now become a race of: Who will deny this first?

If someone doesn't come out and distance themselves from this Edge piece, then its save to assume this is our new reality. It would also be the perfect time to start pricing graphics cards.

Neither Sony or MS would deny this right now.. they have not even announced their consoles yet. It would be some generic .. we do not comment on rumors BS that all corporations have ready to go if needed. This could be 1000% not true at all and MS will not directly address the issue as it relates to their next console which is vaporware media relations wise till they announce it.


Wow, just wow. This wouldn't be much of a problem for me since I have a stable internet connection and almost always buy games new, but still.

And I want to bring this up since no one else seemed to have mentioned it: Imagine the ramifications of this 20 years from now. I doubt Microsoft will still keep those activation servers up. And even if those servers are still up, good luck finding a brand new copy of Halo 5 without paying buckloads of money! If this happens, they've just rendered thousands of games unplayable for future generations.

God I hope this rumor is bullshit...


Well, shit.

What's the likelihood of stocks rebounding when rumours end up being false for similar situations/companies, out of curiosity?

If microsoft confirms that second hand sales will still be possible?

Yeah, gamestop's stock would go back up.


Wasn't there a similar rumor about Orbis?

This isn't a surprise. They see what Steam and other online PC game "retailers" are doing and are copying it.

Can someone explain to me why this is different from a PC?

Is it just the "always online" piece? Because yeah that shit sucks.

Are you implying that all PC games require an active Internet connection to be played?
Nintendos online content tied to the console.

Microsoft: "We can top that!"

Microsofts retail content tied to the console.

WOW if that happenes...

(Yeah not entirely the same but you get the idea)
I don't believe it, completely attacking their loyal customers? I know that's where Microsoft and developers want the industry to go, but it would be too sudden and there would be backlash. It's like that boiling a frog analogy. Place the frog in cold water and if the heat is gradually increased he won't notice he is being boiled alive. So they have to take their time, to really fuck us over.

The people who would be cool with this happening make me sick though.

If this true, I have enough 360, Wii, WiiU, DS, 3DS backlog games to play and I need to grab a PS3 at some point.


So aside from paying for online I can't buy used games?

Will keep my nearly non-used 360 then. It's not like I use my Xbox a lot these days.


Unfortunately, the more I think about this, the more I think IF MS does it, so will Sony. I don't see either doing this alone. Some kind of standard system would have to be put in place for the publishers and console manufacturers.

i'm thinking that if MS does go this route solo, tho ONLY reason is a 'promise' of timed exclusivity from 3rd parties... pubs would never completely abandon the other console(s), but I could see 'em delaying releases.


Super Member
pro tip: backwards compatibility doesn't actually matter, especially in the long run.
I don't like used games but that doesn't mean they should be blocked.

Yeah I know Nintendo would rather make money on VC and remakes. They aren't excluding reasonable compatability, and they can still profit from Wii and DS games.

Point is, BC was a step UP from their previous consoles. Nintendo doesn't do everything right, but games you've bought can outlive your old hardware.
How big is the PC market for brand new $60 games? And how big is its retail presence?

Both pretty small I'd reckon.

yes but if you think about it, pc can be more profitable. developers take 70 percent with steam, not 12 bucks as they do with retail in consoles.

So by selling 3 million copies of skyrim at 60, or 10 million of diablo at 60, hell even 2 million of witcher 2 at 30, 70 percent is still more than 12 bucks, thus they make more money that what people think PC gaming does.

It can be very lucrative, maybe no in numbers of consoles, but def lucrative for what it has to offer with the advantage of lifetime sales.


Can someone explain to me the difference between Steam and not being able to play used games? Assuming the next Xbox has a similarly robust distribution system I don't spot a huge difference, you buy a game and it's being associated with your account and you can no longer share it. I admit, if the PS4 doesn't have this measure, it might be a clear cut which system I buy, but I'm just interested if there's a big argument that doesn't also apply to Steam.
I love that this has now become a race of: Who will deny this first?

If someone doesn't come out and distance themselves from this Edge piece, then its save to assume this is our new reality. It would also be the perfect time to start pricing graphics cards.
MS PR better be formulating something. This article is apparently being read by like everyone (major news sites are picking it up) and if these rumors keep spinning they'll be on their heels in defensive mode while people are already making decisions about which console to buy. We know how people can get clingy to a product before its release (or announcement).

And its not just the used game thing - the article lists several advantages in the Sony column.

If this is BS they need to get that out ASAP, either with a "leak" or the big presser to announce the console.


Bad moves. Does this mean I cannot, say, take my game over to a friend's to play? What if I don't want to be online all the time and want to play in private silence?
Gemüsepizza;47384606 said:
I don't want to say that consoles are "better" than PCs, both have their advantages and disadvantages, they are different. Someone here said consoles will just be weak PCs without any advantages, and even this guy Jim Sterling said that. But I really don't think that's true, that's what I am "trying to prove" here.

The only thing consoles had going for it was the fact that it didn't have all the boundaries PC gaming had. We didn't need CD keys, we could bring our games to our friends' houses and we could pick up an older, out of print title used and for cheaper that we otherwise would've never played.

Now, there is literally no reason to buy a console over a PC.

This could literally lead to the collapse of the console industry if they all do this. Not joking or being dramatic here.

This is the truth. We're going to hit another gaming crash.
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