Anton Sugar
Woo, excited to see impressions.
Also aren't we reaching thread cap soon? Or is post limit like 20k?
We'll hit the thread cap when we get space legs.
Yes, it's 20k.
Woo, excited to see impressions.
Also aren't we reaching thread cap soon? Or is post limit like 20k?
We'll hit the thread cap when we get space legs.
Yes, it's 20k.
Feels good. About to get access to my final Power Play weapon (Enrorcers, for all the small hard points on my small ships) and will need to roll maybe 10 new weapons. After that I was definitely going to be looking for something to do. Beta comes at a perfect time for me.Beta possibly launching tomorrow:
You monkeys should add CMDR Heavenly Hammer if you haven't already.
My apologies for not responding sooner, this issue has been on my list to chase up for a while. The reason for the difference being observed on the rocky worlds is the change to the new material system - in theory this is more accurate as it uses the chemical properties to determine the colour (obviously I'm simplifying a bit here!), however the problem is that those colours were based on Earth standard colouration for those materials, and most of those are beige/brown rather than the colours you might observe in the myriad of other possible conditions. We're currently working on a more flexible material system, and this will necessitate a fresh balance pass on these. That's not going to be in 2.3 though.
I suspect it was part of the same change. We've had a few changes so far that will change the planets topography - usually in small amounts, but it will vary.
There were some changes done which will have affected the geology in some certain circumstances. These were only done as otherwise it was producing terrain that would crash in some cases or have other bad bugs like being able to fly through the terrain. It would result in players being kicked to the main menu, so the issues had to be addressed.
Rocky ice planets were a prime example of some particular combinations of geological data causing rifts too sharp and severe for sensible physics data to be produced. Sometimes the rift would be so sharp, unfortunate sawtoothing artefacts would be produced.
There were cases where overlapping large craters were not being handled quite right, causing drops sheer enough to look wrong and also cause bad physics data again. Sometimes the crater would get filled with very incorrect roughness - fixing this was a scientific accuracy concern.
Arguments against instant ship/module transfer seemingly originate with folks who don't grok how car rentals are physically possible.
I didn't even know there were arguments against these things...the hell...
I didn't even know there were arguments against these things...the hell...
Arguments against instant ship/module transfer seemingly originate with folks who don't grok how car rentals are physically possible.
I'm one of the people who voted for the transfer times, mostly because i felt like it would kill the ship variety that people use even more since now they could just spawn in the dedicated fighting ship to the place of their choosing, even if it would be for a fee. Plus the car rental thing wouldn't really make sense anymore since after the engineers update we have some high tech modifications on our ships that wouldn't be available on those ships, or at least that's how i understood the engineers, shit that nobody else but them can make.
And i'm completely okay with those new camera modes and turret-o-visions they have coming.
I'd probably be 100% okay with ship transfer times if you could make remote requests. "I'm going to travel the 200ly to this combat CG using my Asp, but I want my Vulture to be waiting there for me by the time I arrive."
Currently, you have to arrive, then request, and fill up that dead time waiting with ???
Imho it does the exact opposite, it make having a multipurpose ship the best answer over multiple Specialized ships since you won't have to deal with the delay. More than that, it also prevent/discourage me from playing different profession ( trader/bounty hunter/explorer ) since you usually play each aspect of the game in different solar system, so the added delay encourage you to go to one place and stay there grinding the same thing over and over again.I'm one of the people who voted for the transfer times, mostly because i felt like it would kill the ship variety that people use even more since now they could just spawn in the dedicated fighting ship to the place of their choosing, even if it would be for a fee.
I'm one of the people who voted for the transfer times, mostly because i felt like it would kill the ship variety that people use even more since now they could just spawn in the dedicated fighting ship to the place of their choosing, even if it would be for a fee.
I'd probably be 100% okay with ship transfer times if you could make remote requests. "I'm going to travel the 200ly to this combat CG using my Asp, but I want my Vulture to be waiting there for me by the time I arrive."
Traveling should feel longer in a combat ship than one built specifically for long distance travel, but getting around the bubble should feel easy for anyone with an A rated ship.
I'd probably be 100% okay with ship transfer times if you could make remote requests. "I'm going to travel the 200ly to this combat CG using my Asp, but I want my Vulture to be waiting there for me by the time I arrive."
Currently, you have to arrive, then request, and fill up that dead time waiting with ???
Yeah I guess you're right actually, I never thought about it from the perspective that building a long range ship is actually just a huge crutch to actually developing exploration ships into something meaningful.
While it can be satisfying to put together a stupid shuttle together (like a jump range optimized hauler than can do like 35ly before engineers for about 1mil) it doesn't change that traveling is a part of the game that is frustratingly time consuming and an unnecessary barrier to the actual activity you want to do.
And so Mengy set off into deep space to survey as many worlds as possible in a bid to compare their appearances and colours...
