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Election 2016 [Mafia] | Everlasting GOPstoppers

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Tried to get some entirely pointless discussion going to start getting a feel on a player I have no prior knowledge of. NF either decided that discussion is bad or simply couldn't be bothered. Until a better lead comes up, I have no problem voting for either reason.

What can I say? You slung a random vote at me for no reason, so there's nothing in particular to refute.

You'd be far better off voting for somebody who has made less of a contribution than me, if you look at all the fluff that's been bandied around. Some people have a terrible relationship between postcount and content, even at this early stage. The majority of my posts make my status as a member of Town perfectly clear, although all the role-playing has made it very difficult to get anything going.


In the Dangan Ronpa game Sawneeks posed a similar question to *Splinter to try to catch him out. Although it had more relevance there because it related to game mechanics.

Tried to get some entirely pointless discussion going to start getting a feel on a player I have no prior knowledge of. NF either decided that discussion is bad or simply couldn't be bothered. Until a better lead comes up, I have no problem voting for either reason.

Kalor recognises this conversation as a reference to a Danganronpa conversation between me and Sawneeks

The fact that these two posts came out at the same time checks out to me. I figured it had to do with something from the DR game but the card game at the start didn't sound right (that was Makai?).


Vote: Czartim

Where you at?

Speaking of people M.I.A., I'm probably going to be unavailable for the entirety of tomorrow. Might get away with some Mobile-GAF, but I will also be shitfaced.


The fact that these two posts came out at the same time checks out to me. I figured it had to do with something from the DR game but the card game at the start didn't sound right (that was Makai?).
Yeah it's near my death. Sawneeks asks me a stupid question and some people can't understand that it's a stupid question.

Not that I'm still fucking salty or anything.

Card game was kgtrep


So now that we have more posts from people, I'm going to vote for CzarTim. I don't suspect them but it would be nice to hear from them.

Vote: CzarTim


Everyone going for Tim, I'll apply my pressure vote to someone who is uncharacteristically absent.

VOTE: Hyperactivity


What can I say? You slung a random vote at me for no reason, so there's nothing in particular to refute.

You'd be far better off voting for somebody who has made less of a contribution than me, if you look at all the fluff that's been bandied around. Some people have a terrible relationship between postcount and content, even at this early stage. The majority of my posts make my status as a member of Town perfectly clear, although all the role-playing has made it very difficult to get anything going.

#32 correctly states the blindingly obvious.
1 - 0

#48 regurgitates the OP. Seemingly useful non-content.
1 - 1

#55 is fluff.
1 - 2

#71 reaffirms the obvious, but also speeds us through that conversation. Good.
2 - 2

#103 is split speculation. Well I've been harsh so far, so I'll begrudgingly accept this one.
3 - 2

#113 is fluff.
3 - 3

#117 corrects Sorian's typo.
3 - 4

#204 votes Kalor based on low activity.
4 - 4

#221 evaluates the Burb-Cabot event. Town reads Cabot.
5 - 4

#229 is a creepy gif. Not sure what this is even in response to.
5 - 5

#272 shares your current thoughts.
6 - 5

#300 claims the current discussion is pointless. I tend to agree.
7 - 5

#307 requests no silly games. I can't decide on this one.
7 - 5

#337 effectively refuses to play my game.
7 - 6

#343 responds to a vote.
8 - 6

#348 explains previous response to vote.
9 - 6

Ok, I was anticipating a better result than most others would get, but not an actual majority. You win!

I'll move my vote when I figure out someone more deserving


VOTE: El Topo

Anymore opinions and insights that are less, you know, obsession with nin's avatar choice and more like your points about me?

By that I mean quality wise, I don't want you to specifically jump back on me again.


No, wait sorry.

I just realized it's been ages since Salva posted, and his contributions so far have been essentially fluff.

VOTE: SalvaPot


No, wait sorry.

I just realized it's been ages since Salva posted, and his contributions so far have been essentially fluff.

