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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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I saw that. The numbers I posted earlier were revised way down. The Sales algorithm must have had an issue. Overall though, that's a pretty good result for a game selling at that price.

I'm sure there is still a lot of that, but that tends to be less common when the price of the game isn't in the impulse buy range. It's lowest price was still $45 during the sale.

That's gonna up the population at least. Elite wasn't in impulse buy territory so less a chance of it going into the backlog.


I'm sure there is still a lot of that, but that tends to be less common when the price of the game isn't in the impulse buy range. It's lowest price was still $45 during the sale.

That's gonna up the population at least. Elite wasn't in impulse buy territory so less a chance of it going into the backlog.

True, it's expensive enough that it wont fall into the instant backlog pit quite as easily. On the other hand, to play the devil's advocate, Elite isn't exactly a title you get a feel for quickly. It takes a decent amount of time sunk before everything begins to fall into place. If people are going into it looking for instant gratification, it could end up back in the backlog in short order.

Not that it really matters. Even if everybody plays, you're not going to see any significant difference in game due to the way that the game's structured. Some will go open, some private, and some solo. Then there's the instancing which will keep everything at the status quo. It was more just me musing on the nature of Steam sales.


80 neutron star scans to go to hit my goal of 600 this trip. I thought trading back and forth was painful, but neutron farming has it beat by a mile on the "this is painful, stab my eyes with chopsticks now" scale.


80 neutron star scans to go to hit my goal of 600 this trip. I thought trading back and forth was painful, but neutron farming has it beat by a mile on the "this is painful, stab my eyes with chopsticks now" scale.

IMO, exploration will only be fun when they allow landing and such. Either that or they need to add something else to the current formula. As it stands, it has to be the least interactive path. All the planet to planet repetition of trading, but without the intermittent landing breaks and interdictions; not as profitable either.


True, it's expensive enough that it wont fall into the instant backlog pit quite as easily. On the other hand, to play the devil's advocate, Elite isn't exactly a title you get a feel for quickly. It takes a decent amount of time sunk before everything begins to fall into place. If people are going into it looking for instant gratification, it could end up back in the backlog in short order.

Not that it really matters. Even if everybody plays, you're not going to see any significant difference in game due to the way that the game's structured. Some will go open, some private, and some solo. Then there's the instancing which will keep everything at the status quo. It was more just me musing on the nature of Steam sales.

Not even in the backlog really... I have a feeling a fair few of these copies will get refunded on Steam after not getting a "triple kill" ringing out after 10 minutes of play.

Frontier really have to add something substantial to the game that won't feel "grindy." Powerplay while, I understand gives more of a connection to the world for the player is still grindy though.

People want instant gratification, that's why I think it was a mistake to release the CQC part of the game only for XB1. As sad it is to say, that would keep people from immediately dumping this game on PC.

Really, for me I cannot get bored of this game. Sure the content is sparse, but I'm playing in the Rift so I'm always immersed. This isn't even hyperboloe every time I play this game in the Rift, there's always something that just blows me away. That first time, it was the sense of scale, then the exhaust pipe in front of you when inside the station, then the smoke that's from the ship's exhaust, etc

It's all the small stuff. All of the exact same things my friend's friend noticed when he tried the Rift and Elite for the first time.


Not even in the backlog really... I have a feeling a fair few of these copies will get refunded on Steam after not getting a "triple kill" ringing out after 10 minutes of play.

Frontier really have to add something substantial to the game that won't feel "grindy." Powerplay while, I understand gives more of a connection to the world for the player is still grindy though.

People want instant gratification, that's why I think it was a mistake to release the CQC part of the game only for XB1. As sad it is to say, that would keep people from immediately dumping this game on PC.

Really, for me I cannot get bored of this game. Sure the content is sparse, but I'm playing in the Rift so I'm always immersed. This isn't even hyperboloe every time I play this game in the Rift, there's always something that just blows me away. That first time, it was the sense of scale, then the exhaust pipe in front of you when inside the station, then the smoke that's from the ship's exhaust, etc

It's all the small stuff. All of the exact same things my friend's friend noticed when he tried the Rift and Elite for the first time.

