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Everything Bad I've Ever Said About The Gamecube:


I take it back and admit that I was wrong.

A very good friend of mine bought me a Gamecube for a belated birthday present this weekend. I just rolled my eyes and said thanks, fully expecting to throw it in the closet and have it collect dust for the duration of it's market life.

My friend convinced me to try Wind Waker, Pikmin and Resident Evil, just to see how I liked them.

5 hours of Pikmin later:

Where have you been all my life?!

I moved on to Wind Waker:

Yeah, s'all right...I'll try it a little more in depth later on.

Resident Evil:


But it's awesome.

Now my task is to go back and start gathering games that I missed. Metroid Prime for one, that's for sure. I'm going to have to do some research for some good games as I've lost touch with the Nintendo scene for a while.

One problem though: did it have to be the purple one?
I had a gamecube for 2 months, played everything I wanted to, but to be honest I had a lot of fun and experienced some good stuff I wont find anywhere else.

My favorite was Wind Waker, but Mario Sunshine was pretty badical.


I wanted a purple one, but the black one was the only one left at launch.

And get/try/rent Donkey Konga, it made me remember why I used to have so much fun playing video games.


Just do yourself a favor and finish up the first Pikmin so you can move to the much improved second Pikmin.

And go get a bunch of the $20 games.
-Super Monkey Ball
-Luigi's Mansion
-Metroid Prime


MrAngryFace said:
I had a gamecube for 2 months, played everything I wanted to, but to be honest I had a lot of fun and experienced some good stuff I wont find anywhere else.

My favorite was Wind Waker, but Mario Sunshine was pretty badical.

Skies of Arcadia Legends is Skies of Arcadia Complete. You're a fan, aren't you?


Now do yourself a favor and go to Toys 'R Us and buy the Super Monkey Ball Bundle* for $29.99. Then next time you have some friends over, you will have problems making them leave.

*Bundle includes Super Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball 2.


I just bought a Gamecube last week, myself.

Black model ;)

I picked up Zelda:WW, Resident Evil Zero, and F-Zero GX. The one I've enjoyed the most so far is F-Zero. Man, the sense of speed that game throws at you is unreal. I had to call my girlfriend over to the telly and say "Baby, just watch this." Yes, I uttered those very words.

Resident Evil Zero - good looking game, but I cannot stand the controls. I understand they can be changed - I think I'll try another control scheme. If they cannot be changed...bye bye RE0.

Glad to hear you are enjoying it, too.

Deku Tree

Some games I recommend:

Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures
Legend of Zelda: OoT MQ disk
Mario Kart Double Dash!!
F-Zero GX
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Pikmin 2
Paper Mario TTYD
Luigi's Mansion
Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem

Resident Evil (remake)
Resident Evil Zero
Viewtiful Joe 2

Skies of Arcadia Legends

Tales of Symphonia


Go to Toys R Us while the buy 2 get 3rd free deal is still going on:

(Get Super Monkey Ball DX for PS2 or Xbox)

$20 games:

Super Mario Sunshine
Metroid Prime
Mario Golf
F-Zero GX
Luigi's Mansion
Animal Crossing (I believe this is $20)
Viewtiful Joe

Super Smash Bros. Melee is also good at a $30 pricepoint

Other games:
Four Swords Adventures (only if you or a friend of yours meet the requirements. It's best played in multiplayer)
Tales of Symphonia (don't expect a lot, but it's good)
Pikmin 2 (Far, far better than the original. Not to be missed)
Paper Mario (Funny RPG that's actually fun to play)
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (best played in multiplayer)
Skies of Arcadia Legends (The charming Dreamcast original plus extras to flesh out the game's story and add more optional sidequests)

All of those with the exception of SoAL (that will be $20-$30 depending where you shop), will be $50.

Upcoming games:

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Baten Kaitos
Mario Power Tennis
Mario Party 6
Resident Evil 4

If you don't have a Game Boy, Game Boy Player might work for you if you don't mind SNES/Genesis style games. It's $50 and plugs into the bottom of the GC.

Resident Evil Zero - good looking game, but I cannot stand the controls. I understand they can be changed - I think I'll try another control scheme. If they cannot be changed...bye bye RE0.

Type C controls are the ones, I believe.

king zell

Glad to hear this

GC is for sure a great console

the problem is Nintendo couldn't get more people to actualy give it a chance.. thanks to the cubic purple look


Hey, right on y'all.

Thanks for the advice on the games I should be looking out for.