VOTE: SalvaPot

Excellent, between Tim (get well soon!), Hyper, and now Salva, I believe that is all of the inactives in terms of no posts for awhile.

El Topo

VOTE: El Topo

Anymore opinions and insights that are less, you know, obsession with nin's avatar choice and more like your points about me?

By that I mean quality wise, I don't want you to specifically jump back on me again.

Choosing your avatar reflects your psyche and there is more than enough reason to assume that nin may not have had the best intentions when choosing the avatar. That said, I have repeatedly expressed how I think about first day posts.

In all honesty, I find it weird if someone behaves noticeably different from the last mafia game, but unlike others I'm not going to throw accusations out. I'll change my vote when I see reason to do so.


It's unfortunate that Czar won't be able to play this game.

Just so I have a vote on someone, I'm going to vote for SalvaPot since all of their posts so far have been fluff. Of course this was the time they were active yesterday so we might see them soon.

Vote: SalvaPot


Choosing your avatar reflects your psyche and there is more than enough reason to assume that nin may not have had the best intentions when choosing the avatar. That said, I have repeatedly expressed how I think about first day posts.

In all honesty, I find it weird if someone behaves noticeably different from the last mafia game, but unlike others I'm not going to throw accusations out. I'll change my vote when I see reason to do so.

I changed my avatar too! I just make sure to do it before I ever get a role PM, so I'm innocent.


Breadcrumbs are a trap. They're just as easily dropped by scum so they can point at it later as part of a fake claim. People are way too trusting about that stuff.

I agree with this. At this point of the game (d1) it's not really that worthy to look at Breadcrumbs, because Scum can do it just as easily, and it could be easily just early on fluff, that you start to look at with heavy confirmation bias.

I'll take this the opposite direction since cabot got plenty of votes and I like to play devil's advocate. cabot comes along and posts a weak read list that is half flavor and half real talk, Burb then comes along and strikes him down for trying to look helpful. Well, I'd contend that, at this stage of the game, that's probably about the strongest read list someone could make (I wouldn't even attempt it right now) so from that perspective, it almost looks like Burb is trying to silence someone trying to move the game from flavor fluff to real politics.

The thing is, I wasn't trying to silence Cabot. What I was arguing was that he could have just talked about the few people he had problems with. Heck, I usually do exactly that in the beginning of the game (just talk about few people who have standed out). But Cabot's reads-list had around 2/3 people with literally nothing, or just fluffy comments. It's just meaningless list, and creates an illusion of an contributive player.

Basically CzarTim put what I wanted to say in one sentence:

Vote: Cabot

guys look how town I am posting reads on everyone less than 24 hours into day one

I'm not saying it's the greatest read, but this is day 1, and most of the talk has been either fluff, or really nothing interesting (that much talk about persons avatar? Really? Or that random color game, what was the point of that), so I still think that it's the strongest lead we got.

I am kind of concerned about Launchpad too, though. All of his posts have been somewhat emotional and for no reason. I really can't pinpoint it in his posts, but it's the feeling I get from it... and it's weird?
Personally, I'm not seeing anything damning in this thread just yet. I'll go to the hot topic of Carrot.

Carrot, as I commented early this morning, is playing in a much more eager manner. People behave differently depending on the game, and whereas he was a Miller in the NX game (and I didn't follow his other game), it's likely that he's got a role he has to play differently this time. What's more, he's probably feeling a lot better about it, so I'm going to guess that he at least has some sort of PR - but that's about all I'm getting out of him.

As for Burb, I'm not even sure why he's on the table. Is there a particular point people are getting hung up on? Other than the below, I'm not really seeing anything noteworthy.

I am kind of concerned about Launchpad too, though. All of his posts have been somewhat emotional and for no reason. I really can't pinpoint it in his posts, but it's the feeling I get from it... and it's weird?

I have no idea what this means. I haven't had any emotions in this game. Don't let your views of me in the NX game affect your views, because I'll act differently in every single game, depending on the circumstances.


