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Election 2016 [Mafia] | Everlasting GOPstoppers

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With Hyper's death and BSP still being voteless, I am convinced she lied about her win condition. It makes sense - she'd have no chance to win if she told us the condition and it was in conflict with ours.

We already lynched 1 scum, how many could she feasibly need? How many are we even likely to have?

read her post mate, she already said it and as i said earier. Ouro made some strange choices this game and i believe her role is one of them. i dont see her as a thead right now. Everyone else though...especially those that did not vote for hyper.


Re: Salva

I'm unsure on his alignment, but I don't like the push to label him as confirmed town based on the Hyper vote. When I read through the end of yesterday I was surprised that the vote swung onto Hyper so fast. Salva was the first vote here but it's possible he was as surprised as me that everyone joined him.


Now, CornBurrito: At the end of the day, he was just a feather in the wind. I do think you might be onto something with his hesitation to vote for Hyper but I got to say that I myself was confused as hell yesterday and for the first time I was just happy not be able to vote within this insanity. Also Salva’s explanation from today definitely would have helped making a decision at that point but I get why he kept it till today.

*Splinter: I do not have an opinion of him. I do think he just missed the crazy phase yesterday since his vote was still on me even after there were other main targets to aim at that point.

I'd like to comment on these two again:

CB's confusion is only natural, but (I'll go through his posts) I am reading him as off in this game. It feels like a more manufactured persona, whereas I remember in DR he was very active and very transparent the whole time. It's not a great hunch, but it's there. The safe scum play was probably to stick with lynching BSP, because she was neutral, and there was a valid reason for both town and scum to get rid of her. It's the perfect choice for moving the vote from a scum to non-scum. My feeling was it happened so fast and because of the double vote, CB didn't really realize that Hyper was in a lot of trouble.

Splinter wasn't active during the whole madness phase, true. Again though, like I stated above, BSP was the best possible choice for scum in amongst the role claims. Splinter could've been watching and sticking with his vote, hoping that it would save Hyper. I think this isn't a super strong lead, because if he was present and watching I imagine he would at least try and argue to go for BSP instead of Hyper, but it's a point to raise.


read her post mate, she already said it and as i said earier. Ouro made some strange choices this game and i believe her role is one of them. i dont see her as a thead right now. Everyone else though...especially those that did not vote for hyper.
Which post? Has she changed her claim?
Which post? Has she changed her claim?

Now back to me: CB I don’t know when I will turn into a valuable player. It says if scum is killed during the day I might get my visa approved. At the beginning I thought it depends on how many we kill but seeing all that 50/50 shit in this game I do believe now that Ouro just flips a coin every time.

It literally just happened man!




Here is a fact, something that few people realize: Scum knew who they targeted, but they had no idea who killed the other victim. Burbeting and Sorian died Night 1. Only scum and me knew that Burbeting was killed by scum, but only I knew I was the one responsible for Sorian´s death.

Well well Salva, this might just be a damn good thing you did here. I know I went in on you hard in NX and that was rough for both of us, but this here is very interesting.

The scum not knowing who killed Sorian is a valid lead to maintain, and you've said it here has me thinking that scum in D2 would have had more than enough motive to work with town in tracking down the SK, because at that point there was a very real chance they could die.

Who was pretty eager on the chase? El Topo.

I've been suspicious of El Topo for a while, and I plan to go into detail later today after work. He was initially really pushing for BSP's lynch, and only after breaking the rules did he back off her.

You scumbag.

I think we can start to question people involved in the SK hunt that read as scum as well as people who didn't vote for Hyper.

Sure, but neutral is really not a town priority when the town condition is to get scum instead. They are great for safe lynches, but I think we should follow the leads we have right now, since she doesn´t seem to have a kill and doesn´t pose an immediate treat.

What do you think about my role, and voting hyper?

I'll add that NX just had Sorian masterfully win his condition but also effectively allowed a scum win. There is absolutely a point in ridding neutrals because you can't ever fully trust them.