I totally forgot about the easy Steam refunding now. I'm so used to the many years where you would have to suck it up and deal with a game that wasn't your cup of tea in the PC world. With that in mind, yeah... some of those copies are definitely going to be refunded. If people did research into the game before buying it'd be one thing, but you just know that some people bought the game based on those (deceptive) trailers alone. Those people will be severely disappointed.

CQC would help keep some the people seeking instant gratification, but I doubt it would hold them in the long term. Changes to the core game would be needed for that to happen.

As for the Rift, I'm quite looking forward to the consumer releases of the headsets. I really want to try the game using VR. TrackIR is nice and all, but it's not quite the same thing as having a 1:1 reproduction of the world around you. I could have picked up one of the dev units, but I didn't see the point in dumping money on a half baked product for consumer use.


People want instant gratification, that's why I think it was a mistake to release the CQC part of the game only for XB1. As sad it is to say, that would keep people from immediately dumping this game on PC.

You make it sound as if the CQC mode is exclusive to the Xbone, which it won't be. The PC will get it this year as well. In the meantime, The Xbox One players may be beta testers for a change. :p


You make it sound as if the CQC mode is exclusive to the Xbone, which it won't be. The PC will get it this year as well. In the meantime, The Xbox One players may be beta testers for a change. :p

I'm more talking about Steam users who bought the game. Right now, there's nothing instant for Steam Elite players to get so there's a bigger chance they'll dump the game and request a refund.

I'm saying CQC might prevent that even for a little while.


So I got the Thrustmaster X HOTAS stick for my birthday and I'm itching to get to grips with it. After a bit of Googling to find a decent setup for use in ED, I found the thread over on Frontier's forums which looks like it may be a little bit dated. Also, I cannot seem to find whereabouts on my system I put the bindings files people have posted.

So, my questions to you ED GAF, what bindings do you use for your stick and how in the heavens do you go about putting them in-game!

(Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I used the "default" settings on Training (just to be safe) and although it feels sticky, I'm sure that there's better ways to utilise this awesome peripheral)


So I got the Thrustmaster X HOTAS stick for my birthday and I'm itching to get to grips with it. After a bit of Googling to find a decent setup for use in ED, I found the thread over on Frontier's forums which looks like it may be a little bit dated. Also, I cannot seem to find whereabouts on my system I put the bindings files people have posted.

So, my questions to you ED GAF, what bindings do you use for your stick and how in the heavens do you go about putting them in-game!

(Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I used the "default" settings on Training (just to be safe) and although it feels sticky, I'm sure that there's better ways to utilise this awesome peripheral)

C:\Users\<INSERT YOURS>\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings would be the directory you're looking for.

Myself? I just map everything in game until it feels right and suits my needs. I could go into detail on how I have it mapped out, but it wouldn't do you any good as I have way more buttons available. (The Warthog has 50% more buttons on the stick alone than the X has over the whole HOTAS.) You're probably going to have to use a button as a shift modifier to get the rest to perform more than one function.


Can't answer for neojubei but I'd say there are small improvements they could make:

- In regular stations as soon as you touch down the elevator should go down and turn you around: you were going to end up with the ship in this position at some point anyway.
- Outposts should work as they do now but if you choose to take off without using the elevator it should simply release the ship: the turning is dumb.
- Medium dock blast protection flaps are kind of slow and weird. Why don't larger pads have them?
- Stations should keep a docking request list and go through it in order. Instead of "docking request denied" pilots should get "all docks are currently busy, please stand by." and maybe even an ETA, based on how long it usually takes to get a slot and how many pilots are queued ahead of you.

Would like the docking/enter hanger animation to be a little faster. For something you have to do a thousand times, it's quite laborious.

