I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Got wrecked more than once and twice during the network tests. I expect bosses to be just as difficult as ever.
Gehrman is not the true final boss in Bloodborne. Moon Presence is.If you learn the systems, they are some of the easiest games ever. I literally killed the final boss of bloodborne by parrying him three times. He joined the hunt for like a minute.
Yes. I actually love the focused design of Sekiro. From a combat standpoint, it feels like the ultimate melee action game and I don't think every game needs a plethora of options. That said, I've seen people use the prosthetic tools and combat arts in ways I've never thought of. Every battle is meant to be an intense dance and that's awesome.I like the lack of options and alternative paths in Sekiro. I think it's good that From Software made at least one game this way.
A lot of people can get away with Soulsborne difficulty by using co-op and guides to get overpowered weapons and magic/miracles. In Sekiro, or the player achieve the necessary mechanical skill level to beat the game, or he don't.
This sucks I can't pretend I like this news. I also heard it was going to be shorter than the other games.
I think Dark Souls was originally supposed to be called Dark Race before Namco's English speaking staff made a phone call.Miyazaki x JK Rowling collab incoming
There has been talks of it being 30 hours for the main quest. That’s straight through without detours, without exploring, and etc. It’s been said by two different employees at the company. One of which says it’s hard to estimate game length. The main path is at most 30 hours. That’s perfect if you ask me.I agree, except where did you hear about it being shorter? I've heard it's MANY times larger/longer than any of their other games.
It's funny every From game Ive played with the exception of DS3 gave me nightmares. But then I would restart the game on a new save and because i had learned the game's systems, combat and level design, i would have no problems flying through the game even without every using NG+ loadouts. Sekiro especially is surprisingly easy when you finally understand how broken parrying is in the game.
I thought Demon Souls was bullshit, but again, it's about learning the game. I had so much trouble with 4-2 i literally dreaded it even on NG+7. But then i realized that you can use soul remains that are dropped by every enemy in that level and in 4-1 to distract all the enemies and literally sleep walk through the whole level. the boss in that level is blind so if you use a thieves ring, you can easily kill him. same goes for all the other enemies in the game.
If you learn the systems, they are some of the easiest games ever. I literally killed the final boss of bloodborne by parrying him three times. He joined the hunt for like a minute.
I remember they said it about Dark Souls 2 before it released. The game which contains Shrine of 'fuck you in the mouth' Amana.They say this every time.
Yeah that’s the case in pretty much all souls games except for the first souls game where enemies got far more health and damage.If you keep leveling NG+ tends to be easier than NG, I find that your character outscales the difficult way faster than the enemy.
Eh journos gave it their game off the year at the VGA awards.I think they decided to lower the difficulty after the reception of Sekiro.
Journalists kept crying about accessibility, From Software games being elitists and about "what's the limit of the difficulty in games".
Like, "I can't beat this game, so it should not exist."![]()
You are so wrong about that, during the fight I felt like had more option than most Souls games.Sekiro doesn't even have a second weapon. There's just very little room to experiment.
You are so wrong about that, during the fight I felt like had more option than most Souls games.
I dont know about that, in Demons Souls I can have magic build or strength build and the boss fight pretty much plays out the same, while Sekiro using sub weapons and arts to give myself advantage.You objectively have less options than every other souls-like,
Most of the difficulty in this series is rooted in trial and error; the rest is pretty straightforward and fair, and not particularly hard at all. This is a fairly universal opinion about souls games so you sound weird to me right now.RIP SoulsBorne hardcore. This will be the best selling "Souls" game and we will never again see the same level of challenge.
Please aware me.Sekiro especially is surprisingly easy when you finally understand how broken parrying is in the game.
you dont need to master the timing. Just spam the parry button.Finished the Soulsborne games, but I sucked balls at Sekiro.
It's like many have said - at heart, it's a rhythm game. If you can't master the timing for those parries, you're pretty much out of luck. I never made it to to first boss :|
This sounds like a trap for the normies.![]()
An interview with FromSoftware’s Hidetaka Miyazaki
The Souls creator discusses open world design, accessibility, It Takes Two, and more.blog.playstation.com
When asked about Elden Ring's difficulty, and how it ends up excluding more casual players, Myazaki says it's a valid discussion, and that this time the team worked to make the game more accessible and intuitive:
In other games, Myazaki says that because of linearity, players were forced to use all their skills to beat bosses, which ended up causing long frustrating fights and many players ending up giving up on the game. In Elden Ring, with the open world, if the player gets stuck in a boss, he can go elsewhere to improve his character, and come back stronger and more confident. Myazaki also says that Elden Ring makes co-op easier; making it easier to call friends to help you this time:
How has the ongoing discourse around game difficulty and accessibility impacted the way you’ve tailored and maintained FromSoftware’s trademark difficulty in Elden Ring? Was this something your team has been trying to be more mindful of?
Other stuff:
- He loved playing It Takes Two with a friend & praises its quality (finished it in 3 days)
- Miyazaki can imagine to collaborate with another creator again, but he'd probably choose someone outside of gaming
That will get you in trouble with bosses like O'Rin of the Water who can do big posture damage to you and becomes worse if you want to do playthrough without Kuro's Charm.Just spam the parry button.
i dont think a guy who quit the game before the first boss is going to try hard mode.That will get you in trouble with bosses like O'Rin of the Water who can do big posture damage to you and becomes worse if you want to do playthrough without Kuro's Charm.
But spamming parry is not exactly good advice, I used to do that when first started playing the game and it got more trouble with bosses as result, especially with ones that loves to delay their attack.i dont think a guy who quit the game before the first boss is going to try hard mode.
Of course it is. That's the way it goes: you make game with a lot of soul (duh!) for hardcore players > game becomes popular > you make a sequel > sequel becomes even more popular > higher management notices the success and comes up with an amazing idea: "how about we force our developer to appeal more to "everyone" in order to sell more of (the now very popular) game?" > game starts to get dumbed down and eventually the IP/series becomes shit.
Here you have it folks, the 101 of modern game develpment, except most of the games start at step 5 these days (come to think of it: it's a mirracle demon's souls was even made...)
This is (one reason) why videogames will never be art, since art is not influenced by money.
since art is not influenced by money.
im not trying to brag but outside of a few bosses, i havent found souls games too difficult at all. i only remember a couple of bosses that were legit difficult. sekiro though, is hard as fuck because you need to relearn how to play. its very different to souls combat.
The problem I see often is players don’t want engage with the game’s combat or mechanic and want to just turn off their brain when playing.I don't think that the Souls games are hard, they're just fair and punishing.
Most people I think are just not very good at games and they button mash a lot they don't rly think or learn much when they play so it's a bit of a shock to a lot of people, fighting games come to mind too when online.
"..It just happens."“But when making the game I rediscovered my love for making poison swamps. I know how people feel about them, but you know, suddenly I realize I'm in the middle of making one and I just can't help myself. It just happens.” - Hidetaka Miyazaki
I don't think that the Souls games are hard, they're just fair and punishing.
Most people I think are just not very good at games and they button mash a lot they don't rly think or learn much when they play so it's a bit of a shock to a lot of people, fighting games come to mind too when online.