How does that CG work? Any point for me to attempt getting any rewards starting from now? I left off E

months ago because I still had a couple of millions to go before getting my next ship.
It's a cargo hauling cg. Buy what they want from elsewhere and bring it in and sell it.
Check out and you can search for commodities and where they are sold. There's a menu button in the top right. Tap that and on the left will be a drop down (on mobile this drop down menu is buggy and hard to read). Select "commodities". Now, since the station you need to bring the cargo to is in Morai, put that in the system name field. For the commodity field, pick one of the three items. Hit search and it will show you at what stations or outposts that particular commodity is being sold and at what price (green is below galactic average price and red is above average). This will also tell you how many light years away the station is, so you can plan accordingly in relation to what jump range your ship has.
For example, I'm running a loop that requires only 1 jump in and 1 jump out, with 280 tonnes per jump in. The receiving station is buying all three items at a much higher rate (the demand is 999,999) so you're also be making a bit of profit off of each transaction (buy low, sell high, etc).
Just make sure to buy the correct cargo also. This cg is requiring three items:
It's easier to pick one of the three and fill up your cargo racks with it then turn in. Go back to pick up more. Repeat until your eyes bleed lol.
Oh and as JambiBum said, make sure you've signed up for it via the mission board before turning anything in. It doesn't retroactively track items sold, only what's been sold once you've signed up.