Regarding the CQC mode and the game being too "grindy" they definitely need to improve their opening tips and tricks. Missions are extremely bleak. Initially had fun doing these, but found it all a little depressing and uneventful after a couple of hours, then i started hitting bounties at nav points, had a new ship in less than an hour, was trading, mining and exploring across the galaxy with a sweet new jump drive and a relatively pimped out ship not soon after.

So i found a way to open up the game relatively quickly that was fun and not too "grindy" (i.e. it allowed me to quickly progress into and explore other facets of the game: exploration, mining and trading). Why was this so random, and why are there not more avenues for success early on? Bounty hunting at nav points was several orders of magnitude faster and easier than any other form of progression in the early game. I haven't played for a few months, maybe this has improved with Powerplay?

Enjoyed my time with Elite, looking to play some more soon with powerplay being released. Still looking forward to Star Citizen providing a tighter, more balanced game.


Would like the docking/enter hanger animation to be a little faster. For something you have to do a thousand times, it's quite laborious.


Bounty hunting at nav points was several orders of magnitude faster and easier than any other form of progression in the early game. I haven't played for a few months, maybe this has improved with Powerplay?

As a trader, the docking spin/release cycle is almost too fast at times now. I use that time to enter in my next destination. If the entry is too far down the list, my ship will be released before I've managed to lock it in. The time is annoying though when I accidentally screw up and hit outfitting when I mean to go to commodities. Doesn't happen often, but when it does, it almost assuredly evokes a exasperated sigh, if not an outright curse.

In regards to power play helping in the early game... not really. Power play is geared to people that have already come to grips with the game and gives them something else to do. I don't see it helping people new to the game much at all.
Do you mind sharing how you get to that income level in a RES? The most I've been getting out of wanted ships in a RES was around 50k-60k bounties.

Yep, keep resetting the instance (restarting the game or going into supercruise and coming back to the same RES site; the former being the more efficient method) until you get nothing but big ship spawns. I was sitting in one that was spawning wings of 3-5 Pythons, Clippers and Drop Ships, averaging between $120k-$300k bounties. Took awhile to get a good instance, but once I got it it was smooth sailing.


Yep, keep resetting the instance (restarting the game or going into supercruise and coming back to the same RES site; the former being the more efficient method) until you get nothing but big ship spawns. I was sitting in one that was spawning wings of 3-5 Pythons, Clippers and Drop Ships, averaging between $120k-$300k bounties. Took awhile to get a good instance, but once I got it it was smooth sailing.

That's such a stupid way to design a game. I've got an a-fitted Python, so I'm not interested in shooting Cobras and Sidewinders. Why do I have to play around with instancing in order to get some interesting fights? It completely breaks immersion.


That's such a stupid way to design a game. I've got an a-fitted Python, so I'm not interested in shooting Cobras and Sidewinders. Why do I have to play around with instancing in order to get some interesting fights? It completely breaks immersion.

I don't care if it's stupid, I need the fucking dough. Plus bounty hunting is just insanely fun.


...So you'd rather waste your time jumping in and out of a RES, or re-logging than having a more consistent, more reliable and more immersive way of getting big ships?
The RES instance RNG is frustrating. I'm not a huge immersion guy, typically but when it comes to Elite Dangerous, it's actually a big factor for me. It's why I bought my HOTAS and why I bought TrackIR. Resetting instances tears me right out of the game.

I wish there was a more consistent and logical bounty hunting spawn system that doesn't require resetting instances over and over again. I end up doing it because the income difference is enormous, but I really hate it.


...So you'd rather waste your time jumping in and out of a RES, or re-logging than having a more consistent, more reliable and more immersive way of getting big ships?

I don't think he'd rather do it, but more that currently it's a choice between doing something silly or doing something that isn't profitable. So it's less of a not caring that the design is stupid, and more not caring if he has to do something stupid.

