Yes, this is a precedent, unfortunately. And it gets bad in the fanatasy space ship game area, because the next comparable game is stuck in a perpetual (pre) alpha of selling expensive dreams and doesn't look like it'll be the bee's knees out of the gate, if it ever leaves that sorry state. Otherwise a real competent competitor would put pressure on E

, but Frontier currently fills the void of direct control space ship MMOs more or less alone.
My theory is that they're just plain incompetent in game design. 8-12 hours of material gathering for a dice roll and a chance of a module downgrade? People also complained there and rightfully so. But the fact that update 2.1 even got released with such a game loop and they
had to be told by players that this wasn't exactly respectful to their players' time is pitiful. So they rely on feedback, as they don't seem to get things right even if just by talking about the abstract game loop anybody ought to be able to smell the poor game design from miles away. Unfortunately, this is largely also feedback of people who think a 5-100 minute counter for what amounts to inventory management in the human is fine.
Really. It's time some competent competitor released, put pressure on them and demonstrated a bit of good game design, be it SC or anything else. Unless the big publishers have something in the works however, I fear Elite will remain pretty alone in filling the sandbox space game MMO niche for the foreseeable future.
And I'm still holding out to make a longwinded post calling out their game design capabilities, as that would invariably result in a whole lot of mud being thrown, the usual defence force coming out etc.. (or maybe I'm just plain wrong and they're terrific game designers?
