Just how much of a shithole is Apam Napat? I don't think I've never seen a system with so many wars but at least the GAF faction pays well.
Agreed. Kinda wish they saved the generation ships for that but they're probably very far from making that happen.Space legs would be so great right now if it meant being able to explore these derelict generation ships.
Space legs would be so great right now if it meant being able to explore these derelict generation ships.
Just how much of a shithole is Apam Napat? I don't think I've never seen a system with so many wars but at least the GAF faction pays well.
Multiple 3rd party sites like Inara, EDDB and shipyard have gone offline in protest of lack of communication and support/recognition from FD.
Apparently already resolved with lightning speed. I imagine FD shat bricks wheen those sites went down. Hilarious. Hopefully they make good on their promises. Now if only players had such negotiating power.
Would never happen. They'd just wait for the community to make another.FDev would shit itself if EDDB went down for good. They might actually have to start putting some of that information in game.
I'd jump in if it was actual gameplay and not the community battling instancing and each other to get a local chat message from an FD employee leading to more of the same.Anyone looking to get involved in the Apr 29th event? I was hyped to try to help but the more that the Children of Raxxla release details of what they want to do the less fun it seems to me. Maybe I'll just watch a livestream. Btw, I think the chase will end in Lave.
Multiple 3rd party sites like Inara, EDDB and shipyard have gone offline in protest of lack of communication and support/recognition from FD.
Apparently already resolved with lightning speed. I imagine FD shat bricks when those sites went down. Hilarious. Hopefully they make good on their promises. Now if only players had such negotiating power.
It truly is the GAF home system lol
Anyone looking to get involved in the Apr 29th event?
Nah. The servers will of course have severe issues during the event, Elite's network architecture just can't handle massively multiplayer scenarios properly. I'd rather do other things than struggle against the game itself like that.
Decided to take a break from exploring and cash in my maps. Made 19.6 million and got my first Allied reputation with Pleiades Resource Enterprises. Also, since I'm going to be sticking with my Diamondback Explorer (I might not even get an Anaconda), I went and bought a paint pack and nameplates.
Keep practicing.I suck at combat
I suck at combat
I suck at combat
The pure discrimination under the pretext of my cyrillic nickname alone (default one in Discord and I had no rights yet to put an English one in this channel). Instead of any welcome I got a mention from someone named Sataris (I believe) and having a skull avatar on his account. He claimed right off that I was allegedly a spy and should say hello to the AED. I must say that I was confused, and if he hadn't mention this (group?) I would never heard of them. With the help of the other Russian in this channel who explained me for the first time who AED is and other piracy groups are, I managed to answer on these false accusations and try to pass anyway. This player continued the off-topic conversation in the visitors channel claiming me a pirate based on me being Russian and his belief that he doesn't want to trust Russian Cutters. At this moment the man whose help I received stood up for me again, asking shouldn't he be trusted too if he's also a Russian.
Welp, Salome is dead.
Group of ED players who pledged to protect her betrayed her. lol
Seems like the group PAC was in charge of her protection and basically "contracted" SDC group, which is known for being shady trolls. Apparently they also convinced the other ships to not equip weapons on hardpoints? lol wtf
PAC had been warned multiple times by members of the community about how this would happen but apparently ignored them, acted like jerks when it came to protecting Salome (they were apparently trying to weed out "spies" and being dicks), and got fucked. From a reddit thread:
Drew Wagar confirms it.
I probably have some details wrong, but this is just what I'm trying to understand from Reddit.
Keep practicing.
CQC to get the hang of it. The CQC minigame is also an arguably easier way to rank Elite and get used to combat maneuvering. Though I think ramming is frowned on.
What ship are you using for combat?
great. maybe they'll stop dragging out that particular nonplot and start doing something with the writing of the game.
For the minuscule amount of effort that went into this thing I think FD could've done a lot worse with this promotion, especially if sites like eurogamer ending up writing about it (mentioning that new Elite novel, of course).
Haha still doing the training missions from the menu, haven't started the game proper
lol one of those training missions I had to quit and come back to because it was so brutal. But the CQC is a player v player competition with the small fighter ships around arena type stations. And it was a pretty risk free way for me to learn to kill without mercy.
nay sir, a blip in a euro gaming mag website does not a worthy event make. Especially the way this panned out. but if we're basing the criteria on how little effort goes into things...the game itself is wonderful. But for having an actualy gosh darn novel writer on the scripting team you'd think more relevant and dramatic and engaging shit would occur. Not some 4chan lolgamer troll killing Lord British again, but no one saw or cared.
yes I'm actually pissed and disappointed.
Just fired this up for the first time in months today to see what's new. I had kind of burned out after getting a fully kitted out Anaconda, Python and Vulture.
Trying to figure out what I should do if I jump back in and spend some time. Is it worth shelling out the bucks to buy & outfit a Beluga Liner? Are fighter bays + crew worthwhile?
Anyone who thought for a second that Harry Potter and the rest of the SDC morons wouldn't backstab and troll are idiots.
This was the destined outcome from the second they signed up.
Also, since I'm going to be sticking with my Diamondback Explorer (I might not even get an Anaconda), I went and bought a paint pack and nameplates.
ObsidianAnt on YouTube did a really good "Starter's Guide" for the game.Can anyone recommend a good starter guide for someone who haven't played elite before?
I am looking forward to the ps4 release and would like to read a bit about how to start.
Thx, will check that out. But is that still valid for the current version of the game (Horizons etc...)?ObsidianAnt on YouTube did a really good "Starter's Guide" for the game.