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Everything Bad I've Ever Said About The Gamecube:


Dsal said:
I'd like to pose this question back out to the rest of you multi-system owners out there. What percent of the games out there worth playing would you feel you were missing out on if you had only one of the systems?
Well, I'm not longer a multiplatform gamer, but for the games I'm interested in...

PS2: 30% (though there's more than enough great stuff to keep me busy)
GC: 70% (I'd be seriously jealous of PS2 owners)
Xbox: 95% (I might as well give up gaming)


Eh, so where does the PC figure into this equation (since I'm a GC/PC gamer)? I don't know, this whole subjective "percentages" game seems more than a bit silly.


If I had the money, I'd rush right out and buy myself a PS2 to go along with my GameCube, along with Greatest Hits Copes of SCEA's platformers.

But I don't have that money. And my GameCube serves me fine. If I was big into RPGs or Sports games, maybe I'd feel differently.


Ristamar said:
Eh, so where does the PC figure into this equation (since I'm a GC/PC gamer)? I don't know, this whole subjective "percentages" game seems more than a bit silly.
Well, the percentages were based on that being your lone platform. A PC makes Xbox nearly redundant, in fact I'd say a PC/GC combo is pretty good for variety.


I used to be a Gamecube-only owner until a year ago--now the GC/PS2 combo is putting more on my plate than I'll ever be able to deal with.

That said, Metroid Prime, Donkey Konga, Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2, Pikmin 1 and 2, Luigi's Mansion, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Eternal Darkness, Sega Soccer Slam, and Mario Golf have more than justified the price I paid for the Gamecube (and I'm leaving some things out). Super Mario Sunshine, SSB:M, and Zelda: TWW I could have done without, Zelda's outstanding visuals notwithstanding.

The only reason I got a PS2 is for Dance Dance Revolution--otherwise, I'd've been happy with the Gamecube alone (but I only play games for an hour a day at the most).


I own all three systems and I personally think biased gaming is damned childish and belongs on another board. Great must-have games for the gamecube have always been rare, but when they do come, it's worth the wait. I'm just waiting for the new Metroid and Zelda. Even now, looking back, I only bought about 10 really good games for the N64 and I was satisfied with the system. These aren't the NES days were there were so many games to choose from that you're bound to find one you'll like. I think the main difference that sets the GC apart and puts it behind a little is that they don't have a lot of crap inbetween great releases, not as much as the other big two have. It makes sense since most of the must-have nintendo games are made by nintendo themselves. I know a big nintendo fanboi that disgusts the hell; out of me becase his logic is that having all the systems and all these games is moot because no one can ever get around to playing them all. It's not like you can't play a game month's after it's release. Some people only want what's new. :/


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Ristamar said:
Eh, so where does the PC figure into this equation (since I'm a GC/PC gamer)? I don't know, this whole subjective "percentages" game seems more than a bit silly.

Of course it's subjective.

I think it's interesting to see what all kinds of multi-platform gamers feel like they'd be missing out on if they were restricted to one system.

Yeah, PC is worth throwing in too. I'm more of a twice-a-month PC gamer so I didn't have that in there. If I were PC-only I'd feel like I was missing out on maybe 90% of what's worth playing out there since there's so much console-only stuff.


SantaCruZer said:
The PS2 doesn't really offer any great fps titles. (killzone soon)If you like online playing with fps titles, I guess xbox live is your best bet (PC is of course the best)

I agree though that the PS2 is the best console to own if you had to choose only 1.

The PS2 is GREAT if you like console gaming. And since we're talking about consoles and I never remember FPSs and generally PC games being essensial for console gaming (duh) I'd say PS2 can completely fulfill your gaming needs. Although having all three of them f*cking owns.


I own a nice PC and a Cube.
I recently picked up a PStwo and at TRU yesterday got 9 games, only 2 of which were for the PS2.
The only reason I even "needed" a PS2 was for Devil May Cry and the Jak/Ratchet/Sly set of games. Otherwise my PC and Cube serve me well. I still own Halo, GTA3 and Vice City for the PC.
Keep in mind I own exactly 1 EA game on the Cube. That's Def Jam. I'm not about to start playing sports, Harry Potter or the like.


Gamecube is for people who like videogames. If you are or someone else is a "omg sports and blow up shit" type then don't bother. I got a PS2 for Ico, but I'd be fine with just a Gamecube. I have 20-30 or so Gamecube games.

