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Evolution 2015 - The Fighting Game Tournament of the Year - July 17-19th

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I will say, the matches and stream scheduling seemed really sloppy today.

I know we are not entitled to it, but it seemed sloppy. Plus nobody having the info for ski drives it home.


daigo choi is just a historical match considering their history. Its like Valle and Daigo.

Champ vs Daigo is also a legendary match. I think up to this date, Daigo has never won against champ when daigo plays Ryu or E. Ryu in tournament.

Choi was a CVS 2 god. For the US atleast..


tagged by Blackace
UMvC3 Top 8:


Chaos Frutsy vs. BE|Kaneblueriver
CTRL RayRay vs. ApologyMan


Full Schedule vs. BE|Takumi
RF vs. Cross

...I think


daigo choi is just a historical match considering their history. Its like Valle and Daigo.

Champ vs Daigo is also a legendary match. I think up to this date, Daigo has never won against champ when daigo plays Ryu or E. Ryu in tournament.
I think thats saying a bit much since Ryans irrelevant in sf. I doubt daigo really thinks about ryan whereas ryan makes it his duty to beat daigo and help Americans beat daigo at every turn possible. It's more of a one sided rivalry if anything.


tagged by Blackace
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";172334108]Man. I thought for sure Clock was gonna win it this year.[/QUOTE]
Betting on Filipino confirmed only useful 20% of the time.
I think thats saying a bit much since Ryans irrelevant in sf. I doubt daigo really thinks about ryan whereas ryan makes it his duty to beat daigo and help Americans beat daigo at every turn possible. It's more of a one sided rivalry if anything.

actually IIRC daigo was very worried about champ. He said he was worried fighting him but assumed that other players would beat him because he plays sim.

I don't recall where I heard this but it was in some interview.

Probably because people here try to be competitive at every game.

Not really true. Most USA players focus one game outside a few individuals. (SonicFox, Justin, Rog, etc). I guess if you count the anime community then yeah since they just play all the Arcsys games.
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