Caesar III
Just enter silent running and boost. DoneI should check out all of my ships close to stars, come to think of it I have no idea what a couple of my ships heat dissipaters even look like .
Just enter silent running and boost. DoneI should check out all of my ships close to stars, come to think of it I have no idea what a couple of my ships heat dissipaters even look like .
Just enter silent running and boost. DoneNo need to get near a star.
Sandro Sammarco said:39,902 people voted, of which 38,045 have validated Elite Dangerous accounts. Wed like to thank you for your participation.
Seventy percent of the vote was in favour of having delivery times.
Those arent the fuel scoop, they are the heat dissipaters. You can prove this by removing the fuel scoop module altogether and then flying close to a star, youll see them pop out everytime the ship gets hot whether or not you have a fuel scoop even installed.
The Cutter does have gorgeous heat dissipaters though, all of the Imperial ships look awesome when they run hot. The Ananconda has huge vents which open up topside similar to the Cobras. The Asp has vents along its top ridge and a few smaller ones on the sides, pretty blah in comparison. I should check out all of my ships close to stars, come to think of it I have no idea what a couple of my ships heat dissipaters even look like .
Oh shit. Thanks for the correction!!!
oo man, people around here are gonna flip shit.
oo man, people around here are gonna flip shit.
Having a delay does mean that transfers will be super cheap though, right?
Learn something new every day. Have always thought those were the scoops, even though the design of some of them certainly didn't seem to make much sense given the function assumed lol.I don't think there are any visible fuel scoops, though I always assumed it's just a big floppy hose hanging out of my cargo hatch.
The Fehu system has a lot of donation missions and I've been logging and donating. It's like ~90-100mil a rank. It's much faster than doing actual courier or data delivery stacks, but the downside is that you're just spending your own money and not getting any mission rewards either. Give and take. But I don't have the patience to grind out 20 stacks of deliveries haha.
DAMN! That works great and wow are there a lot of donations. Too bad I did not get any Imperial Rank mission in between. Continuing tomorrowNeed to check this out. Sounds good.
Yep. I wouldn't mind the time consumtion if I could do something while flying back and forth. Not possible in VR yet. And the tool for inserting Youtube into the HMDs is not that great so farIt's time consuming and soul crushing but it's faster than doing actual missions. Godspeed haha. o7
The game sometimes can be so beautiful that you HAVE to land and take SS's.
So I finally decided to look into engineers and my god...this looks like an insane grind lmao.
So I guess I gotta get the blueprints for everything on top of actually unlocking the engineers themselves and then on top of that grabbing the materials to get it done.
But I think the most annoying part is that only the level 4 or 5 upgrades seems to actually have enough upsides to negate their downsides. Like the level 1 upgrades for most modules seems to just have way too many downsides to actually use.
Nazi star?!?!?!!?
Don't grind for it, you will just make yourself miserable. Just play the game and take the materials as you move along.![]()
Just can't get enough shots of the Cutter fuelscoop haha. So good.
Just can't get enough shots of the Cutter fuelscoop haha. So good.
I'd prefer instant but a delay is still better than flying ship A to pick up Ship B and having to leave Ship A behind.
And barely enough left to cover insurance and filled all the empty slots with basic modules. Now the long climb toward my optimal build.
Edit: Wow this thing sure doesn't turn on a dime. And it takes a lot more jumps to get anywhere. A big shock after the aspX.
Looks eerily Promethean.
I just sell them now when I know I'm leaving. YOLO and piss on their time constraints. I can make the money back anyway.
I had no doubt that would be the result. The majority who were even aware there was a debate were those pushing for a delay. At least they sent out an email several days after the started the poll. Well it is what it is. The people have spoken. Mindless waiting it is. What an amazing way to balance a feature, deliberate real life inconvenience.
Good grief, if these times are accurate:
17 min for a 35.6 LY. I'm pretty sure I can beat that doing the round trip myself, even with my FDL's shit jump range.
"Imagine you reach a system with a combat zone but you're in your trading ship, what if you could just request your combat ship, logoff, wait an hour..."
Good grief, if these times are accurate:
17 min for a 35.6 LY. I'm pretty sure I can beat that doing the round trip myself, even with my FDL's shit jump range.
"Imagine you reach a system with a combat zone but you're in your trading ship, what if you could just request your combat ship, logoff, wait an hour..."
I read the post but am not really sure where he got those numbers from? Powerplay transfer times? For what?
Either way, don't these seem grossly slower compared to what even FD stated?
I think it's based off the 100 min to reach the bubbles edge which was FD's initial proposal. He's using Power Play capitals for reference systems.
17 min for a 35.6 LY. I'm pretty sure I can beat that doing the round trip myself, even with my FDL's shit jump range.
Even with the vote being over and delay winning, I still have yet to see a single point in favor of delays that doesn't fall into those that I listed earlier. If those times are accurate (which to be honest I don't think they will be) then I won't even bother using the feature. It'll be a complete joke when you can just fly there and back in a shorter amount of time for some of those distances. You're going to have people just log out while waiting on their ship instead of playing the game. The fact that such a huge quality of life feature that has been requested forever got destroyed so quickly is a joke and it is a prime example of why devs shouldn't let their communities make design decisions for them. Release the feature in beta, see how things change, and if things actually go badly then you can put in the delay. The fact that it was changed before we even got to see what kind of cost was associated with it is a joke.
Even with the vote being over and delay winning, I still have yet to see a single point in favor of delays that doesn't fall into those that I listed earlier. If those times are accurate (which to be honest I don't think they will be) then I won't even bother using the feature. It'll be a complete joke when you can just fly there and back in a shorter amount of time for some of those distances. You're going to have people just log out while waiting on their ship instead of playing the game. The fact that such a huge quality of life feature that has been requested forever got destroyed so quickly is a joke and it is a prime example of why devs shouldn't let their communities make design decisions for them.
Yep. They fucked up massively here.