This is why your platform sucks and why MS has no clue.
Sony releases TLoU2 and 90% of the player base goes: “boooooooo! This game sucked!”
Sony closes any studio and the player base goes: “booooooo! That studio rocked!”
Sony announces a 700$ console and everybody, including no Sony customers goes: “boooooooo! Your pricing sucks!”
Sony releases Concord and their fanboys go: “booooooo! Just… BOOOOOOO! And don’t come back with Fairgames!!!”
You lost a feature in a tier of GamePass (small feature tho, day 1 releases) and go: “yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy! GP rulz!!”
Spencer: “Greenberg, how are the fans doing?”
Greenberg: *checks twitter…. “They be happy!”
“Then… why nobody is buyin’?”