And quite a change in FPS! Seems it's a good dip for me so far
They improved audio as well. "Power capacity exceeded" sounds different and so does the announcer lady when starting the Hyperspace jump. Seems like some more minor improvements here and there sound vice.
Tried the Condor and them, thos vertical thrusters lol Those need a fix asap. Right now it's not possible to use the ship that way.
That said, as soon as my shields were down, 1sec and the Cobra toasted myself.
edit: The main ship is constructing a new fighter the moment the first one blows up. It takes ~ 90sec.
I also tested if it is possible to use the main ship as a collector... Nope, it's not. As soon as the NPC takes over the Cargo Hatch is closed

Note to myself: Do not read FD Forums!
Mengy's Thread said:
Why boost at all ? Where are you hoping to go ? You'll end up exploring the galaxy at a much lower resolution and miss all those Earth-likes. It would also diminish the status of the Distant Worlds and 65,000ly club, not that I'm a member.
Well, landing on a planet with the Anaconda didn't turn out very well, crashed into the ground at massive speed. I didn't expect the gravity to hit me that hard.
Yep D rated thrusters are a death sentence with planets above ~ 1G