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Elden Ring is ok

I love the OP and I love Elden Ring. Absolutely worth all it's praise, GOTY awards and sales. We are getting a fucking DLC trailer at the game awards.
I'm guessing you have to read it in a Liverpool accent. What is a melt?
A melt is usually used as an insult, it means fool, idiot, moron, someone who has done something foolish or annoying or has upset you in some way.

It's one of the milder insults, but would probably still classify as being confrontational if said to a stranger.

There's usually an underlying suggestion the person is stupid, or has done something stupid.

However, like a lot of British slang, it can also be used as a term of endearment, in an affectionate way almost.

similar to: donut, muppet, soppy (soppy bollocks), dinlow, spacca, berk
i played/beat bloodborne for the first time, then RE8, and now elden ring, and im still playing elden ring.

coming fresh off bloodborne, elden ring felt like a souls-knockoff at first.
movement looks/fells like trash; environments are a step backward in design; the world is big and empty and not too detailed; you get a map, compass, a bunch of tutorial prompts telling you what to do (very un-souls-like); copy/paste dungeons; etc.

but something about it keeps me coming back.
the game doesnt feel fully loved or thought-out or.... something, i dont know, something's off with it... the whole thing kind of feels... arbitrary(?)... but there's something really good there too.

gonna keep playing, see where it goes.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Sorry guys, my car died so I've been busy sorting that out. 14 hours in now.

10/10 post. Op, what type of weapon setup are you running?

I pinched a sword off some big bastard knight.

Some enemies are alright, there's these sad drug addict geezers (usually mining or carrying a torch). I think they're slaves or addicted to heroin so I just let them crack on with life. But some of the blokes (usually on horseback or with a sword n shield) start mouthing off and giving it large - I give them a fucken slap with this sword. Two punts at most and they fall on their knees praying to mecca or some bollocks.
Not so fucken tough now, are they? Then I just mercy kill them and do them in proper. Should have fucked off on the horse when they had the chance, stupid prick.


Funny Face Reaction GIF


Can’t Git Gud
I just came to chime in.
Yes, the one at the start of the game. Incredible
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