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Elon Musk buys Twitter

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How dare you use the word woman, you misogynistic pig.

Drag Race Love GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race


Elon's thoughts he shared at TED in Vancouver yesterday were humanistic and co-operative.

That he stressed American standards may be helpful with the dilemma regarding online matters and arguments over national standards.

Boss Mog

In this era of unprecedented corporate activism, I anticipate Twitter "going to the mattresses" over this to prevent a Musk takeover up to and including smear campaigns and trying to erect a new legal framework for preventing such takeovers in the future, as current law does not provide Twitter with a mechanism to deny the purchase. In these last couple of years especially, activism has somehow superseded fiduciary duty and maximizing profits as the primary driver of corporate behavior. And that should scare the HELL out of everybody, as it is a quantum leap forward for the emerging corporatism which we all know has been building for the last 20 years behind the scenes in the form of political donations and corruption. These companies now no longer feel the need to even feign apoliticism - they now boldly show their face in public. We've allowed these companies to amass untold riches to the point where they've now become political leviathans, actuated by current causes celebres and unbeholden to the traditional democratic checks on power, which are reserved for actual governments. Unfortunately, these companies are on the way to becoming governments in all but name.

This is not the only example, either - see Disney's recent push to fight DeSantis' law preventing gender identity/sexual orientation education in children under 9 years old and Apple's national push to counter any law restricting access to hormone replacement therapy and other gender transition services for minors. I don't even have to cite any of the innumerable examples animated by "woke" ideology as it pertains to race. The fact that most of the causes these corporations take up are extremely niche or at the very least are supported by only a small minority of the general public, combined with these companies' enormous cultural and political influence and the lack of effective mechanisms for checking that influence (as would be the case for an actual gov't), is a recipe for disaster. To be clear, it is not the "rightness" or "wrongness" of their specific positions which concerns me - it's that they're acting as political animals in the first place. It's very dangerous and undermines of our system of government for a variety of reasons.

EDIT: Put a paragraph break in for those with short attention spans.
You gotta keep in mind that a lot of peeps come to GAF on their phones and so what seems like a few lines to those of us browsing on a big monitor at home, is actually a huge chunk of text for them.
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Gold Member

Twitter said the move, formally called a “limited duration shareholder rights plan,” aims to enable its investors to “realize the full value of their investment” by reducing the likelihood that any one person can gain control of the company without either paying shareholders a premium or giving the board more time. Poison pills are often used to defend against hostile takeovers.

Twitter’s plan would take effect if Musk’s roughly 9% stake grows to 15% or more. Even then, Musk could still take over the company with a proxy fight by voting out the current directors. Twitter said the plan doesn’t prevent the board from engaging with parties or accepting an acquisition proposal if it’s in the company’s “best interests.”

Fuck Twitter
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Neighbours from Hell
Can’t prove this, but it feels like they’re only fighting this because of outrage from blue hairs inside the company because they think Elon will turn the platform into a “nazi stronghold”

If true, it really is wild how much companies will utterly destroy themselves just to continue to adopt wokeness.

It would be funny now if he sells his shares, the stock price drops, then he buys even more shares at a discount(if that’s legally doable)


They're now putting *** in place of letters of his name. They do that so their harassment and brigading doesn't show up in Twitter searches and so that they can skirt Twitter's rule against targeted harassment.

It was director Edgar Wright doing it.
Twitter employees and CEO know they exist and how they operate, but their objectives align, so they have them around.


Can’t prove this, but it feels like they’re only fighting this because of outrage from blue hairs inside the company because they think Elon will turn the platform into a “nazi stronghold”

If true, it really is wild how much companies will utterly destroy themselves just to continue to adopt wokeness.

It would be funny now if he sells his shares, the stock price drops, then he buys even more shares at a discount(if that’s legally doable)
Personally I don't have any investment either way in him taking it over or not. If he wants to then cool for him. But couldn't they just be fighting it because they don't want to lose control of the company? Not everything is about culture war stuff.


Neighbours from Hell
Personally I don't have any investment either way in him taking it over or not. If he wants to then cool for him. But couldn't they just be fighting it because they don't want to lose control of the company? Not everything is about culture war stuff.
It could be, but they do have a responsibility to their shareholders.


Something worth noting...
The price of the stock didn't go up while he was actually buying it and it had the most buy pressure, it only went up after he tweeted about it. It's a joke how market makers can keep a price at whatever they want it to be.
I also think he's fucking with the SEC as well and they deserve it, bunch of goblins along with msm doing whatever they're told by their owners.


Can y'all think of any purpose to him buying it other than revenge or protest? Because those blue hairs stick together so much that I bet if he did get control of it, they could announce a new clone platform and they'd move over to it.

He could disrupt them for a while.
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Can y'all think of any purpose to him buying it other than revenge or protest? Because those blue hairs stick together so much that I bet if he did get control of it, they could announce a new clone platform and they'd move over to it.

He could disrupt them for a while.
Have to keep in mind he is a mega genius. I think the reasons he articulated for doing it are his actual intentions, and what he thinks he can accomplish and will.


Have to keep in mind he is a mega genius. I think the reasons he articulated for doing it are his actual intentions, and what he thinks he can accomplish and will.
True, I'm sure he must have several plans to be risking so much. Possibly, when he demonstrates how valuable allowing most speech is, he can sway them over too I guess. Sunlight being the best disinfectant and all.


I don’t care about musk I just want twitter burned to the ground. One of the worst companies to ever exist.
Would you rather they just disappear or root out, expose, and explain their actual negative impacts? Because the latter is what Elon buying it for.


