Thanks for all that info. Question. Why only chaffs? Why not point defense? Also, do these countermeasures trigger automatically when part of the a tive fire group? Or do i need to set them to a button?
I havent gotten a fuel scoop on my new cobra because it had such a large tank. Mistake?
Lastly. Engineer upgrades. Is this a late game thing? How and where do I get this stuff?
My cobra now is a mix of cargo freighter, fighter, mining vessel. Should I be specializing more?
Point defense is passive, chaff and ECM are not. The reason you don't really need a point defense is that you're fast and maneuverable enough to evade a missile or torpedo. Big ships not so much.
Engineer upgrades are available as soon as you meet the requirements to meet with them. The materials required vary from destruction of certain classes of ships, surface materials, scan data, high wake scan data, data point scanning, mission rewards and commodities.
Cobra is the first multi purpose ship in the tier list, you can do whatever you want with it. No strict path.