More or less scattered, but there's the Neo Galactic Adventure Force in theory, which has Apam Napat for a home system.
Whoops. Wrong thread.
As for Elite, I loved the first 2 hours I played, but kind of feel afraid of starting for real without reading the 200+ page manual or watching an hour long video.
Whoops. Wrong thread.
As for Elite, I loved the first 2 hours I played, but kind of feel afraid of starting for real without reading the 200+ page manual or watching an hour long video.
as long as you done all the tutorials except for incursion, part of the fun is learning how to start doing stuff on your own, like finding trade routes or looking for good resource extraction sites, sometimes it's great just to be thrown into the deep end
it's like driving a car for the first time on your own
100+ commanders...incredible.
There's no haste though. Arguably, mouse+keyboard may be the best combo for dogfighting. It's at the very least comparable to a good HOTAS for everything but pure flight assist off.
100+ commanders...incredible.
I need to give this a shot.
I need to give this a shot.
Care to elaborate? Sounds like an option that escaped me, but one that I should try! Not that I'd be less hopeless at FA off.He doesn't use it, but I found relative mouse helped out a ton for FA-off combat.
I like the idea of using W and S as thrust instead of throttle control, though, because if you use them for throttle there's this really, really shitty deadspot in the middle where you have to press the button again to move past 0 throttle.
WOAH, there are actual paint jobs in the Frontier Store for Anacondas now, when did this happen???!!!!
oo man, I really shouldn't get any of them. I always regret buying paint jobs.
thinking of getting a CH Combatstick, anyone else have experience with one of these??
Very true. Once you get past the learning curve you can pretty much choose a play style that's catered to you.
Yep, I own a full CH setup, stick, pedals, and throttle. It's fantastic and I should have bought it years ago. You don't realize how junky the Saitek stuff is until you compare them side by side to a CH stick. The Combatstick is durable, solid, and has sturdy yet responsive hats and buttons. I love the tactile feel of all of the controls, makes hands on eyes off flying really easy.
Ouff, it's like I got the controls down but everything else is still a mystery to me.
Where do I need to jump? Is this a planet? Where can I find the target? Aha - In "SPACE" Okay that's going to be easy... (almost out of fuel soon) lol.
ha! generally speaking, you will be looking for a target in a specified system. Go to that system and drop into unidentified signal sources until you find the target,
sometimes in your left panel you can also see that your target left a fsd wake in which case you navigate and drop into that as well.
ha! generally speaking, you will be looking for a target in a specified system. Go to that system and drop into unidentified signal sources until you find the target,
sometimes in your left panel you can also see that your target left a fsd wake in which case you navigate and drop into that as well.
Will do that next time, thanks
I accidently dropped my cargo... and it's gone? Can't I pick it up again?
Noob questions![]()
Shouldn't be, it'll show on the scanner as a white mark, it should hang around for about 5 minutes.
It does happen sadly, you will come across glitches that leave you utterly confused, like certain ships randomly exploding.I saw them drifting away on the rader but they were gone in like 5 seconds. I thought I am doing something wrong with the scanning range, but seems like that was some kind of error.
That's good to hear, the Saitek stuff (X52 in particular) is certainly more aesthetically pleasing but I keep reading that the CH stuff is built incredibly well and lasts forever.
I want to play that game 12 hours a day.
This game is so overwhelming, but it is fun to learn new things. Sometimes it leaves me with a questioning face . Like I have to go to an orbital (station I think?). But when I try to supercruise it does not let me, yet it's too far away for normal travel.
I cleared my save twice already because I did not feel I got the right start and I am junk in space now - but I guess it does not matter really as you can always do what you want.
I want to play that game 12 hours a day.
Enjoy it while it lasts! ^^ The game is at it's best while you still learn things. After you move beyond that phase, it's up to you what you make of it.
General advice for starting players:
- Don't bother with missions. Really, don't!
- Go to a nav beacon in your system or RES and help authorities to shoot down wanted ships. Turn in the bounties for all the starting profits you might whish for.
- Get out of your Sidewinder asap!
Is your landing gear, hardpoints, or cargo scoop deployed? Are you Mass Locked (look in the lower right corner for this)? These things will prevent you from going into supercruise. Retract the device that's deployed, and get away from whatever is mass locking you. Usually it's a station, but it could also be a big ship, or combination of ships.
Heh, thanks. Will do that, I want do to exploration I guess, which should bring me some credits as well, as far as I read.
Checked all of that but now I remember, it said I am too close, but I was still far away (can't remember the distance).
So I started playing Elite again at the weekend. I haven't picked up Horizons just yet, but I do plan to. I do have a question though about landing on planets.
Are there stations on the planets you can land on, that show in the navigation panel, just like the orbital stations? So i can land at these and trade commodities, pick up missions etc ?
Enjoy it while it lasts! ^^ The game is at it's best while you still learn things. After you move beyond that phase, it's up to you what you make of it.
General advice for starting players:
- Don't bother with missions. Really, don't!
- Go to a nav beacon in your system or RES and help authorities to shoot down wanted ships. Turn in the bounties for all the starting profits you might whish for.
- Get out of your Sidewinder asap!
Edit: I hope that I can stop advising people to ignore missions initially after 2.1 arrives. Unless they increase the payout significantly however or make faction reputations much more important, just being given the missions by NPCs still might not make them a viable path die starting players.
You can fight from the beginning but you will be hiding behind federal ships.
Until you can get a Viper, which will be much quicker that way than by hoping the mission board will generate missions your Sidewinder without everything can actually reasonably tackle... A single low profile kill you steal from the authorities pays up to 8k credits.
So I know "lol Saitek", but I can't afford to get a new stick right now, so I'm stuck with my x52.
My twist rudder is suddnely super loose. Any way to fix this?
Sucks... Have you disassembled the stick and looked into it? There must be some way, although I'd recommend getting comfortable with mouse+keyboard until you can get a proper HOTAS.
So I started playing Elite again at the weekend. I haven't picked up Horizons just yet, but I do plan to. I do have a question though about landing on planets.
Are there stations on the planets you can land on, that show in the navigation panel, just like the orbital stations? So i can land at these and trade commodities, pick up missions etc ?
Target Location "Space"
Where am I supposed to look?
Space! *herp derp*
Ok, Go to the target system, throttle down completely in super cruise and fly in a straight line.
Missions targets are currently randomly generated around you, similar to random encounters in JRPGs.
And then don't ever attempt to du such a mission again until 2.1 hits. By which time mission will take place at specific Locations that you can search for instead of randomly generating insults to both your intelligence and time you could otherwise spend on more profitable ventures.![]()
For future reference, that "location" is only there to differentiate between space-based missions and planet-based ones, it's not really supposed to be an indicator of "where to look".So, just found a rescue mission and it says : Target Location "Space"
Where am I supposed to look?