Heck, trading isn't all that different in that it's all about maximizing profit in exchange for breaking immersion. Any hardcore trader is using external tools to optimize and plan trade routes. The internal game tools are way too primitive to be useful, so we do what we must. Even with the external tools, it can be annoying having to deal with the limited nav controls to get from place A to B. IE: there's no way to bookmark destinations for quick nav selection/plotting. Heck, the galaxy map can't mark a station within a system as an end goal for course plotting. It's as if technology regressed instead of progressed.

Maybe someday the game will evolve to the point where none of these workarounds are needed, but for now you either break the game or get frustrated and not play it at all.


So I got the Thrustmaster X HOTAS stick for my birthday and I'm itching to get to grips with it. After a bit of Googling to find a decent setup for use in ED, I found the thread over on Frontier's forums which looks like it may be a little bit dated. Also, I cannot seem to find whereabouts on my system I put the bindings files people have posted.

So, my questions to you ED GAF, what bindings do you use for your stick and how in the heavens do you go about putting them in-game!

(Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I used the "default" settings on Training (just to be safe) and although it feels sticky, I'm sure that there's better ways to utilise this awesome peripheral)

I use the same stick and found Crabs setup to work the best for me. I did modify a couple of the bindings (got rid of eject all cargo, for example) but it works great and allows me to do everything except navigate the galaxy map without having to let go of the stick. Takes a little getting used to, but it's all pretty intuitive after a while.


Which systems have good dense RES sites? I'm currently in Kremainn, but the RES site I'm using is pretty barren.

I know this doesn't immediately help you but population is a huge factor in that. Maybe sort by population and extraction economy? I think that'd work.


As a trader, the docking spin/release cycle is almost too fast at times now. I use that time to enter in my next destination. If the entry is too far down the list, my ship will be released before I've managed to lock it in. The time is annoying though when I accidentally screw up and hit outfitting when I mean to go to commodities. Doesn't happen often, but when it does, it almost assuredly evokes a exasperated sigh, if not an outright curse.

In regards to power play helping in the early game... not really. Power play is geared to people that have already come to grips with the game and gives them something else to do. I don't see it helping people new to the game much at all.

ha, yeah i mainly only got frustrated when i hit it by mistake.

i feel sorry for new players running around doing the dire missions, it's not like the knowledge you need is very deep. a few simple pointers in the form of key quests assigned to new players would be fine e.g. go to a nav point and find the trader gweebo jones *arrive at nav point*, helpful tutorial voice "nav points are used as layover zones for ships travelling through the quadrant, please use caution, commanders with bounties often patrol these areas", same for other facets of the game.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Wait the Xbox version has open play? I tried my free hour or whatever but it only let me do tutorials. I'd probably buy that version if they let me pool my money across both my accounts and let each system be in its own ship so I can just have a trading setup going on Xbox.


Wait the Xbox version has open play? I tried my free hour or whatever but it only let me do tutorials. I'd probably buy that version if they let me pool my money across both my accounts and let each system be in its own ship so I can just have a trading setup going on Xbox.

Think the XB1 version will always a version behind due to the necessity of putting patches through xbox cert so the mismatch won't make that possible. Could be wrong, but probably not.


Yep, keep resetting the instance (restarting the game or going into supercruise and coming back to the same RES site; the former being the more efficient method) until you get nothing but big ship spawns. I was sitting in one that was spawning wings of 3-5 Pythons, Clippers and Drop Ships, averaging between $120k-$300k bounties. Took awhile to get a good instance, but once I got it it was smooth sailing.

Thanks! Does the system in which you are factor into this? Larger population etc.? Still, sounds like it'd get my ass handed to me in my Viper if I were to stumble into such an instance. ^^

That's such a stupid way to design a game. I've got an a-fitted Python, so I'm not interested in shooting Cobras and Sidewinders. Why do I have to play around with instancing in order to get some interesting fights? It completely breaks immersion.