Good Stuff other than what you have:
Metroid Prime
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Viewtiful Joe
Pikmin 2
Animal Crossing
Harvest Moon AWL
Paper Mario 2
Smash Bros Melee
Rogue Squadron series
Super Monkey Ball 1 + 2
Mario Kart Double Dash
Mario Sunshine
Tales of Symphonia
FF Crystal Chronicles
Eternal Darkness
Beach Spikers
Bomberman Generations

If you have a GBA, try out Pacman VS with friends

I also just picked up Donkey Kong-a and its a lot of fun.
I was GC-only for far too long this generation. I enjoyed Wind Waker, Resident Evil, Def Jam Vendetta, Ocarina, MGS:TTS, Eternal Darkness, Soul Calibur II, Splinter Cell, Capcom vs SNK 2: EO, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, Skies of Arcadia (somewhat), Medal of Honor: Frontline, FF:CC (somewhat), and one or two EA sports titles.

GC just wasn't enough for me this gen. I ended up picking up an Xbox just before the release of the slightly-better-than-mediocre Fable. Aside from load times and the seeming lack of many sidequests I was impressed with the game, but what really made me appreciate the Xbox is Xbox Live, particularly the First Person Shooters.

I'm not really a PC gamer anymore, so maybe Xbox is just filling that void for the most part, but I have to say that GC & XBox make a cute couple and definitely complement each other. ;)
etiolate said:
Gamecube is for people who like videogames. If you are or someone else is a "omg sports and blow up shit" type then don't bother.


So, I guess XBOX/PS2 is for people who love videogames, then?

Anyway, GC is not a 'bad' system...just one that offers so little variety compared to the others, IMO. I own all three, but definitely end up playing the XBOX and PS2 much more so. At the bottom of the barrel price of $99, GC is worth picking up for the few games a year that are very good.
I'm a GC, GBA, and PC gamer. I'm quite satisfied with the situation, but I can understand how the majority of people aren't. If all I had were counter-strike and pokemon, I'd still be a happy gamer. It all comes down to your tastes, and the great thing about this generation is that there are a lot of great titles for just about everyone. I've enjoyed the Halo, PGR, and Rallisport series on Xbox, and I will give a pstwo a run for its money when my backlog dissappears. Serafitia's post just about says it all, biased gaming is out of style. You don't need to buy everything when its new, buy it when you'll get your money's worth.
Drinky Crow said:
I stand behind my stance that the Gamecube is by far and away the worst system to own this generation if you actually like GAMES and not just a specific hardware manufacturer, BUT it has been host to a few titles I've really dug: Four Swords, Crystal Chronicles, Super Mario Sunshine, and even Wind Waker were all quite fun. Symphonia less so, but it was still worth the time. I need to give Pikmin 2 a shot, since I hear it fixes all my complaints with the first (too damn easy, no puzzle variety).

So if your new to this forum don't take any advice from DC on which games to get on the GC because he would lead a stray.


No additional functions
I'm suprised no one has mentioned Ikaruga or gasp... StarFox Adventures.
Seriously if you like old school shooters give Ikaruga a try. You won't be disappointed.
StarFox Adventures gets a lot critism, but don't listen to the haters, it's a solid game. It's got some of the best graphics on GameCube and only costs $20.
MadOdorMachine said:
StarFox Adventures gets a small amount of praise, but don't listen to the weirdos, it's a complete turd. It's got some of the best graphics on GameCube and only costs $20.


Che said:
The PS2 is GREAT if you like console gaming. And since we're talking about consoles and I never remember FPSs and generally PC games being essensial for console gaming (duh) I'd say PS2 can completely fulfill your gaming needs. Although having all three of them f*cking owns.

I know, I was just speaking generally. I am not that big fan of fps games.


hyperbolically metafictive
etiolate said:
Gamecube is for people who like videogames. If you are or someone else is a "omg sports and blow up shit" type then don't bother.

what are you suggesting, here? that sports and blowing shit up aren't fundamental to videogames and videogame culture? pong and space invaders say "hi."
MadOdorMachine said:
StarFox Adventures gets a lot critism, but don't listen to the haters, it's a solid game. It's got some of the best graphics on GameCube and only costs $20.

It's not that it's a bad game in and of itself. But considering its lineage, development time and ultimate delivery it's a huge letdown, both to Rare and Starfox fans. Personally, I would not include it in a 'best of' list. But hey, if you can find it cheap enough, go ahead.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Eh... I'm a far cry from a "mainstream gamer" (i.e. I dislike "realistic" sports games and the GTA series), and that leaves me fairly well content with the GameCube. I'll pick up both an Xbox and a PS2 down the road at some point, although probably not for a few years.
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