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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface

that is not silly at at. I know you are trying to help and I really hope this is my error, On my Sidewinder I have 2 types of scanners one that just works when I press the button without having to lock on anything and the other has the same name as the SRV on Data Link Scanner


So while flying if I deploy them. I can use the Basic Discovery Scanner and it has a little red bar under the name that slowly becomes blue as you press the button

would not allow me to capture a photo while the trigger was being pressed so I can't take a pic of the D SCANNER showing half blue half red while scanning

I press the other button for DATA Link Scanner it also has a nice red bar and nothing happens

so someone please walk me through proper Locking and Scanning I just failed one mission and have 2 hours before time runs out on another

I'll take a video of me on the SRV going to the place I have to scan in an hour or so maybe you guys can see what I might be doing wrong

thanks CMDRs

Okay, I'm pretty new to this too, but I'll try and explain what I did. I might even be wrong about some of this stuff.

In your ship - Discovery scanner is the blue bar one as you said. Data link scanner I think just activates when you are close enough to something, you have to be very close for it no longer be shown in red.
In the SRV - there is only one scanner. As said make sure it is set to a fire group so you can use it. In the mission I did there were two defence turrets and the data point to be scanned. With the SRV scanner ready to use - I had to look at the data point and then manually target it by pressing X (on PS4). Even though it was showing a grey icon with the name over it before I manually targeted it - it wouldn't scan it! Once I had locked on to it - pressing the scan button started the scan. Holding down the scan button the icon started to fill up with Orange and then it completed.

I hope this helps. And try not fly without insurance! ;)


Just bought it (PS4 Commander Edition) and made the tutorials. The advanced combat tutoral... killed the first ship, barely surviving ... and then they throw 2 more at me -_-

First docking went well. Have to memorize all the button shortcuts. Keep hitting the wrong ones. First "warp" was nice (this in VR is probably damn nice).

Going to dig in over the weekend (solo play).

Xcell Miguel

Gold Member
Hey guys, when buying hardpoints for your ship, what is the difference between fixed/turret/gimballed? Thanks

Fixed just fires in front of you, so you have to aim your ship.
Turret automatically aims a target (the closest or the selected one ? never tried) even if it's not in front of you, it can also be controlled by a crew member in multicrew.
Gimballed auto-aims the target you select in front of you, with a certain limit (10-15°).

For a same weapon, damage is different : fixed > gimballed > turret.
As well as power usage : fixed < gimballed < turret

Note, if you use gimbals and the target uses chaff to distract it, just deselect the target and aim you ship to it, it will work as fixed weapons (but still do the same amount of damage)
It saves pretty regularly, and yes you can save and quit in the middle of nowhere.
You'll still be there when you log back in, give or take a few mega metres ;)

Are you playing in Solo mode? That would make sense if you want to play safer in general.

I've also found I have fewer hangs/disconnects in Solo mode.
It's a shame, but it might provide a smoother play experience until they give the PS4 servers a boost.

thanks only playing solo

I am on a diplomatic delivery of biowaste so I now have insurance this game tho lol

Okay, I'm pretty new to this too, but I'll try and explain what I did. I might even be wrong about some of this stuff.

In your ship - Discovery scanner is the blue bar one as you said. Data link scanner I think just activates when you are close enough to something, you have to be very close for it no longer be shown in red.
In the SRV - there is only one scanner. As said make sure it is set to a fire group so you can use it. In the mission I did there were two defence turrets and the data point to be scanned. With the SRV scanner ready to use - I had to look at the data point and then manually target it by pressing X (on PS4). Even though it was showing a grey icon with the name over it before I manually targeted it - it wouldn't scan it! Once I had locked on to it - pressing the scan button started the scan. Holding down the scan button the icon started to fill up with Orange and then it completed.

I hope this helps. And try not fly without insurance! ;)
I am on my way to a new area with scanning missions that will not be hostile so not rushing with enemy firing at me, I should be able to get it done right if I take my time
I was wondering something about the ship transfer feature

If you have a large cargo ship full of cargo, will the ship transfer work without additional charges for the cargo?