Snake Oil Salesman
This is that part in Lord of the Rings where Boromir tries to take the ring because he'll use it for good right?

Musk getting it would be an upgrade but I can't picture him casting it into the fire like he should.


Can y'all think of any purpose to him buying it other than revenge or protest? Because those blue hairs stick together so much that I bet if he did get control of it, they could announce a new clone platform and they'd move over to it.

He could disrupt them for a while.

By all means let them go and build their own thing. The super vocal blue check marked activists on Twitter are a tiny subset of the overall user base. Your average user isn't going to migrate to another platform just because of Elon Musk. Also, Twitter has done a piss poor job monetizing its product. Their net profit last quarter was only $175m. As Elon said this week, he thinks he can unlock its earning potential. If nothing else, that should be music to the ears of the average Twitter shareholder.
Can y'all think of any purpose to him buying it other than revenge or protest? Because those blue hairs stick together so much that I bet if he did get control of it, they could announce a new clone platform and they'd move over to it.

He could disrupt them for a while.
Twitter is where the elite do their PR and socialize. If an algorithm is designed to promote the views of one group and make another group(s) look bad, and if the topics in the sidebar are selected to do the same, it's harmful for Tesla and for anyone with views outside of the interests of the ruling class. People make a big deal out of censorship on the right, but people on the left who actually challenge established power have also been censored. It might be disproportionate, but it really does go both ways.

If twitter was really about giving everyone a voice, you'd see a large variety of views randomly displayed in response to every tweet. But that's not how the algorithm works. For evidence of this, just look at the first tweets selected to be displayed in response to other tweets. Especially for the people most hated by those controlling the algorithm, their tweets would always see the same two or three people responding with insult, accusation, and dismissal.

I would guess the intent of his purchase is to change the algorithm. The good faith version of his intentions would mean a level playing field for all. Bad faith would mean a change to the algorithm to silence Tesla critics. And the bad faith version wouldn't be good, but you'd still have fewer topics forbidden, and fewer instances of selective enforcement. Hopefully there would also be more transparency.
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Poisonpilling the company is a devastating move, especially if Elon backs out.

If I were a regular shareholder I would be furious right now.

If twitter has a financial responsibility to their shareholders, and this would most likely be very bad for shareholders, how do they not open themselves up to all sorts of lawsuits with this? I still feel there's a lot about this I don't understand. I didn't "get" the whole GameStop stock situation either, until people started doing a better job of explaining it to everyone.


aka IMurRIVAL69
If twitter has a financial responsibility to their shareholders, and this would most likely be very bad for shareholders, how do they not open themselves up to all sorts of lawsuits with this? I still feel there's a lot about this I don't understand. I didn't "get" the whole GameStop stock situation either, until people started doing a better job of explaining it to everyone.

Has twitter ever even made a profit?
Twitter to me is like TicToc I just don't get the appeal. I only use it when I get a link for something posted there and half the time it doesn't even work correctly and it requires a log in.
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If twitter has a financial responsibility to their shareholders, and this would most likely be very bad for shareholders, how do they not open themselves up to all sorts of lawsuits with this? I still feel there's a lot about this I don't understand. I didn't "get" the whole GameStop stock situation either, until people started doing a better job of explaining it to everyone.

There will absolutely be lawsuits, but they'll just all end up settling before they actually get to trial.
Double the offer, Musk. It seems there is something more valuable than money to the management at Twitter, and they will do whatever they can to keep it in their hands.

Increasing vanguard stock % and this poison pill is suicide to the company. As if they're saying "If we can't have it, no-one can!"

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
It could be, but they do have a responsibility to their shareholders.
Twitter was trading for north of $54 for most of last year. A lot of their shareholders (esp retail investors) would be in for a blood bath if they take this offer.

Musk is trolling. This is how the worlds richest nerd gets his jollies.
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Twitter was trading for north of $54 for most of last year. A lot of their shareholders (esp retail investors) would be in for a blood bath if they take this offer.

Musk is trolling. This is how the worlds richest nerd gets his jollies.
But it's not $54 now, and what assurances do any stock holders have of it getting there again? If twitter is so sure they're acting in the best interest of their shareholders, why wouldn't they put it to a vote? If Twitter feels their shareholders wouldn't want them to sell, and putting it to a vote would protect them from lawsuits, wouldn't that be the way to go? But more importantly, what is the legal prescient that already exists in situations like this?

There will absolutely be lawsuits, but they'll just all end up settling before they actually get to trial.
Good point, but would the people suing even be required to give up their shares in such an agreement, or would they just sue for a part of the difference based on the money they would have made for selling those shares? It all sounds kind of expensive for a company that isn't profiting much in the first place.


Gold Member

Yea it couldn't happen, but could you imagine the meltdowns if it did? Jonestown would look like nothing in comparison.


But it's not $54 now, and what assurances do any stock holders have of it getting there again? If twitter is so sure they're acting in the best interest of their shareholders, why wouldn't they put it to a vote? If Twitter feels their shareholders wouldn't want them to sell, and putting it to a vote would protect them from lawsuits, wouldn't that be the way to go? But more importantly, what is the legal prescient that already exists in situations like this?

Good point, but would the people suing even be required to give up their shares in such an agreement, or would they just sue for a part of the difference based on the money they would have made for selling those shares? It all sounds kind of expensive for a company that isn't profiting much in the first place.

I've been part of these class action lawsuits before and never was asked to give up my shares.
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