About that immersion thing in Elite... It entirely depends on where you draw the line what immersion is for you. In it's current state, the Elite universe feels like it's tailored around providing player pilots with profitable opportunities. Which pirate or wanted pilote would be stupid enough to jump into a RES or Nav Point, full of System security ships and player bounty hunters? The supply of stupid AI pirates in this Elite universe doesn't seem to run dry. You can hardly call it bounty hunting, because the wanted ship's keep coming to you, when you're in the right spot. It's the same with piracy in general. It should be a rarely chosen and dangerous career path that only few individuals can practice successfully over a longer period of time. After all, your life is pretty much forfeit if you're ever caught. So,ai chose to enjoy the immersion of flying around in the galaxy. The PvE meta game doesn't offer much immersion to begin with.

The current state of affairs is pretty much a crutch, because the mission system doesn't provide enough profitable earning opportunities to keep yourself over water. It's limited to context-less courier or kill missions that are there more for increasing your rank in a faction than anything else.
I've only been playing for a few hours, bought the Adder and still figuring everything out. Last night I went to a signal source, ended up being a hauler (I think) with computer parts in its hold. Flew around enjoying the view and to cut a long story short, ended up attacking the bastard.

Huge mistake, obviously. Managed to get its hull down to 13% before the police/security services showed up and attacked me. I was in the process of being scanned when I managed to engage supercruise and escape! I checked my status and it didn't say anything about me being wanted or having a huge fine for my illegal, and stupid, actions. My question is, am I now screwed or have I got away with it? Will I be attacked if I go back to the system?

I will never do anything like that again. Fun though. Xbox One version btw.


I've only been playing for a few hours, bought the Adder and still figuring everything out. Last night I went to a signal source, ended up being a hauler (I think) with computer parts in its hold. Flew around enjoying the view and to cut a long story short, ended up attacking the bastard.

Huge mistake, obviously. Managed to get its hull down to 13% before the police/security services showed up and attacked me. I was in the process of being scanned when I managed to engage supercruise and escape! I checked my status and it didn't say anything about me being wanted or having a huge fine for my illegal, and stupid, actions. My question is, am I now screwed or have I got away with it? Will I be attacked if I go back to the system?

I will never do anything like that again. Fun though. Xbox One version btw.

Lol That's the fun of being a pirate though.

I've gotten in a fair few life or death battles in the Rift where I've managed to get into a station with literal seconds of oxygen left.

Those are exhilarating coming in to land at full speed.

Add to that, voice attack where I barely use the buttons on my X55 and it's bliss.. lol I love this game!!


My question is, am I now screwed or have I got away with it? Will I be attacked if I go back to the system?

If it's a fine, you can go and pay it off at a station in the system. If it's a bounty, you'll have to wait the requisite time for it to convert into a fine and then pay it off at a station in the system. If it's a bounty and you're in the system, then you'll be wanted and the NPCs will be hostile.


For those w/ the PC version new to Elite, get Voice Attack. It helps so much w/ the game. It's nice just telling the ship to put power to either engines, shields or weapons. Don't have to press any buttons, just focus on flying and aiming.


For those w/ the PC version new to Elite, get Voice Attack. It helps so much w/ the game. It's nice just telling the ship to put power to either engines, shields or weapons. Don't have to press any buttons, just focus on flying and aiming.

Counter point: I can adjust power to a given subsystem via buttons before I would even finish saying the command. Voice recognition is great when you're lacking physical inputs, but it's rarely faster than good old fashioned finger movement. This is why typing can be faster than dictation. You also don't have to think about things once it becomes muscle memory.


Counter point: I can adjust power to a given subsystem via buttons before I would even finish saying the command. Voice recognition is great when you're lacking physical inputs, but it's rarely faster than good old fashioned finger movement. This is why typing can be faster than dictation. You also don't have to think about things once it becomes muscle memory.

Ahh that's true. Maybe I'm a bit bias since it also adds a bit more wow factor by telling the ship what to do. lol

Anyway, for bounty hunting what should my next ship be after the Cobra? I'm guessing the Vulture? I eventually want to go for the Imperial Courier and Clipper. Both those ships looks amazing. I have to be honest though, I'm completely clueless in how to rank up to get those ships.

