I got into a game of cqc and i played it for 2hrs straight this afternoon and man I love cqc I wish that mode had actually taken off.
There are so many unique mechanics exclusive to it that really make flying in it a total thrill.
-No targeting functions available other than using your contacts panel or target ahead.
This keeps the gameplay focused on using your actual vision and flying skills to track targets which makes encounters way more tense and exciting.
-Lose lock through structures and asteroids
Since the ships are all fragile as hell and do some pretty beefy damage this makes flying into "cover" a very valid strategy and also makes you triple check your radar all the time.
-Everything is much closer range
Your weapons are all only effective at ~1.5km anything past that and they can't even get enough range to graze the target so it really does feel like cqc. Also this might just be me but it feels like the gimbals have a smaller tracking radius which makes them feel more like aim assist than actually lock on.
-Map design is a thing!
Every map is different, the one that takes place in the asteroid field / rings is just the coolest thing, you can weave in and out of the rocks to avoid fire but one wrong turn and you might end up in a wide open space and 3 people will spot you and you just evaporate. Such an awesome change of pace from most encounters in elite that just take place in open space.
CQC is such a thrill I'm gonna join that special discord and see about playing that game mode more frequently!
I got into a game of cqc and i played it for 2hrs straight this afternoon and man I love cqc I wish that mode had actually taken off.
There are so many unique mechanics exclusive to it that really make flying in it a total thrill.
-No targeting functions available other than using your contacts panel or target ahead.
This keeps the gameplay focused on using your actual vision and flying skills to track targets which makes encounters way more tense and exciting.
-Lose lock through structures and asteroids
Since the ships are all fragile as hell and do some pretty beefy damage this makes flying into "cover" a very valid strategy and also makes you triple check your radar all the time.
-Everything is much closer range
Your weapons are all only effective at ~1.5km anything past that and they can't even get enough range to graze the target so it really does feel like cqc. Also this might just be me but it feels like the gimbals have a smaller tracking radius which makes them feel more like aim assist than actually lock on.
-Map design is a thing!
Every map is different, the one that takes place in the asteroid field / rings is just the coolest thing, you can weave in and out of the rocks to avoid fire but one wrong turn and you might end up in a wide open space and 3 people will spot you and you just evaporate. Such an awesome change of pace from most encounters in elite that just take place in open space.
CQC is such a thrill I'm gonna join that special discord and see about playing that game mode more frequently!
I got into a game of cqc and i played it for 2hrs straight this afternoon and man I love cqc I wish that mode had actually taken off.
There are so many unique mechanics exclusive to it that really make flying in it a total thrill.
-No targeting functions available other than using your contacts panel or target ahead.
This keeps the gameplay focused on using your actual vision and flying skills to track targets which makes encounters way more tense and exciting.
-Lose lock through structures and asteroids
Since the ships are all fragile as hell and do some pretty beefy damage this makes flying into "cover" a very valid strategy and also makes you triple check your radar all the time.
-Everything is much closer range
Your weapons are all only effective at ~1.5km anything past that and they can't even get enough range to graze the target so it really does feel like cqc. Also this might just be me but it feels like the gimbals have a smaller tracking radius which makes them feel more like aim assist than actually lock on.
-Map design is a thing!
Every map is different, the one that takes place in the asteroid field / rings is just the coolest thing, you can weave in and out of the rocks to avoid fire but one wrong turn and you might end up in a wide open space and 3 people will spot you and you just evaporate. Such an awesome change of pace from most encounters in elite that just take place in open space.
CQC is such a thrill I'm gonna join that special discord and see about playing that game mode more frequently!
Damn that sounds fantastic.
Obsidian Ant said:This is only an acceptable idea if the ship we are traveling to also has to remain stationary for the same amount of time as the crew transfer takes. If the ship moves the timer should reset to account for the traveling route to be recalculated.
Also once the session is complete, the visitor should have a timer counting their transfer back to the station of origin.
Travel costs should be 50 million in each direction.
There should also be a random chance that the visitor gets interdicted and killed on route. If this happens the timer should be reset, and travel costs should be lost.
Only managed to make 3 player multi-crew work that's limited to turret and fighter control? Good lord that's disappointing. I knew it would be combat focused but that's crap.
Sounds half-arsed like wings, CQC and Powerplay but with a longer wait between updates. Guess Planet Safari is sucking up all their resources.
Fucking hell even Obsidian Ant is getting in on this timed transfer business.
And the official forums are already complaining about multi-crew ship joining being instant and functioning regardless of distance. It's really hard to be excited about incoming features on days like this. Haha.
Is this regarding the instant action aspect of multicrew? If it is then it honestly astounds me at how anti fun is this game's community can be.
Either i"m misunderstanding or they are, but the way I read the post all that happens is first you accept a multicrew invite, then your ship gets logged out, then you appear instantly via telepresence at your buddies ship and play for however long. Finally, when you disconnect from his ship you appear right back to where you were.
How is any of that unacceptable?
I missed a word, Obsidian's being very sarcastic which in and of itself is new and was meant to be the emphasis. Oops.
