LOL. Why would they allow that?
I honestly have no idea. Wasn't even going to try because it makes no sense, but it definitely works.
LOL. Why would they allow that?
Guestimates/clues as to what's in 2.3:
It's okay to haul around occupied escape pods for the CG but wreckage components are illegal cargo. Makes sense.
Totes. I scoop the latter if I have time (rescue ships hoover up everything once the last pod gets taken up).
Bounty CG and Rescue CG extended an additional week (!) on account of the Rescue CG finally being fixed. What was missing was a fixed Salvageable Wreckage point of interest in the system, with consistent spawns of occupied escape pods (5~) and Wreckage Components. Lots of rubble, pirate activity, and rescue ships. Nearly died twice in Virgil playing a bit too greedy, but all's well in top 25% with 28 tons of salvage. Really quick in and out.
Hello Commanders!
Now that the dust is settling on the interim update, I wanted to give you a more detailed heads up on what were currently working on next.
The first feature I want to discuss for 2.3 is Multicrew the ability to join up with Commanders on the same ship and enjoy space adventures as a crew. In this post, Ill summarise what you can expect from this exciting new update, in terms of structure and supporting features.
Please note that before now and release, some details may still change, as were currently in the thick of implementing this feature!
Setting up Multicrew
Fundamentally, Multicrew is about having fun with friends, so we want to make sure there are as few barriers to enjoying this feature as possible, starting with the crew formation process. We want to make it as easy as possible to start having fun on a multicrew ship.
As long as their ship has enough seats (different ships have different multicrew capabilities) a Commander can directly invite players, or can set their vessel to allow multicrew access. Commanders looking to play as crew can either accept direct invites, or activate a new looking for ship feature, which will automatically place them as crew on a suitable vessel with multicrew access allowed, making the process quick and painless.
When joining a crew, a Commander will log out of their current vessel and transfer to the multicrew vessel, regardless of distance. They can also leave at any time (or be evicted by the ships owner) at which point they can return to where their ship was last, making the whole affair a very friendly, drop in drop out procedure.
Helm, Gunner and Fighter Con Roles
The ships owner always takes the role of helm, piloting the vessel and operating fixed and gimballed weaponry. They also control NPC fighter pilots. There can be up to two additional crewmembers, depending on the vessel, who can perform roles to enhance the ability of the ship. Players can also simply come along for the ride, with the pilot in a mentoring role. The helm also retains control over distribution of power, navigation, and synthesis.
The gunner role allows a crewmember to take control of all turreted weapons on the ship. They do not need to jump between turret views though. Using a third person interface, they control a reticule that all turrets within their arc will automatically follow; giving them improved spatial awareness and easy control of all turreted weapons. They also have access to two quick slot fire buttons, in addition to normal fire groups, that they can customize with modules, allowing them more options for activating weapons and scanners.
Furthermore, the gunner has access to advanced sensor systems, allowing them three hundred and sixty degree tracking arcs. This lets them activate advanced scanners (such as the kill warrant scanner) and missile launchers in any direction.
The fighter con role lets a crewmember launch and control a fighter, even if the helm has already launched a fighter using NPC crew. This allows multicrew ships to have two fighters active at a time. In addition, if the ship has enough fighters, both crewmembers can take on the fighter con role, meaning three human controlled ships can be flying at the same time.
Crewmembers can switch roles dynamically as they see fit. The ship owner is always the helmsman.
Additional Multicrew Benefits and Rules
Every crewmember also has access to a power distributor pip that they can assign dynamically. This is in addition to the standard pips that the helm controls. This extra power distribution allows the ship to operate more effectively, increasing its capabilities in combat.
Ship re-buy premiums are also reduced for each crewmember. Again, the purpose with this is to lower the bar to access and ease of use, especially when dealing with vessels that can cost a lot of credits.
All bounties and vouchers that the helmsman (ship owner) receives are duplicated for each crewmember, making multicrew a great way to have fun with friends without missing out on money-making opportunities.
However, as they share the benefits, so too do they share the punishments. Any crime that the ship suffers is applied to all crewmembers equally. But when a Commander leaves or ends a session, the crew will have the option of avoiding taking the crimes with them, but in doing so, will lose all credits earned. It will be their choice.
Really the only thing I was concerned about. at least they got that right.
Interesting. What happened to the Tactical and Engineer roles? And now only 3 total crew members, not four?
From Fdev on multicrew
Really the only thing I was concerned about. at least they got that right.
When joining a crew, a Commander will log out of their current vessel and transfer to the multicrew vessel, regardless of distance. They can also leave at any time (or be evicted by the ships owner) at which point they can return to where their ship was last, making the whole affair a very friendly, drop in drop out procedure.
I imagine the forums are already up in arms over this?
I don't have friends that play Elite so "looking for ship" and conversely allowing crew access doesn't sound bad at all. That drop-in drop-out also sounds nice, as it should be. Thank the gods the usual suspects didn't ruin it with wait times (though I guess there's still plenty of time for that during the beta).
TrinityACraft said:Will this be explained as long distance telepresence?
Raijiin said:yes, i believe that is the basis of this.
Edward Lewis said:
Commander Creator
And supporting multicrew in 2.3 is the Commander Creator. Commanders will be able to create a unique avatar using a wide variety of options, finally putting a face and character to their name. And with a new, fully-fledged camera system, theyll be able to view themselves and their crew in real time as they adventure across the galaxy.