I think my wallet is going to get a kick in the junk tonight after work.


AniHawk said:
Type C controls are the ones, I believe.

Didn't they drop the type C controls (as in hold down L-button to run forward IIRC) for Resident Evil Zero, or am I mistaken? Been a while since I played it.


Kiriku said:
Didn't they drop the type C controls (as in hold down L-button to run forward IIRC) for Resident Evil Zero, or am I mistaken? Been a while since I played it.

Yup, no Type C controls for RE0. Probably why I never beat that one. (partly, the other reason is cause the ending doesn't expand upon crap of the RE universe)


Kiriku said:
Didn't they drop the type C controls (as in hold down L-button to run forward IIRC) for Resident Evil Zero, or am I mistaken? Been a while since I played it.

They did, and RE0 wasn't as good as the remake. Kobayashi and Mikami weren't involved.


Kiriku said:
Didn't they drop the type C controls (as in hold down L-button to run forward IIRC) for Resident Evil Zero, or am I mistaken? Been a while since I played it.

They may have changed it around (or maybe I'm thinking of RE4 controls), but I remember choosing Type C controls in Resident Evil Zero.

EDIT: There ARE Type C controls in RE0. I just checked. B is to run though.


hyperbolically metafictive
i'm going to stand by everything bad i've ever said about the gamecube. pikmin does indeed rock, though. and you need some monkey ball in your life.


My friends who only have GameCubes have REALLY started to complain this year.

I'm kind of the go-to guy for gaming advice in my circle of friends (casual gamers), and I bet a lot of posters here are too. So they blame me for recommending the Cube back when it launched in 2001.

I just talked to my buddy back East, who was a huge GameCube enthusiast from the start of this gen. We had a blast with MonkeyBall, Soccer Slam, Luigi's Mansion, etc. So anyway, he's asking me where all the good games are for Cube this year, he can't find anything he really wants to play at the store, is Metroid Prime 2 all there is for Xmas, etc. The guy didn't like the first MP much, never got into Pikmin, and Paper Mario is only marginally interesting to him. He's a drummer so he might dig Donkey Konga, that's about as much as I could offer him.

His number one wanted game is ESPN NHL 2K5 and it's not on Cube. Anyhow, he's now thinking about buying an Xbox.

Then I saw my cousin at a wedding last month, he goes, "I thought you told me a couple years ago that Nintendo was the system to go with? Every generation, just get the Nintendo, that's all I need to know? I haven't gotten a game since Mario Kart!"

He's disappointed and I couldn't come up with much to make him feel better.

Then my one buddy at home has a kickass swanky apartment but only a GameCube to go with his entertainment center. All my friends are lobbying him to get another console: "His place is the spot to hang out, but we're getting really tired of playing Mario Kart. Once GTA & Halo come out somebody should just bring over another system..."

My co-worker has a GameCube hooked up in his office, but hasn't touched it in months. He laughed that he might as well put it in storage until the new Zelda comes out.

And so on, you get the picture. I haven't heard from many folks I know who are happy with only owning a Cube.


To be honest, for me, what made Resident Evil... Resident Evil... were the controls.

There is nothing scarier than trying to run away from a baddie while hopelessing yelling at your character: SPIN AROUND MOTHER FUCKER.

Wonderful memories. (+1 for Crimson Heads)


At this point GameCube has a pretty slim appeal (despite still getting most multiplatform games from publishers like EA, Activision or UbiSoft). Unless you're a big Nintendo fan, Resident Evil fan or Sonic fan, you're probably better off buying a PS2. Maybe an Xbox if you're a recovering PC gamer.
jarrod said:
At this point GameCube has a pretty slim appeal (despite still getting most multiplatform games from publishers like EA, Activision or UbiSoft). Unless you're a big Nintendo fan, Resident Evil fan or Sonic fan, you're probably better off buying a PS2. Maybe an Xbox if you're a recovering PC gamer.

Thing is, a lot of casual gamers don't even KNOW that these 3rd party games are coming out for GC. Because they don't know, they don't buy them, 3rd party sales go down, 3rd parties withdraw support... it's a negative spiral.

