Deaf Spacker
Your FSD is only rated for around 7ly. Take some missions that aren't as far or upgrade your FSD.
Thank you
Your FSD is only rated for around 7ly. Take some missions that aren't as far or upgrade your FSD.
I'm having trouble plotting routes between 10 - 15 light years away, they all fail.
I'm using the default Sidewinder, are those distances beyond it's capabilities?
Every route is saying plot failed.
Just visited Mitterrand's Hollow. Man, that's some trippy shit.
So is ranking up just broken? It seems nobody knows how to do it...
Dear Frontier,
I'm glad you put in ship transfer, but why must you insist on making it as cumbersome as possible? I was expecting maybe a 20 minute wait for 210 LY, but nope, 40 minutes.
I think it should be either pay a fee or wait for a while, not both.
Speaking of journey, do listen to that or pink Floyd during long cruises.
I may be completely wrong on this...
At the time a lot of us thought they should use a slider. Pay more for the transfer taking less time, pay less for the transfer taking more time. The Immersion junkies really ruin a lot of QOL parts of the game.
What amazes me is that before ship transfer was added, there was a poll for if people wanted ship transfer with a wait time or no wait time. Somehow wait time won out, or FD overruled it for some asinine reason.I HATE, HATE ship transfer in it's current state. It makes no sense. If I self destruct I am IMMEDIATELY transported back to the last station I was docked in with the exact same ship no matter the distance. But if I want my ship NOW "noooooo can't do that because it's not realistic!" Give me a break.
What amazes me is that before ship transfer was added, there was a poll for if people wanted ship transfer with a wait time or no wait time. Somehow wait time won out, or FD overruled it for some asinine reason.
It's really shitty because the alternative is to do something tedious, monotonous, and lengthy. I still opt for just transfer and go play a round of PUBG or Dota to pass the time.
Transfer should either have the fee or wait time, not both.
That's a feature. Honestly this should be on the back of the box.I travelled 300LY in my vulture to work on the community goal this week in HIP 17682, and man, what a mistake. I burned through a million in credits when I got stranded without fuel twice (there are way fewer stations then there are in my home system). I made it to black rock orbital and tried working on the CG but accidentally shot a federal ship and got smoked. Then, desperate to make enough cash to cover a couple more rebuys, I started hauling passengers, only to jump to another system that was 14LY from all other systems while I was low on fuel. No bases to refuel and a non-scoop able star. Ugg I wish I had just ignored the damn CG altogether.
You can buy prospector drones that will tell you about am asteroid. Also drones that pick up whatever you mine. They take up cargo space thoughI've only played a few hours of this, and I was wondering; most of the missions I can do right now are of the "bring 2 units of metal X for 80k credits". My ship has a mining laser. What's the best way to find metal X if the mission doesn't tell you where to get it? Landing on a planet makes no sense for me, right? I have the Horizons expansion, but my starter ship has no planet buggy. So I guess I must fly to systems that have some kind of asteroid belt, and somehow hope that if I fire my mining laser at a random rock, I might come across exactly the metal I'm looking for?
You can buy prospector drones that will tell you about am asteroid. Also drones that pick up whatever you mine. They take up cargo space though
What kind of ranking, superpower?
Help the economy by trading at a superpower station. Or carry out missions and passenger trips for superpower allied groups.
Eventually when you max out a rank you'll begin to be offered missions that will promote you.
I maxed out the federation rank days ago, but nothing appears
Oh, sounds good. Are those prospector drones single use or do I have to buy several of them? Do I just fly into an asteroid belt, point the drone at a random rock and tell it to scan it? What if I lose sight of the scanned asteroid, will it be somehow marked?
They are single use, so one is consumed each time you launch one. You buy them at a station and they go in your cargo hold. When you launch them they fly in a straight line out from the front of your ship. Once it makes contact with an asteroid it stays attached and gives you updates and info while you have the drone targeted. The drone is lost if you go out of range or launch more than your equipped controller can support.
Question on the CG missions: I sold the power generators I lugged all that way, and killed some bad guys in the RES. I can't tell if I'm actually contributing or not (however minuscule that may be). I can see the overall CG tier, but how do you see if you're helping or not?
^ Did they nerf CGs or something, vector? Tier 8 is the highest I've seen it go.
Jumping around systems close to Merope hoping to by hyperdicted. No joy yet
goddamn ya'll gettin PAID.
Dumb question: Materials that are only obtained from ship wreckage, does that include ships you destroy in an RES?
Make sure you sign up at the mission board in the station. Then all you do is turn in bounties under the contacts menu, or deliver good to the commodities page. Once you turn in a bounty or sell a commodity you'll hit the minimum tier. Here are some screenshots from an old CG I took.
Update on Irresponsible Captain Eagledare: Managed to slog my way through a couple long-ass passenger delivery missions. After the second one I tried returning to black rock orbital to pay off my bounty and got scanned when landing, which of course made my dormant bounty active again and caused the federales to lose their shit. So now I can't work on the CG without sneaking into black rock.
Challenge accepted, motherfuckers.
It really depends on the material in question, unfortunately.
Some mats come from combat ships ONLY and are best farmed in CZs.
Some mats come from large cargo ships like Keelbacks, T7's and T9's ONLY and are best found in USS's, Compromised Nav Beacons and Convoy Beacons.
A less efficient mix of those mats can be found by killing big ships (Condas, basically...but maybe FDL's and Gunships too) at RES sites.
Where are folks buying commodities to fulfill the current CG? Haven't found anything in nearby systems.
Thanks. I accepted the CG mission before I arrived and have turned in bounties as normal and sold the requested items on the commodities board. Can't check the mission locally as I'm getting the old 'unable to get an up to date mission list from server' error again.
Had a look at the screenshots you linked. Informative but ad-tastic! New tabs galore on mobile. Apparently I've won a new Samsung phone, a PS4 and more! Woo-hoo!
Unable to get an up to date mission list from server?
So I can't play?
Can't switch modes. Guess it's down for a lot of people at the community event.what does that mean? you can't just...go somewhere else? switch modes?
I am not sure why I can't seem to find any info on ALLIANCE ships or ranking
I checked wikia but can't seem to find info
why is this a mystery?
I am not sure why I can't seem to find any info on ALLIANCE ships or ranking
I checked wikia but can't seem to find info
why is this a mystery?
There are no Alliance ships yet. In Elite lore, Alliance are reverse-engineering Thargoid vessels, so I imagine they'd add pilotable Thargoid ships that need Alliance ranks at some point.
Technically the only Alliance ship is a snub fighter. They also are setting up outposts at the California nebula with a bunch of permit locked systems there.