I am thinking this would be a useful thing to trade between systems

I would part a large Cargo ship with something worth a lot then If I ever run into a station that needs this thing and they are buying at a high price I could send for that ship

I am sure someone must have thought of this before, I was just thinking how to bypass pirates
I was wondering something about the ship transfer feature

If you have a large cargo ship full of cargo, will the ship transfer work without additional charges for the cargo?

I am thinking this would be a useful thing to trade between systems

I would part a large Cargo ship with something worth a lot then If I ever run into a station that needs this thing and they are buying at a high price I could send for that ship

I am sure someone must have thought of this before, I was just thinking how to bypass pirates

I'm not sure you can switch ships if the new ship does not have room for your cargo, since cargo transfers on ship change.


Fixed just fires in front of you, so you have to aim your ship.
Turret automatically aims a target (the closest or the selected one ? never tried) even if it's not in front of you, it can also be controlled by a crew member in multicrew.
Gimballed auto-aims the target you select in front of you, with a certain limit (10-15°).

For a same weapon, damage is different : fixed > gimballed > turret.
As well as power usage : fixed < gimballed < turret

Note, if you use gimbals and the target uses chaff to distract it, just deselect the target and aim you ship to it, it will work as fixed weapons (but still do the same amount of damage)
Excellent! Thanks for the assistance :)


I think I'm finally settling into a nice rhythm with the game. I was a bit lost at first and the game wasn't really gelling with me tbh. It took a while but I got docking down to a subtle art form (I can dock now at speed and hit my mark without having to adjust too much). I'm now more then comfortable with the basic flight mechanics.

I'm playing as a trader who dabbles in a bit of bounty hunting if the mood takes me. I've upgraded my ship from a SW to an Adder and fitted it to a pretty high standard (16.5 ly jumps, upgraded shields and hull, cargo limit of 12 + gimbled weapons) and I can now pick up trading jobs for 100,000 + moneys.

I'm wondering is there's any particular things I should be aiming towards now? I've got around 1m credits/units and I'm looking at getting a cobra but I'm just enjoying flying the Adder so gonna get a bit more bank first. I tried to go to SOL but was told I need a permit or something, so are there any other systems that are worth a look without as many restrictions?


Doesn't that defeat the point of exploration if you're following someone else's very specific guide on a very specific route that they've already fully charted..? =P

Though it is nice to see how awesome this community is at creating and sharing resources to help others players get a good start in the game.

Yeah this is purely for making credits and ranking up.


I think I'm finally settling into a nice rhythm with the game. I was a bit lost at first and the game wasn't really gelling with me tbh. It took a while but I got docking down to a subtle art form (I can dock now at speed and hit my mark without having to adjust too much). I'm now more then comfortable with the basic flight mechanics.

I'm playing as a trader who dabbles in a bit of bounty hunting if the mood takes me. I've upgraded my ship from a SW to an Adder and fitted it to a pretty high standard (16.5 ly jumps, upgraded shields and hull, cargo limit of 12 + gimbled weapons) and I can now pick up trading jobs for 100,000 + moneys.

I'm wondering is there's any particular things I should be aiming towards now? I've got around 1m credits/units and I'm looking at getting a cobra but I'm just enjoying flying the Adder so gonna get a bit more bank first. I tried to go to SOL but was told I need a permit or something, so are there any other systems that are worth a look without as many restrictions?

You could strip out the hardpoints, if you don't want to fight (its an Adder after all) -- just run. Should increase your jump range a bit.
Excellent! Thanks for the assistance :)

Gimbals are usually best, but it depends on the ship and the physical placement of the gun on the ship model. In the 34th century, no one has heard of weapon convergence...

For example Imperial Clippers have 2 wing-tip-mounted guns, so there is a wide space between the shots. Without gimbals, the weapons don't converge on the target and you can only hit with one weapon at a time unless you're attacking a very large ship.

On the other hand, gimbals can be blocked by the body of the ship. IIRC the Adder's biggest gun is under the fuselage, so the gimbals can't look up very far or they'd be shooting your own nose off. Note that the game will not allow you to shoot yourself, so the gimbals simply stops tracking in this case.


You could strip out the hardpoints, if you don't want to fight (its an Adder after all) -- just run. Should increase your jump range a bit.