I'm in a similar situation as Teddman is, although I didn't actively sell the GC or anything. I just bought one at launch, and everytime they came over, I was playing the hell out of it. I was surprised when a couple bought a GC; they couldn't have a more superficial view on games if they tried. I pop in Pikmin, within a minute he proclaims "this game sucks!" Same with ToS, Katamari, and anything else with a bit of color, and without a gun or explosion in it.


jarrod said:
At this point GameCube has a pretty slim appeal (despite still getting most multiplatform games from publishers like EA, Activision or UbiSoft). Unless you're a big Nintendo fan, Resident Evil fan or Sonic fan, you're probably better off buying a PS2. Maybe an Xbox if you're a recovering PC gamer.
yeah, if you want to spend an unecessary $35 for multiplayer get a PS2... :p

if you're a fan of party/multiplayer games, definitely consider a cube, they get a lot of multiplatform stuff, but on top of that, stuff like Wario Ware, Donkey Konga, Smash Brothers, and Mario Kart/Party/Golf are just insane... Mario Tennis should be an awesome game too...

The PS2 just isn't a social machine and you have to pay extra on top of controllers (which are more expensive on XBox/PS2)...

Do you really want an XBox with XBox 2 less than a year away?


I am very happy with my cube, but I am a long time Nintendo fan and I appriciate their kind of games. It doesn't have the mass appeal anymore, but the cube has some damn solid games. And it will get better these holidays.


Richiban said:
I take it back and admit that I was wrong.

A very good friend of mine bought me a Gamecube for a belated birthday present this weekend. I just rolled my eyes and said thanks, fully expecting to throw it in the closet and have it collect dust for the duration of it's market life.

My friend convinced me to try Wind Waker, Pikmin and Resident Evil, just to see how I liked them.

5 hours of Pikmin later:

Where have you been all my life?!

I moved on to Wind Waker:

Yeah, s'all right...I'll try it a little more in depth later on.

Resident Evil:


But it's awesome.

Now my task is to go back and start gathering games that I missed. Metroid Prime for one, that's for sure. I'm going to have to do some research for some good games as I've lost touch with the Nintendo scene for a while.

One problem though: did it have to be the purple one?



Here's the best plan:

1.) Find someone with a GameCube and borrow it for about a month.

2.) Rent Mario Sunshine (I think this game sucks ass, but some people on this board seem to like it), Wind Waker, F-Zero GX, Pikmin 2, Mario Kart Double Dash, and Super Smash Bros. Melee for a few days apiece.

3.) If you really, really like a game and think you'll play it long-term, find it cheap and buy it.

4.) Return the GameCube to your friend and borrow it when you have a hankering to play or rent a GameCube game.

This way, you get to play a couple of the GameCube's better games without investing much money into it.


In my opinion :

GameCube with 3 friends = Incredible.

GameCube with no friend = Boring.

If I had 3 friends always ready to play with me, GameCube would be my most played console. Unfortunately, we can't hang around together as much as we would like to, so Xbox Live is the way to go.


SantaCruZer said:
They did, and RE0 wasn't as good as the remake. Kobayashi and Mikami weren't involved.

Agreed, Remake had a really nice and sometimes very creepy atmosphere going on, and a good balance between action and adventure. Zero went too far with the action aspect, lacked in atmosphere and felt somewhat uninspired. It gave me the "another Resident Evil" feeling. And well, guess there's the nostalgia factor with Remake. Although I liked Zero too, since it wasn't bad and it's damn nice to look at. :D
For me, perhaps unfortunately, Nintendo was the odd man out this generation. Ever since they lost me to the Genesis when I was a child. I got a chance to play plenty of the Cube at college though, since my best friend was a die hard loyalist. So that sort of gave me reason not to buy it then.

If it didn't seem so late in the game I might've picked it up. But the upshot is that people like my friend will keep Nintendo going. I just hope next gen Nintendo gets things together and manages to draw back some of those wayward players, myself included. Sometimes I just get the impression that they do things differently just because they feel that's what's expected or just so they can be different. And while maybe that works for people like my friend, it more alienates me.
I stand behind my stance that the Gamecube is by far and away the worst system to own this generation if you actually like GAMES and not just a specific hardware manufacturer, BUT it has been host to a few titles I've really dug: Four Swords, Crystal Chronicles, Super Mario Sunshine, and even Wind Waker were all quite fun. Symphonia less so, but it was still worth the time. I need to give Pikmin 2 a shot, since I hear it fixes all my complaints with the first (too damn easy, no puzzle variety).


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Kobun Heat said:
As much as I enjoy many of its games, there's no way I could have been happy this generation with *just* a GameCube.

When Kobun takes a shot at Nintendo it tells you something is wrong....


It doesn't matter which system you own, each will have its shortcomings.

