If this is true. I think it will be a big deal for maybe about a year. If its true, Microsoft must be pretty confident in the appeal other aspects of the console may have. I think in large part a giant piece of the audience will buy the console completely unaware it doesn't play used games, and find out once its far too late. Microsoft can sustain this "blow" pretty easily, in my opinion. If things play out as the article states and things on the PS4 are business as usual while Microsoft is some sort of brave new world. Then I have to imagine they'll be able to pull out some pretty sweet exclusive deals. I have to imagine a move like this makes them a very attractive platform for publishers -if they can maintain the sales they've always had. In short, its still all about the content. If Microsoft can bring the content and whatever other benefits this feature will provide them then its not doomsday. It will make people grumpy, but thats about it. You gotta picture the ecosystem as a whole too, its not like you're going to be paying 60$ for every. single. game. XBLA is going to branch out into the 20-35$ experience range too, think titles on par with DayZ, Chivalry, Primal Carnage.. etc.. there will surely be tons of content on that level. I dunno. I think in a lot of ways Anti-Used is a great and necessary thing, and I have to wonder what the reactions would be EDGE were so certain Microsoft was using a system like the one detailed in those Sony documents, rather than the dreaded "always-on."