I also talked about RES sites a while ago. I'm more referring to which RES sites have a good population of NPC's w/ good bounties on their head.


Anyway, for bounty hunting what should my next ship be after the Cobra? I'm guessing the Vulture? I eventually want to go for the Imperial Courier and Clipper. Both those ships looks amazing. I have to be honest though, I'm completely clueless in how to rank up to get those ships.

Let me preface this with the warning that I'm not a bounty hunter. That said, the Clipper doesn't really seem like it'd be great for that role. It has weak shielding vs it's large target size, and has super wide hardpoint placement. The Courier, while not having shielding deficiencies, doesn't have any large hardpoints. Neither are likely to be better than the Vulture (though the Courier is cheaper, so that's to be expected).

As for ranking up to get the Empire faction ships. Just do missions for the sub factions aligned with the Empire. Continue to boost your reputation with more factions up to ally status. As you do this, you'll get ascension missions that allow you to rank up within the Empire itself. Getting to the Courier is easy enough. Getting to the Clipper will take a bit more of a grind.


Let me preface this with the warning that I'm not a bounty hunter. That said, the Clipper doesn't really seem like it'd be great for that role. It has weak shielding vs it's large target size, and has super wide hardpoint placement. The Courier, while not having shielding deficiencies, doesn't have any large hardpoints. Neither are likely to be better than the Vulture (though the Courier is cheaper, so that's to be expected).

As for ranking up to get the Empire faction ships. Just do missions for the sub factions aligned with the Empire. Continue to boost your reputation with more factions up to ally status. As you do this, you'll get ascension missions that allow you to rank up within the Empire itself. Getting to the Courier is easy enough. Getting to the Clipper will take a bit more of a grind.

I love the look of the Courier! It looks so badass and the interior looks like it'd be amazing in the Rift. Guess I'll save up for this and then eventually trade up to a Vulture.

I have a weird habit though of not being able to let go of my ships. It's like I get attached to them too much so I just store them.

lol I kind of have the same problem in real life. Not like hoarding, but I tend to put sentimental value in stuff I use a lot.
If it's a fine, you can go and pay it off at a station in the system. If it's a bounty, you'll have to wait the requisite time for it to convert into a fine and then pay it off at a station in the system. If it's a bounty and you're in the system, then you'll be wanted and the NPCs will be hostile.

Thanks for the info. I think I'm ok, no fine or bounty. Lesson learned though until I get a better ship!


Thanks for the info. I think I'm ok, no fine or bounty. Lesson learned though until I get a better ship!

Err, you should have at least a fine. Did you check the transactions tab on the left hand panel? The only way you wouldn't have a fine is if the other ship was wanted. In that case, the system security shouldn't have attacked you.


C:\Users\<INSERT YOURS>\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings would be the directory you're looking for.

Thanks for this. It was a hidden folder so now I've got it sorted.

I use the same stick and found Crabs setup to work the best for me. I did modify a couple of the bindings (got rid of eject all cargo, for example) but it works great and allows me to do everything except navigate the galaxy map without having to let go of the stick. Takes a little getting used to, but it's all pretty intuitive after a while.

Thank you, too. I've got the bindings in and have tooled around in Training again and it feels a lot nicer. Like you I'll probably modify a few things (I like being able to use Primary and Secondary fire at the same time sometimes and it's hard to do with the current setup), but this feels like it could be the one for me.

Cheers for coming through for me, ED GAF. I'll be your wingman any time.
Err, you should have at least a fine. Did you check the transactions tab on the left hand panel? The only way you wouldn't have a fine is if the other ship was wanted. In that case, the system security shouldn't have attacked you.

Damn. I'll double check when I get to play again, but I'm pretty sure I'm free of fines. Probably looking at the wrong tab...


Damn. I'll double check when I get to play again, but I'm pretty sure I'm free of fines. Probably looking at the wrong tab...