Obsidian has always been a supporter of gameplay above immersion bullshit.Oh thank god, if obsidian ant had fallen to the insanity that are the official forums I would have been really disheartened.
Obsidian has always been a supporter of gameplay above immersion bullshit.
Gotta say the marketing department needs a raise, those bugged and duplicated ruins are a distant memory.
Distant to whom? Lol. Just because they gave more details on 2.3?
It's a pretty good effort at steering the conversation, especially four weeks out from the beginning of the beta. We know more about multi-crew than how badly the ruins mission is bugged, or if players can even complete it in solo mode.
Gave the Hazardous RES a break to see how bounty hunting was inside the persistent Wreckage zone... and wow. This spot has had the densest concentration of high-value bounties I've ever seen, and with police support to boot! Made 4.6 million credits by the time I returned to Roberts Port to refill my cannons.
What on earth is a persistent wreckage zone..? Are they new..? Haven't noticed them before/
I hope the devs take another look at the ship transfer timers while they are focusing on fun first or at least give us the option to transfer to specific stations ahead of time through the galaxy map. If I could ship my stuff to a station whille en route to it, it would lower the tedium quite a bit.
Using the soon to be implemented multicrew functionality which allows a player to be instantly teleported to anywhere in the galaxy, we will be able to give people who do not have the time, the credits or are otherwise unable to explore, the jaw-dropping experience of the Elite : Dangerous galaxy! By having a large roster of "hosts" each at different locations trough the galaxy, some on POIs, some just doing their regular exploration buisness we can provide plentifull of experiences for CMDRs who simply can't manage to get out there themselves, or for explorers who just want to get a sneak peak of what they can travel to themselves in the future! From beautiful stations within the bubble, to Sagitarrius A* and the distant star systems around Beagle Point - nothing is out of reach!
Multi Accounts incoming. They use three instances of Elite all themself just to join their own ship crew. Eight pips but the crew members don't do anything (and without turrets they don't need to!) YAY!Wait a tic
I just read that again and unless I'm interpreting this wrong each additional crew member brings a power pip they can manage? That means 2 more pips for a fully crewed ship, holy hell that means you can do 4-0-4 or even 4-2-2 setups on big ships Hell even my FdL would be able to do 4-1-2 which is insane enough to think about.
oh well. there we go.Joke thread or not: Here we go!![]()
Multi Accounts incoming. They use three instances of Elite all themself just to join their own ship crew. Eight pips but the crew members don't do anything (and without turrets they don't need to!) YAY!
Yeah. Kinda blows so far. Hopefully they expand the roles.So, just to clarify: the Fire Control station is only useful if you have turrets?
And of course, the Fighter station requires a fighter.
It's strange how narrow the scope of this expansion is :-
The more I think about it, the more ridiculous it is that multi-crew is the focus on this expansion/major update and it's just turret control and fighter launching. How fucking long did you guys have to think about this and implement something interesting? I really want to see a design meeting at that company just to understand what the hell is going on.
I'm withholding judgment until beta and more of 2.3 is revealed, but yeeeeeah, it feels a bit hard to justify the 4-6 month delay for this currently.
I'm withholding judgment until beta and more of 2.3 is revealed, but yeeeeeah, it feels a bit hard to justify the 4-6 month delay for this currently.
The more I think about it, the more ridiculous it is that multi-crew is the focus on this expansion/major update and it's just turret control and fighter launching. How fucking long did you guys have to think about this and implement something interesting? I really want to see a design meeting at that company just to understand what the hell is going on.
Is this worth getting right away as a new comer or wait until you get into the game more? Bought Elite at launch and I still havent tried it yet lol. Does Horizons change the main game in a way that would be beneficial to buy it?
I've got to be honest, the multicrew is so incredibly lacking in effort that it's been on my mind all day today. I mean yeah I'm disappointed because as an explorer and generally non-combat player, multicrew has nothing at all for me. Nothing at all.
However, what's really bothering me is that complete lack of effort on Frontier's part. This isn't new, lately it's been noticeable in many ways with the work they are doing. The Formidine Rift and Alien Ruins content have both been so badly handled and heavily bug ridden that it begs the question of whether or not they are even doing any quality control work at all at Frontier. That coupled with very anemic features, this latest multicrew being one of the worst culprits, and to the amateur game developer in me this is all just screaming "twilight phase".
It's like where Diablo III is now. It's no longer getting major content developed for it, Blizzard is in maintain mode, slowly trickling in assets and features that were never used from work on that second expansion, making tiny content stuff for each new season, its just a very small team left to work on D3 and keep it going. This is known as the twilight phase of a game's life cycle in the industry.
Elite is starting to feel very much like that. Like the teams working on it are very reduced from what they were, and getting smaller over time. Maybe Frontier has them all working on Planet Coaster now? Or some other new game they have in the works? Elite just doesn't seem to be progressing very fast, season two is WAYYYY behind schedule, and what we are getting is much MUCH less than what we were expecting with season two.
I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this, one I've felt many times previous over various other games over the years.
It does seem to lack...ambition.
Perhaps, but if it works and it's fun I'll take it. Expand more station possibilities down the road.