I've been suspicious of El Topo for a while, and I plan to go into detail later today after work. He was initially really pushing for BSP's lynch, and only after breaking the rules did he back off her.


just fyi, so was Fireblend.
I'd like to comment on these two again:

CB's confusion is only natural, but (I'll go through his posts) I am reading him as off in this game. It feels like a more manufactured persona, whereas I remember in DR he was very active and very transparent the whole time. It's not a great hunch, but it's there. The safe scum play was probably to stick with lynching BSP, because she was neutral, and there was a valid reason for both town and scum to get rid of her. It's the perfect choice for moving the vote from a scum to non-scum. My feeling was it happened so fast and because of the double vote, CB didn't really realize that Hyper was in a lot of trouble

Both you and Splinter have said this, but I really don't think I'm acting differently than in DR. The only difference is that until Pau/Ty4on claimed Lovers, I had nobody else to trust in DR so I had no choice but to be more active. This game has two confirmed (essentially) town from Day 1. For better or worse it lets me be a bit lazy.


Also guys, heads up. Due to reasons previously stated and the fact that Sorian just made scum win NX, I am considering lynching BSP today when we have the numbers to do it.

You had a good first run though. Bless you. I want you back for more games.
I'd like to comment on these two again:

CB's confusion is only natural, but (I'll go through his posts) I am reading him as off in this game. It feels like a more manufactured persona, whereas I remember in DR he was very active and very transparent the whole time. It's not a great hunch, but it's there. The safe scum play was probably to stick with lynching BSP, because she was neutral, and there was a valid reason for both town and scum to get rid of her. It's the perfect choice for moving the vote from a scum to non-scum. My feeling was it happened so fast and because of the double vote, CB didn't really realize that Hyper was in a lot of trouble

Wait I missed the second part of this post on first read. I was one of the people yesterday advocating for NOT lynching BSP. Remember my blocks post? So your argument is that the safe vote for scum was a BSP vote, and then I somehow am scum for not voting for BSP?


Ok here's what I mean by Corn playing a caricature of himself:

I got confused by which scenarios you meant and then found this post that I missed before:

You're.... right i guess. Fuck.

I'm such a fucking flip flopper god fucking damnit.

Vote: Bananaspaceprincess
"Oh I'm such a flip flopper! Flip flop flip flop, silly old flippy floppy me!"

This and other posts like it. He's made sure to point out several times that he's playing the same as last game, and I think that's because he's trying to, but the whole thing feels very forced to me.

And I see he's just mentioned it again.

VOTE: CornBurrito

Also still willing to vote on:
Palmer, BSP


Wait I missed the second part of this post on first read. I was one of the people yesterday advocating for NOT lynching BSP. Remember my blocks post? So your argument is that the safe vote for scum was a BSP vote, and then I somehow am scum for not voting for BSP?

Splinter's post actually backs me up here, since you're self parody flip flop and subsequent BSP vote is after that block image nonsense.

There's other stuff. I'll get to it after work when I can examine in detail.
Ok here's what I mean by Corn playing a caricature of himself:

"Oh I'm such a flip flopper! Flip flop flip flop, silly old flippy floppy me!"

This and other posts like it. He's made sure to point out several times that he's playing the same as last game, and I think that's because he's trying to, but the whole thing feels very forced to me.

And I see he's just mentioned it again.

VOTE: CornBurrito

Also still willing to vote on:
Palmer, BSP

I've been poking fun at myself. Sue me. I started poking fun at myself in DR too.

And I eventually pulled a 180 and advocated for sparing BSP. Very aggressively I might add.
Splinter's post actually backs me up here, since you're self parody flip flop and subsequent BSP vote is after that block image nonsense.

There's other stuff. I'll get to it after work when I can examine in detail.