I suppose it is possible that the game glitched and didn't penalize you where it should have. (You are on the relatively untested Xbox version after all.) Still, better to check again just to be sure.
Thanks! Does the system in which you are factor into this? Larger population etc.? Still, sounds like it'd get my ass handed to me in my Viper if I were to stumble into such an instance. ^^

Nope, it doesn't matter.

As for the instances, ships only attack you one at a time unless you picked a fight with a wing. RES sites are usually pretty manageable. Just pick fights you can win, or wait for the cops to get involved and use Wolfpack tactics to minimize the amount of damage you take.

Let me preface this with the warning that I'm not a bounty hunter. That said, the Clipper doesn't really seem like it'd be great for that role. It has weak shielding vs it's large target size, and has super wide hardpoint placement. The Courier, while not having shielding deficiencies, doesn't have any large hardpoints. Neither are likely to be better than the Vulture (though the Courier is cheaper, so that's to be expected).

As for ranking up to get the Empire faction ships. Just do missions for the sub factions aligned with the Empire. Continue to boost your reputation with more factions up to ally status. As you do this, you'll get ascension missions that allow you to rank up within the Empire itself. Getting to the Courier is easy enough. Getting to the Clipper will take a bit more of a grind.
The Imperial Clipper is by FAR the best bounty hunting ship south of $40 million. Accept no substitutes.

Until you guys can afford a Clipper, stick to a Vulture. As soon as you can afford a Clipper with an A or B-rated PowerPlant, FSD, and Thrusters, buy one. It has the speed to outrun anything, enough hardpoints to dish out plenty of damage, and a ton of cargo space.


Nope, it doesn't matter.

As for the instances, ships only attack you one at a time unless you picked a fight with a wing. RES sites are usually pretty manageable. Just pick fights you can win, or wait for the cops to get involved and use Wolfpack tactics to minimize the amount of damage you take.

The Imperial Clipper is by FAR the best bounty hunting ship south of $40 million. Accept no substitutes.

Until you guys can afford a Clipper, stick to a Vulture. As soon as you can afford a Clipper with an A or B-rated PowerPlant, FSD, and Thrusters, buy one. It has the speed to outrun anything, enough hardpoints to dish out plenty of damage, and a ton of cargo space.

Is a progression from my Cobra to The Imperial Courier to the Vulture and then Clipper ok then? Anyway, Dreams, do you know of any systems with dense RES sites that have lots of wanted NPC's. The one I'm in Kremainn isn't that great.


The Imperial Clipper is by FAR the best bounty hunting ship south of $40 million. Accept no substitutes.

Until you guys can afford a Clipper, stick to a Vulture. As soon as you can afford a Clipper with an A or B-rated PowerPlant, FSD, and Thrusters, buy one. It has the speed to outrun anything, enough hardpoints to dish out plenty of damage, and a ton of cargo space.
Whelp, obviously take his advice over mine. In which case, get grinding those imperial ranks ASAP. =P You'll want to hit Baron before you have so much money that the Clipper is no longer a sensible option.
Is a progression from my Cobra to The Imperial Courier to the Vulture and then Clipper ok then? Anyway, Dreams, do you know of any systems with dense RES sites that have lots of wanted NPC's. The one I'm in Kremainn isn't that great.

Looks good to me. Though you can skip the Courier outright. It's not much of an upgrade over the Cobra at all. It is at best a marginal upgrade over a Viper. Since the Cobra isn't far behind it in firepower and has better cargo space and jump capabilities, I'd recommend:

Cobra --> Vulture --> Clipper

You can squeeze the Courier in between the Cobra and Vulture only if you really want a change of pace.

As for FED systems with good farming RES sites...yes, there were a few I got fat and happy in. I can't remember them off-hand but they were at places near Autahenetsi. There are some really good locations near there. One was particularly awesome...lemmie see if i took a screenshot of the location...

Edit: Tau 3 Eridani 2 A Ring. It's made of magic. But watch out come sunset :D
Just getting into the XBO version. Really hope they at least let me keep my credits. I would be heartbroken if they took them away. I find that I really enjoy the smuggling. I bought an adder, but I think I may switch to a hauler since I really don't do much fighting yet.