As for Burb, I'm not even sure why he's on the table. Is there a particular point people are getting hung up on? Other than the below, I'm not really seeing anything noteworthy.

I mean I brought this up:

I'll take this the opposite direction since cabot got plenty of votes and I like to play devil's advocate. cabot comes along and posts a weak read list that is half flavor and half real talk, Burb then comes along and strikes him down for trying to look helpful. Well, I'd contend that, at this stage of the game, that's probably about the strongest read list someone could make (I wouldn't even attempt it right now) so from that perspective, it almost looks like Burb is trying to silence someone trying to move the game from flavor fluff to real politics.

VOTE: Burbeting

I was also interested in who had been least active but I agree that it looks to be Kalor and Fire and Palmer seem to have his number already.

and he responded to me in the post above yours.
I mean I brought this up:

and he responded to me in the post above yours.

Yes, I read this and I'm not seeing anything damning. If anything, I kind of agree with Burg in a way - it is slightly suspicious of Carrot to try to be accomplishing things while others are goofing around and there's really not much information to go on. Even in the context of the response above, he's just exploring what he was thinking at the time.

However, odds are Carrot is town and so is Burb.
Seems from where I'm sitting that town is a little too eager to get that Day 1 scum lynch; I've said this already. We're making mountains out of molehills here. I'd like to see some more interactions before we go Karkadorian up in this bitch.


Seems from where I'm sitting that town is a little too eager to get that Day 1 scum lynch; I've said this already. We're making mountains out of molehills here. I'd like to see some more interactions before we go Karkadorian up in this bitch.

I agree. I don't think it's super good that one of the most compelling reasons we have for lynching someone atm is their avatar or acting different than the last game they player in which they were a miller ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Seems from where I'm sitting that town is a little too eager to get that Day 1 scum lynch; I've said this already. We're making mountains out of molehills here. I'd like to see some more interactions before we go Karkadorian up in this bitch.

what does this even mean

we've hardly ran away with ourselves into la-la land, we're just throwing things back and forth

the pitchforks aren't out yet
I agree. I don't think it's super good that one of the most compelling reasons we have for lynching someone atm is their avatar or acting different than the last game they player in which they were a miller ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I can guarantee you my role in this game will have me acting completely differently than I did in NX or AC before. It's not a great indication to just say a person should be acting a certain way, therefore the reason must be mafia. I'm not mafia, so it's not necessarily true that Carrot is either.

NOTE: I have no idea if Carrot is really a Miller or not in the other game; I don't know what his circumstances are and I'm not going to speculate about that before the game ends.


Seems from where I'm sitting that town is a little too eager to get that Day 1 scum lynch; I've said this already. We're making mountains out of molehills here. I'd like to see some more interactions before we go Karkadorian up in this bitch.

what does this even mean

we've hardly ran away with ourselves into la-la land, we're just throwing things back and forth

the pitchforks aren't out yet

Launch says he acts differently from game to game but he still treats every little vote like it's the end of the world :p I don't think anyone is seriously in front of the firing squad yet.
what does this even mean

we've hardly ran away with ourselves into la-la land, we're just throwing things back and forth

the pitchforks aren't out yet

Launch says he acts differently from game to game but he still treats every little vote like it's the end of the world :p I don't think anyone is seriously in front of the firing squad yet.

Last I checked, Carrot has a lot of votes already (Ouro can we get a vote count?)

It's easy for us to run away with small suspicions and snowball them into lynches on Day 1. The day is pretty short, if you haven't noticed. There are less than 24 hours left, and dollars to donuts, there's going to be at least one person who doesn't come back to post in those 24 hours - possibly one of the people who's voted. That means a vote may be locked in for good already.

There are a lot of things to take into consideration here. Not everyone is like Sorian who keeps constant tabs on the situation and will have the ability to change his vote at a moment's notice. Also, for some people, this may be it - there's no one more suspicious than Carrot so fuck it.

I'm just trying to keep us honest here.
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