It's funny, this outcry over Engineers is completely drowning out how incredibly broken Powerplay is at the moment.
It's funny, this outcry over Engineers is completely drowning out how incredibly broken Powerplay is at the moment.
Powerplay has been garbage since it released. Did the Engineer update make it worse?
Engineer upgrades are useful to all players and a brand new addition, while powerplay is a failed attempt at adding some high level group content which provides little benefits for most players. It's not surprising the concerns over the Engineer's design eclipses any complaints about broken powerplay.
Big post by Frontier this morning, gents and ladies.
Seems like there absolutely has been a real player number drop/outcry for FD to come out and bulletpoint a plan of action to make Engineers not suck. At least it's getting done but as always, it's really scary that it even got to this point. Internal design philosophy vs player needs/wants was quite different here.
Some of their designs seems punitive at times. They want the player to earn everything through actual work. Not game 'work', intended to be fun as you do it, but actual slow monotonous and worse yet unclear work. It seems so obvious as a player, driving blind around a planet surface for hours and hours with a goal but no way of knowing if you are correctly approaching that goal or any agency to increase your efficiency. Mindless, blind, busy work to work toward a roll on a slot machine.
sorry for the offtopic question, it's regarding the value of extra fuel vs scooping on the way to the first mission location in the bubble: how much faster or is it worth it to get to the first mission station (the long 400+ly trip) without fuel scooping (to avoid scans or interdictions near star's gravity wells), if I have enough fuel tanks by just insta-jumping to the next system?
sorry for the offtopic question, it's regarding the value of extra fuel vs scooping on the way to the first mission location in the bubble: how much faster or is it worth it to get to the first mission station (the long 400+ly trip) without fuel scooping (to avoid scans or interdictions near star's gravity wells), if I have enough fuel tanks by just insta-jumping to the next system?
Thanks for the response!For smuggling, absolutely, extra fuel tanks are better. You don't need excessive cargo space for smuggling so using the space for fuel tanks is better. The only thing to keep in mind is weight and jump range.
For other things, it depends on if there is better use for the internal module space. How much does having all that extra weight impact jump range. All a balancing act.
Those fixes sound great. See y'all in late July/early August!
Welcome to dilemma groupBeen playing this in my Rift since I received it on Friday and holy shit. This game is on a whole other level in VR. So good!! The sense of scale is insane. I can never go back to non-VR Elite now.
Also, made it to Top 10% in Daramo![]()
On the plus side, I don't think we'll have to worry about gankers.. I don't think they'd bother making the trip, it's a hell of a lot further out than most players have ever been, except for the die-hard explorers.
Would be really cool if we could establish 'pockets' of civilization away from the bubble; sort of new 'mini-bubbles' with a few systems with stations were we could take on more lucrative missions.
Did you know Elite's lead designer was lead designer of Haze? Haha. Man, it's all making sense.
Oh my god I love my Clipper. This thing is a beast. So fast. They said it was like dogfighting in a bus, but this thing hauls like an Eagle, and it turns on a dime. I don't get what they were talking about. Supposedly an expert in a Viper or a Cobra could hug the blind spot even in high G, and I don't see it happening. Especially with Flight Assist rockets off and spinning like a top.
That's like some of the most requested feature since.. beta at least ? still boggle my mind we still don't have them... but well bookmark were part of that list too and finaly got released, so there is hope.Two things I'd like to see added to the game:
1. Ship delivery service. Traveling around in a Type 6 and decided to do some combat missions. I've to to travel hundreds of Ly to get to my Vulture/Python and then make a slow trip back. And when I want to switch back to space trucking I've got to make that long haul back to my Type6. I would much rather pay the station to deliver one of my vehicles. Pay 100k and get my vulture in an hour? Sure. Want it faster? Pay more.
2. On the same note I'd love for there to be a locker system at stations. Storing ship modules or even cargo I don't want to be carrying around. This would help so much in having two ship setups. Or saving upgraded modules.
That's like some of the most requested feature since.. beta at least ? still boggle my mind we still don't have them... but well bookmark were part of that list too and finaly got released, so there is hope.
Sandro Sammarco? I wonder if the repeated design anti-patterns Frontier implements can be attributed to him, to lack of budget/time or to other people involved in the game's design. Or to a combination thereof.
It's one of the sad facts about Elite: It's programming/art and sound teams work on a different level than its designers. The often poor design drags the game down considerably imo.
HD 19557
Credits : Qohen Leth
He seems like a nice guy and I have nothing against him but...that resume...Ouch.
Hi guys. Sorry for this slightly irrelevant question, but I'm considering picking up Elite in the Steam sale. The OP of this thread says that Horizons includes the base game, but the Steam page for Horizons says that "This content requires the base game Elite Dangerous on Steam in order to play." So would I have to pick up both (or the Commander Deluxe Edition which includes both)?
Thanks for your answer! I.. hm.. ehmm.. I'll have to think about this for a little bit.Correct. Horizons used to be $60 and include the base game. They've made it DLC now.
I would only get the base version if at all right now. Horizons is an investment in something you don't know if you'll even enjoy.Thanks for your answer! I.. hm.. ehmm.. I'll have to think about this for a little bit.
yep. You can get it any time between now and ever. Getting it in the christmas sale would make the most sense imho. Or if you feel you need it cause you've seen it all - unlikely.I would only get the base version if at all right now. Horizons is an investment in something you don't know if you'll even enjoy.
Got a bounty on you? In this case, they're hunting you like hell...
its funny how the Feds are such jerks in game, and their ships are weird shoeboxes with wings.
A-Kitted my FDL, now to farm mats to get the dream 1x corrosive 4x incendiary.
I thought they nerfed incendiary? pretty sure they did.