I did notice that. I decided against it as I enjoy changing it up a bit and mixing in some combat whenever I feel the need. If I were doing simply trading then I think I'd go a bit mad just going from point A to point B. I suppose I could just store them then pop them back in at a station when I feel like picking up a bounty hunt. How easy a process is that and is it free? Sorry I'm still only 8 hours or so into my first run so there's so much I don't understand. .


I love your avatar but un-user friendly?

Steep learning curve and could use a lot of QoL improvements but as a whole the game doesn't hold your hand like most modern games so you can imagine a lot of people would have a hard time getting into this when they're used to the typical AAA hand holding.

Not saying that in a bad way, I like some hand holding myself, but as a simulation this is pretty hardcore and throws you into the deep end and expects you to learn everything pretty much by yourself, it's not like most games these days.


Another noob with head spinning reporting in:

I've never played a game like this. When I finally started the game after learning to dock, it's just me sitting there in the cabin- no prompts, no VO. I could fly anywhere in the galaxy, or just sit there in my chair in a tiny spaceship in a hangar in some space station orbiting some star until I rot. It's instantly the truest sandbox and perhaps the truest role playing game I've ever played.

No, I don't want your biowaste on my ship; what if it spills? And I don't know enough to get involved in smuggling or assassinations; what if I make enemies? I have to make decisions that define my role in this world. So I've accepted only data delivery missions- but the first batch expired because I didn't realize the time limits were real time... so I've started making enemies. I've logged probably eight hours and I'm at 0% in everything, one successful mission, and one death from supercruising too close to a star.

Despite my progress I'm already caught in the whirlpool of immersion. I'm here because of VR, I've just ordered a HOTAS, I've picked out the right chair to attach it to so I can lean back like the pilot, I've got a sweet new suit thanks to Anton Sugar, I'm customizing my HUD colors... But I'm aware of the hooks, so I'm planning accordingly despite the hardware spending. I'm going to take it slowly because I'm literally incapable of going anywhere fast. There's too much to learn and my jumps are so short.


Steep learning curve and could use a lot of QoL improvements but as a whole the game doesn't hold your hand like most modern games so you can imagine a lot of people would have a hard time getting into this when they're used to the typical AAA hand holding.

Not saying that in a bad way, I like some hand holding myself, but as a simulation this is pretty hardcore and throws you into the deep end and expects you to learn everything pretty much by yourself, it's not like most games these days.

Yeah, my beef is that the game should nudge the new player along. I know that Elite is generally "there you go" in terms of sandbox play, but it is complicated enough to require in game guidance for the early days.

Something like "I fancy trading" and you get microsoft clippy to pop up and guide you through with some hand tailored examples to get to grips with things. Same across the board.

I believe this will never happen because of realism. I mean I literally saw the official forum arguing because the turrets had a camera shift for the gunner and they were all "how would that camera exist in space for that viewpoint to happen" and it went ON and ON and ON and ON.


did you check if you had enough space to accept their material rewards if they gave any

I had more than enough, but that shouldn't matter since even if you don't have any space you just get the credits and it says insufficient space on the mission complete screen.


Right, I am now in a position to start thinking about a new ship (currently a quite well equipped Ask Exp). I have ruled out the Fer-de-Lance simply because I am not in the market for what looks like a pure combat ship (at least not yet).

Now I could keep going towards an Anaconda (maybe enough credits after the weekend) but I feel it may be too early, as only had the game a week. So not sure my early days rankings warrants such a ship at this time. So now I am thinking about the Python as an stepping stone

So they seem to be the two choices I am left with at this time, just not sure if I should plug on for the Anaconda or go for the Python tonight.

Rockstar Life !

Btw. what happens when you die in solo play / open play? Only played an hour so far. Tutorials and playing with settings.

You respawn at the last station you docked. You get an option to either rebuy whatever you were flying for 10% of the total cost, or go back to a free Sidewinder. You can check your rebuy cost in the right hand panel at all times.


You respawn at the last station you docked. You get an option to either rebuy whatever you were flying for 10% of the total cost, or go back to a free Sidewinder. You can check your rebuy cost in the right hand panel at all times.

o_O. Holy. 10 % of total ship cost, including gear you bought? Good to know. I'm either going to wait a long time before buying a new ship or i'm going to chicken out of every danger instantly with a new ride.