Not yet, as far as I can see. But the immersion brigade will chime in soon enough.
Last time, they fucked it up for everyone after a sensible feature was announced, remember? Plenty of time to whine Frontier's shaky game designers into submission, so they let us stare at counters before crewing up. Then again, it seems Frontier is using telepresence as a cop out, so immersion fanatics can sleep easy:
I hope there is a big "red alert" button to press.
Not yet, as far as I can see. But the immersion brigade will chime in soon enough.
Multi-crew sounds like it will be a lot of fun for friends. unfortunately, I don't have many friends actively playing.
Not in Open, anyway. We're gonna need to get some crews together and get you monkeys out of private/solo, GAF.
Literally the first reply to that thread in the oforums is complaining about the QoL of being able to hook up instantly with anyone for multicrew regardless of distance. It wouldn't surprise me if some idiots complain about rewards not being split between crew members and instead generated equally to all of them.
Sign me up. I'm in Open most of the time anyway.
So does this mean if I'm in a friend's SLF, and they kill a Conda with a $200k bounty that I get a cut just for goofing around?
I dont know if you have to have an active roll to get paid as well or if works by just flying with them but the result is that you get the full 200k, not just a cut.
The camera... I can't wait to show that off in the livestream
From FDev on reddit:
I really like SC's camera system. Hope we get something that is somewhat comparable.
Definitely sounds better than getting half or a third. I mean, it makes sense from a time standpoint. You have THREE people in ONE Conda shooting another ship, so your firepower is less than having THREE people in THREE Condas, and the amount of time it takes to shoot down said Conda is the same because you're all in ONE ship (or SLF). So your payout SHOULD be duplicated.
Does that make sense?
From FDev on reddit:
Multi-crew sounds like it will be a lot of fun for friends. unfortunately, I don't have many friends actively playing.
Not in Open, anyway. We're gonna need to get some crews together and get you monkeys out of private/solo, GAF.
Additional Multicrew Benefits and Rules
Every crewmember also has access to a power distributor pip that they can assign dynamically. This is in addition to the standard pips that the helm controls. This extra power distribution allows the ship to operate more effectively, increasing its capabilities in combat.
What makes sense is not discouraging teaming up and having fun by giving potential crew members the you're-sacrificing-your-own-profits-giant middle finger.
Wait a tic
I just read that again and unless I'm interpreting this wrong each additional crew member brings a power pip they can manage? That means 2 more pips for a fully crewed ship, holy hell that means you can do 4-0-4 or even 4-2-2 setups on big ships Hell even my FdL would be able to do 4-1-2 which is insane enough to think about.
Commander Creator
And supporting multicrew in 2.3 is the Commander Creator. Commanders will be able to create a unique avatar using a wide variety of options, finally putting a face and character to their name. And with a new, fully-fledged camera system, they'll be able to view themselves and their crew in real time as they adventure across the galaxy.
Joke thread or not: Here we go!![]()
Joke thread or not: Here we go!![]()
Already play in open (unless exploring) but my geographic location precludes me from seeing and playing with most CMDRs.
Wait, the SLF bit is all well and good but the Dev update makes no mention of SRVs. Would suck if we're mostly limited to multi-crew in space.
Considering how awful in-game NPC pictures look, I am definitely not optimistic.THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE is what I am more excited about that anything else!
I'm going to vote no, what's the worst that could happen?
From what I read here, it sounds like even if you're across the galaxy you could join in a crew temporarily?
Or did I misread that
Interesting. What happened to the Tactical and Engineer roles? And now only 3 total crew members, not four?
Considering how awful in-game NPC pictures look, I am definitely not optimistic.
From what I read here, it sounds like even if you're across the galaxy you could join in a crew temporarily?
Or did I misread that
Considering how awful in-game NPC pictures look, I am definitely not optimistic.
Space Trump.
I think they meant real world geographics. If you happen to be in a timezone sufficiently different from EU and US, you might not find too many players in your after work hours.
But yes, seems 'commander telepresence' works across the in-game galaxy. Umless Frontier caves...
Fuck that person. If this some how turns into another vote for a timer situation and we get a timer to join crews then I'm done with the game. As much as I love elite there are certain parts of the player base that make me never want to play the game again. I'd rather die a thousand times to players with heat weapons in open than have another arbitrary timer introduced because of "immersion".Magic transport anywhere... not so sure.
THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE is what I am more excited about that anything else!
So is that NPC crew?
No. New camera mode (hopefully). NPC crew will not be in this update.
Oh well, looking forward to the avatar creator at least.
Made the jump over after reading this. Took almost 20 mins in my FDL! Signed up for the combat CG, top 75% in about 45 mins, going to log in tomorrow morning and see how far up I can get.
It's quite a lot more fun than a regular RES, much more going on with the rescue operation underway.
Yeah, I'm enjoying alternating between the two CGs to keep things fresh. Top 25% in the Bounty Hunting CG also, and so far I've had a lot of success flying the Hazardous RES, bounty scanning everyone, and biding my time to wait for Mafia ships to start infighting. At that point I pick a juicy target and pounce.
From Fdev on multicrew
Really the only thing I was concerned about. at least they got that right.
Good strategy there. I just went to the actual Salvage site. I'll look into those Haz Res tomorrow.