Nin1000 also changed his stance and voted for BSP. After the block image nonsense. There were like 5 role claims yesterday. I think my vote for BSP then was due to that confusion. That doesn't change that I spent most all of yesterday trying to convince people that if we had a role blocker, there was no need to vote for her that day.
Ok I have to go to work. I'm probably stuck there for 9 hours today or so. I can check the thread during break or lunch, but I'll be not posting much on mobile. How much time in the day is left?
nin? seriously?

you do remember I what I did with nin on D1 right?

I wasn't suggesting nin was scum lol. I changed my vote to BSP because of all the role claims. At some point I thought we had no better option. I thought nin had also changed his vote during that time.

Ok time to get out the car and go into the office.

El Topo

lol I was joking. It's 50/50 or x shot. To be honest I'm not sure I see any benefit in speculating here

I think it would be very helpful for us to discuss what roles there are, both among GOP and Electorate. Not to reveal anything, but to think about who may have what role, what power that role may have and what that means for us. That gives us scenarios that we can use to plan our next moves.

For example, let us take Salva's role claim. Ron Paul is a risky claim as that role seems almost given (unless you are like me and took the caricature as important) and he revealed his role seemingly without necessity (for him). That lends credence to his role claim, even though it seems a bit weird. The only other reasonable possibility would be that there is a necessity for him to claim, e.g. they share a life, but then that role claim is still very risky. I speculated that it might be Ron/Rand Paul, but since BSP seems to have no vote, that makes no sense, thus Salva seems likely town. Either that or a very gutsy, unnecessary role claim by mafia.


OK, why is Fireblend so adamant that Salva led us all to juicy Mafia glory yesterday?

I'm glad Salva was honest and admitted it was luck.

Most of your reasoning on Palmer falls on this belief that Salva played some awesome pro-town ability and took down a Mafia very skillfully.

The shit was a mess, and absolutely pure luck. That luck is the same reason we can't use it as a reasonable motive for others actively choosing to lynch someone else, but we can use it to go after people who didn't seem to have a clue where to put a vote.

Thats why I have CB and Splinter in my suspects list, and not Palmer. Nothing has me changing that.

Splinter wasn't present at all during the Hyper switch, which makes it difficult to go after him.

Alright, let my try to get this point across one more time:

By me saying that Salva is town because he led us to "sweet victory" yesterday I'm not implying that he had any information or that it was a reasoned post at all. Even if he chose randomly, if he was scum he would have chosen from the pool of players he knew to be town. If he was scum, there was 0 reason to in that moment, offer one of his teammates as lynch candidate.

That's all I'm saying. Even if it was blind luck, the fact that a scum player was in the pool of players he considered lynching is enough for me to consider him town. Heck, if he was scum it was a better play not to say anything.


1. Salva is scum:

1.1 He chooses one person randomly, but makes sure it's not one of his scum companions.
1.2 He chooses one person randomly, turns out its one of his teammates, he shrugs.

2. Salva is not scum:

2.1 He chooses one person randomly out of people he's suspicious of. He obviously doesn't know anyone's alignment so there's no option 2.

If he was scum, 1.2 would be the most idiotic play ever. Therefor, if he was scum he would have gone with 1.1, but we know he didn't because Hyper flipped scum.


And just to connect that to my main argument, Palmer, in response to Salva's vote did exactly what scum would have done to save one of its teammates: Offered an alternative that we now know is Town. I know that at the time we didn't know it, but now we do know per my logic above, and Palmer would have known if he was scum that Salva wasn't on his team, obviously. It is suspicious. It deserves scrutiny.

El Topo

Fair point, but is Ron that risky a claim? He isn't even running this year, Rand is

I agree and I brought that up earlier, but it's still a role many would expect. He's not in the caricature and I'm not sure if he is even running, I think he is actually retiring from politics, but he is very popular at GAF and much more famous than Rand Paul. Keep in mind Ourobolus is...I think....not American.

It's the biggest flaw in his role claim, no doubt. In addition, I don't think his role makes sense flavorwise, certainly less than that of others, no? It's possible he came up with a fake role claim to gain our trust.
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