Is the option available till later or do you have to choose the moment after you die? E.g. i hustle a bit till i have the 10 % and then buy back my ship/stuff?
Sorry for the stupid questions. Have to read up a lot.

Xcell Miguel

Gold Member
o_O. Holy. 10 % of total ship cost, including gear you bought? Good to know. I'm either going to wait a long time before buying a new ship or i'm going to chicken out of every danger instantly with a new ride.

Is the option available till later or do you have to choose the moment after you die? E.g. i hustle a bit till i have the 10 % and then buy back my ship/stuff?
Sorry for the stupid questions. Have to read up a lot.

You have to choose, and it's the only chance you have to rebuy a ship at 10%, I mean, if you can't and choose the Sidewinder, you'll have to buy the whole ship again, at full price.

But you can choose which modules to rebuy, if you can't afford the whole ship at 10%, you can deselect some modules.

Also, if you have several ships, it stills offer you to either rebuy at 10%, or get a Sidewinder.
You can't "do nothing" and respawn in one of your other ships.


Hey guys, when buying hardpoints for your ship, what is the difference between fixed/turret/gimballed? Thanks

Fixed - Always pointing forward and going to be in the middle of your screen. These have no damage penalty, however you have to aim by moving your ship. For thermal weapons (no projectile), this is extremely easy to use fixed as long as your ship pitches, yaws, and rolls fast enough. However with kinetic weapons, you have to lead the shots. There's a reticle that helps you lead them, but there is a challenge there. Some weapons only come in fixed, off the top of my head two of which are Railguns and Plasma Accelerators. They're both very strong weapons and would probably be pretty OP if they came gimballed or turreted.

Gimballed - Can aim in front of you whether your ship is pointing right at the enemy or not. It will automatically lead the shots for Kinetic weapons.There is a damage penalty for gimballed weapons though, however this can often be worth it since actually hitting the enemy is better than not hitting them. Most recommend gimballed weapons on ships that can't pitch, yaw, and roll incredibly fast and on kinetic weapons. There's also another drawback to gimballs: Chaff and Silent Running screw them up. They track heat, chaff makes them go all over the place, and the enemy going into Silent Running makes you lose targeting of them.

Turreted - Can aim almost full 360, but this is very dependent on the position of the hardpoints on your ship. There's a damage penalty with turreted weapons too, but again, like the gimbals, in some cases hitting things for less damage is better than not hitting things. Turrets will keep firing when you lock onto an enemy, whether you can actually see them right in front of you or not. It can be very useful if you can't turn quickly enough to be able to aim at them normally. Like gimballs, they can also get screwed up by silent running and chaff. I'd recommend turreted weapons for the larger ships that can't pitch, yaw, and roll very quickly. I use them on my Anaconda (part of the trifecta of largest ships in the game), many others do too.

Which one you need really depends on your ship's capabilities and the situations you'll often face. as an example, here's a few loadouts I have had in the past (and some in the present):

Vulture (Haven't used it in a while, but I think I still have this same loadout) - Large Fixed Beam Laser, Large Fixed Pulse laser. I never have to worry about running out of ammo, the Vulture is extremely agile, so aiming a fixed weapon is not an issue at all.

Fer-De-Lance (old) - Huge Fixed Plasma Accelerator (PA's only come in fixed), 4 gimballed Medium pulse lasers
Fer-De-Lance (current) - Huge Fixed Beam Laser, 4 gimballed multicannons

Anaconda - 3 Large Turreted pulse lasers, one Huge Cannon, two medium railguns (only come in fixed), two small railguns (only come in fixed).

Especially with the Anaconda, I can have the pulse lasers constantly firing at the enemy, and the cannon and railguns I can use when I line up the shot, which doesn't have to be incredibly often.

After years of play and watching worn out players discuss their fatigue, this thread is just too cute now.


It's interesting seeing stuff like people learning how to dock, or having trouble getting in the mail slot. I do miss the early sense of awe I had when I started over two years ago.


o_O. Holy. 10 % of total ship cost, including gear you bought? Good to know. I'm either going to wait a long time before buying a new ship or i'm going to chicken out of every danger instantly with a new ride.