With the GCN being 99.99 though, there's no reason not to get it. If you can't find at least three games you enjoy for it then you might have a bigger problem.


Hero said:
With the GCN being 99.99 though, there's no reason not to get it.
What kinda logic is that? $99 isn't somehow free just because it's comparatively low to the price of the competition.


Drinky Crow said:
I stand behind my stance that the Gamecube is by far and away the worst system to own this generation if you actually like GAMES and not just a specific hardware manufacturer,
Dreamcast. It's the only mass market console with less appeal I'd say thanks to all it's notable games being available elsewhere (Xbox too to a degree).

Really there's no good reason for anyone to not own a PS2 over the three mentioned consoles though, unless they're a fan of a specific franchise, niche market or publisher.
jarrod said:
Dreamcast. It's the only mass market console with less appeal I'd say thanks to all it's notable games being available elsewhere (Xbox too to a degree).

Really there's no good reason for anyone to not own a PS2 over the three mentioned consoles though, unless they're a fan of a specific franchise, niche market or publisher.

Is console FPS and 4-player multiplayer niche markets?

EDIT: I just remembered about SOCOM


snapty00 said:
Here's the best plan:

1.) Find someone with a GameCube and borrow it for about a month.

2.) Rent Mario Sunshine (I think this game sucks ass, but some people on this board seem to like it), Wind Waker, F-Zero GX, Pikmin 2, Mario Kart Double Dash, and Super Smash Bros. Melee for a few days apiece.

3.) If you really, really like a game and think you'll play it long-term, find it cheap and buy it.

4.) Return the GameCube to your friend and borrow it when you have a hankering to play or rent a GameCube game.

This way, you get to play a couple of the GameCube's better games without investing much money into it.

An xbot's desperate guide how not to buy a GC.
snapty00 said:
Here's the best plan:

1.) Find someone with a XBox and borrow it for about a month.

2.) Rent Halo, Halo 2, Riddick for a few days apiece.

3.) If you really, really like a game and think you'll play it long-term, find it cheap and buy it.

4.) Return the XBox to your friend and borrow it when you have a hankering to play or rent a XBox game.

This way, you get to play a couple of the XBox's better games without investing much money into it.

Goes both ways...


jarrod said:
I could've been happy with just a PS2 actually.

So could I. Great diversity among the genres, and excellent games in those genres too. I never owned a PSX before, so that's also a plus.

I don't think I could have owned *just* a GC this gen for a couple reasons:

-I have more money and spend it faster, thus have more games
-I've gotten to a point where I can beat games within a week, where it used to take two weeks to a month
-I'm not playing as many handheld games anymore even though the GBA is a step up from the GBC (I used to be a huge GB/GBC nut, and it would always be there during the off months with the N64).

I think I could have lasted if we hadn't moved to the new city, since friends would come over to my house pretty much every day after school and play SSBM, Super Monkey Ball, and THPS3.

king zell

snapty00 said:
Here's the best plan:

1.) Search for Nintendo releated thread

2.) Troll

3.) Run

4.) Find another Nintendo releated thread

This way, you get to show how big of a fanboy you are

fixed :)


Queen of Denmark
I see both the GameCube and the Xbox as more niche systems that cater to specific preferences (Nintendo franchises and party games for the former, first person shooters for the latter). I would not recommend either system to a mainstream gamer with lots of disposable income, unless he was getting a GC or Xbox in addition to the PS2.

That said, I'm a big fan of Nintendo's games and don't have a lot of income to throw around (I only get between five and seven games per year), so owning just the GC is fine for me. I readily admit that my position is very much the minority, though.

Really, all three systems have their merits and deserve a purchase. Which one (or more) you get depends on your own personal tastes and situation.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
If I only had my GC, I'd be feeling pretty bitter right now and feeling like I missed out on 80% of what's out there.

With just my PS2, I wouldn't really feel like I was missing out on much except for maybe 15-20% of what's out there that's worth playing.

With just my XBox, I would feel like I'd missed out on I dunno, 35-40%?

Just my estimates.

I'd like to pose this question back out to the rest of you multi-system owners out there. What percent of the games out there worth playing would you feel you were missing out on if you had only one of the systems?


Che said:
Hmmm are you sure?

The PS2 doesn't really offer any great fps titles. (killzone soon)If you like online playing with fps titles, I guess xbox live is your best bet (PC is of course the best)

I agree though that the PS2 is the best console to own if you had to choose only 1.
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