Good lord there's too much RNG in Engineers. I'm trying to get some fucking Electrochemical Arrays, and according to this spreadsheet:
They are MORE common than the other thing I needed (which I got), Conductive Polymers. I have killed many transport ships and checked many shipwrecks and have yet to get one. I understand Frontier doesn't want everyone to go for the same Engineered modules, but can we at least get some consistency here?
I would honestly be okay with a consistent way to find the materials (even if said method involves something like having to beat a wing of Elite Anacondas), as long as it was consistent, and keep the random rolling. Either that, or drop the random rolling and keep finding the materials the way it is.
Everything else in the game before Engineers NEVER suffered from any of the problems Engineers has, and that's quite telling. Exploration, trade, bounty hunting, combat zone farming, powerplay, all had their own issues, but the thing all of them had in common was consistency. You could always do these things, and sure, some methods took longer than others, but you knew what to expect and weren't running on a wild goose chase for hours only to have it give you a giant middle finger when you get back to the station.
Frontier has clearly made some fixes to Engineers since it launched, but they ain't done, and if they think they are they shouldn't be. Changes like the materials only going in the "Materials" inventory and not cargo was good. At least adding a ship delivery system (even if is also riddled with issues), was good. The frustrating thing is that a lot of what they would need to do to fix it would not be incredibly hard to implement.
On another note, I really wish you could buy Collector Limpets without a cargo rack for collecting materials. Trying to scoop loot with the Fer-De-Lance can be quite a difficult task especially for these tiny materials.
Also I figure I'll ask a dumb question: Does a manifest scanner tell you what materials a ship will drop when it's destroyed?