Is this dividers/curtains thing for KOF players a new thing? Anybody know?
that VJ got me thinking...can I get Viewtiful Joe Collection for my Vita? k thx capcom
Is this dividers/curtains thing for KOF players a new thing? Anybody know?
Yeah, what's the deal with the dividers
Hahahaha, dude, throws would sometimes devolve into actual fist fights in my neighborhood! I actually went at it with my brother once because he was pissed I kept throwing him in SC2 lol. Man, good times. He totally kicked my ass by the way.
Blocking was such a revelation when I understood how important it really was! It was weird. All of sudden I could finally beat my friends. It sounds so dumb, but welp haha. I always try to stress to my friends now how important proper blocking really is.
I know that feeling. I'm definitely not amazing, but I'm a lot more content with the way I play now than I was before. And I just have a lot more fun with genre in general now.
EDIT: Scratch that, I'm an idiot - they did have dividers in the later part of last year's tourney. And other tourneys would have a bit more space between the players, or use a double cab if it were played on an arcade board.
Last year the Cafe Id guys believe that the KOF players listen or looked at your stick.
I <3 the Scottish accent.
!!that's the open_mouth.gif jaw drop guy!
that's the open_mouth.gif jaw drop guy!