2.3 Beta Commanders - Horizons Known Issues
Chained Missions
Players may experience a trade disruption due to chained missions not spawning successfully after completing the first pirate mission [NEW]
Chained missions may appear even though chain ends [NEW]
Piracy Heat chain currently does not spawn [NEW]
Piracy Deal chain currently does not spawn [NEW]
Match Making
Some users may not be able rejoin Multi-Crew after being disconnected [NEW]
Attacking a wanted ship as the Gunner on a multi-crew ship causes the player to receive a bounty notification but not actually receive bounty [NEW]
If the Captain is in a Lawful Multi-Crew session and commits a crime for the first time, the session is immediately ended [NEW]
Accepting an in invite from a player in a private group which you are not a part of will give error message
Players may receive double invitation [NEW]
You are able to accept an invite to Multi-Crew when in solo mode [NEW]
Invitations remains after captain disbands crew and players receive no feedback when using it [NEW]
If the helm self-destructs during a Multi-Crew session, players that exit the game after returning to their own ship may experience a crash [NEW]
Joining a Captain while they are in a hangar will result in your session appearing to be on the surface instead [NEW]
Station orientation may be out of sync on non-helm Multi-Crew player [NEW]
Crew members are currently not visible through the windows of the ship as a fighter [NEW]
From the crew perspective, the entire ship interior may flash black when jumping to and from supercruise [NEW]
Gunner HUD ring may not appear correctly unless captain deploys hardpoints [NEW]
Hologram damage feedback doesnt show between all Multi-Crew members [NEW]
GUI sounds come through all cockpit seats, causing multiple GUI sounds to be present in ships with multiple seats [NEW]
Basic ship scan data is not replicated to crew members in the "idle" role [NEW]
When the canopy is breached only the captain will receive a warning [NEW]
Auto kick system seems to have a significant delay before kicking [NEW]
GUI Issues
UI may Jumps when switching between different FOVs [NEW]
Chin clefts shouldn't be listed under scars [NEW]
Make-up shouldn't be listed with tattoos and war paint, should be a separate category [NEW]
Make-up shouldn't be listed with tattoos and war paint, should be a separate category [NEW]
Randomise option on patches allows you to use ranks you haven't unlocked [NEW]
Randomise hair colour is too random [NEW]
Avatars in Cockpit
Avatar flickers when transitioning from external to internal vanity cam [NEW]
Slight delay on head appearing in Vanity camera, no delay on the body appearing [NEW]
Multi-Crew members aren't visible in cockpit when main player is in a fighter. [NEW]
Graphical Issues
In VR, avatar textures may flicker when the commander is near the edge of the view [NEW]
Commander's body is being rendered when player is in outfitting [NEW]
Character vibrates when using Holo-Me when docked in a rotating station [NEW]
When life support is activated due to low fuel, the full-screen effect for the breathing mask appears but the avatar doesn't switch to wearing a helmet [NEW]
Helmet icons currently dont show helmets [NEW]
​When life support is activated due to low fuel, the full-screen effect for the breathing mask appears but the avatar doesn't switch to wearing a helmet [NEW]
Default avatar icon may have black and yellow squares as the background [NEW]
Helmet icons currently dont show helmets [NEW]
Vanity Camera
When viewing a fighter deployment via vanity camera the fighter bay pops rather than animating away [NEW]
How to aid with our investigation:
1. Be sure to use the bug reporting template provided. More information on the template here.
2. If you find your issue on another thread be sure to add your information to it, doing so will give us a better grasp on how common the occurrence is and its severity level within the community.
3. Be sure to provide as much information as possible such as a Dxdiag and relevant images to accompany the report.
4. Try and keep the report as concise as possible and include a step-by-step guide on how you reproduced the issue.
5. If your comment does not add any useful new information to the report already submitted, please do not post.
Sweet, Eurogamer wrote a good article about the beige issue with Elite post 2.2, and in it they mentioned Obsidian Ants efforts, the evidence from Erimus, and they even mentioned my efforts to bring the issue to the attention of both the community and Frontier!!!!
Maybe with some media pressure we can get Frontier to prioritize this higher than they normally would!![]()
Chained missions... did I miss something?
Chained missions... did I miss something?
Mengy is now famous, he's going to start charging for ship scans.
Hi everyone,
The team have been working really hard to get the 2.3 beta ready for release, but there are a few issues were still trying to iron out before its ready for public testing. For that reason were now aiming to release the 2.3 beta this coming Monday 27th February.
Im sorry for any inconvenience this causes, thank you for your patience and were looking forward to giving you hands on with the beta next week.
So what system does Elite GAF base itself out of? Tempted to come visit.
Here you go!
Gaffers, do we have a group or are you playing in Open/Mobius?
Ok, took a break from the Imp going to go to the CG. Is it some circle of hell to try to capture containers with the Python? I line up the pod and can't seem to actually capture the canister.
How fast are you going? 39 units with the cargo scoop deployed was the ceiling for me during the rescue CG in my FDL and AspX.
I was going slow enough that target tracker was showing speed was fine. After it seemingly phased through after tracking well I tried to go as slow as possible with directional thrusters. Still the canister got really close on the tracker and just passed by. It was maddening.
I was going slow enough that target tracker was showing speed was fine. After it seemingly phased through after tracking well I tried to go as slow as possible with directional thrusters. Still the canister got really close on the tracker and just passed by. It was maddening.
Wow. Seems like they are adding Trappist-1 to the beta that starts Monday.
You guys see ObsidianAnt's video on Hellion? Space survival game with newtonian physics. Kerbal orbital mechanics as well. Looks kinda rad but super rough.
Unity engine, PVP-only survival game. Going to avoid it like the plague.
You guys see ObsidianAnt's video on Hellion? Space survival game with newtonian physics. Kerbal orbital mechanics as well. Looks kinda rad but super rough.