Is the option available till later or do you have to choose the moment after you die? E.g. i hustle a bit till i have the 10 % and then buy back my ship/stuff?
Sorry for the stupid questions. Have to read up a lot.

Good rule of thumb is to never fly something you're afraid to lose and can't afford. It's sad to see all that money and work go down the drain because they blew it on a nice shiny new ship only do have it destroyed in an hour and never seen again. Check that insurance cost and make sure you're consistently above it for the ship you are flying. If you plan on buying a new ship, just calculate 10% of it's cost and you'll know how much left over you'll need to be able to insure it.

how do you get promoted in rank after you hit 100%?

Are you referring to the pilot ranks (Combat, Trade, Exploration, Arena)? I think you have to keep going past where it says "100%" on the panel. It will put a notification saying you've been promoted to whatever when you hit it.

I'm Deadly 24% in Combat. Slowly but surely finally approaching Elite.
Good rule of thumb is to never fly something you're afraid to lose and can't afford. It's sad to see all that money and work go down the drain because they blew it on a nice shiny new ship only do have it destroyed in an hour and never seen again. Check that insurance cost and make sure you're consistently above it for the ship you are flying. If you plan on buying a new ship, just calculate 10% of it's cost and you'll know how much left over you'll need to be able to insure it.

Are you referring to the pilot ranks (Combat, Trade, Exploration, Arena)? I think you have to keep going past where it says "100%" on the panel. It will put a notification saying you've been promoted to whatever when you hit it.

I'm Deadly 24% in Combat. Slowly but surely finally approaching Elite.

no other Rank like becoming a Baron, I heard you have to be Baron or something to unlock ships


What are they doing? Just shooting anyone that tries to turn it in at the station?

Lockdown makes it impossible to deliver CG materials. I'm new to ED but apparently this grief tactic is not. Assholes lockdown a CG event location because they are assholes.
how do you get promoted in rank after you hit 100%?

Assuming you mean Imperial/Federation rank, you just have to keep visiting Imperial/Federation stations and checking the mission board.
At some point you'll get "Imperial Navy Contract" or something like that. Do the mission and you'll get promoted.
You don't have to accept the mission, and if it's a shitty one I'd recommend ignoring it until a better one comes up.
Just don't expect much from the missions, they're no different to regular RNG ones, but with different flavour text descriptions.

The military rank system is something I've wanted them to overhaul for ages. I hope this is one of the priorities for the 'core gameplay' updates in v3.0 (it should be since Frontier have said they're not really happy with the current system). Having an actual Navy Contact with their own missions would be great.
Grinding rank takes forever, to the extent that even the ranking exploits take forever.
After years of play and watching worn out players discuss their fatigue, this thread is just too cute now.

This is the best thing about the PS launch. I wasn't even down on the game, but reading this thread and the reddit was so depressing that I didn't get inspired to log in. This week I've played probably 12-16 hours alone, and I plan to go deep this weekend.
The one thing I did not miss with the Vulture, the canopy breaches. It's Star Trek level of "all damage gets routed to the bridge" for the canopy glass lol.


Yeah it's called UA (unknown artifact) bombing. The alien tech causes station systems to go malfunction and eventually go into lockdown. Only lore-appropriate way to fix it is to bring the alien meta-alloys from barnacle sites to counteract it. I'm assuming meta-alloys will be used heavily in the Thargoid war to reinforce our ships due to their strength. It's like Elite vibranium with some extra properties that nullify alien tech.


Yeah it's called UA (unknown artifact) bombing. The alien tech causes station systems to go malfunction and eventually go into lockdown. Only lore-appropriate way to fix it is to bring the alien meta-alloys from barnacle sites to counteract it. I'm assuming meta-alloys will be used heavily in the Thargoid war to reinforce our ships due to their strength. It's like Elite vibranium with some extra properties that nullify alien tech.

While I appreciate them keeping something like that in lore, they should REALLY do something about people being able to grief it like that...lore is stupid if it completely ruins gameplay.

Then again this is Frontier we are talking about, who listen to the people that think we absolutely needed to have wait times on ship delivery because reasons...
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