Can't lie, after seeing this and other screenshots from the beta I was expecting something a bit more grand out of "volcanism".
Can't lie, after seeing this and other screenshots from the beta I was expecting something a bit more grand out of "volcanism".
Federal assault Ship. The only combat ship you'll ever need.
Just wish FD would make some paint jobs for it.
Can't lie, after seeing this and other screenshots from the beta I was expecting something a bit more grand out of "volcanism".
Federal assault Ship. The only combat ship you'll ever need.
Just wish FD would make some paint jobs for it.
I think that will be my next combat ship. The Vultures spiritual big bro.
Can't lie, after seeing this and other screenshots from the beta I was expecting something a bit more grand out of "volcanism".
Not all volcanism is Mt. Saint Helens, Kilauea or Krakatoa.
I expect we'll see some larger stuff but things like this are great. Look at the size of that compared to the SRV, it's gotta be shooting at least 100+ ft in the air.
Not much different than Old Faithful.
I've been super excited to try out a FAS, it looks phenomenal and definitely one of the top PVE/PVP fighting ships. It's so expensive though for a fully outfitted kit.
Will have to wait until I have a bit more in my pocket.
Some of the most exciting volcanism in the solar system isn't overt massive volcanos, but small geysers. This represents warmth and nutrients being shot into the atmosphere/water, which means a higher possibility for life.
I think that will be my next combat ship. The Vultures spiritual big bro.
I believe Branden said they're starting withthis smaller stuff but will eventually have the larger ones.
Big thread sorry if this was covered. I was a huge fan of Wing Commander (Snes) and Starlancer (Dreamcast) is this somewhat like that? I'd be playing on Xbox One if that makes a dif.
Thanks GAF!
Im just about done ranking everyone in Sothis to allied so getting ready for first run. But for whatever reason I cant buy cargo containers that will get me over 88 slots. What am I doing wrong? Do i have too much mass on something else maybe? I am pretty light with no weapons and a lot of d rated stuff.
Sorry if I'm late responding, make sure you check your top slot (6) and that it has the 64T cargo hold and that the second slot (5) has the 32 ton. I have mine set up like this: AspX
You can run no shields and no discovery scanner and take another 10 tons but I don't like risking it... my docking can get out of hand sometimes. I have 3A shields because it's only a 0.3ly difference and lord knows I need the extra protection.
Does anyone have that site handy where you can search for modules/commodities within certain distance of a station?
Does anyone have that site handy where you can search for modules/commodities within certain distance of a station?
High five broFederal assault Ship. The only combat ship you'll ever need.
Just wish FD would make some paint jobs for it.
White dwarf
Imperial Fighter
Flying my F63 Condor through a canyon on Europa
Thought I wouldn't be interested in ship launched fighters at all, but there's something about flying around with an AI buddy that really works well. Will be enjoying this a lot when it goes live, might even end up actually using my T9 :O
Good news. So for now we're able to do two of my suggestions (as it's an entirely design driven change I can do) and this will be in an update soon. These are points 2) and 3) in my post.
For boost speed we'll be increasing it by 150m/s for all three fighters.
For DPS we're going to increase it by 12.5%.
Nice I'm glad they're buffing fighters.
I really hope it gets to the point where if a ship launches fighters you'll feel scared.
Big thread sorry if this was covered. I was a huge fan of Wing Commander (Snes) and Starlancer (Dreamcast) is this somewhat like that? I'd be playing on Xbox One if that makes a dif.
Thanks GAF!
Big thread sorry if this was covered. I was a huge fan of Wing Commander (Snes) and Starlancer (Dreamcast) is this somewhat like that? I'd be playing on Xbox One if that makes a dif.
Thanks GAF!
I would say the flying and fighting and mechanics are every bit as good. However keep in mind you are never going to be the big hero saving the Tiger Claw, or racking up 1000 kills on the leaderboard earning medals..... you are a random dude in an infinite universe just getting by like everyone else.
also you have to hyperjump to a system then supercruise to a location and stop there to do anything meaningful.... so you have to kind of enjoy the travel, which I feel is easily the worst part of the game. you will spend up to 50% or more of your time just travelling.... for some missions 80% is travel.
in fact now that I am thinking about it, the entire grind would be lessened substantially without all the steps needed to travel everywhere.
if you do get it I would recommend finding a nice home base type system, somewhere to get started with a nav beacon (not anarchy system), some resource extraction sites for bounty hunting, and good shipyard/outfitters. and all within close range of the sun. anything over 2000 ls will be a repetitive chore.
All true. I do like the travel aspect though, the atmosphere is very relaxing until you get interdicted out of nowhere, fight or flight kicks in, then your heart rate jumps to 160 and next thing you know it's go time or die time. I love the visuals and just looking around. Though traveling within a solar system beyond 2000ls as you said does get boring after awhile. The game lives up to it's "Dangerous" name. It excels at the flying and fighting mechanic, the visuals are top notch, but it is definitely a grind.
It's a good idea to set up somewhere, build rep with the factions so they'll deal out higher missions. Eliteangerous Data Base is a great resource when looking for systems, stations and commodities.
100% for the star FSD jump is still too low IMO.
There is no point when a level 3 FSD injection is 100%.
While still a pain, it is easier now to get materials for level 3 jumps so going out of your way to fine a white dwarf or neutron star still seems like it isn't worth the time.
yeah I don't mean the travel is the worst in that they messed up the mechanics, it is done really well, just the supercruise is way too slow. like 1/2 as fast as it should be, or less. there should be a supercruise boost of some kind to get you to 1000 ls intervals.
I hear ya. And I agree, they definitely need the ability to hyperspace jump within solar systems. Some of these >100,000ls distances are absurd. I don't usually take missions beyond 10k ls because it's not worth my time.
There might be hope. Initially the talk of adjustment ended in "not to the level of the initial amount" and now it's "1000x is extremely unlikely". We'll see.There is still hope. Many in the Frontier team are beginning to see the potential of the 300% value. I am still hopeful that the community will win on this one.
There is still hope. Many in the Frontier team are beginning to see the potential of the 300% value. I am still hopeful that the community will win on this one.
It's essentially a poor man's jump network. Something a good number people from the community were vehemently against, when I created a poll. Griefers, hotspots, small galaxy and all the other usual pitiful excuses for being against any change to the 1984 formula.![]()