I've been sticking in Solo Play before I go Open World because I fear other players until I'm upgraded.

Enjoying the game thus far.


You can squeeze the Courier in between the Cobra and Vulture only if you really want a really sexy ship.


've been sticking in Solo Play before I go Open World because I fear other players until I'm upgraded.

The XBox version hasn't been out long, and it doesn't share the user base with the PC version, so there's very little risk that you'll encounter somebody flying around a high end ship preying on the newbies.

no lies detected.

but it's like an Apple device; it's a luxury purchase for when you have more cash to burn than you really need. With virtually no cargo space when outfitted properly, it's hard to suggest when you're at a point in the game where missions from bulletin boards still matter.

Also, everyone should spend a day bounty hunting in Tau 3 Eridani 2.


no lies detected.

but it's like an Apple device; it's a luxury purchase for when you have more cash to burn than you really need. With virtually no cargo space when outfitted properly, it's hard to suggest when you're at a point in the game where missions from bulletin boards still matter.

Also, everyone should spend a day bounty hunting in Tau 3 Eridani 2.

Any reason why that place is special?


no lies detected.

but it's like an Apple device; it's a luxury purchase for when you have more cash to burn than you really need. With virtually no cargo space when outfitted properly, it's hard to suggest when you're at a point in the game where missions from bulletin boards still matter.

Also, everyone should spend a day bounty hunting in Tau 3 Eridani 2.

Yeah, it's not the most flexible ship, but I do love flying it. I actually have two of them. (Because once you have enough money, they're essentially toys.) One is fully outfitted for combat, and the other one for smuggling runs. The smuggling isn't for making money so much as doing ascension missions that involve smuggling with absolutely minimal chance of security getting a scan off.
Yeah, it's not the most flexible ship, but I do love flying it. I actually have two of them. (Because once you have enough money, they're essentially toys.) One is fully outfitted for combat, and the other one for smuggling runs. The smuggling isn't for making money so much as doing ascension missions that involve smuggling with absolutely minimal chance of security getting a scan off.
Yea I eh...I guess. I suppose having my Python, FdL and DB Explorer, I tend to find little reason to jump in my Courier. I was hoping a mode like CQC would make owning these smaller ships meaningful. Maybe it will at some point. But for now, my Courier is on mothballs and my Python and FdL are my daily drivers, depending on my mood.

Any reason why that place is special?

Hmmm. Well

1.) there are like 3 or 4 pirate factions, so it takes a long time to get a "Hostile" rating among them (in other words, you could farm there for a week or two before they get aggressive to the point where you don't feel comfortable farming there anymore)

2.) The view

3.) You can really only fight there during the day light, but light only lasts for so long...then there's an amazing transition into darkness during which you decide how big your balls are.

A lesson you will eventually learn: fighting around asteroids you can't see can be harmful to your health. But few things are more exciting, so long as you know where you are on the map. I give no fucks and haven't lost a ship to an asteroid since maybe my first couple of weeks playing E:D.









Yea I eh...I guess. I suppose having my Python, FdL and DB Explorer, I tend to find little reason to jump in my Courier. I was hoping a mode like CQC would make owning these smaller ships meaningful. Maybe it will at some point. But for now, my Courier is on mothballs and my Python and FdL are my daily drivers, depending on my mood.
You're mostly flying medium and smaller ships so the Courier isn't going to offer you much of a change of pace. I'm used to piloting the big pigs of the game so the switching out to a small, fast, and agile craft makes a huge difference. That and the Anaconda has a restricted view so getting into the Courier is a delight in that sense as well.

I have the DBE as well, but after being in the higher end Lakon ships, I can't shake the feeling of being in a budget craft every time I get in it.

I'll eventually buy back the Python so I can have an outpost trader, but that's not really high on the list of things to do. Likewise a FdL won't happen until I'm an Elite trader, or trading kills me - whichever comes first.
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